All Chapters of Oops! I Married My Boss!!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
96 Chapters
Examination results!
"I remember my father," Petra whispered hoarsely and softly behind Lyyana's back.Lyyana and Robert smiled. "You'll be marrying Lyyana soon, consider us your parents too. So don't hesitate anymore, okay?"Petra nodded, but she still hid her face behind Lyyana's back. Petra's behavior was just like a sulking child, making Lyyana unable to hold back her laughter. They chatted about many things, from Lyyana's wedding plans to Petra's visit to Laura's new school earlier that morning.In her heart, Petra felt grateful to once again feel the warmth of a family she had longed for. Now Petra wasn't alone anymore; there was Lyyana and her large extended family faithfully accompanying and listening to her stories. While they were engrossed in conversation, Petra received a text message from her lawyer informing her that her report had been received by the police and was ready to be processed."From whom?" Lyyana asked Petra, noticing her worried expression."Mr. Regen, he said the report has be
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First arrest!
"To see my grandson, what else?" she replied casually as she walked towards Garret.Garret immediately hid behind Lyyana's legs, the toddler showing a fearful expression and reluctance to approach the two middle-aged women. "Don't come closer," Lyyana warned the woman."Who's this young lady? Is she your lover? Or your grandchild's babysitter?" the woman asked, her tone condescending towards Lyyana."Mama Garret scared, Garret no want!" Garret exclaimed in fear, his body trembling as he hugged Lyyana's legs tightly."Mama? Wow, you teach your grandchild to call someone else mama?" the woman retorted, glaring angrily at Petra. "You're very audacious, Petra. I'll take Garret from you and take care of him myself."The woman then moved forward to take Garret from Lyyana's legs. "Dare you touch Garret, I'll report you to the police!""How dare you forbid grandparents from meeting their own grandchild? Anyway, compared to you, I am far more entitled to take care of my own grandchild!" Jessi
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Decision for Berli?
"Petra and I have agreed to leave everything to the police. Even if the police outcome doesn't meet our expectations, maybe we'll help alleviate it.""Why are you so good? I mean, she and her lover have done wrong, they've destroyed Petra's life and nearly ruined your future," Liza said from the dishwashing area.Lyyana shook her head, "My parents always said that we shouldn't respond to wrongdoing with the same. " Her five friends sighed; they couldn't understand why Lyyana was so kind to someone who had wronged her.Days passed, and Petra's and Lyyana's lives went on as usual. Garret also began to show increasingly positive developments. A few days ago, Petra began discussing Garret's early education, which he would undertake when he turned 5.Unlike Berli, who was still anxious about Renaldi and Jessica's arrest. Berli's anxiety worsened when she received a summons from the police office to come as a witness to the recent arrest of Jessica and Renadli.On the day of the examination
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Mysterious Witness?
"We hereby decide to sentence Berlicia Ardelia under that article as a city detainee, considering the defendant's condition and status, who only acted in self-defense."Everyone breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the judge's decision, which was in line with their expectations, including Lyyana and Petra. Berli turned, looking at Lyyana, who was also looking at her with a smile on her face."Thank you," Berli whispered with a slight movement of her lips. Lyyana nodded and flashed her sweet smile."The next schedule is for the evidence and verdict for the defendants Renaldi and Jessica. The trial will be conducted as soon as possible, three days from today."The judge then dismissed the trial participants. Berli walked with the assistance of Denzel, still unable to believe that she was free from the clutches of prison. Renaldi rushed towards Berli and almost pushed her if Denzel hadn't been able to hold Berli's body."You wicked woman! Listen carefully, I will not let your life be p
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The Beginning of Happiness
The woman took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to speak. "I am Alysa Ramora," she said, her voice almost a whisper.The judge nodded, signaling for Alysa Ramora to continue her testimony. "What do you know about the defendant?"Ramora paused for a moment, unsure how much she should reveal. However, she knew she had to tell the truth, no matter the consequences. "I... I am a nurse," she finally admitted.The judge raised an eyebrow, prompting Ramora to elaborate. The courtroom attendees also began whispering about Ramora's admission, many saying their suspicions were confirmed. The noise in the courtroom made Ramora hesitant to continue speaking until the presiding judge banged the gavel and requested silence.Once the situation was calm, Ramora resumed her statement. "I... I was employed by Renaldi," she said, her voice trembling, avoiding eye contact with Renaldi and Jessica, who were staring at her from the left side of the room."Employed as what? Please explain clearly
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New beginning in life?
"I accept," Lyyana said, nodding her head as Petra rose and hugged her, not forgetting Lyyana also hugged Garret who was nearby. Everyone looked touched by Petra's declaration of love, they were also moved by Lyyana's affection for Garret, clearly evident on her face.That night became the happiest night for Lyyana, Petra, and Garret. After Renaldi's decision matched her hopes, Lyyana and Petra would soon marry, following Berli and Denzel who had already tied the knot.Under the dim lights and colleagues filling the ballroom, Lyyana and Petra were dancing so romantically. The romantic music made the atmosphere even warmer and full of love."Darling, thank you for being willing to accept me," Petra said as they danced.Lyyana smiled at Petra. "I'm also grateful to you for accepting me and making me your choice.""There's no reason not to choose you, my dear." Under the dim lights, Petra affectionately kissed Lyyana, causing some guests who saw them to stifle screams.Since that night,
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Surprised Jump!!
"I, Berlicia Ardele, take you, Denzel Salamon, as my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part," Berli said after a moment of silence.Berli breathed a sigh of relief, her search had finally paid off. Not only did she find a kind-hearted man, but he also made her feel like a queen despite her circumstances not being like other women's.Unbeknownst to Lyyana, tears welled in her eyes. Somehow, she felt happy seeing Berli had found her soulmate. Petra, understanding Lyyana's emotions, hugged her and gently comforted her."Please, exchange the rings first." Berli and Denzel followed the wedding coordinator's instructions, placing the rings on each other's fingers.After the ring exchange and photo session, the next part proceeded smoothly. Berli and Denzel intentionally set aside time for guests to mingle and relax, enjoying the venue's offerings.
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Lost her baby?
"Where are you going? We're already here!" Petra said in a raspy voice, pulling Lyyana's hand, causing her small body to fall onto Petra's chest."I'm going to catch up with Garret," Lyyana replied, trying to steady her surprise and racing heartbeat due to their close proximity.Petra smiled mischievously, gazing at Lyyana without blinking. "You're forgetting my morning kiss, honey!" he said, immediately capturing Lyyana's lips and kissing her lovingly without demanding anything more.Petra kissed Lyyana for quite a while until he let go when Lyyana ran out of breath and gently pounded his broad chest. "Petra!" Lyyana said, straightening her clothes."What, honey?" Petra replied, pulling Lyyana back and hugging her from the side.Lyyana tried to resist, but Petra tightened his embrace, stroking Lyyana's flat stomach and whispering, "Soon there will be a Petra Junior, Garret's sibling. Are you ready, honey?"Lyyana looked up and bumped into Petra's chin. "Is it okay?""Why?""I mean, G
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Afraid of getting divorced?
"Darling, don't be like this," Denzel said, gently patting his wife's head. However, to everyone's surprise, Berli refused Denzel's hand and tried to distance herself from him."Sweetheart, what's wrong with you?" Denzel asked, still trying to persuade Berli.Berli shook her head and didn't want to be close to him, her attitude confusing and worrying Denzel. Lyyana took the initiative to talk to Berli face-to-face, as it would be much more comfortable for Berli to confide in her fellow woman.Initially, Denzel refused Lyyana's suggestion because he wanted to always be by Berli's side no matter what. Fortunately, Petra understood Lyyana's intention. She tapped Denzel's shoulder and asked him to step out for a moment. "Dad, Garret will stay here, okay? To keep mom company?" Garret requested, holding Lyyana's hand.Petra looked at Lyyana, waiting for her response. Lyyana nodded and smiled. "Alright, then take care of mom and aunty Berli, okay?" Petra instructed Garret, the toddler noddin
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Petra and Lyyana's Suspicion
“Because you smell like cigarettes‼ Clean yourself up first, Denzel‼” Berli yelled, her face looking adorably exasperated.“Sweetheart‼ you’re scaring me‼” Denzel said as he ran to hug Berli. He didn’t care if she would push him away; all he wanted was to hold the woman he deeply loved and cherished.Berli chuckled softly, allowing him to hug her, her other hand still connected to an IV drip. “Please don’t do that again, I’m so afraid of losing you.” Denzel wept in her embrace.Petra and Lyyana smiled happily, watching the two people who had been through so much come back together and reconcile. Petra wrapped his arm around Lyyana’s shoulders, holding close the woman who would soon be his wife. “Thank you for still accepting me,” Berli whispered with a hoarse voice.Denzel loosened his embrace, cupping Berli’s face, kissing her forehead, and then tightly gripping her hand. “There’s not a single reason for me to leave you, my love. No matter what, in any situation, you will always be m
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