All Chapters of Oops! I Married My Boss!!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
96 Chapters
Garrett is not sick?
"I just want to know, I want to ask him in case he still works here."   Amber nodded. "Actually, I don't know who he is. But from what I've heard, he went back to his hometown and never returned until now. They said it was because Garrett almost lost his life at that time. Then he suddenly left, saying he was going back to his hometown."   "So, he's not originally from here? Or an old employee?"   Amber shook her head. "As far as I know, some employees here are not long-timers. Like you, Adelia, and Mila, they came after Chava couldn't handle Garrett. Before me, there was someone more senior, but he now lives in a villa. Maybe because of his age, he was assigned to a quieter place."   Lyyana nodded. "Thank you for the information. Sorry for taking your time."   "Ah, you're just like anyone else. If you don't have any more questions, I'll go back to work." Lyyana nodded with a smi
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Garret's progress?
"I dare not tell, Miss. Because it's Mr. Petra's family's privacy. Maybe you can ask Mr. Petra directly." Lyyana sighed; she had received answers like this many times, and as usual, Lyyana couldn't force them to share more.After their conversation, Lyyana preferred to observe the streets from behind the car window while engaging Garret in conversation about various things. Before they knew it, Tommy's driven car had arrived at the hospital's parking lot. Lyyana quickly got out and opened the car door. She immediately prepared to put on her hat and glasses. Garret looked at Lyyana in confusion and asked, "Mom, why?"Lyyana shook her head and smiled, "It's okay, dear. Let's go inside."Garret nodded, quickly got out of the car, and tightly held Lyyana's fingers. Lyyana nodded to Tommy, saying, "I'll go in first, sir." Tommy nodded and gestured for Lyyana to pass.After a few steps, Garret stopped and shouted, pointing behind Lyyana, "Dad!" Lyyana also turned around, and indeed, a tall
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Like a fugitive?
"No problem, sir," Lyyana replied, trying to calm her panic.Petra didn't respond anymore; he just remained silent and focused on the road ahead while Lyyana chose to stare out the window, observing every sight she saw. Before she knew it, she had arrived in Petra's driveway, the man parking his car right in front of his main door. Petra unbuckled his seatbelt and looked at Lyyana, who seemed to struggle with hers.Without hesitation, Petra leaned over and helped Lyyana unbuckle her seatbelt, even going as far as opening Lyyana's door from the inside. Petra's actions succeeded in making Lyyana's heart race uncontrollably; she even had to hold her breath for a moment as she caught a whiff of Petra's masculine scent."Thank you, sir," Lyyana said just before she got out of the car.Petra only cleared his throat and let Lyyana get out alone. "I'm heading back to the office." Lyyana nodded in response to Petra's words.After the car door was closed, Petra started his car again and slowly
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News from Laura
For quite some time, Lyyana forced her brain to recall memories of her past. Unfortunately, Lyyana failed to find an answer, so she gave up and logged out of Petra's social media account. She spent her time scrolling through other people's posts until her fingers stopped at a photo post from her sister. Lyyana tapped the message icon and sent a message to her sister. She shared news and asked about her sister's well-being there. Shortly after, Lyyana's phone buzzed; it was a reply from her sister. Lyyana's heart smiled happily as she read her sister's response. However, her smile didn't last long; she felt sad when she received a reply from her sister saying that she wasn't okay because their stepfather was getting drunk more often. Lyyana's sister also chose to stay with her friend rather than at their house, where they were subjected to their stepfather's abuse. Lyyana then pressed the call icon, placing the flat object to her ear and waiting for the call to connect. "Hello," gree
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Beautiful morning scenery
Startled and unable to maintain her balance, Lyyana fell into the swimming pool. Lyyana, who didn't know how to swim, almost drowned if Petra hadn't helped her out of the pool. Carefully, Petra laid Lyyana's body onto the available lounge chair by the poolside. Lyyana closed her eyes, regulating her breath, still panting from the earlier incident."Sorry for startling you," Petra apologized as she handed a kimono towel to Lyyana.Taking the towel, Lyyana sat up and wrapped herself with Petra's offering. She nodded and said, "Thank you for helping me, sir."Petra was taken aback, confused as to why Lyyana was thanking him. After all, the incident was entirely Petra's fault for suddenly appearing and startling Lyyana. "I'll go in first, sir," Petra simply nodded, letting Lyyana walk past him and enter the house through the back door.Upon reaching her room, Lyyana hurriedly changed her clothes and prepared for bed. Sunlight began to filter through the window cracks in Lyyana's room. She
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Petra have any new habits?
"No sir. I'll get it ready, sir," Petra nodded and left Lyyana.After Petra left, Lyyana invited Garret to come down and play downstairs. "Mommy going to cook?" Garret asked as they walked down the stairs.Lyyana nodded, looking down at Garret. The woman smiled and nodded. "Can I help?" Garret asked with a smile and puppy eyes.Lyyana seemed to think for a moment. After being silent for a while, Lyyana said, "Yes, but Garret can't touch anything dangerous, okay?"Garret nodded with a wide smile on his face. "Okay, mommy."Lyyana nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Once there, Lyyana sat Garret on a chair next to the kitchen table. After making sure Garret was comfortable and there were no dangerous objects nearby, Lyyana hurriedly opened the refrigerator, taking out the remaining ingredients. Lyyana looked at the ingredients now arranged on the table, trying to open her phone and search for ideas for lunch and dinner today.Accidentally, Lyyana found her own post from a few years a
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Benji already knows?"
"Mama, what's wrong?" Garrett asked, looking at Lyyana who suddenly fell silent. Lyyana snapped out of it. "Oh, it's nothing. Let's continue playing." Lyyana then put away her phone, forgetting about the message she had read earlier. Elsewhere, Petra was staring at the food Lyyana had brought. She had eaten it all, leaving nothing behind. "Why does all the food Lyyana makes remind me of memories from the past? But I don't know what memories, when, or where." Petra picked up her phone and opened the CCTV monitoring at her house. Somehow, Petra wanted to see what activities Lyyana was doing at her house. After waiting for a few seconds, her phone screen started showing images of Lyyana playing with Petra in the living room. They occasionally laughed, whatever it was that made them so happy, she smiled just by watching. All this time, Petra always got images of Garret throwing tantrums. She was very happy because her chance encounter with Lyyana unexpectedly turned out to be a blessin
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Impromptu Preparations!!
With a furrowed brow, Lyyana stared at Petra in confusion. As if understanding Lyyana's bewilderment, Petra let out a heavy sigh and said, "vacation.""Oh, sorry sir, isn't the departure supposed to be tomorrow?" asked Lyyana, still wearing a puzzled expression.Petra nodded, then walked over to the fridge and pulled out canned drinks, taking a sip halfway through. "I've moved up the schedule. There are some conflicting tasks."Lyyana nodded. "In that case, we'll get ready first, Sir," Lyyana replied, trying to appear calm, although she was actually feeling panicked and confused about what to do first.Petra nodded, then watched as Lyyana and Garret left. Petra didn't turn his face away until Lyyana and Garret were no longer in sight. After finishing his canned drink, Petra followed in Lyyana's footsteps and entered his own room.Lyyana was actually panicking because Petra had changed the departure schedule on such short notice. Although Garret's belongings had been ready since mornin
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Moonlight and Dim Lights
"Can I, Mom?" Garret asked, as Lyyana had yet to respond to his question.Lyyana coughed softly, glancing at Petra as if seeking approval from her employer. Petra nodded, granting permission for Lyyana to comply with Garret's request. "Sure, once we arrive at the inn, we'll eat, okay?"Garret nodded, "Yay! Mom's cooking!" Lyyana smiled and gently patted Garret's cheek.Petra could only remain silent, witnessing how happy Garret was over such a simple matter. "Dad, is it still far?" Garret asked, looking at Petra.The man turned and shook his head. "Not much longer," he replied shortly. Garret nodded, then returned to playing with Lyyana, turning the quiet atmosphere of the car into a warm one.After a 6-hour journey, Petra's car finally entered a rural area filled with tall trees, with the sound of the sea crashing against the walls. With the dim lights and moonlight of that night, Lyyana could see the silhouette of several food stalls along the roadside. The scent of food wafting in
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Lyyana similar to them?
"Not like Mr. Petra when he looks at his employees. This is the first time I've seen him look like that. Even when he's with Mrs. Berlicia, he never looked like that. Oh yeah, speaking of that woman, how is she now?" Liza asked as she prepared Lyyana's cooking ingredients. "Maybe fine, Auntie. She came to the house yesterday. Actually, who is she, Auntie?" Lyyana asked as she chopped some vegetables that she would use to make Garret's favorite fried rice. "Are you sure you're using this many vegetables? As far as I know, Garret doesn't like vegetables." Lyyana just smiled and continued cutting the vegetables in front of her. "Hopefully, he still likes it, Auntie. Auntie hasn't answered my question," Lyyana demanded, curious about Liza's earlier statement. The middle-aged woman sighed, pausing her meat cutting and staring at Lyyana intently. "Berlicia is Mr. Petra's ex-fiancée." 
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