All Chapters of Accidentally In Love With You: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
166 Chapters
Finn had thought that coming to talk to his uncle would give him the perspective he needed to continue with his story. Instead, he found himself looking at his uncle in a new light. The man was getting old. Why hadn’t he noticed that before? It wouldn’t be too long before the women would stop chasing Frankie and he would end up alone. Was that what he wanted? He had modeled his adult life on his uncle’s. It had seemed like Frankie had the best life, but now Finn wasn’t so sure. “Thanks,” he said, standing to his feet and putting his untouched drink on the coffee table. “I knew you’d help me see the light.” Frankie grinned as he followed Finn out of the den and to the front door. “Any time, son,” Frankie said, slapping Finn on the back. “Any time.”Peyton stepped out of Bailey’s office building and blinked in the sunlight. Thankfully the rain had passed and the sky was blue. The heat was intense, but she breathed it in with relish. Today felt like a new beginning. The whole mess
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Peyton rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I did. I met him at the cafe where he spilled his coffee on me. I just ran into him again downtown and he asked if I wanted to go for drinks. Finn and I aren’t exclusive. We’ve only been on two dates and besides, I’m done with the whole long-term relationship thing, remember? This is the new Peyton. Playing the field and having fun while she’s still young.” “O-kay,” Mia said. “Come on Mia,” Peyton whined. “I need this. I need to forget about that whole mess with Dale and what better way to move on than dating two me? Besides, Daniel’s kind of cute in an adorable puppy sort of way and he might have some equally good-looking friends.” She dangled the bait and hoped Mia would be distracted enough to go for it. “Good-looking friends, huh?” Mia said her voice musing. “A-huh,” Peyton said. “And not deadbeats either,” she added. “Businessmen. In suits.” Mia sighed. Peyton knew that would get her across the line. Mia had a little crush o
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Carter pulled out his chair, unbuttoned his suit coat, and sat down. He smoothed his hand down his tie and avoided looking at Finn. “You are such a fucking bastard,” Finn spat at his friend. “Why the hell would you do something like that?” “Cross-promotion,” he said, looking up at Finn. “What the hell, Carter?” Jack asked. “Since when have you been so focused on revenue?” Parker asked. “What’s going on?” “Nothing is going on,” Carter said with a sigh. “Look. I contacted the program before I knew how much of a success Finn’s blog was going to be. I thought that if the subscriptions were still flagging then I could give them a boost.” “But that didn’t happen,” Finn said. “The blog has been successful and the subscriptions are climbing again.” “Right,” Carter said. “But…” Parker waited for Carter to continue. Carter sighed. “But now I am locked in with them and can’t get out of the agreement I made.” Finn jumped to his feet. “Oh for
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“Hey,” Daniel said quietly to her, nudging her shoulder. “Do you want to dance?” Peyton looked up and around at the bar. She hadn’t even realized there was a dance floor. “Sure, okay,” she said. Daniel slid out of the booth and then offered her his hand. She took it with a smile and let him lead her out onto the dance floor. There weren’t many other couples dancing, so she felt a little awkward. Daniel tugged her into his arms and began swaying to the music with her. It wasn’t like the music at a club, this was more ‘couples dancing’ type music. She tried to relax and just go with it, but she couldn’t help worrying that she was going to flash everybody with her sheer underwear if she moved too fast. “Are you okay?” Daniel asked, looking down at her with concern. She smiled up at him. “Fine,” she said. “Uh oh,” Daniel said, “That’s not good.” “What do you mean?’ she asked with a puzzled frown. “A woman is never ‘fine.’ There is always something e
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Finn couldn’t help the evil grin that split his lips. If he was going to have to suffer in a world of hurt then why shouldn’t Liam? “She’s sitting over there with that table of guys,” Finn pointed out helpfully. Liam lifted his glass to his mouth with a nonchalance that didn’t reconcile with the look in his eyes. Finn filed that little bit of information away for later analysis. Did Liam have feelings for Mia? “They look good together,” Liam said with a nod to where Peyton was still dancing with the douchebag. “Shut up arsehole,” Finn said, finishing off his drink. “Jealous? Worried that someone might be using your own column against you?” Finn straightened in his seat and took a look over his shoulder to where Peyton was. Is that what that guy was doing? He heard Peyton laugh and watched as the guy led her off the dance floor and back over to where Mia was sitting. The guy had brought her out on a group date. Son of a bitch. Liam chuckled. “Now
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The door opened and a group of three girls stumbled into the bathroom, giggling. “Oh my god,” one of them said, “he was so cute.” “I know, right? Didn’t I tell you?” “Jonathon Ashby,” the third one sighed dreamily. “I can’t believe we actually met him.” “Jonathon Ashby’s here?” Mia asked. “Uh-huh,” one of the girls said, holding up a little bag of chocolates that Peyton recognized immediately. “He was just at the bar handing these out.” Mia grabbed Peyton’s arm. “Come on,” she said, “this is my chance to finally meet him.” Peyton rolled her eyes but let herself be dragged from the bathroom. She felt a little sorry for Jonathon. He’d been getting an awful lot of press lately and from what she knew of him, he hated it. Mia pushed through the crowd, heading for the bar with single-minded determination. Peyton was a little worried about just how obsessed Mia was becoming with Jonathon. It was one of the reasons she had never introduced them. Pl
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Finn knocked on Jack’s door. He knew it was late, but he also knew Jack would be up. The man barely slept, from what Finn could gather. The door opened and Jack stood there, his hair sticking up in all directions and his eyes sleepy. “Shit,” Finn said, “did I wake you?” “It’s okay,” Jack said with a sigh. “I fell asleep on the couch.” He stepped back and opened the door wider. “You look like you need a drink.” Finn stepped into Jack’s apartment and looked around. It was basically a carbon copy of his own apartment except it was two levels below. There were two apartments on this level, but only Jack’s was occupied. They had talked about getting a tenant in for the empty apartment, but the five of them kind of liked having the entire building to themselves. “What’s going on?” Jack asked as he handed Finn a drink. They walked over and sat on the couch and Finn sighed. “I don’t know what’s happening with me,” he said. “This thing with Peyton…” he faded out.
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Finn let go of Jack and ran his hands through his hair. Fuck. He had it bad for this girl. Jack slapped him on the back. “Look,” he said, “I think you’ve gone past the maybe stage with Peyton. You are definitely falling for her and I think you should see where this thing goes. What is the worst that could happen?” “She could rip what is left of my heart out of my chest and stomp on it,” Finn replied. Jack chuckled. “There is that. But what if she doesn’t? What if you actually find happiness with her? What if she can restore what Chantel stole from you? Did you ever think of that?” Could he risk it? Could he just let this thing between them happen organically? He exhaled roughly. There was only one way to find out.Peyton smoothed the dress down with shaky palms. After Liam had told her that Finn had seen her at the bar with Daniel, she expected him to call off their date. He hadn’t. Instead, he had called her to confirm it. She was nervous. For the first
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Rhonda was not what Peyton expected. The woman was a knockout, and tall. Taller than her husband. Rhonda pulled Peyton into a hug. “So glad to meet you. You’ve come on a good night. I’ve made lamb shanks.” Finn groaned and Peyton looked over at him, surprised. “Sorry,” he said with a grin. “I love Rhonda’s lamb shanks. She cooks them in Guinness. They’re amazing.” “Come on, let’s get you a table,” Phil said. “You get back to the kitchen, woman,” he said affectionately to Rhonda. She bopped him on the butt and laughed as she walked back to the kitchen. “Here,” Phil said, presenting a table to them. “The best seat in the house. I’ll be back with the wine.” Finn held out her chair for her and she smiled up at him as she sat. “I love this place already,” she said. “I’ve been coming here forever,” Finn said as he sat. “The food is always good, but I just love Phil and Rhonda.” “You’ve really never brought a date here before?” Peyton asked.
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She got a pensive look and ducked her head before speaking again. “So why me?” she asked, not looking at him. “Honestly?” he asked and waited for her to look up and nod. “I don’t really know.” He smiled at his own honesty. “There’s just something about you, Peyton Smith. Something that makes me want to get to know you better.”“Sorry to interrupt,” Phil said, coming to the table with an abashed grin on his face, “but we’re closing up and…” Finn looked around to realize they were the only two people left in the restaurant. “Oh God,” Peyton said. “We’re so sorry.” How had that happened? How had the night simply disappeared? It felt like they had only just gotten here and now it was time to go. Finn wasn’t ready for the night to be over. “Sorry Phil,” he said, standing and then holding out his hand to Peyton. “We’ll get out of your hair now.” He had paid the bill a while ago, now that he thought about it. He had been so lost in Peyton that he hadn’t even rea
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