All Chapters of Mated to my step brother : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Damian POVÍt has been a week Since Mia left the pack and gone to goddess knows where. My attempts to trace her have been proved futile. It's like she Just vanished into thin air.There was no trace of her at all and I could clearly tell that she was no longer at the pack.But where on earth could she go? I never heard about Mia talking about having friends outside the pack. Even within the pack, she hardly had any.My heart twisted at the thought of something happening to her. If something could go wrong, I would never forgive myself for letting her down.Growing together, I had promised to always protect and be by her side. I have failed at that.A knock by the door interrupted my train of thoughts. A moment later, the door was pushed open and my father entered." Father, what brings you here?" I asked after he settled down on the sofa opposite the working table.It's been a week since Mia left and a week after my father stepped down as the Alph, leaving me to manage the pack.Altho
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A curse?
After leaving the pack with valeria, we ventured into the human world. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought about leaving a pack and staying in the city. Werewolves rarely mix with humans as a precaution of hiding our existence. " Why here of all the places? " I asked Valeria the day we arrived at the city and settled in. " Simple. No one will come looking for you among humans. They say, the most dangerous place is the safest. " She answered. At that time, I didn't understand what she implied but after the news of Damian looking for me and another group Monitoring his actions, I realised that valeria was right. In the past one month, I have not come across any supernatural lingering around us. We have been living as humans and trying to get used to human life. It was really hard to get used to their lifestyle, but after a while, it became a little easy." You have been spacing out recently. Thinking about him again? " Valeria's voice snapped me out of my thoughts." No, I
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pushed away
After taking a shower, I laid on bed, my mind wandering to the conversation the two vampires had.As much as Valeria tried warning me to stay away from trouble, I could not help but feel like the pack they were planning to attack was the place I once called home.Despite having my disappointments about the people I called family, I didn't want anything happening to them.Closing my eyes, I tried getting some sleep but ended up tossing and turning around, unable to catch even a wink.I sat up with a frown, a thought suddenly striking me.Why did Valeria leave today after the vampires visited our cafe? As much as I don't want to suspect her, I could not control this nagging feeling telling me that it was all connected to the conversation the vampires had.Stepping down, I scanned through my clothes, retrieving a cloak Valeria had gifted me not long ago.At that time, I even made a joke of needing the cloak to sneak around. Well, that's exactly what I was going to do. Over the past month
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torture yourself
Damian POVMia called again after I threw Alicia out of my room. I could not control my emotions and excitement overcame me. She came! My Mia finally came back.It seems she could not bear to part with me. She must have missed me. Thinking of this, a smile painted my lips.“ Can you meet me at the training ground? I want to see you, urgently." She added, immediately cutting the mindlink.She is waiting for me at the training ground. At this thought, my heart race increased and I felt a sudden surge of happiness overflow my heart.I rushed out and bumped into Alicia. I almost knocked her down, but she managed to hold on to me."I am sorry" I apologized quickly and tried to get away from her. At this point, especially now that my Mia was back, I wanted nothing to do with her. Thanks to her and my mother, Mia left me a month ago. Faced with the hope of having my mate back, how could I allow other women to get close to me."You are leaving? Where are you going?" Alicia asked me, but I was
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Dark magic
" I don't think you are stupid enough not to understand what I mean, Mia." Valeria said,her sharp gaze fixated on me." If that's the case, I need to warn Damian. If there's really a snitch between them, this could be dangerous." I said seriously only for Valerian to shake her head."The matters of Midnight pack have nothing to do with you. Mia, when will you ever understand this?" She said with an exasperated sigh."But..."" No buts...You have done your part. Now it's their turn. Besides, you don't even know who is the one spying on them. Even if you rush back to tell him, do you think he will believe you? " Valeria's words were like a painful stab on my heart. But, I knew she was right." He is still my mate, the man the moon goddess blessed me with. I can't bear to see him in danger." I said in a low tone."I understand how you feel, Mia. You love him. You care for him. But, you need to keep your distance and not get involved. It is too dangerous. He doesn't need you, otherwise h
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no worries
Unknown person POV The room was shrouded by nothing but sheer darkness as the scent of sweet human blood lingered in the room.On a majestic chair sat a man who had half of his face covered in a Silver mask. He was exuding a dangerous aura, making the man before him tremble involuntarily." Did you find her?" The silver masked man asked and the Man who looked like his subordinate shook his head." It was too late when we arrived. She had already left." He replied, fear evident on his face.The last thing he wanted was to make the already bad situation worse and have the King behead him. That was a fate most of the people before him suffered.The King was known to be crazy, always losing control when it came to anything concerning their dead queen." Klaus, for how long have you been following me?" The man asked." It's been two years, my king." The man answered respectfully. Despite putting on a brave front before his master, only the devil knew that he was scared to death facing hi
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who is there
Since I was determined to go through with sneaking into the castle, I chose to go through the plan alone. Valeria had been warning me not to be impulsive and wait until she has figured out how to nullify the dark magic guarding the castle. But how long will that take?A day? A week or a month? Maybe a year?I could not wait for so long. Going in alone was the only thing I could do since I didn't want to implicate Valeria in case something bad happened.I know that Valeria has been doing everything possible to help me and I am extremely grateful for that but sometimes, some things can only be handled personally. This was one of those things.This was a quest that I had to accomplish, by myself.Heaving a sigh, I quickly disguised myself with a black cloak and a mask that covered all my face.Putting my phone away, I started making my way to the border.In just a few minutes, I would be arriving at the castle gates.Despite an uneasy feeling brewing in the pit of my stomach, I continue
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I became alert, my eyes scanning my surroundings .There was no sign of a living being so I calmed down." Maybe I'm Just imagining things." I murmured to myself. With all the tension and paranoia, it was reasonable I was getting alarmed over nothing.Taking a deep breath, I took a step forward as I approached the gate.My heart was racing in my chest and if it wasn't for the fact that I desperately needed to find that book, I would have turned around and left.But I couldn't.Standing a meter away from the gate, I extended my hands to push it when my peripheral vision spotted what looked like arrows flying my way as the sound of metal rattling echoed throughout the silent nightInstinctively I dodged as my head snapped back, the arrows had passed right next to me."Fuck!" I cursed as another bout of arrows flew by my side. I stepped back, calculating the distance and speed of the arrows, then dodged once again, my movements precise.Squatting down, my eyes stared at the small hole th
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The book
I scratched my head awkwardly, not knowing what to say. I was about to open my mouth and explain that I was not who I thought I was but the man beat me into it." I understand. Your highness, this way please." The man said, motioning for me to follow him.I didn't get to know what he understood before my legs carried me away, cautiously following behind the man as he led the way towards the huge magnificent castle.Approaching the castle, I could not help but marvel at how big it was. I could not hide the wonder that filled my eyes and the way they shone as I gazed at the magnanimous castle, with its high towers and large gate that stood out proudly adding to its charm.From the exterior, it was enough to say that the dragons were wealthy and very powerful. Of course, it came with our asking. The dragons ruled the world for thousands of years.Approximately a century ago, every kind became independent but the dragons remained the most powerful until that tragedy happened.It could be
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I smiled to myself after picking the book. It was the exact one I was searching for. Taking a deep breath, I struggled to stand.The moon outside was shining, casting a beautiful glow in the night, and the crickets chirped their song. But as the night went on, the sounds of the woods became more menacing, almost as if the trees were closing in.I shivered knowing that I would have to pass through the woods.Rummaging through my backpack, I removed the small bottle Valeria gave me a few days ago and drank the contents.She Said that the portion could restore someone's energy, albeit momentarily.Securing the book inside my backpack, I left the room and headed downstairs.Standing at the huge hall, my eyes drifted to the picture of the lady who had a resemblance to me.I took one last glance before walking away.Thaddeus was waiting for me a few meters away from the entrance of the castle.I walked to him, expressing my intention of leaving the castle." Does your highness not plan on
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