Semua Bab Chosen By The Moon: Bab 31 - Bab 40
131 Bab
Chapter 31
Dylan POVI was weak, I knew that and with every stroke of the whip my energy depleted drastically. Hit after hit, the king allowed my torture to continue. After 15 strikes I finally let my tears fall, unable to keep them in any longer. I hated crying in front of people, it was a weakness that could bring joy to your enemies, but I was experiencing far too much. I knew I could do this though, I could endure anything I had to because I knew nothing would be as bad as being marked, and mated to such a cruel beast. After roughly 30 I lost consciousness for about 5 minutes, before he continued. After over 60 I met darkness again, this time for much longer, I was woken by water being thrown over me, by the time it dripped off me and reached the ground it was tinged red. My back poured with blood, my breath was erratic, my lungs stung from lack of oxygen, and my throat burnt from the screams that left it. Sweat poured off me as I feared the death that was so very near, I was too exhausted
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Chapter 32
Dylan POV. 2 years ago..."Come on in, my moms with Freddie seeing his school, so we're going to have to sort some food out for ourselves. I warn you though, we don't have much in." Me and Nick had just finished our first day of our sophomore year, and it had been a difficult day. Lots of wolves turned 17 over summer break, and so as soon as school started many of them had began to find their mates. We've seen our fair share of adults getting claimed, but even lycan law states you can't claim someone under 16 if you discover them before hand. It's sparked a bit of panic amongst our year as most of us turn 16 at some point during the academic year. "I can't believe those wolves are taking the Juniors as mates now, if we're not careful they will start taking us sophomores too." Nick absentmindedly stated while plopping himself down on my bed and unbuttoning his top button. "They wouldn't dare, at least not until we turn 16." I threw my school bag to the floor and sighed as I found m
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Chapter 33
Dylan POVI lay there for some time, staring at the wall while occasionally moving my head to face the other side giving my neck some much needed rest bite. I watched the moon go down and the sun begin it's ascent in the sky, and slowly came to the realisation that no one was coming in before dawn. Hours genuinely went by, and they were the best few hours of my time here, yes I was in pain, but I was completely alone, that in itself made me more at ease. Eventually the door to the room opened up and I heard footsteps approach my bed. On instinct I tensed up but quickly eased as Lewis's voice shot through the room. "Are you awake!?" My head turned to his direction and I frowned before nodding slowly. I'd been lying there for hours and since it was Lewis I couldn't see any harm in finally asking for a drink. "Please... can I have some water?" I couldn't help but brace myself for the impact of a fist or even a foot, but instead I watched his face morph into one of guilt, it was a shoc
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Chapter 34
POV Dylan "Hey!" Lewis quickly crouched down to be at level with my resting self, he gently cupped my probably bruised cheek with his hand, and stroked his thumb over my cheek bone, this was getting weird. "This is nothing that won't heal, Dylan. You have got to stay strong. I know you are hurting, but keep your mind firm." I couldn't see any point in fighting it any more, I really couldn't. My body was screaming at me, agony coursing through every inch of me. "Don't give up on me, please, you can't give in." How on earth was I giving up on him? by doing what exactly? Becoming a punch bag for the king and his family?"Look at me?! I'm broken, he's done it. Any form of hope I ever have just gets destroyed. I'll accept his stupid mark, maybe then my life might at least get a little easier." I sniffled as I hollowly spoke, my words were emotionless but my heart was anything but. The thought of actually accepting such a cruel sadistic man caused my breath to hitch. I'd be bound to him fo
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Chapter 35
Dylan POV I was already in bad shape, my mind was cloudy with constant reminder of what King Josh did. I don't care how mouthy I am or even if I deserved some form of disciplining, he went far too hard. "Do I have a choice?" We both knew the answer, I had absolutely no choice at all, what the king wants he gets. "I promise you... I won't let him touch you." How the beta can make a promise like that is beyond me, but he sounded sincere. I closed my eyes tight and tried to force the fear away as I heard his grace speaking outside the room. I forced myself to focus on the rhythmic movement on my back where the doctor was now applying some form of healing ointment, when I heard the door click open and closed. "Fucking hell..." The kings words rang through the room as his movements stopped dead and a chuckle met my ears. The bastard was laughing at my state, he found my torture and humiliation amusing, his chuckle made my stomach sink and the overwhelming urge to vomit struck me. Thi
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Chapter 36
POV Lewis. How the fuck could Josh think Dylan was able to travel? It wouldn't have been that unbelievable if it was just to a surrounding district, but another country entirely? That's disgusting even for him. I watched Josh take one last look at Dylan, I was on edge ready to intervene again if I needed to, but instead he let out a growl and stormed out of the room. "Why did you do that for me?" Dylan's quiet voice hit my ears and my head turned to find her beautiful gaze on me. I sighed, unsure as to why I was feeling my heart skip a beat whenever I looked at her lately. She was a puzzle to me, her strength alone had me mesmerized from the moment I met her, but that day, the day she attempted to end her life, that was the day I first felt it. A sort of bond, drawing me close to this beautiful girl. Her scent didn't entice me like a mates would, not in the slightest, but her touch slowly became a feeling I craved, the more I got to know her, the more besotted I became. "You don't
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Chapter 37
Dylan POVIt had been 6 days since the king left for Australia, and only just was I able to leave the hospital. I had been given explicit instructions to come back every couple of days for my burn treatments, but there wasn't much else that could be done about my back, except no vigorous activity. Was I still sore? Definitely. Was it manageable? Yes it was. My neck was very stiff from the lack of movement over the past week, but the palace had been so quiet without the king and so I really couldn't complain. Id had one visit from the dowager queen, and a small berating from her for being 'lazy', but overall it had been the most peaceful week I've had in months. Lewis had been acting strange, some days he had been quite distant and others, like today he had been very prominent. It's been nice having him here to be honest, it's almost as if he understands what I was going through. I know he couldn't, I know no one could understand to the full extent. Not even Nick, but having a friend
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Chapter 38
Dylan POV "1,2,3... 1,2,3..." A sigh left the queens mouth as the music was once again cut off due to me stepping on the feet of one of the butlers. "How many times must I say to keep your head up, and step lightly?!" The dowager queen began to yell at me again causing me to swallow thickly. We'd been at this for nearly a week now. I was once again able to wear the constricting dresses that I was first placed in, they just made dancing all the more difficult, my scars being on show were no longer a concern as the entire world had already seen them anyway, and on my feet lay a pair of delicate heels. "Again!" The music started and my head instantly went to my feet so I could see myself doing the steps, the butler took hold of both my waist and my hand and began to step. I tried to count in my head but I guess I was doing it out loud because the music once again abruptly stopped and the butler stepped away from me. "If you're going to count the steps like an idiot then the least you
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Chapter 39
Dylan POVThese lessons with the dowager queen Luna were proving to be a lot tougher than I first thought. We were currently walking down a long hallway decorated with large portraits of people, the queen was currently going through the history of the lycanthrope, while I was trying my hardest to retain the information she gave me. The issue was, I was having an extremely difficult time retaining the information, I wouldn't call her the best teacher in the world, because she wasn't teaching me, she was just telling me, I tried to take notes as we walked but it was becoming increasingly difficult. "Wait, can you please say that last thing again, your grace?" She stopped in her tracks and walked over to me, I quickly felt the slap of her ruler on my left hand yet again and my pen fell out of my grasp and hit the floor because of it. "Why should I even bother to continue when you clearly are not listening." I was though, I was listening as best as I could, but she was speaking too fast
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Chapter 40
Dylan POVAnother day, another lesson. These stupid royalty lessons we're becoming an absolute nightmare and simply consisted of a berating from her grace and nothing more. I was once again in the middle of a dance lesson, and growled silently as I once again stepped on Stewart's foot.Lewis had been distant, he’d been there wherever I went, but he kept at an arms length and hardly even spoke to me. I knew I’d fucked up, I knew it as soon as his eyes gravitated towards our conjoined hands, I will never make the same mistake again. “What is so difficult about this? Josh learnt this at the age of 5!” She quickly hit me upside the head and made my hair fly out of its tightly bound updo. I felt the clips pull the smallest strands of my hair causing me to wince. Feeling my hair pull hurt more than the queens actually hand. “Maybe it is your partner?” Yeah, maybe it was. I was trying my best to keep up with him, but the idiot butler seemed to be making it difficult for me to do so. The th
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