All Chapters of Chasing His Revengeful Wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
91 Chapters
Chapter 11
Sean: I followed Sekani, toward our reserved table. It was located in the middle of the restaurant, a very good vantage point for anyone to recognize us both. Being popular had its perks and we were going to utilize it right now. Although I wasn't sure why she wanted us to go public or get married in the first place, I had to admit that it was fun to sit here and watch her stare at the menu, a few creases on her forehead as her eyes ran through the moss green card before her and when she looked up and caught me staring, instead of looking away like she would formerly have done, she stared right back at me with raised brows. "Is there something interesting on my face?" Blinking, I shook my head before picking up my menu card. "Apart from your pretty face, nothing else." "I'd appreciate it if you stopped using those cringe slurs. It makes my skin crawl." She replied tersely before going back to stare at the menu card. Shifting in my seat, I leaned forward. "You know we ha
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Chapter 12
Sekani: The first thing I felt was a crippling shock. My eyes were wide open as his lips glided against mine, coercing my clamped-up lips open. My palms pressed into his broad chest and I felt the erratic beat of his heart and how chiseled his muscles were. Before I could make sense of what was happening, I kissed him back with the same energy, sliding my hands up to his shoulders before I wrapped my arms around his neck. His fingers sank into the skin of my waist, pulling me in and gaining full access to my mouth. I let out a moan I'd been holding back, and tilted my head to the side for a better angle as we continued to kiss. This was no ordinary kiss. It felt like I had been yearning for this, a long time ago. Like I'd been waiting for this moment because I missed him. It was intoxicating. It played with my head but the feelings were soon cut short as soon as I heard a click. Sean pulled away, leaving me empty and flustered and I glanced at his lips, seeing how red i
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Chapter 13
Sekani: "Ma'am, we have arrived." I was seated at the back of the car, my feet clad in thigh-high boots and a bodycon dress that reached the tip of my boots. Around my body was a navy blue jacket. A pair of sunshades sat on my face, large enough to cover most of my eyes and brows. I knew fully well that this wasn't going to save me from the reporters trying to get information regarding the news that had surfaced on the internet. I hadn't expected it to circulate within a few hours. Hell, I'd expected everything to flood the media the next day or so when they were able to gather information but it seemed like the picture of us both kissing had sufficed for it all. Heaving a deep breath, I looked out of the window, through its tinted glasses and saw how swarmed up the entrance was. Several reporters with their cameras and mics up to pelter me with questions loitered about, creating a nuisance for the people going in and coming out. As much as that greatly annoyed me, I kne
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Chapter 14
Sean: Sekani surprised me today. She was wearing a dress and a pair of dark shades hung off her manicured nails. As soon as she shut the door and turned to see me standing there, her face contorted into a frown. "What are you doing here?" Sighing, I pushed to my feet. "I know I didn't inform you before coming down to your office but I've been calling you all day. I called once last night and figured you would be busy so I decided to wait till this morning. You still didn't pick." Sighing, she raked her fingers through her ironed hair and walked around her desk before dropping her purse on the table. Her keys followed, crashing into the tempered glass before she placed both hands on her hip. "So now that you are here, why are you here?" Sighing, I cleared my throat. "I'm guessing you saw the group of reporters gathered in front of the office building. A picture of us kissing has surfaced on the internet." Her cheeks turned red and I noticed how flustered she looked. I
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Chapter 15
SEKANI: With how things were starting to unfold, it was obvious that the people believed we were madly in love with each other. I'd seen posts on social media talking about us both and fawning over that one awkward picture of us both kissing and while all I wanted to do was take down every of that photo from every internet domain so I could at least, have a breath of fresh air, I knew I had to face the music. Thankfully, I made sure Mya was protected from the media and all that came with it. I'd asked her babysitter and her teachers at school to keep the news from her. I didn't want anyone asking her questions, knowing how popular I was amongst the mothers at school. It was one reason why I had desisted from attending their PTA meeting. It was obvious that at this point, I and Sean needed to appear before reporters in a press conference to talk about our relationship and where it was leading. Sheila had made that suggestion as she believed it was going to be faster to wrap
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Chapter 16
SEAN: "What the fuck is wrong with you, Sean?" She yelled as soon as the door to her office clicked shut. Flinging her bag into one of the couches, she turned to look at me, her eyes wide in anger. "What did you just do out there?!" "I—" She stopped me with a raise of her hand, wildly shaking her head. "No excuses, Sean! No fucking excuses. Go straight to the fucking point. Tell me why you decided that proposing to me out of the blue before everyone without getting my consent felt like the best decision for you to make?!" I closed my eyes and rolled my fists against my thigh before looking up at her. "It was the best thing to do. With the way things are going, we need to find a way to just get this over with. Aren't you tired of seeing our pictures circulate? Everyone already believes we are in love. We need to take the first step. I know you want this to be over, don't you?" "Enough!" She snapped. "Do not say another word." "No, Sekani," I matched her voice. "You sh
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Chapter 17
SEKANI: If anyone told me I'd be getting engaged today, I would have laughed at them and called them a fool whilst reminding them that men are nothing but scumbags. What are their use if I can get whatever I want? If I can be the woman I want to be? "Ma'am, I'd need you to close your eyes." The woman in charge of my makeup requests and I do so immediately, wishing I can die from here and cease to exist. But when I remember my precious Mya and the only reason living even makes sense, I know I have to sit tight and do this no matter how it makes me feel. To ruin Sean doesn't come as easy as I thought it would. Sitting here, all I can think of is how to bring him down. Raze him to the fucking ground and have him crawling and begging with the last ounce of his pride. So I sit tight, letting out a bright smile which I am sure the makeup artist would believe as me being happy to be engaged to the love of my life. Love of my life, my foot. As soon as she is done, the fashio
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Chapter 18
SEAN: Today had to be the most nerve-wracking day of my life. Not even losing all the money I'd worked almost my whole life for could top this feeling. Sekani had absolutely outdone herself. For someone who didn't really care about this marriage and always reminded me that it was a contract that would soon expire, I'd expected her to host a small get-together, announce an engagement, and send everyone off. The bright lights, the extremely large halls, and people from different walks of life, all at the elite level were in attendance today and of course, they all recognized me. Hell, I was the number one trending topic on this side of Twitter along with Sekani who didn't seem to care for all of that. The pictures had come in immediately so I stepped into the lobby. People wanted to speak to me, get to know me, and guess what? They also wanted to know what I did for a living which I proudly stated, whilst indirectly pitching for clients and exchanging my contact with a few p
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Chapter 19
SEAN. Sekani remained stiff for most of this dance, not even maintaining eye contact with me. I literally had to beg her to look into my eyes so as not to pass the wrong message to people. Anyone could see this and conclude she was being forced into this. And when she did, it didn't even get to her eyes. I knew that it was best to give up so I did just that, beaming at her and trying to make up for her fake smile. As soon as the dance was over, her smile disappeared and she walked away from me, past the columns before disappearing into the dim halls. Thankfully, people were too busy doing other things to notice so I followed after her. "Sean!" I skidded to a halt and turned in the direction of whoever had called me to see a woman whom I didn't even recognize. Frowning slightly, I drew close enough to see it was someone I didn't recognize. A woman dressed in a black dinner gown and adorned with gold jewelry. "Do I by any chance know you?" I asked with raised brows as I
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Chapter 20
SEKANI. "Thank you for coming!" I called out to the last guest to leave. As soon as I left, I leaned against the door and heaved a sigh of relief. Today was a success, I had to admit. Even if I didn't want any of this; marriage, Sean, and many other things, I'd been able to get back in touch with old friends and business associates, promising to get back to me in a few days. Sean had also taken the initiative by walking around and mingling with people. I had spent most of my time drinking and watching him speak to a few people. He was smart to get his head out of his pants and do the right thing. I needed to be at home. Mya's babysitter had called in that Mya had come down with a fever. I immediately sent the family doctor to check on her. He had called an hour later to inform me that she was better and needed rest. Turning on my feet, I limped all the way back to my seat to grab my purse, smiling and nodding at the ushers and organizers in approval. They had done a good j
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