All Chapters of ENTANGLED WITH HER ALPHA STEPBROTHERS: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
164 Chapters
LOGANUnlike other businessmen, I never accepted defeat no matter how impossible a goal seemed.That’s why I employed private investigators and fixers to get me into the inner circles of the billionaires I targeted to invest in my countless projects. I always made it seem like our meeting was fated and then, I swooped in and bagged them.This time, the big fish I was planning to score was a bloody rich woman who came from old money and had never worked a day in her life, yet her source of income never ran dry.She was hard to bump into, so the second I got word from a private investigator that he got me entry into a charity event under her foundation, I dropped everything and got ready to leave. I checked Ashley’s office first to see if she was available to accompany me but she was out on business so I was stuck with Scarlett’s overbearing ass.When I informed her that we’d be attending a charity event for disabled and underprivileged children, I was strangely taken aback that she qui
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141: Contented
SCARLETTI’m sitting across a man who holds my entire heart in his palms, decidedly so.He’s somehow pulling off a light blue suit, looking like the best thing to have ever happened since the marvelous invention of chocolates.We’ve just finished having the best dinner date I’ve ever been on and now he's feeding me dessert while going on about how the interview process for a new employee at the cafe was the funniest task he's ever been saddled with.Instead of being invested in the conversation, I’m too distracted by the two tickets sitting in my purse to the all white party Ashley invited me to. The moment she suggested that I bring a date, Blake was the first person that came to mind.However, I knew that bringing him as my date would only raise suspicions and I couldn't risk ruining the beautiful thing we had blossomed into.“Let’s get out of here,” I whispered to him, my eyes sending a message that he couldn't possibly miss.“Shit, yeah,” he chuckled, smiling like a teenage boy th
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142: Must be hallucinating
SCARLETTMy hands were ruffling through my tangled curls and struggling to pull them into a bun for work when I heard my phone ping with a notification.Thinking that it was a text about the package I’d been waiting on for a week, I hurried to grab my phone off my bed. Only for my smile to fall when I saw that the text was from the worst person possible.Logan.Couldn't he wait a few more minutes until I was at work to ruin my day? I murmured to myself as I unlocked my phone.Logan: take the day off to get ready for the all-white party tonight. I’ll work from home.I blinked thrice. Then four more times before reading the text a second and third time to be sure I hadn't imagined the words. When I confirmed that they were real, I grabbed my pillow and screamed excitedly into it.I didn't dare question it, only the gods knew why Logan’s behavior was as questionable and unpredictable as it was, but I wasn't about to bug myself with the specifics when it was finally working in my favor.I
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143: Gone Boy
LOGANI could hear my heartbeat drumming in my ears as it tripled.Something alerted me that Ashley could probably hear it too because she kept glancing away from the host she was just cornering into a deal to sneak frowns in my direction. I held her gaze and reminded myself of her beauty each time, just to convince myself that my picking heart rate was as a result of the endless love I had for her.But my wolf kept snickering at me like that couldn't be further from the truth.And then seconds later, I realized why he’d done that. A force that nearly crippled my entire being made me look towards the door and I dragged in a sharp breath that I nearly tripped on nothing. The startling after effect caused my champagne glass to slip and shatter at my feet.Scarlett in white was the most magnificent view I’d ever laid eyes on.As soon as I saw her walk into the hall, my heart rate skyrocketed and my senses dulled to every sight that wasn’t her and any sound that wasn't from her.Her slend
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144: Shared Pains
LOGANThis was the perfect time to ask her, no doubt.I refused to overthink it, I went right to it as soon as the thought popped into my head. I’d put off asking about it for long enough just because I didn't want to come off as desperate.“As soon as we get to the office, I expect you to forward Mrs. Walsh’s personal contact details to me,” I ended up demanding instead of asking like I’d planned to.An unamused chuckle left her lips and then she adjusted her seatbelt so she could turn to fully face me. “If you're going to ask for the one thing no businessman has ever laid hands on that I happened to bag with ease, you should ask nicely.”The smug tone she chose made a nerve twitch in my temple, I could feel my annoyance rising to the brim. It was far too easy for her to get under my skin these days, I needed to fix that.“You work for me, for fuck’s sake. You should've sent that information to me the second you learned that it was nearly impossible to find because whatever fattens t
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SCARLETTHe could’ve burnt to ashes, and yet he didn't seem to care.The cut that caused him to take a risk so life threatening wasn't even worth it. The fact that it was caused by a silver object must've startled him, but I was much stronger than he knew and I’d have healed anyway.I tried to explain that I could wait until we got to work, but he seemed far too concerned to wait.For someone who’d nearly emptied the air from my lungs twice out of anger, it was disturbing that he’d go under the scorching sun that triggered his curse just to clean a tiny injury.The only other person I’d seen him express such concern and care about was Ashley, so I wasn't sure what to think when he expressed it to me for the first time. Maybe I was overthinking things and Ashley had forced him to be nicer to me or something, that made much more sense than assuming that Logan genuinely cared about me.But aside from his unwarranted sacrifice, our nearness also struck a nerve I didn't know he was capable
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146: Losing it
LOGAN“Do you understand what I need?” I asked Silas, my most trusted private investigator who was on the other end of the call.“Absolutely boss, I’m adding a trusted contact to the call now who’ll put you through what’s required of you,” he said just before I heard the beep that indicated that someone else had been added to the call.Just as Silas’s contact greeted me, my office door was pushed open, and a frowning Ashley walked in. She didn't give me her usual smile that brightened my day, instead, she refused to meet my eyes and headed to the couch in the corner of my office and plopped down on it.I could easily tell that she was upset, so as important as the call was, I knew I had to get off and find out who’d ruined my sweet Ashley’s mood.“Can we reschedule this call for the next ten minutes? An emergency just came up and I need to attend to it immediately,” I rushed out.“Ten minutes, no more,” came Silas’s contact’s impatient reply before the line went dead.I disregarded th
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147: Wedding Dream
LOGANThe wedding procession was everything Ashley had dreamt of, I knew that because she’d gone off about her dream wedding countless times since we were teenagers.I was thrilled that she was finally getting what she deserved, especially since I was the reason she hadn't gotten it all these years. It made my heart absolutely full to know that she was experiencing a fraction of the immense happiness she effortlessly brought me.A veil was covering her stunning face as she repeated the wedding vows after the elder and my heart leaped for joy.When she was done, I wiped a tear away from my left eye and she chuckled at how emotional she made me before I started to repeat the vows after the elder as well. He joined our hands and the moonstone between us glowed to seal our matrimonial vows.“Do you both vow to be each other’s fated spouses in this life and every life after?” the elder asked the last question.“I do,” we chorused together, sounding giddy as hell.“You may kiss your Luna,”
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148: Opening Up
SCARLETTI felt a presence overshadowing me, so heavily that it was impossible to ignore it and enjoy my sleep.When my wolf didn't stop bugging me to open my eyes, I finally hissed and opened them, only to be startled by the glinting eyes in the dark that were above me. Fear gripped me and I felt my entire body grow cold as I clutched my duvet like it could save me.A second later, the moon shone into my room, and the face of the person hovering above me was revealed.Logan.On instinct, I opened my mouth to scream but his huge palm pressed down on my lips and muffled the sound such that I could barely hear it. And if it was barely audible to me, no one in the house could hear and come to my aid.My entire body started to tremble on realizing that I was at Logan’s mercy, and from experience, that was the worst possible place I could be stuck in. Frantic at the thought of what he intended to do with me, I started to kick my feet and wiggle my body to get away from him but he easily ke
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SCARLETTWhen I woke up this morning, there was coffee and a note resting on Alex’s beside table.From the note I gathered that he had a work trip so he left before I woke up and so he’d left me some coffee to start the day. I scribbled a short thank you note on the back of the paper and emptied my coffee before leaving his room.I purposely got ready in a hurry so that I wouldn’t have to go to work with Logan. After the way he ambushed me last night, I didn't care if the curse burnt him alive on his way to work. I’d much rather not see him until the murderous rage boiling within me calmed, else I’d kill him on behalf of the curse.So, to calm my rage, I planned to focus on the good that came out of last night; spending time with Alex and getting to know the real him, the one underneath that rigid and aggressive facade.That revelation didn’t miraculously make his wrongdoings vanish into thin air, but it chipped away some of the hostile feelings I’d been holding against him because I
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