All Chapters of Ex-wife Returns : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
99 Chapters
The grieving mother
Martins sat alone in his dimly lit room, his eyes fixed on the television screen as the news anchor reported the latest developments in Carina's case. His heart felt heavy as he listened to the details of her body being identified.Unable to bear the weight of his emotions alone, Martins reached for his phone and dialed Madam Katie's number. He could hear the tremor in her voice as she answered, and his own voice was barely a whisper as he spoke."They found her," Martins said, his words heavy with sorrow.Madam Katie let out a choked sob on the other end of the line, her grief palpable even through the phone. "I still can't believe it," she managed to say between tears.Martins felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to find the right words to comfort her. "I can't believe it either," he admitted, his voice cracking with emotion.For a moment, they remained silent, both lost in their own thoughts and grief. Martins could hear the faint sound of Madam Katie's ragged breathing,
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The Funeral
the day of Carina's funeral had finally arrived. Madam Katie, accompanied by Martins, made their entrance into the funeral venue, their footsteps echoing softly against the hallowed ground. The Westwood family stood somberly nearby, their faces etched with grief and sorrow.Nelly, engrossed in her phone, seemed detached and disinterested, her attention elsewhere as the world mourned the loss of her sister. Luke and Claire entered alongside Leah, their presence a stark reminder of the fractured family dynamic that Carina had left behind. The guests, some murmuring amongst themselves, cast curious glances at the unexpected sight of Carina's former marriage being acknowledged.As Madam Katie and Martins approached the Westwoods, the air was heavy with unspoken tension. Greetings were exchanged in hushed tones, the weight of grief hanging heavily over each word spoken. Despite the shared loss, there was an undeniable undercurrent of unease between the two families, each grappling with the
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The Downfall Plot
Martins sat in his office, his mind seethed with rage and determination. He knew that he couldn't bring Carina back, but he could make sure that those responsible for her death faced justice. And at the top of his list was Luke MayfairWith a steely resolve, Martins set his sights on dismantling Luke's empire piece by piece. He had heard through the grapevine about a lucrative contract that Luke had been vying for, and he saw it as the perfect opportunity to strike a blow against his enemy.Gathering his team, Martins worked tirelessly to put together a proposal that would outshine anything Luke could come up with. They poured over every detail, leaving no stone unturned as they crafted a pitch that was both compelling and flawless.Finally, after days of relentless effort, Martins was ready to submit his proposal to the investors. With a sense of satisfaction, he hit send, knowing that this could be the first step towards bringing Luke to his knees.As expected, the investors were im
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Martins and Luke found themselves embroiled in a bitter rivalry that consumed their every waking moment. Their feud played out not only in the boardroom but also in the corridors and coffee shops of their corporate headquarters."You think you can outsmart me, Martins? Think again," Luke sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he confronted his rival in the break room.Martins shot him a steely glare, his jaw clenched in determination. "I don't have to think, Luke. I know I can beat you," he shot back, his tone laced with defiance.Their exchanges were filled with biting sarcasm and thinly veiled threats as they vied for dominance. Every interaction was fraught with tension, each man refusing to give an inch to the other.As they poured over the details of their proposals, their conversations were punctuated by heated debates and impassioned arguments. They sparred over strategy and tactics, each trying to gain the upper hand."I've got you backed into a corner, Martins. Admit it
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Still not getting it
As Luke sat in his office, his phone buzzed with a message from his assistant. He picked it up and read the text: "Martins is giving up on the project."A surge of excitement coursed through Luke's veins as he read the words. Finally, after weeks of intense rivalry, it seemed like victory was within his grasp. He leaned back in his chair, a triumphant smile spreading across his face."Finally," he muttered to himself, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Martins is throwing in the towel."He quickly composed a reply to his assistant, instructing them to schedule a meeting with the investors to finalize the project. With Martins out of the picture, it was time to seal the deal and claim his victory.As he waited for a response, Luke's mind wandered back to the events that had led to this moment. The feud with Martins had consumed him for far too long, distracting him from his goals and clouding his judgment.But now, with Martins backing down, Luke felt a weight lift off his shoul
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The Will
As the news broke that the investors had decided to work with Luke, a sense of triumph washed over him. With a smug grin, he wasted no time in dialing Martins' number, eager to rub his victory in his face."Martins, it's Luke," he said, his voice laced with arrogance as soon as Martins answered the call. "I just wanted to let you know that the investors have agreed to move forward with the project. Looks like they saw the potential in working with a real winner."Martins chuckled on the other end of the line, his tone light and amused. "Well, congratulations, Luke," he replied, his voice tinged with sarcasm. "I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job leading the project."Luke's grin widened at Martins' response, relishing in his victory. "Oh, I have no doubt about that," he said, his tone dripping with arrogance. "But I have to admit, it feels good to come out on top, especially after all the trouble you caused."Martins laughed again, his laughter echoing through the phone. "Trouble? Oh, p
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Wedding Bells
Luke sat across from his mother, Claire, in their opulent living room, the evening sun casting a warm glow through the windows. He cleared his throat, his expression serious as he broached the topic that had been on his mind for weeks."Mom, there's something I need to talk to you about," Luke began, his voice steady but tinged with anticipation.Claire arched an eyebrow, her attention fully focused on her son. "What is it, Luke? You look like you've got something important on your mind."Luke took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. "I've been thinking a lot about Nelly lately," he admitted, his words measured as he chose them carefully.Claire's eyes widened in surprise, but she remained composed. "Nelly? What about her?"Luke hesitated for a moment before plunging ahead. "I want to marry her, Mom," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument.Claire's initial shock gave way to a knowing smile, and she nodded approvingly. "I've always thought Nelly was
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Who Am I ?
I opened my eyes feeling my head ache , where was I ? What’s the place ? I sat up and I scanned around , What was happening?.“ She’s awake !” I heard someone shouted , Was I asleep for a long time . “ Where am I ?” I asked scratching the back of my head . “ Don’t you remember me ?” The man standing beside the old lady asked me and I shaked my head , I was feeling a banging pain at the back of my head . “ please can I get water ?” I asked and one of them ran out and in no time , he came in with a glass of water , i gulped down the can of water but it still didn’t quench my taste .“ Can I get another one ?” I asked again and he nodded . “ Yeah sure… I will get you another one “ He said and ran out . The old lady walked closer to me , she looked at my eyes and I drifted away , for some reason I felt like she wanted to hit me and before I knew it , my reflexes was fast enough to make me flinch . “ I don’t want to hurt you , i just want to check if you are okay “ She said and I no
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Destination: London
An image of me boarding a plane heading to London flashed ih my head, I remembered the trip and where I was heading . “ Yes ! London …. I’m going to London “ I repeated , I turned to Richard and his mom and I nodded my head, I was sure of what l was saying. London was my destination.“ Do you remember anything else ?” He asked and I tried to think but I felt this sharp headache , It was a constant ache and it kept occurring as I tried to remember anything at all . “ You don’t have to stress your head , We will take you to the hospital right now and a professional will attend to you , Hopefully you will remember with time “ She said to me and I nodded . “ If I May I ask, What is your name please and his too “ I said “ Sarah and that’s my son … Richard , He was the one that brought you home to me , Do you remember?” She replied . I felt completely useless as I tried to remember every single thing and I couldn’t get any of it correctly. “ I can’t seem to remember but Thank you s
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The Memory
I figured out my brain was picking out memories of a particular person to remember the memory but it wasn’t enough, This was the second name now but I couldn’t remember anything more than random facts on the person . “ Madam Katie … You just said she was the brain behind your study abroad , Right ?” Richard asked and I nodded . “ Yes … She was also the woman that gave me a contact Info to reach out to her when I get to London , The blurry images of the woman I was always laughing with , She was the one … it’s clear now “ I replied and Sarah nodded . “ You guys must be really close, She must be really worried about you and your whereabouts “Sarah sighed . “ Mon … We will continue tomorrow, You have to rest first … The doctor said you need a lot of it” After we had dinner , I went to bed, immediately I closed my eyes to sleep it was as though I was in another world , Several memory was flashing in causing me to feel my head ache but I remained quiet and let it flow , I started to r
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