All Chapters of Red String Of Fate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
68 Chapters
Chapter 51 - Caught In The Act
Aian reached a hand out to gently ran his fingers through Kalvin’s hair. He had been trying to get up to make breakfast for a good ten minutes so far but his twin flame’s arms were wrapped around his waist in a death grip. He wiggled into a sitting position but Kalvin curled up around him even more and sleepily refused to let go. Aian would have found it cute if it hadn’t been for the fact that he wanted to eat something before he headed off for work. He opened his mouth to say something but his stomach beat him to it and emitted a loud rumble. A sleepy red eye opened and cast a rather ineffectual glare at the photographer’s stomach. Aian couldn’t hold back a giggle at the sight. Over the last week, Kalvin had pretty much gone back to his usual self except for a few extra touchy-feely moments. Aian quickly worked out that the man seemed to take a lot of reassurance from physical touch and reciprocated
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Chapter 52 - Misconceptions
“I was trying to get a shot of some creepy old politician rumored to be picking up some high school girls and spotted you. I recognized Fenellere from the photos from Officer Curtis. He’s been trying to bring him down for ages, he’s been getting on my case about doing stakeout work for him,” Ronn said then snorted in derision. “There’s big money in that scoop but nothing if you can’t get a damn picture.” The editor spoke up when Aian didn’t reply as the raven head was still staring blankly at the photos, his mind racing. “I thought you said you weren’t investigating him when you turned down that tip off,” the editor commented, confusion in his voice. Aian finally looked up to him, his eyes wide, the color draining from his face. “I-I’m not- I just....” Enji picked out a photo where Kalvin clearly had an arm around Aian’s waist and gave a low whistle, eyebrows shooting up. “I never took you to be t
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Chapter 53 - Witnessing Fate
Aian had finally gotten Kalvin’s approval to have their story run in the twin flame magazine he took photos for, provided Kalvin’s name was kept anonymous. So he ran through the basic details with the editor and owner of the magazine, Lori, just like he promised a few weeks ago. She was so excited and happy for him that it made him a little embarrassed at times. It was nice to have a reminder over just how special their relationship is and how lucky they were to have found each other. Lori was relieved to be able to publish their happy story in this month’s edition, all the other major stories they had were on the tearful, depressing side. They didn’t want to discourage anyone in their search for their own twin flame after all. Details written down on the small notebook that Lori carried and coffee all finished, they made to leave the small coffee shop where they had been holed up. Aian caught Dale’s att
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Chapter 54 - A Friend’s Predicament
Aian waved off his guards and bounced up the steps to Brent’s apartment. He knocked on the door to announce his presence before just letting himself in and slipping his shoes off. A yell indicated that his friends must be in the lounge. As he made his way further inside, he discovered his two best friends on the couch. Sam lay spread across the couch with his head in Brent’s lap, arm thrown across his face, hiding it. “Hey guys! What’s up?” “Hey, Yanyan, Sam’s having an existential crisis,” Brent said with an exasperated smile. “Really? Why?” Brent laughed and poked his platonic twin flame on the shoulder. Sam groaned but otherwise didn’t respond. Aian took a seat on the floor in front of the couch and looked at Brent curiously. “So, what’s going on?” “I was kind of hoping you might have some advice for our poor confused friend here and I thought that a game nigh
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Chapter 55 - The Not So Friendly Cop
Aian was glad to have his regular guards back. He only had Kalvin’s guards for one day but they were so stiff and boring. If he was to be followed around all day and babysat, he could at least enjoy the company. It had been a week since the coffee shop twin flame incident and Aian had been pleased to hear that Dale and Lori’s first date had gone well. Dale actually pulled Aian aside one time when he went to the office to meet Kalvin for lunch and thanked him for being the catalyst of their meeting. He still offered his thanks even after the photographer tried to say he wasn’t really responsible. He had even overheard Blake say he had never seen the stoic bodyguard so happy before. The man could always be seen with a slight smile gracing his lips now. Aian secretly thought the whole thing was a little bit cute. He was exiting the newspaper office with more concrete information over where Scot
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Chapter 56 - Tight Corner
Kalvin was fuming. Caleb had reported the incident between his twin flame and the police officer a few hours ago and he still couldn’t calm the anger surging through his veins. Aian had burned off his frustrations over the whole thing and was already tucked up at the penthouse for an afternoon nap. Unfortunately, Kalvin was held up at the office and unable to join his little lover. Even Aian finally treating the penthouse as a second home couldn’t lift his mood up. Even worse was that none of his contacts within the police could confirm if something was about to happen. He knew Officer Curtis and the man wouldn’t confront Aian unless they were about to make a move. Nevi was still on the loose as well. A heavy foreboding feeling sat in his gut. Aian had a last minute stakeout planned for tonight, having only just confirmed the location that morning. The warehouse l
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Chapter 57 - A Heart’s Plight
“Mr. Fenellere,” Blake bowed formally as he entered his office once again. His secretary- slash- cousin had been back and forth periodically this evening keeping him up to date with all the proceedings. “Nevi has lost his tail,” he informed him, his voice clipped as he spoke quickly to convey his message. “How?” Kalvin snarled, his emotions briefly breaking through his appearance of calm. “The two tracking him had not reported in on time and two men were dispatched to follow up. They discovered one of the club’s waitresses, Sallie Mason, in the process of moving their drugged bodies.” “Were they able to get any information from her?” “No. She has refused to say a word; however, the drug she gave the two men is similar to that which was supposed to have been slipped to Aian, only stronger in potency. Both men have been rushed to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. The doses were such that it mi
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Chapter 58 - Chaos
A few moments earlier… It was a little unsettling having such a large escort. Aian had somehow gotten used to three people tailing him at all times but to suddenly double it? Six people felt like way too many. They were approaching the warehouses on foot and slowly, different people peeled off to take up their positions. Three maintained at the look out locations outside while three escorted Aian in to the building. The third guard accompanying the photographer inside disappeared off to the other side of the warehouse, leaving Aian with Caleb and a guard called Shawn to make their way to the unused second story walkway that ran along the warehouse walls. Shawn was one of Kalvin’s guards who had been originally assigned to his security team before they changed. He remembered the not quite a litany that the man had told him a little earlier. “Mr
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Chapter 59 - Obsession
Tears blurred Aian’s vision and he felt rather than saw a hand reach around to pull out his earpiece. It was dropped to the ground to be crushed into the concrete by a shiny black shoe. “Can’t have any of that now, can we, little whore?” His vision swam but Aian recognized the voice. He was forcefully wrenched up, still by the hair, and dragged back out of the gun fight and behind some crates. Every step was agony and his left arm hung limply at a strange angle by his side. They paused there for barely a minute before he was being pulled from the building by a back entrance and thrown in a car. Nevi forced him across the backseat and handcuffed him to the seat belt. He quickly slammed the door shut and strode around the car before slipping into the driver’s seat. The car roared to life then they were racing away from the warehouse. Aian whimpered as pain shot through him with every bump of the vehicle.
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Chapter 60 - Frail
The rest of the trip to wherever they were going was quiet. Nevi seemed lost in his own thoughts so Aian used the time to gauge his injuries. His right arm was handcuffed to the seat belt and other than some tenderness, it appeared to be okay. His left arm wasn’t so fortunate, though. It was clearly broken, part of his arm hanging limp at an unnatural angle. The break was in his forearm, a bit before his elbow. He must have landed on that arm during his fall. It hurt like hell. The pain radiated out from the break and seemed to crawl up his arm. Every bump in the road speared new pain through him in an agonizing jolt that had his eyes watering and he bit his lip to stop from crying out loud. Not the time to be a wuss about things now. Aian was dizzy and could barely feel the rest of his body. He wondered if he had hit his head during the fall too. He must have, surely. Especially considering he blacked out
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