All Chapters of Louisa Unchained: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
262 Chapters
Chapter 31
  Louisa’s POV  I poured the compote into a bamboo bowl and handed it to Darren.  "I’m so sorry to hear that." I said.  "Sorry, Lisa." Darren said, "I shouldn’t have mentioned this to you. I have never told this to anyone."  "It’s OK. You know, in the past, my stepbrother used to beat me. I felt so wronged and unfair, but I couldn’t fight him, because I’m weak. Sometimes I cried so hard at night that I just couldn’t go to sleep. At that time, Uma would come to me and encourage me to talk about what happened. I found that a problem shared is a problem halved. Sometimes, we just have to let things out instead of disgusting them by ourselves."  "I’m sorry for pretending to be Uma. Master wants me to make you happy. He caught a White Walker soldier and asked him to describe Uma to me. I tried my best to become her, but I guess I’m just too useless…"  "Don’t say that. You’ve done a great job. I really wish she could be still alive, even if it’s just an illusion. That’s why I didn’t w
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Chapter 32
  Louisa’s POV  The walk to the cottage was dreadful.  I had never walked to the heart of the forest before.  Tree branches trees were getting denser, twisting and covering sunlight and scratching the sky, like they were there at the beginning of time.  My old nanny used to tell me bedtime stories, saying that in the deepest part of the forest, where time has no meaning, the incredible waterfall descends endlessly over the rocks. In the distance, the songs, clicks, and whistles of birds give approval to the gentle rain.  But the forest where I was walking in reminded me nothing of a tranquilizing scene from a bedtime story.  It was completely silent and the silence was slowly eating me alive.  Finn was walking next to me. He must have detected my anxiety and used his nose to poke my hand.  "Is that normal for a forest to be this silent?" I whispered to Finn.  Finn shook his head. He didn't look worried, but he wasn't relaxed, either.  I could tell something was wrong. But wi
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Chapter 33
  Louisa's POV  We've spent almost a whole morning cleaning up the mess in the cottage.  Apparently, Finn had no intention of helping with the chores, so he went out hunting in the forest by himself.  As soon as he was gone, Darren asked me nervously, "Did you mention the transfer of the imprint to Master?"  I nodded while whisking away the dust on a blanket.  "He didn't say anything," I replied.  Darren's face darkened immediately.  I tried to cheer him up.  "Hey, I guess it's a good thing. At least he didn't say no."  Darren shook his head and looked disappointed.  "Master loves you. If he didn't want to transfer my imprint to you, it means that I would stay as his possession for the rest of my life."  I bit my lips. I hated seeing him being demotivated like this, but I couldn't think of anything to prove that Finn would agree to give him to me. So I said, "Darren, you're my friend. I want to see you happy. I promise that I'll ask him again. We'll sort out something."  D
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Chapter 34
  Louisa's POV  Darren stood up reluctantly and said, "Lisa, you don't have to apologize to me. You've done nothing wrong. It must be so hard to have another being living inside of you, talking to you in your mind like that. Master sometimes gets moody as well because of his wolf. He would beat and torture me for pleasure. I really don't mind. I'm used to it. That's what I was born and trained for. So next time, if you feel bored or angry, or I might say something that you don't like, feel free to punish me. You can do whatever you want to me. It's totally OK. But please don't walk away..."  Darren was very reserved and calm whenever he was talking about his traUmatic experience. It felt as if he was talking about somebody else's story. This made me feel so sorry for him.  I couldn't help but hug him tightly and cried a river against his bare chest.  His skin was warm and smooth. I could feel the shivering of his body. It seemed that he was hot and cold at the same time.  I could
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Chapter 35
  Lucas' POV  Fuck.  I enjoy hunting. It's the forth best thing I enjoy doing in the world, ranking closely next to fucking, drinking and cursing.  My wolf is a fucking killing machine. He is able to kill almost any fucking moving thing in this fucking world and whenever I ask him to kill, he has to obey my commands and...  "I don't want to kill a rabbit. They taste like paper," my wolf said.  "It's a fucking rabbit. That she-wolf might throw it into a stew or something. I don't know. Do what you've been fucking told," I grumbled.  "No. I don't like rabbits. I'll look for a boar or something. She needs something fattening." My wolf grunted. That fucking rabbit heard his voice and sneaked away right under his nose.  OK. So my wolf is a very critical eater. He sometimes defies me and I can't do anything about it, because what do I know? I'm just a fucking voice blabbing in his head.  "What's the deal with that fucking vampire?" I asked him.  "Since when did you care about the v
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Chapter 36
 Lucas' POV  "You can't kill all the rogues." Both Lucian and my wolf said in one voice.  Fucking rogues. They're like cockroaches.  "They've brought me way too many troubles. It's like whack-a-mole. When you solve one problem, the others just keep popping up. We're moving to the fucking South next year. I hate keeping an eye behind my back all the time. We'll be fucking fighting enemies in front and rear."  Lucian said, "How about not killing the rogues and trying to look for the cure for this disease? If you help them, they'll owe you a great favor. People intend to cause less trouble to their savior instead of the killer. You'll be a benevolent prince in their eyes instead of a demonic creature."  I didn't give a shit about pretending to be a fucking doe-eyed prince.  I am who I am. You either yield to me or die in front of me.  "Only dead people won't be able to cause any trouble to me. They'll thank me for ending their miserable cowardly lives. Trust me. They're rouges. Th
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Chapter 37
  Lucas's POV  "Yes, Master." He replied in a trembling voice.  "Sorry, Lisa," he turned to the she-wolf and said, "I have to tie you up in the room. It's for your own good. Master is worried... that you might run away..."  His lips were crumpling, barely managed to get the words out.  The she-wolf was shocked. Her eyes widened with bewilderment.  "What... What do you mean, Darren...?" she asked.  The warlock didn't say a word, took some ropes from the wall, and tied them to the collar on her neck.  "Darren, please don't do this to me... I promise I won't go anywhere..." the she-wolf pleaded with tears in her eyes.  The warlock's eyes became glassy as well. He quickly tied up her wrists and ankles, removed the pot of soup from the furnace, and walked out of the room, leaving the she-wolf crying and begging in the room.  I looked at them with sadistic pleasure.  "You're so pathetic." my wolf said to me as I walked out of the yard.  I morphed into myself, grabbed the warlock'
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Chapter 38
 Louisa's POV  When Darren walked back into the room, I noticed that his face was swollen and bruised.  He kneeled down and tried to untie me, but he failed.  I could see that he was exhausted.  "What has he done to you? Has he beaten you?" I asked.  He didn't say a word, still trying to untie me.  "Darren..."  "Lisa, could you please..." he interrupted me, "Just don't say anything, please."  He looked so pale. His hair was a mess. His pants were torn.  He was shaking like a leaf.  I zipped up my mouth immediately. My heart was bleeding.  I wished I could hold him, but my hands were tied.  Tears dropped down my cheeks like rivers. I just couldn't hold them back.  "I'm sorry, Lisa. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I know you're worried about me." He lowered his head and whispered, licking his ruptured lips.  His hands were shivering. His tears were dropping on my hands.  After he eventually untied my hands, I held him in my arms and cried out loudly.  "I'm fine
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Chapter 39
 Louisa's POV  "I don't know exactly what happened to me..." The weasel replied as I was dipping some bandages in a bowl of Spilanthes potion.  I saw Uma had done it once before she removed some rotten ulcer of a soldier.  After applying the bandages on the wound, the flesh around the wounds would be anesthetized.  Then, hopefully, I could remove the rotten tissues from his legs.  Mr. Weasel was hanging in my arms and refused to go anywhere else.  He looked so cute, so I stroked him gently on his back. It made him very happy.  He continued, "...I was walking to a pond in the forest the other day, looking for some frogs or lizards for my family. Then, I saw a man with mad eyes flying towards me..."  "Flying?" I couldn't believe what I'd heard.  "Yeah, I know. Crazy, right? I want to tell everyone in my family, but I highly doubt that they'll believe me. I'm confused right now. Normally, people walk. They don't fly. But I really saw him flying in the air, with long hair flying
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Chapter 40
 Louisa's POV  I didn't know why Mr. Weasel didn't like Darren.  I didn't see any bad aura around Darren.  He was always sad. That was true.  I washed and chopped the vegetables while telling myself in my mind.  I couldn't get rid of the horrible image of a flying vampire with a pair of mad eyes in the dark forest. Long black hair and razor-like long nails.  What possibly is a vampire looking for in the middle of the day in the woods? I thought to myself.  "Lisa, what do you want me to do with the meat?"  I was pulled back to reality by Darren's voice.  Mr. Weasel was snorting heavily around my neck. I guessed it was because of the side effect of anesthesia.  I answered, "I've made some cumin sauce, and let's soak all the ingredients inside."  Darren nodded.  He looked at Mr. Weasel, frowned, and asked, "Do you want to put him down?"  "He's not that heavy. He's just fluffy. I can barely feel him." I smiled at Darren and put the diced meat into a bowl of sauce.  Darren sn
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