All Chapters of The Alpha King's Last Wish: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
64 Chapters
40: The deal
Mia shut herself up in the study after falling out with Xavier. It was the only place that gave her a little privacy in the palace. It was also the place that had the Xavier scent in abundance.Yes, they had a massive fight this morning, even though they shouldn’t have. Xavier had woken up first, and he seemed to have stayed awake thinking about ways to piss her off. When she woke up, he asked her to leave their chamber. He wanted to throw her out the same way he did months ago. He didn’t want her with him anymore, and when she asked why he wanted that, he asked if she wasn’t tired of him yet.That annoyed her, and she asked what that was supposed to mean. She was his mate, wife, and queen; this was her duty. Leaving him now when he needed help didn’t seem like something a true mate would do. Then he told her he wanted her to leave him.He told her if she loved him like she claimed, she would leave him alone in the chamber. He also told her he was doing her a favour since she had refu
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41: Mother
Mia didn’t think she heard clearly when Edward said he was here to summon the moon goddess herself and make a deal with her.The moon goddess wasn’t one to make deals. That was not her nature.It was also almost impossible to summon her.She was fair to all her children and did not consider one better. Coming to Edward’s call and even granting a deal would mean she wasn’t a fair goddess. At least, that was what Mia grew up believing.Still, she didn’t want to stop Edward from trying. He was already drawing the floor with the white rock he found earlier, and after he finished, he proceeded to draw a few other elements that would complete the seal.When he finished, he looked up at her as if asking if she had any second thoughts. This was for Xavier, and for him, she would try everything.She shook her head, and he nodded and sat on the floor where he had drawn the seal. He closed his eyes, placed his hands on his knees, and began chanting. She stood there, watching him and wondering if
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42: A way out
The goddess stood staring at Edward with her teeth clenched, then her eyes moved to Mia, who had become speechless since this battle of words began. Her eyes grew warm. “Mia.”“Is it true?” She asked in a small voice as she stared at her. “Are you my mother?”“I am the mother of all creation.”Mia’s teeth clenched, and she glared at her. “Are you my mother?” she shouted at her.The goddess pressed her lips together and said, “Yes, you are my child.”Growing up, Mia always felt different and didn’t know why. She didn’t understand why she looked so different from her father, mother, and sister. Her father always told her she was his, and though rumours flew as she was a child, he permanently silenced her doubt by reminding her she was his. He never let her believe otherwise; learning the truth had made her make sense of many things.“After the child was born by Layla Ainsworth called Xavier Ainsworth, I knew he had much magic in his blood, and he would never have a seed with anyone. I n
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43: A different man
“Do I get to ask what you did?” Xavier asked, finally breaking the silence since they both woke up. “I am stronger than ever, and it couldn’t have been just luck.”Mia’s head remained on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and being happy. She didn’t want to ruin the moment, so she remained silent.“Mia.”“I made a bargain.”Those four words made his heart skip immediately, and his body moved into shock. “What?” he sat up, forcing her to do the same.“Xavier,” she called, already knowing where this was headed.“Mia, why would you do that? Did Edward return from Jade to help you with it? Did you not see what it did to him?” he asked his numerous lines of questions. All of which she wasn’t ready to answer.“Yes, Edward aided me, but he came from Jade for another reason and he went to Foth to meet Kailani.” she answered, his teeth clenched and his fury showing. “I didn’t make a bargain with Doom,” she told him. “I wanted to, but Edward wouldn’t let me. Also, the dark dimensions
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44: Forged alliance
With Xavier’s regained strength, he embarked on his visitation to the four regions in the kingdom of Wahala, assuring them of the coming victory. This was what he wanted to do but couldn’t because of the shadow sickness.First, he came before the warrior’s institute, which had over twenty thousand soldiers trained and ready for the coming war. His presence, looking healthy, put much joy in their eyes, and Xavier was happy to see it. Then he visited the scholar’s institute and then the farmer’s institute. It was good to see that, despite his lack of presence or visitation, the three institutions kept to their duties and continued in faith. Seeing him now gave them a cheerful outlook for the coming war.Just as he promised the warrior institute, he promised the farmer and scholar’s institute of their victory, which was already around the corner.With the visit to the capital 3 completed, Xavier planned to visit the four regions in the kingdom. It was not only to check the fortifications
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45: The beginning
Damien Ferro, the king of Foth, and the ten ships on the sea would touch shores in a week, according to the estimations of Ace and Edward.Ace returned from Klean faster than Xavier expected a week when he left days ago. King Simone had responded quicker than he had imagined, and though he didn’t come along with his armies sent, Xavier had nothing but respect for him for keeping to his words of standing beside them in the war. The armies of Klean and Jade had reached Wahala. Their numbers, added to what they already had, would not only give them an advantage, but it was also a chance that they could win the coming war.The armies from Klean joined the armies in the capital 3’s warrior institute to train and harness their fighting abilities. They now faced an enemy they had never seen before and needed to be ready for anything. Being human puts the armies of Klean at greater risk. But having seen them in action three years ago, Xavier had hope in their abilities.“You must have put up
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46: Honour and promise
They thought they had more time, but this was it—this was the great war. It was on their doorstep now. If the Kingdom of Foth plans to come against them in batches, then they will cripple them from all corners.Xavier turned to Mia, and she looked surprised as well, yet ready for whatever decision he wanted to make.Mia and Xavier stood before the armies of the warrior’s institute, already awake and assembled, as Ace took the news to them after the king dismissed him.“We just received news that the army from Foth will reach our shores in a few hours.” Xavier began in a loud and firm voice. “We thought we had more time, but fate had other plans. There is no other option but to fight. We promise to give them a Wahala welcome.”The armies cheered loudly, throwing their spears in the air.Following Ace’s instructions, they assembled a few metres away from the shores of Wahala, counting down the hours until the armies of Foth arrived at the shores.Though there had been fortifications put
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47: Scars left
It was barely morning when Ace heard movement in his room. His eyes snapped open, already becoming alert. Ever since the incident at Shelled, he has become extra conscious, even in his sleep. He woke to little movement, and even a change in the wind would wake him up.He would never go back to the unguarded person he once was, at least not until the war was over. He sat in bed, and his eyes glowed in the dark, wanting to know who was now in his room. Judging from the steps alone, whoever it was, seemed relaxed—maybe clumsy.They didn’t seem like attackers. Yet he couldn’t trust them. The footsteps came to his door, and they stopped moving.When the door cracked open, Ace was already on his feet, ready for an attack. Clumsy or not, someone was in his room in his house, and they were uninvited. It was his duty to protect himself and his home from everything.As the door opened wide, Ace moved swiftly to it, yanked the hand of the intruder, and pulled them into the room. He was about to
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48: Last day
Xavier woke up to see Mia already awake and lost in thought. His arms came around her waist and pulled her closer to himself, releasing a long sigh.“Good morning, my love.” He said and kissed her shoulders.She squirmed and turned to face him in his arms. “Good morning, darling.”“It doesn’t look like a good morning for you; you are already up.” He pointed out and kissed her shoulders again.She buried her face in his hairy chest to hide the redness thereon. “I was thinking.”“About?”“The coming war and what to do with Kim and Lyon?”“We already discussed this. The two, along with the rest of the children, ages 10 to 1, will stay at the high tower until the war ends.” He reminded her of the decision they made about this same issue, and she nodded.“But we do not know how long the war will last. They are children and are more than a thousand; the High Tower cannot be their home. We do not know what tricks the soldiers from Foth wield, and we cannot make that our last resort.”“What d
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49: Scores to settle
Xavier arrived at the palace to find Mia and Alpha Chado waiting for him. Being the alpha of security, he had been on the shores along with a dozen of the king’s men on guard, focusing on the ships coming from Foth. Their duties were to report the advancement of the ship so they wouldn’t be caught off guard.His presence now meant that the ships were not less than a few hours away from shore.“It is time to move to the black cove.” Alpha Chado said.Xavier didn’t have to be told twice before gathering the rest of the king’s men in the palace together to depart.They came to the palace compound, and a large portal opened before them, and Xavier knew who it was. Edward.He was the only one left to join the feast of blood they called war. He had returned days ago to report King Aeon’s agreement to send soldiers. Then later, back to Jade to bring the soldiers.He didn’t step through immediately, but the soldiers holding the banners of Jade stepped through the opening, marching out in tens
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