All Chapters of Married my Ex-husband's Elder Brother!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
171 Chapters
In about an hour, nearing six pm in the evening, Ashton and Ivy arrive.Liam literally hugs his big sister and hug her. While pretending to be a cool and suave man, he extends his hand for an handshake with Ashton who just laughs and pulls him in for a hug, an extra large one."Where is everyone?""All's served and we're at the table already. Come on. It's like I'm the only one here who's waiting for you guys to arrive.""What about Grant?" Ivy asks as she steps inside and inhales deeply. There's the smell of a combination of spices in the air."He had business in the main city so he's not coming back tonight."Ivy nods, her head still in the past. Those days, she had watched her mum take so many cooking and baking classes so as to be good at it, she had been so bad once that even the morning pancakes were mini disasters on plates. But she took the classes seriously and now she can qualify to be a world class chef and patisserie as well.Ashton also inhaled. "Wow. This place smells lik
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Secrets in the Club
Richard drives to a club in the main city, amidst the din and extreme noise in the building, the pounding music and bass, ths gyrating going on on the dance floor, he finds his way to the bar and grabs himself a bar stool before settling down. "Please give me a glass of whiskey.""Ice?""Nah, raw. I need to wash some things off my mind tonight."The barman nods and gets to work and in a minute, he places a whiskey filled glass in front of Richard who grabs it and swishes it around before taking the first drink from it.He swings his chair around and watches the crowd dancing... "I wish I could be so carefree as well. What I'll give to be on that dance floor right now, dancing the night away."Whilst cleaning the glasses, the barman tilts his head to the side. "Why aren't you there though?"Richard snickers. "What's going on right now with me will not give me the freedom I need to dance with pretty ladies.""Wanna share?"Richard cocks his head to the side and regards the man. "And why
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The Missing Influencer.
It's Monday morning, Ashton the first to wake up as he does always and he makes breakfast for Ivy and brings it to her in bed.He taps her awake gently until she wakes up, sitting on the bed. "Good morning." He greets and moves in for a kiss.She smiles at the beautiful smell of the food and suddenly jumps off the bed. "No, you can't kiss me yet."Ashton furrows his eyebrows. "Ah, this is this morning's episode?"Ivy shrugs helplessly. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet." She enlarges her eyes and drops her voice down to a whisper. "I'm actually scared for you."Ashton laughs lightly, dropping the small plate of jam and toast and the cup of orange juice on the bedstand. "You manage to make me laugh every single morning. Though it's always a different matter."Ivy laughs lightly. "It puts me in a good mood to do so, so win win?"She walks around the bed and returns to where Ashton is seated. She pecks him the cheek. "I'll get freshened up real quick and join you for a proper breakfast? I
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Cra(z)y Mike
Ivy gets up from the chair she's reclining on and comes to join Ashton on the couch. "You spoke to her last?"Ashton nods. "Yes. I called her with Andrew's phone to see who was going to pick up and she did. She was the one behind your kidnap."Ivy is more taken aback. "You didn't tell me.""I'm sorry. I wanted to get her first before saying anything, she ran away after that call, that's the moment I last spoke or even heard at all from her. I didn't even suspect anything about going missing because I never check her accounts to know if she posted or not. Now, she's missing. Could I possibly..."Ivy shakes her head immediately. "You didn't cause that. That's because of the poor decisions she has made in her lifetime. She's probably missing of her own accord, let's not sweat it. She knew you had found out what she did and ran. Her manager just said it that she ran out of her own accord and took a taxi. I won't be surprised if she just took a plane and ran to another country. Don't sweat
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Loved Ones
In a few hours, Ashton dials Ivy and asks her to meet him downstairs for lunch.She sighs and stretches her back, standing up from the chair she's been sitting in for hours, perusing documents and going through the ledgers and account books where, of course, there are tons of anomalies. Money missing which should be somewhere or money is where it isn't supposed to be, all just terribly jumbled up and named an account book.Ivy grabs her bag and jacket and heads down where Ashton really is waiting for her, leaning on the car right at the door, the valet sweating.Ivy chuckles at his nervous look and enters the car along with Ashton before driving. "Did you scare the valet?"Ashton laughs. "He's a shaky guy. I told him I was waiting for you to join me and he started to sweat profusely, maybe he thought we were going to scold him or something."Ivy laughs. "I guess he needs to see the good side of us so all misunderstandings will be cleared up. So where are we off to?""It's Bluehill tod
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How "Beautiful"
Richard wakes up to a pounding, terrible headache early the afternoon of the day after his rendezvous at the bar. He groans as he sits up in an unfamiliar room. He looks around and finds his phone on the bedstand. He manages to pick it up and checks the time.It's two twenty eight in the afternoon."Fuck. I slept for so long. Where am I?" He sits on the edge of the bed and holds his head in his hands. Right opposite him, there's a long standing mirror and he looks into it to see his own very disheveled form. At the right side of his forehead is a red swell.Richard raises his hand and touches the spot. "Ouch." It's very tender. Suddenly, everything from the previous night starts coming back to him in snatches. Just a few things... He had met Arielle and then passed out. Why? He hadn't even drank much when she showed up so why did he pass out?He looks around again and gets off the bed. "Where the fuck am I?" He asks himself and he remembers leaving the club, stumbling along with a lad
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"Is this the place?" Ashton questions, alighting the car, his gaze fixed on the dimly lit apartment in front of them. He had taken the location from the man in his office earlier and he and Ivy now stands in front of the apartment that Tiara's phone tracking stands right over."Yeah, this is the exact location we traced Tiara's number. Tiara must be in there, and also whoever is keeping her," Ivy responds with a slight look of nervousness. No one knew what happened to Tiara, no one knew if she was dead or kidnapped, so they knew the best thing they could do was keep their guards high while going into the apartment in case they encounter any dangerous entity."Stay close," Ashton bellows cautiously as they began to advance forward and head towards the building. The building looked like a two-story building with cracked walls and faded paint. There was no light around the environment, making it give some kind of creepy vibe."The door is unlocked?" Surprised, Ashton speaks softly as he
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Something Very Off with Arielle.
"What? What do you mean switched off?" Ashton blurts out with a surprised look after hearing Ivy's words."Wait, I'll try it again." Ivy then proceeded to dial the number again, but was met with the same result. "It is switched off," Ivy informed, her voice filled with disappointment."It means someone heard the phone ring when we called earlier and must have suspected that we would track it down, so they turned the phone off," Ashton spoke, his gaze fixated on Arielle who just stood there in silence, a look of indifference evident on her face, amidst her inner turmoil."What have you done with Tiara!" Ivy exclaimed, attempting to attack Arielle, but Ashton held her back. "She wasn't the best human but I'm certain she was way better than you. Didn't go behind anyone to get another's man for herself and betraying her friend for the man, but you? You're the worst of the lot.""What's with you guys? Why are you still suspecting me when my innocence has been proven?" Arielle questioned wi
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Inside what is a neatly and well made room in the Hall family mansion, Veronica Hall is standing in front of a round mirror while applying some slight makeup to her face. She hadn't realized earlier that she ran out of groceries, and now that she was in need of them, she had to head over to the grocery store quickly to get some. After applying some makeup and making sure she was decently dressed, she picked up her purse and headed out of the room, informing Damien of her whereabouts.She took a car from home and chose a driver to drop her off, choosing to enjoy the breeze at the back of the car rather than drive. At the market and grocery store, she walks along the streets where several other people could be seen going about their own businesses, each trying to lure her into buying from them. Having the rich woman look around her and the elegance that seems to not be so far from her, Veronica manages to take note of everything around her, smiling at the cute things and frowning at som
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At the Store.
Ashton and Ivy makes their way back to the car after their unfruitful meeting with Arielle, and they both sat down inside with a look of defeat etched on their faces."Arielle is definitely hiding something," Ivy spoke up, still doubting the fact that Arielle was innocent."Well, I did search every corner of her apartment, but Tiara was nowhere to be found," Ashton let out a sigh of defeat while resting his hands on the wheel."It's possible she hid Tiara before we arrived. Didn't you see how nervous she looked when we asked to search the apartment?" The nervous expression that appeared on Arielle's face back then was really hard for Ivy to forget.It was almost like she didn't want Ashton searching the place, but if she should protest, it would only make her look suspicious."Let's just head back and carry out more investigation on Arielle since she's our main suspect right now," Ashton responded as he attempted to start the car, but the sound of Ivy's phone ringing made him pause in
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