All Chapters of Charming the CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
63 Chapters
Chapter 11: Plan 1
As I stepped into Ethan's mother's room, a sense of dread washed over me. She had just returned from the hospital, and I could see that she was still weak and frail. Ethan had summoned me here, and I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be good news.My gut feeling was already telling me that another bad thing was about to happen in my life.As soon as I entered, Ethan's mom greeted me with an ominous phrase. "Luna, you're the reason I almost died," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. The weight of guilt settled on my shoulders.Yes, I was partially responsible for Ethan's mother falling earlier. But that didn't mean that everything was my fault. I didn't agree with that, but my throat constricted because I knew that Ethan would do bad things to me if I fought his mother again.Ethan's mother looked weak, as if all her strength had been drained. It was as if she was dying from the previous fall. She looked at my tail and then at Ethan's tail."Ethan, go outside first. I want
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Chapter 12: Plan 2
Lying in bed, the moonlight filtering in through the window cast a soft glow on the room. But sleep eluded me. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, all centered around one thing - I had to leave. I couldn't take anything with me. I had to leave everything behind.I knew that if I stayed in that house any longer, my sanity would slip away. "Tonight," I whispered to myself, "I'm going to run away from this house."My body seemed to rebel against the thought of staying any longer, urging me to leave immediately. Carefully, I made my way to the door, my heart pounding in my chest. I had to be quiet. I couldn't let anyone see me.But just as I was about to open the door, I heard a shout from inside. "There's a burglar! Help!" It was Ethan's mother.I froze, my heart racing. I hadn't expected such a small sound to alert her. "Damn," I thought to myself, "what kind of response is that?""Ethan, there's a burglar in our house!" she shouted again. I could hear footsteps approaching. It was Eth
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Chapter 13: Court Part 1
I'm sitting in front of my office, trying to calm my racing heart. The cool early morning air is refreshing, and I take a deep breath. Eddie stands beside me, looking hesitant. He clears his throat twice before finally speaking."Hey, Luna. Do you want to go for a walk? To clear your head."I nod, still in shock from what happened earlier. I ran away from Ethan's house, and he chased me all the way to this office. The sun wasn't even up yet, but the chase was already intense. And then there was Eddie, who helped me by beating Ethan up and chasing him away. Everything is happening so fast that I can't catch my breath."How about it?" Eddie asks again, and I hesitate for a moment before nodding."Walk?" I ask, and Eddie nods.I'm not sure if I'm ready to face the outside world, but I know that my mind is swirling with a million different thoughts. Maybe a walk will do me some good. Eddie smiles in response, and we start walking together along the side of the big highway.There aren't ma
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Chapter 14: Court Part 2
I was taking in the breathtaking view from the window of my luxurious apartment, a gift from Eddie. The morning hustle and bustle below was a sight to behold as people started their day, rushing to work or dropping off their kids at school. A sense of peace washed over me as I watched the world go by, a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time.After leaving my in-laws' house, I finally found peace.My phone buzzed with a new notification, and I saw that Eddie had transferred $20,000 to my account. My eyes widened in surprise. That was more than enough for me to live on for a few months, especially since Eddie had already paid for the apartment in full. I only had to pay the mandatory monthly rent.I couldn't help but feel guilty for taking advantage of Eddie's generosity, even though I had only known him for a short time.Just as I was about to put my phone away, I thought I heard a voice coming from the front door. I walked over and opened it, expecting to see the cleaning lady o
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Chapter 15: Court Part 3
I was in total disbelief as I watched Eddie shout at the cell phone repair shop clerk. The clerk looked just as shocked as I felt. This wasn't the calm and collected Eddie I was used to."What's happening, Eddie?" I asked, trying to make sense of the situation."This guy's trying to hack into your phone!" Eddie exclaimed, pointing at the officer.I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked Eddie. All I saw was my old cell phone connected to some equipment I didn't recognize."It's a device to test millions of number combinations to unlock your phone," Eddie explained.It all made sense now. My phone had a password, a number pin. I looked at the repairman.The officer looked frightened. "I was just following orders," he stammered. "Someone asked me to try to access this phone.""Is this phone yours?" the man asked me and Eddie, and we both nodded.I could see the man looked a little guilty, even though I was pretty sure he had no ill intentions."The man and woman who came in earlier c
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Chapter 15: Court Part 4
Seated in my plush apartment, bathed in the gentle light of ambient lighting, I was enjoying my surroundings. I could almost taste the aroma of my favorite dish—a hearty beef bourguignon—as it drifted through the air. Savoring the juicy meat and rich sauce, I bit into it. My phone rang, snapping me out of my reverie, right as I was about to eat another bite. It was Eddie, I noticed when I quickly glanced at the screen."Hey Luna, I've got a package of documents for you," he said with a low and serious voice. "What is it?" I inquired, my interest aroused. "Apparently, it's from the police for the investigation process," replied Eddie. I assumed Ethan had probably called the cops. Knowing that our strategy was succeeding gave me an overwhelming feeling of contentment. Eddie and I devised a scheme to exonerate me from a false accusation and apprehend the true perpetrator. "I'll be dropping by your place soon," Eddie announced. I consented and bid him farewell. After what seemed lik
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Chapter 16: Court Part 5
I saw Eddie staring at the empty plate of beef bourguignon that I had devoured earlier. The rich aroma of the dish still lingered in the air, and I could almost taste the tender beef and savory sauce on my tongue. Eddie looked at me with a small smile and said, "It's good to see you enjoying life again, Luna."I blushed at his words and quickly changed the subject. "Have you had breakfast yet, Eddie?" I asked, trying to distract him from my embarrassment.Eddie shook his head and then turned to me with a serious expression. "Luna, we need to get ready. I got a police summons for you this morning. If you don't show up, they can come and get you by force."My heart sank at his words. Eddie must have noticed the fear in my eyes because he quickly reassured me. "Don't worry, I've contacted a lawyer to help you. I'll introduce you to him later."I nodded and agreed, trying to hide my nervousness. Eddie then told me to take a shower and get ready. I headed to the bathroom, feeling strangely
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Chapter 17: Court Part 6
The police station loomed large in front of me, its imposing structure exuding an air of oppression. The smell of stale coffee and sweat hung heavy in the air, making my stomach churn. I had always known that many injustices began within these walls, and although I didn't think all cops were bad, there were certainly some individuals whose crimes were particularly egregious.As I approached the entrance, my heart pounding in my chest, I was stunned to see a man about Eddie's age who was just as handsome. He was dressed in a sharp suit, the fabric of his jacket shimmering slightly in the fluorescent light. His dark hair was perfectly coiffed, not a strand out of place, and he exuded an air of confidence that was impossible to ignore.The man caught my eye and smiled, heading straight towards me. I felt a jolt of recognition, but I couldn't quite place him. His eyes were a piercing blue, and they seemed to see right through me."Luna, this is Gery," Eddie said, extending his hand to the
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Chapter 18: Court Part 7
I took a deep breath and quickly entered the examination room, trying to ignore the sharp gazes of the policemen around me. Their eyes seemed to bore into me, making me feel like a cornered animal. Gery had given me a lot of tips on dealing with police questioning, and I was determined to stay calm and collected. I reminded myself that I had nothing to hide, and that I would answer their questions truthfully and confidently.But as soon as we entered the room, a policeman stepped in front of us, blocking our way. He was a tall, burly man with a stern expression on his face. "Only those who are to be questioned are allowed in," he said in a gruff voice, pointing at Eddie and Gery.I smirked nervously, afraid that the policeman would actually shoot Eddie if he tried to force his way in. Eddie was a big, imposing man, with a menacing scowl. He looked like he could handle himself in a fight, but I didn't want to take any chances.But Eddie just laughed and pointed at the policeman with a
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Chapter 19: Court Part 8
As I stepped out of the police station, the cool air hit my face, sending a shiver down my spine. But it wasn't just the chill in the air that made me shudder. There they were, standing just a few feet away, the two people who had made my life a living nightmare. Amelia, my ex-husband Ethan's future wife, and Ethan himself.I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt like I was in a bad dream, one that I couldn't wake up from. My heart was racing, and my palms were sweating. I could feel the anger and resentment building up inside of me, but I tried to keep my composure.Eddie, my friend and confidant, was sitting on a bench nearby. He was engrossed in his phone, seemingly oblivious to the tense scene unfolding before him. But as soon as he saw me, he looked up and gave me a small smile. It was as if he was trying to tell me that everything was going to be okay."Eddie," I said, my voice shaking. "What are they doing here?"Eddie looked up at me and shrugged. "I don't know, Luna. But don't wor
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