All Chapters of Forced Marriage To The Bilionaire Chef: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
133 Chapters
Chapter 1
Eunice is lost in thought while expertly preparing the ingredients for the meal she is planning to make. She is most at home in her restaurant’s kitchen. She has an exquisite kitchen at home but it doesn’t really compare to the state-of-the-art kitchen she has created for herself over many years at the place where she spends the most time.The ache deep in her heart threatens to overwhelm her as she methodically goes about her preparations. Just as her thoughts almost completely consume her reality, she notices movement coming from the back door to the restaurant. The kitchen leads out into a little ally that they share with another restaurant next to hers. The door is always open, but no one ever comes in through it.She watches the little girl sneaking into her kitchen from the corner of her eye, pretending not to see her as she goes about her business. The little girl walks quietly towards her. She takes slow, careful steps until she is close enough to Eunice to see what she is pr
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Chapter 2
TWENTY YEARS LATERAlly steps through the back door of the restaurant kitchen where she just had the worst date ever. Luckily she knows the Chefs in the kitchen and they let her escape through it. She thanks her friend that closes the door behind her, before taking the few steps down to the sidewalk.It is already dark outside. Ally wished she never came on this date. Never again. Blind dates are not the way to go. From now on she will insist on meeting the person in a group setting before spending one-on-one time with anyone. Thinking about the man she left at the table in the restaurant only makes her want to gag.Ally takes out her phone and dials her roommate’s number. Megan answers on the second ring. She is the most reliable person she knows. She always answers and she is always willing to help.“Hey Hun.” Meg’s sweet voice rings over the phone.“Hey! Are you busy?” Ally asks Meg. Meg has a very busy social life. Something Ally tries to avoid at all costs.“Hanging out with frie
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Chapter 3
As she closes her mouth, excitement fills her. The sauce on the bottom of the fork he used to decorate the plate, is the first element she tastes. As she pulls the fork from her mouth and bites down on the cube, the different element’s flavours explode in her mouth.Ally closes her eyes as she takes in every texture and flavour of the bite in her mouth. She is in awe. She savours every moment of it before swallowing. When she opens her eyes she finds herself looking straight into the master of this creation’s eyes. This man is an amazing chef.He looks at her expectantly. Ally raises her eyebrows and slowly shakes her head. She is speechless.She places the fork back on the plate and shakes her head slowly again while looking at the plate.She finally brings her gaze back up to his.“That was…. unbelievable.” She finally tells him.“Thank you.” He says, smiling at her. “I must tell you, watching you eat it… was… very satisfactory to me.” He gives a small chuckle. “But don’t worry, I w
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Chapter 4
Ally walks into the kitchen of the restaurant where she is head Chef. She looks at her surroundings and cannot help but think about the kitchen she was in last night. Meg comes into the kitchen just behind her, putting on her apron as she walks. This kitchen is nice. That kitchen is extravagant. She would love to work in that kitchen, but then Eric would probably be her boss and she would not be able to concentrate on her work at all.“That was one damn fine man you were with last night.” Meg tells Ally as they reach their normal work stations. Ally’s work station is almost set apart like Eric’s is. It is just does not have special lighting and it isn’t as big is his. Meg falls into her routine and busies herself with preparations for the night service.“That is almost an understatement. I cannot remember ever meeting a man that can wreak havoc on all my senses in seconds.” Ally tells Meg.The whole day, while Ally works, she cannot keep her mind off Eric. Everything about him attract
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Chapter 5
The evening service is busier than usual that night. Ally runs most of the night. She is dead on her feat at the end of it. When everyone tosses their aprons in the wash bin and leave the kitchen, Ally follows without even rechecking everything. She will come in earlier today to recheck. It is already two in the morning. She needs sleep.She goes home and makes haste to get into bed. She falls asleep instantly.Ally wakes a few hours later. Even though she got much needed sleep, she still feels tired. It has been a busier than usual week. There are a lot of conferences in the city and most of them are near the restaurant where she works. She sits up in her bed and drags her phone closer. There must be a million messages that needs answering.Ally scans through the messages, deleting anything that seems mundane and quickly giving attention to anything to do with business.She is somewhat disappointed that she did not receive anything from Eric. She gets up to get ready for work. She wa
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Chapter 6
It took Ally a while to get over her bewilderment after Eric left. She couldn’t wrap her mind around his demeanour or the way he looked. His hair was a mess and his tie hung loose. His eyes were red with emotion. Ally still feels unsettled thinking about it.She came to work earlier and she spent most of the morning making sure everything is ready for the day. Today will not be as busy as other days. There is a sport gathering nearby. The streets will be too busy and most people who come into the restaurant will only come for something to drink. The dress code of the restaurant will not let anyone enter either. If supporters come to the door with their supporter wear, they will be shown away. It is the same thing every year.Ally remembers the woman who showed her the finer art of cooking, fondly. A smile tugs around her lips when she thinks of her. She snuck into her kitchen for years, while growing up. By the time Ally finished school she was already very good in the kitchen. Eunice
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Chapter 7
Ally’s heart starts thumping in her chest. Meg cannot take that dish to a world-renowned chef’s house! Ally was sworn to secrecy.Ally turns to Ralph with a worried look on her face.“When was Meg here?” Ally asks urgently.“She left minutes before you arrived.” Ralph answers in a confused tone.Ally turns her back on Ralph. She takes her phone out of her pocket and dials Meg’s number. The phone rings twice before Meg answers.“Hey! Thank you so much for this beautiful dish. You outdid yourself, once again.” Meg rambles without pause.“Meg, …” Ally tries to tell her that she took the wrong dish, but Meg interrupts her.“I have just arrived here. Thank you, again. I will let you know how it went.” Meg tells Ally before hanging up.Ally stares out in front of her, not really seeing anything. This is really bad. What if the Chef asks for the recipe? Ally feels sick to her stomach. She dials Meg’s number again but the call is ended after a few rings.Ralph clears his throat behind Ally. A
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Chapter 8
Ally is shocked when she wakes up the next morning to find that Meg is gone. She didn’t take all of her things either. She just left with the most important things. She left things like old clothes and her work wear. Ally takes out her phone to message Meg.MEGPLEASE LET ME KNOW WHERE YOU ARE. I WOULD LIKE TO COME VISIT YOU SOMETIME.ALLYAlly stares at her phone for a moment. Usually, Meg would reply within seconds. Ally’s heart sinks when she realises that Meg is not going to reply at all. She puts her phone away and gets ready for work. She will need to replace Meg soon.The day is busy. It helps to keep Ally’s mind off everything that happened in the last few weeks. She keeps her focus on the restaurant and makes sure she is exhausted when she leaves for home. At home she takes a quick shower and falls asleep almost immediately.She does this every night and it seems to work well for the first week.Late one night when she opened her door, she found an envelope on the floor. She
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Chapter 9
“Sure,” Ally answers nervously, “What can I do for you?”“I cannot be on the phone for too long.” Meg sounds stressed and afraid. “Something about the dish you prepared triggered some secret in this family. I cannot figure out what exactly is going on but they want answers that I cannot give them. Tell me what is so special about this dish.”There is a sense of urgency in Meg’s voice that makes Ally uncomfortable. Maybe it is the mention of the dish that makes her uncomfortable. She knew it was not good when the dish left the kitchen.“Meg. I told you that dish was not meant for you. It is a top-secret recipe. I promised never to write it down or to share it with anyone. It takes days to prepare and it took me almost six years to perfect it. It is a very intricate dish. Please tell me what is going on?” Ally tells Meg quickly.“I do not know what is going on. I have gathered that this dish is somehow connected to Eunice and it is the main reason why she picked me to be Eric’s bride. F
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Chapter 10
Ally covers her mouth with both hands. This cannot be. She just spoke to Meg yesterday. Meg was worried about Eunice making her prepare the dish she did not know how to prepare.She suddenly remembers how Ralph looked when she left work. She quickly dialled Ralph’s number.“Hey Ally.” Ralph answers. He seems in a better mood but his usual sunshine personality is not coming through.“Hey Ralph, remember you told me about the Symons family misfortunes. What was the last one you heard of?” Ally decides to get right into it.“Mrs Eunice Symons died after falling down a flight of stairs.” Ralph answers sadly.“Do you know when this happened?” Ally prods“This morning. Or maybe last night. They found her this morning at the bottom of the stairs. Some say it was an accident and other think that she was pushed.” Ralph says softly, as if he does not want any bystanders to hear.“Ralph, where did you get this information?” Ally asks in an equal soft tone, although she has no bystanders that wou
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