Semua Bab The Hockey Alpha was My Childhood Sweetheart: Bab 41 - Bab 50
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#Chapter 41: Saving Shana
Lucas POVMy heart pounded in my chest as James and I arrived back at Shadow High.Relief and apprehension coursed through me in equal measure upon seeing Shana's car parked in the deserted lot.She was here, but where was she?The school building loomed before us, an imposing structure that seemed to hold the secrets we desperately sought.Together, we walked through the heavy double doors, greeted by an eerie silence that seemed to permeate the air.The dimly lit hallways whispered in hushed tones, their emptiness evoking a sense of foreboding.A chill ran down my spine, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. Something was off, and my instincts screamed at me to proceed with caution.As we ventured deeper into the building, the haunting echoes of wolf howls filled the empty corridors, their mournful cries reverberating through the emptiness.James and I looked at each other."What the hell is that sound?" he asked me, the color draining out of his face.I shook my head in confusi
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#Chapter 42: Hospital Confusion
Lucas POVI stood beside Shana's hospital bed, my gaze fixed on her motionless form. The flurry of medical professionals moving quickly around her only added to my growing unease. I felt a mix of worry and helplessness, desperately seeking answers for her mysterious condition.I told James to go home since it was getting later and later by the second. He almost refused me, but finally decided it would be best if I just stayed here with Shana.It was overwhelming enough with the medical staff constantly running around the room.One doctor approached me, a furrowed brow betraying their own confusion. "We've conducted thorough examinations, but we were unable to find any physical injuries or ailments that could explain her current state. It's quite.... perplexing.""You've never seen anything like this before?" I asked, trying to get some answers out of him. "I'm sure she's not the first wolfless patient you've had."He looked down for a brief moment, then glanced back up at me. "As I sa
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#Chapter 43: Healing Faster
My head ached as I slowly opened my eyes, squinting against the blinding white light that enveloped the hospital room. The soft beeping sound coming from beside me only added to my disorientation.Where was I, and what had happened?Blinking multiple times, I struggled to come to my senses. As my vision cleared, I noticed that my father was standing right at my bedside. His tired eyes and strained expression made him look like he had aged ten years overnight.Beside him was Lucas, who looked just as worried, but his handsome presence still managed to bring me a sense of comfort.Why is my first thought awake about how attractive he is? God, did I hit my head or something?"Hello," I managed to say in a croaky voice, leaving me to clear my throat."You've been unconscious all night, and the first thing you say is 'Hello'?" Lucas reprimanded me, but I could see the smile that was threatening to take form on his lips."Uh..." I stuttered, unsure of what else to say. "Hi?""Shana," my fat
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#Chapter 44: Shopping for the Dance
The afternoon sun spilled its golden rays into the high-end boutique as Lucas and I stepped inside, the bell above the door chimed softly.Rows of stunning dresses adorned the store, each one more breathtaking than the last, with fabrics that shimmered and designs that seemed to be plucked from the pages of a fairytale.As I glanced at the price tags, a wave of uncertainty washed over me. There was no way I could afford the perfect dress for Winter Formal in this boutique.Everything here was wildly out of my price range, and I didn't want to be vocal and burden Lucas with my financial concerns.However, it seemed that he could sense my unease without a word from me."I know what you're thinking, Shana," Lucas said, his voice soft and reassuring, his deep blue eyes filled with kindness and understanding."How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked, surprised that he could read me so well."That look on your face," he pointed to the lines of worry on my forehead. "Don't worry about
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#Chapter 45: Complex Emotions
Lucas POVSeeing Shana in that dress was like stepping into a whirlwind of emotions and reflections, pulling me into a realm I had never experienced before.I'd never seen Shana like that before.Well, at least not in the way that it made me feel...Her confidence in that dress was overpowering, making her even more attractive.I've been around a lot of beautiful women, even some of the most beautiful Alpha females, and never have I felt such stirred feelings deep within me. It was as if a spark had ignited, setting my heart ablaze.I knew it was wrong of me to be thinking about Shana in a way that was more than just a friend. But I couldn't control the way I had reacted to seeing her in that dress.It was as if she was a different person.It felt like my eyes had opened, or maybe it was just the realization finally hitting me that—I liked Shana...more than a friend should.I had come to the boutiques with Shana with no intention of buying anything for myself. But when I saw her rad
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#Chapter 46: Justice is Served
Monday morning at school, I was completely caught off guard when I got a sudden call to the dean's office. I had no idea what was going on, but I had a sinking suspicion it had something to do with what happened last week.On my way to the dean's office, I saw Jessica's followers crying in the hallways.This wasn't good.Right as I opened the dean's office door, I saw a stunned Jessica sitting in the seat across from the dean. Next to her was Lucas, looking ever so serious.His eyes met mine as I closed the door. I had no idea what was going on, but I felt relieved to have him by my side."Shana, please take a seat." The dean gestured to an empty seat. "We have some important things to discuss."I followed the dean's orders and took the seat next to Lucas which thankfully, happened to be far from Jessica."Lucas has told me everything. From the constant torment and bullying that Jessica and other students have been putting you through." The dean's face was stern as he watched Jessica
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#Chapter 47: News Frenzy
On one hand, I was grateful for Lucas's support and the chance to stand up to Jessica. On the other hand, I was worried that her fathe r's Alpha status would still somehow be able to protect her from trouble.I could see the worry in the dean's eyes, not wanting to escalate the issue further. Possibly, he was thinking about how this would affect the school's reputation.If this was how Jessica got through life, it's no wonder she has terrible behavior. Her mother is just like her, using things to her advantage in order to get her way.Suddenly, the dean's office opened again with more angry-looking parents."What is going on?" one of the parents demanded, pushing their way toward the dean's desk. "Why is my child crying in the hallway claiming they're expelled?""Why is my child being punished?" another parent chimed in, walking further into the room.I looked at Lucas with dread in my eyes. This was not looking good."They're trying to expel your child, too?" Jessica's mother asked t
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#Chapter 48: Problems Solved
As soon as James saw what was happening, he rushed forward to the reporters and began adding screenshots from the group chats as evidence to be used."The public opinion will be on our side. That's why I thought having the reporters here was the best option," Lucas said, his eyes gleaming with confidence as he explained our plan. I couldn't help but admire his determination and leadership.What Lucas was implying made perfect sense.If a lot of students had faced the brunt of Jessica's bullying, it meant there would be a groundswell of support against her.The reporters' presence would amplify the issue and put the spotlight on her actions, ensuring that the truth came to light."You're kinda smart sometimes," I teased, knowing full well that Lucas was intelligent and resourceful."Sometimes?" he replied with a mock offended tone. "All the time."As we returned to school the next day, I felt a mix of apprehension and hope. I wondered how our efforts to expose Jessica had impacted the
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#Chapter 49: Winter Formal
The anticipation for Winter Formal grew, and my nerves started to get the better of me.I hadn't attended such a formal event in a long time, and the thought of being surrounded by so many people made my heart race.But I was determined to make the most of the night, especially after everything that had happened with Jessica.When the evening finally arrived, I put on my red dress.It was just as beautiful as I remembered and made me feel elegant and confident.I carefully styled my hair, letting loose soft curls that cascaded down my shoulders.I added a touch of shimmering jewelry to my neckline, completing my look with a hint of regal glamour.Looking at myself in the mirror, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.Nobody went into these events wanting to stir up drama or make problems. Everyone wants to have fun, so I didn't know why I felt so apprehensive about it.My father was home from work for the evening and offered to take me to the dance. On the drive there, he
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#Chapter 50: Dance Class
I caught glimpses of other couples elegantly dancing on the shimmering snowflake-covered floor.They seemed to effortlessly glide across the dance floor, lost in the grace of the music.I, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel anxious about the prospect of dancing in front of so many people, especially with Lucas, who was such a notable figure at our school.I didn't want to let him down or make him look bad in any way."I have a confession to make," I said to Lucas who was still holding his hand out to me."What's that?" he asked."I can't dance," I whispered quietly, turning to look away, suddenly feeling ashamed."What was that?" Lucas asked, stepping closer to me. "I couldn't hear you.""I don't know how to dance," I repeated louder this time, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I've never danced before.""You're never danced before?" Lucas started to laugh, and I punched his shoulder, prompting him to stop."Why are you laughing at me?! This is serious.""Shana, ev
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