All Chapters of Hockey Alphas - Pawns For Pucks: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
75 Chapters
31. For Real?
I trudged up the steps to where Alec was sitting, the cold metal of the bleachers biting through the fabric of my pants as I sat down next to him."Hey man," I ventured, breaking the silence.Alec grunted a "hey," not bothering to look at me. His eyes fixed on the emptying rink. Something was off. I could feel the energy of his foul mood radiating from him. "Did I make you mad or something? You know I don't want your position, right?" I added, hoping to lighten his mood or at least get him to talk.He huffed. "Yeah, I know."His answer left me more bewildered than reassured. What was his problem then? We shared a room. I didn't want our relationship to be strained, especially not when I was just starting to fit in. "What did I do to upset you then?" I pressed.Alec turned to look at me, his expression hard to read. "I'm not upset at you," he finally said."Then what is it, Alec? You're acting so strange now," I pushed, not ready to drop it. There was something more going on with him,
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32. I'm Good
The early morning chill had yet to dissipate when I jolted awake, anticipating the usual rush to class because I had overslept. Still half-asleep, I shuffled out of bed, reaching for my jersey to throw on over my dark-colored undershirt from last night. That's when Alec, already more alert and upright as usual, threw me a curveball. "No dude, it's Wednesday. You gotta wear the uniform today." Another rule I had yet to catch. The constant onslaught of Ironcrest's regulations seemed endless, and I still fumbled through most of them. And there I was, unprepared to change into my uniform shirt in front of Alec. Alec, noticing my hesitation, nonchalantly added, "I'll tie your tie, don't worry," before returning his gaze to his book. It seemed he was back to his usual self. Very observant and precise. Though it was odd he had waited around for me to wake up. Usually, when I woke up this late, he was already long gone. Our conversations and bonding over yesterday's issue over practic
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33. Fluent
My first French class at Ironcrest was with Alec, Kris, and Bear. I spotted Bear taking a seat at the back of the room. Based on our brief but practical Russian lessons, I started towards him, hoping to partner up.Kris intercepted me with a playful block, grinning broadly. "Nope, you're with me. I'm the only lonely one in here," he declared with a playful pout.He wasn't lying. Across the room, Alec had already claimed a seat beside Nick, leaving Kris evidently solo until my arrival. Reluctantly, I followed him to his desk, a little disappointed but curious about what dynamic Kris would bring to our partnership. I wanted to learn here but wasn't sure Kris was the best partner to help me comprehend something. This was one place where his constant playfulness seemed like it would cause more issues than anything else. As the class commenced, I was quickly wrapped up by the vibrant energy of learning a new language. The teacher, a vibrant woman with a sharp accent, launched into a re
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34. Pizza
After the exhilarating class with Mr. Sherman, we all trudged back to the dorm through the thick blanket of snow that had started to settle more deeply around the campus pathways. Jules wrapped his arm around me, joking as he pulled me close, "You did awesome today, shorty. Are you sure you're not from some super secret southern monster-hunting family or something?" He meant it in jest, but it struck a nerve closer to home than he could have realized. He kept his arm around me the rest of the way, guiding me in and around the snowy paths as the other guys tossed snowballs at one another and played like little kids in front of us. As we approached the dormitory entrance, I awkwardly shrugged off his arm. "Hey, look... I didn't get lost in the snow... that's like snow 0, me 10 now." I caught Kris giving us a strange look from a few steps away. It reminded me that he had tried to put his arm around me earlier. What was that about? One thing I didn't realize about male camaraderie
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35. Despite the Clichés
As I approached Peter's room in the infirmary, my mind was a jumble. Wanda just waved me through, hardly looking up as I carried a couple of slices of pizza to Peter. Pushing open the door, I found him sitting up, looking markedly better than the last time I was here. Both of his eyes were finally open, and the bruise covering the entire side of his face was finally fading to almost nothing. "Hey, you're looking a lot better," I remarked, genuinely relieved to see him recovering. "Thanks, dude. I feel much better, thankfully. My parents were threatening to come get me if I didn't get out of this bed soon. So, they're letting me go back to class... and even to practice tomorrow," Peter responded. I handed him the pizza, and he started eating it immediately. The food here was torturing him here, too. I wondered if anyone else was bringing him stuff to hold him over like they were me. Surely they were. "You made the team?" This was a new development. I looked for his name on the l
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36. Curves
Cam laughed, realizing who he had just saved from face-planting into the frigid snow. With a smirk, he blocked my only path back to the dorm. Trapped, my options dwindled to scaling snow banks or retreating back to the infirmary in the dark. "Well, well, out past curfew? In this snow? That's bold for a newbie from the South," he taunted. "Bet you were counting on your height to hide you, eh?" Jules's warning echoed in my head, loud and clear. Give him an inch, and he'll take a mile. I had to shut this down. "Move," I snapped. "Not in the mood, Cam." His laughter rumbled through the cold air. "Funny you think I'd listen to you." I glanced past him, plotting my escape, and shot back, "Funny seeing you alone... Don't you need your minions flanking you to feel big?" That hit a nerve. In an instant, he shoved me against a snow wall, lifting me off my feet. His eyes locked onto mine. "I don't need anything but a reason, little man...and those pretty green eyes are reason enough." Hi
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37. Beside Me
I jolted awake to Adrien's hushed voice talking to someone at the door. "Sorry, man, I should have mentioned," he whispered. "He's fine, just sleeping in here." I rolled over just in time to catch one of the twins poking his head through the doorway.Sitting up, I noticed the extra pillows on the bed weren't for me but for the space beside me. And Adrien's bed? It seemed untouched. The new pillows on my bed had clearly been moved over from his. His books were still open on the made bed, and notes were still piled where he'd left them last night.It sure as hell looked like Adrien had slept beside me.Why did he seem so damn lonely? For someone blessed with a private room, he seemed desperate for company.The door burst open, and Alec stormed in. "What the hell? What happened now?""He's okay, don't worry," Adrien reassured as Alec brushed past him aggressively. Adrien stumbled back, catching himself on the doorframe, and shot him a look. Which Alec missed entirely.Alec marched over
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38. Hold On
We made our way to the dining hall, and just as the building came into view, my foot caught on a curb still hidden under the snow, sending me staggering forward. Adrien was quick, his arm shooting out to steady me. He wrapped his arm around me and didn't let go after that. Adrien was now doing it, too. This strange, protective closeness that was becoming all too familiar. His grip remained firm around my shoulders as we walked the rest of the way to the dining hall, despite my weak attempts to shrug him off a couple times. The dining hall was busy...too busy. The smell of boys, some freshly showered, others seemingly forgotten what a shower even is, hit me in the face. It seemed like the entire school was there, making it feel like we had walked into a chaotic storm about to explode. Students flocked around Adrien as if he was the gravitational center of the room. I tried to slip away, preferring the outskirts instead of being in the eye of the storm, but Adrien caught my arm.
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39. Pushing the Pace
Coop descended the steps to the glass, where I could see him clearly. He had ditched the three-piece suit I'd seen him in last time for jeans and a dark hoodie. More like someone I might meet in a casual setting than the imposing figure I remembered. He gestured towards a secluded area by the wall where we could talk without being overheard. He did something unexpected as I approached. He leaned in and sniffed me. It was bizarre, to say the least. Drawing back, he locked eyes with me and said, "You have to use the stuff I sent you. You're only inviting trouble if you don't." "What are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely perplexed. He lowered his voice, glancing around before continuing. "A lot of the guys around you are starting to hit puberty, or already have, which can bring heightened senses. The shampoo will dull it." Heightened senses? Was he suggesting they could smell that I was a girl? That was all I needed...another source of constant anxiety. But how? They were
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40. Mock
The coach had devised a mock game for tomorrow's lineup against the main practice team, turning today's session into a real-time simulation. It was a test of our skills and our ability to adapt on the fly. He kept Alec on the ice with me, assigning him to give me constant pointers. As we started, I noticed a change in Alec. He seemed to genuinely enjoy coaching me, and his demeanor was a far cry from the tension at the beginning of this. Maybe he wasn't as bothered as I had thought, or perhaps this was just his way of asserting control in a different way. Peter caught my eye from across the ice as we lined up for the mock opening face-off. He was grinning broadly, clearly thrilled to be out here playing, even if it was only on the practice team. However, that joy was overshadowed by the fresh bruise marring his face, dark and severe. It looked recent and painful. The mock game started, and I held my own for the first few minutes. Alec skated close by, offering tips and correctio
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