All Chapters of DANGEROUS HUSBANDS, BROKEN WIFES: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
107 Chapters
Season 1: Broken Vows | Chapter 1
(Flashback) “Loyalty is everything in this business, Ana,” Ivan growled, his voice low and dangerous. “And if you’re not loyal, you know what happens.” Anastasia’s eyes widened as she heard the threat in his words. She knew all too well the consequences of betraying Ivan and his criminal organization. “I’ve been loyal, Ivan,” she pleaded, her heart pounding in her chest. “I swear it.” Ivan’s expression remained hard as he advanced towards her, his hand reaching out to grip her arm with bruising force. “Don’t lie to me, Ana,” he snarled, his breath hot against her face. “You know what will happen if I find out you’re hiding something from me.” (Flashback Ends) * * * [ANASTASIA] I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm, a sudden jolt that sends my heart racing. The stillness of my small, dimly lit bedroom is shattered by the noise, and I can’t help but feel a surge of anxiety coursing through my veins. My eyes dart around the room, scanning the shadows for any signs of danger. E
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Chapter 2
(Flashback)Anastasia scoffed as she deftly folded Ivan’s rumpled clothes and placed them inside the mahogany closet. “I don’t need a grandiose wedding, Ivan,” she remarked, her eyes rolling at his dishevelled room. “And how do you manage to make such a mess all the time? Don’t tell me you’re too busy to at least make your bed.”Ivan chuckled, sneaking up behind her and enveloping her in his embrace, planting a gentle kiss beneath her ear. “I don’t care about the wedding, my love. I just want you as my wife so I can make love to you for hours on end.”Anastasia blushed at his bold words, but she relished in his possessive touch, content to let him hold her tight. “And what about what I want?” she countered, teasingly. “What if I don’t like you hovering over me like a bee all the time? What if I want you to focus on your work and leave me be?”Ivan raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a mischievous smirk. With a sudden movement, he pinned her against the wall, his lips finding the
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Chapter 3
(Flashback)Ivan’s eyes blazed with fury as he grabbed Ana by the hair, yanking her head back to face him. “Ana!” he growled, his grip tight and unyielding. “Don’t you dare lie to my face. Tell me where he is. Tell me now, and I promise I won’t hurt you. But if you keep playing these games with me, I swear I’ll burn this whole place to the ground!”Ana’s eyes filled with tears as she struggled against the pain, the sharp pull of her hair almost too much to bear. “I don’t know anything,” she hissed, her fingers clawing at his hand, trying to pry it loose. “I swear it. The fact that you even think I’d lie to you makes me feel like you don’t know me at all. I love you, Ivan. But the way you treat me makes me wonder if you love me at all. What happened to us?”(Flashback Ends)* * *[ANASTASIA]“Hey there, little guy,” I said to Ivan Jr. as I knelt down in front of him, my heavy overcoat weighing me down. His blue eyes shone with innocence and curiosity as he looked up at me. “I’m going t
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Chapter 4
(Flashback)As the newlyweds leaned in for their first kiss as husband and wife, the atmosphere was electric with excitement and joy. Ivan’s hand gently cupped Anastasia’s cheek as they closed their eyes, savoring the moment. The guests erupted in cheers and applause as they finally sealed their love with a kiss.Anastasia pulled back slightly and looked up at Ivan with a radiant smile, feeling as if she were on cloud nine. “I can hardly believe this day has come,” she said, her voice full of happiness.Ivan smiled down at her, his eyes filled with love and adoration. “Believe it, my dear,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re now officially my wife.”Anastasia playfully swatted his arm, a grin spreading across her face. “As if I’d want it any other way,” she said, her tone teasing.As they leaned in for another kiss, the intensity of their emotions grew stronger. This time, their kiss was deeper, more passionate, and filled with the promise of forever. As they pulled back, Ivan rested his
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Chapter 5
(Flashback)“Why are you doing this?” Anastasia sobbed, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief. She stood frozen, her eyes fixed on the lifeless body on the floor, the crimson pool spreading slowly, staining the once pristine carpet.Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks, mingling with the horror that gripped her soul. The man she had once loved and married now sat casually on the couch, his foot resting on the fallen man’s chest, as if it were nothing more than an inconsequential event.A twisted smirk played upon his lips, his eyes gleaming with a perverse delight. The cruelty emanating from him sent shivers down her spine. It was as if he derived pleasure from the pain he caused, reveling in the power he held over life and death.“Don’t be too upset, malysh,” he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. “Next time, just remember to inform me before you plan to leave the house. I hate surprises.” His callousness was chilling, contrasting starkly with the tragedy that
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Chapter 6
(Flashback)Anastasia’s heart swelled with love and anticipation as she watched Ivan sweep her up in his strong arms, her white wedding dress cascading behind her as they made their way into the luxurious mansion that he had built just for them. She felt like a princess, floating on a cloud of pure happiness as he carried her up the grand staircase and into their new bedroom, a sanctuary for only the two of them.At the door, Ivan turned to face her and used his back to push it open, revealing a room bathed in soft candlelight and adorned with all of Anastasia’s favourite things. He gently placed her on the plush bed, crawling atop her as he lavished her with tender kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and the tops of her eyes.“I have waited for this moment for so long, malysh,” he murmured, pulling her close and helping her out of her wedding gown. He then turned her so that she faced away from him, marveling at the sight of his stunning wife’s bare skin with his dark eyes. “So beautiful
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Chapter 7
(Flashback)Anastasia recoiled, the force of it almost cracking the muscles of her face, as a glass shattered against the floor, crimson wine gushing forth and saturating the cursed red carpet.Ivan’s wrath knew no bounds as he sent delicate crockery hurtling from the dining table, their demise echoing off the walls, sending her flinching once again.Tears welled up, threatening to spill forth, but she held them back, clenching her fists tightly and digging her sharp nails into her skin. She refused to let her vulnerability show.Ivan turned abruptly, fixing her with a scorching glare. Despite the frigid air outside, his brow was drenched in sweat, his skin glistening under the light, and his dark eyes reflecting the madness of his anger.“Was that necessary?” she managed to ask, her words a fragile plea for understanding.“It was,” he retorted sternly, striding past her. But before he left her side, he leaned in close, his voice laced with menace as he whispered into her ear. “Until
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Chapter 8
(Flashback)Despite the car remaining stationary in their mansion’s driveway for over an hour, Ivan’s desire for his wife showed no signs of waning. His lips eagerly explored her neck, shoulder, and mouth, evoking moans of pleasure from Anastasia.Straddling him on his lap in the car’s backseat, she couldn’t resist the passion he ignited within her. Although they had been married for just a month, it felt as if they had exchanged vows only yesterday.“We should probably go inside,” Anastasia moaned softly, reluctantly breaking their intimate embrace as she placed her hands on his warm chest.Ivan growled, unwilling to be separated from her even for a moment. “I want you right now, malysh. The thought of the distance between this car and the bed is killing me.”With determination, he unbuckled himself, setting himself free. Anastasia gasped as he slowly lowered her onto his arousal, causing her eyes to roll back and a sweet moan to escape her lips—a moan that he quickly silenced with a
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Chapter 9
(Flashback)Anastasia’s emotions on that day were far from happiness. Rather, she was overwhelmed with nerves, bordering on sheer terror. As she fixated on the pregnancy test, time seemed to stretch endlessly, and she felt a numbing sensation spreading through her body, accompanied by knots tightening and loosening in her stomach. It had only been three months since their wedding, and except for a few days in a month, Ivan and she were intimate almost every day, sometimes even twice.It was almost inevitable that she would become pregnant. But the question was: how would Ivan react? Would he even want kids this soon? They never really talked about it. Not explicitly at least. Ivan was always either too busy with his work—whatever that work entailed, as he never went into details—or he was home, occupied with his hands on her.Don’t get her wrong, she loved her husband more than anything. She loved the way he cherished her, made her feel and how careful he seemed to be while rocking he
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Chapter 10
(Flashback)They found themselves on the 16th floor of the Smolensky Passage department store, immersed in the mesmerizing panoramic view of the bustling Moscow city. Ivan placed his hand gently on the small of his wife’s back, guiding her towards the seat that offered the most stunning vista.Ana gasped in awe, her eyes sparkling beneath the dimly lit ambience as she absorbed the breathtaking scenery and the spaciousness surrounding them. “What is this place, Ivan? It’s absolutely stunning,” she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.For the occasion, he had booked the entire restaurant so he could treat his wife the way she deserved to be—like a queen. After the recent crossfire with the Yakov gang just a few days prior, Ivan couldn’t afford to be seen in public places with his wife. It wasn’t a matter of shame or embarrassment; it was simply a matter of safety. He hoped to keep their personal lives somewhat discreet until the intense conflict between the rival gangs subsided.How
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