All Chapters of Cassian's Empire Sextuplets : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
Chapter 21
EsmePower was good, I reconfirmed that when the management of the hospital all stood in front of the large board room, waiting for me.Rita had briefed Todd about what had happened from the hospital and he was not left out of the shock." You mean she's carrying six whole babies!" he asked while Rita nodded in response." If it gets out or it's let out to the news you'll be a hit," he said and I nodded, 'a hit' I didn't want that, that was why I needed to talk with the hospital's board of management.Todd walked beside me with Rita as we all headed into the meeting room.I sat up from the position I was and looked at all of them before clearing my throat to speak up."I'm Esme Ames, the leading lawyer of Ergo, and I've no other reason to call you all here than to make you sign an agreement," I said taking account of how their demeanor changed at the mention of the leading lawyer of Ergo." I'm currently eight weeks pregnant and in some months I'll be delivering my babies," I said enu
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Chapter 22
Cassians's POVThe secretary knocked on the door to my office, there was the bell, but because he'd thought that the loud sound of the bell might distract me, he chose to knock instead."You have a call, Mr Cassian," he said and walked in his hand a phone towards me." Good day Mr Cassian," the voice said timidly from over the phone.I replied with a grunt while I continued to look through the papers in front of me." This is from the hotel you came to some months ago and we are calling to make sure that all is fine, one of our employees after cleaning the room, reported that there were blood stains on the bed, which could be a sign of bodily harm," he said and gulped in heavily.I tried to recollect where and when before the memories of a girl came to my mind.However I'd not secured any injuries, neither did she." Why haven't you called since all this while," I asked." Because... Mr Cassian, we've nothing to say than to offer you our sincere apologies," he said again and I replie
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Chapter 23
Cassian's POVIt was all futile, I'd combed the entire country in search of Esme Ames To no avail.The secretary had gone to her step-sister, and the cheating boyfriend, but they weren't able to provide any information on her whereabouts.The secretary had reported to me the rude reception he was given by them both." Have their details sent to me, have both of them fired from wherever they work, and let them learn the hard way, ban any company from hiring them," I said and went back to being disorganized.For the first time in years, I'd never felt bad about treating Enemies, hacking, and being the No 1 of a particular organization." I'll look for her myself," I said and stood up from the office to drive home." Mr Cassian, the car key, I'll drive you home," he said while walking towards me." I'll drive myself, you can end the day's work," I said but he insisted." Leave me alone," I said this time harder almost with a growl.He gave a curt bow and turned to leave after me.I took
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Chapter 24
Todd's POVI'd known that whoever Esme had the nightstand with wasn't an ordinary man, intuition I'd call it.And if a man like me could want to protect her, to want to die for Esme.It'd take a little less time before he caught up with the truth, so I'd gone to the one place I knew he'd find her, the dark web, erased all information of Esme Ames in whatever way he thought to look for her.There was only one way which took the best of the men to do, search for her physically, across the whole world which I was sure wouldn't happen, or maybe it'd.When the doctor told her and I got to know that she was carrying six babies, I was elated at first, before my demeanor lowered back to the realization that they weren't mine, she wasn't carrying my babies.But I'd promised and even if I didn't, it'd take my death to get me away from Esme Ames, as she'd already caught my heart and soul." Mr. Todd," one of the secretaries said walking inside my office.I looked up at her, raising my brows to a
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Chapter 25
Esme I sat on the couch in the office, my legs held by Todd as he sat opposite me, rubbing his hands through my ankle. I'd been constantly nagged by him, and I had no words to refute, both Rita and him had been in my neck to stay home but I was adamant, and then the scenario at the reception had left me short of words. " I'm sorry," I muttered softly as his hands worked their way on my ankle. " Esme," he called. " I know you've told me to stay home, to rest but I just cannot stay home, I'd die of boredom, and even if there is some trouble outside, I can't just stay in," I said trying to salvage the situation. " You could have been more injured if I hadn't come in at that moment, you're pregnant Esme for goodness sake," he said rubbing tighter on my ankle. I scrunched my face in discomfort before he slowly relaxed his grip on it " I'll take more caution and make sure I take care of myself, I'll eat well and not get into fights," I rambled to him. " That's better, or else if an
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Chapter 26
EsmeI sometimes wondered how Rita was able to get her hands on any kind of information, or evidence within a short period.After Todd had left, I'd called her into the office to discuss the case at hand with her and she said she'd provide the pieces of evidence soon.She'd gotten them placed on my table at the end of the day." That was incredibly fast Rita, how'd you manage to do that," I asked." I've my sources, inside information is the best so you've to work your way through people and their defenses," she smiled while handing them over to me." It seems like the Kim's are bent on ending their lifeline," I sighed before saying." They're hellbent on taking revenge for what has been done to Mr Kim, he isn't dead but they're thinking of inducing his death, he's been paralyzed since the incident and they've been bitter," she said and I nodded while going through the files." And the secretary, how long has she been working for Todd," I asked." It's not definite but it's about 3 ye
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Chapter 27
Esme"Miss Esme, I..I..I'm sorry, but can you please spare me," he pleaded with his hand shaking at the steering wheel."I have a family and my kids would have to be orphans if anything were to happen to me," he begged."I have a family too you know, when you came to the car lot, I already knew that you weren't from Todd, but I complied with you, without complaints, do you know why? because I'm pregnant with six fucking babies and I couldn't put them in danger, I've Rita with me as well and I chose to follow you, I wasn't stupid, I had them to live for," I retorted." Don't stress Esme, he isn't worth it," Rita said holding my hand in hers." You could have told me from the onset and whatever had brought you here, you Instead continued to lead me on, to the prey of those evil men, and do what, get me killed!" I yelled at his face, infuriated at the sudden turn of events." You weren't forced were you, your family wasn't put in danger were they?" I asked and he nodded with tears drool
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Chapter 28
Esme The scream of the man in the warehouse from the distance came into my hearing until a gunshot was heard. " Fuck, use a silent gun will you, I've got the woman I like back there," Todd's voice came from inside. I felt relieved, he wasn't the one shot, the soft wheezing of the bullet sounded again and I knew it was him who shot the gun . The screams from the men continued and stopped after a while, with Todd walking out and dragging a man by his collar. He smiled as though he could see inside the car as he dragged the body of the man closer. "No no no no no, this cannot be happening," I mumbled to myself, after noticing the frail body of a man in the distance cocking his gun to shoot at him. His words replayed in my head, his incessant warning not to get out of the car but there was no way I'd watch and let him be shot. " What are you doing Esme," Rita asked on seeing me open the car door. " I've no time to explain, I said hurriedly opening the car door into the hand of
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Chapter 29
Todd " Mr. Todd," the guard beside me called, pulling my attention to the buzz of the phone opposite me. " Let it be, it can't be anything urgent," I said and went back to reading the files of the company's new merger. The secretary had come in, still with the pen in her hand, she was unaware of the fact that she had been busted. " Good day sir," she greeted and I nodded in response. " Is there anything you'd like me or want me to do for you," she asked standing in front of me. I gave no reply to her words and Instead let her stand until I was ready to let her go. Let her punishment for intentionally betraying and being a spy on me come early. "If there's nothing I can do at the moment, how about I come back some time later," she said and turned to leave. " I didn't say you could leave, stay and stand, I'll let you know what I want," I said and she stood appalled, but dared not to say anything. Getting rid of her was my ultimate want but Esme's word came into remembrance. "
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Chapter 30
EsmeRita and I were discharged after a few tests, under the insistence of Todd." I'm fine, I'm fine, I don't have to go through any tests," I argued." It's not like you're being administered drugs or about to be Injected, just a full body checkup will do," he retorted." Why, it's not like I'm sick," I said back tugging his hand off mine." No one Esme, I mean no one cries all of a sudden." He said making me roll my eyes at him." You yelled at me remember," I retorted and he sat beside me, cooing me to have the test done.The tense doctor stared in surprise at this side of Todd, it had never happened, no one in the entirety of Italy could get a smile out of him.He was more known for his ruthlessness and his reputation as the biggest corporation in Italy.And here he was, exchanging words with a woman smiling as well." Have the test done and make sure nothing happens to her, if there's a single scratch on her body, you can trust to have your skin scrapped from your body." He sai
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