Semua Bab Blackmailed by the Billionaire: Bab 11 - Bab 20
76 Bab
Chapter 11
David prompted me in a really direct manner by saying, “I asked you a question.” He was able to see by the expression on her lovely face that her thoughts had wandered away from him, and this made him extremely uncomfortable... “Why did you lie?' he asked her.”The demand in his low voice succeeded in drawing Anna's attention to the situation. She concluded that thinking about the past was not helping her deal with the circumstances of the present, and she knew from her own experience that David was not going to let her forget or give her space until he had an explanation for what had happened.She got to her feet slowly and cast a gaze down at him as she did so. “All right, let's make a deal,” she said. “I'll tell you what you want to know.” Her intrinsic honesty compelled her to tell him the truth disgrace the demon and finally draw a line under the horrifying occurrence once and for all. “But you have to promise
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Chapter 12
As he attempted to pry her lips apart, she was momentarily paralyzed with astonishment for a brief moment. But only for the span of a single heartbeat. Not again, Anna swore, boiling with wrath at his antics and the complete disrespect of his agreement to depart. "Not again," she promised. "Not again." She clenched her palm into a fist and lunged at him while simultaneously bringing her knee up in a forceful manner, aiming for the weakest area of the man's body. He was able to get away with lightning-fast reactions. But he was thrown off balance, and as he went backward, he carried her with him, and the two of them ended up in a tangled mess on the sofa. Anna was out of breath, and before she knew what had happened, she was lying face down on him with the weight of her body pressing down on David and he hugged her. She made another attempt to strike out at him, but he managed to grab both of her hands and hold them firmly over her head with
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Chapter 13
Anna felt a chill down her spine as she listened to the unyielding tone in his voice. It appeared like something had gone wrong. She moved into a sitting position without thinking about it at all.  His reply, which he delivered in a silky voice, was like a bucket of icy water dumped over Anna's hot senses. He reached out and stroked a few tendrils of hair off her brow before continuing. "And, beautiful and wanton as you are," he said. "I have no intention of making love to you in this shrine to your dead husband." "Anna, the next time we make love, it will be at a location and at a time that I choose," he said. She couldn't bring herself to accept the reality that her thoughts were painting for her, so she just kept staring at his expressionless face. She was able to see the glint of cynical victory in his chocolate brown eyes and the dark yearning in his enlarged pupils, and as a result, she turned her head away from him. He had purposefully made love to h
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Chapter 14
She was a Haengsu wearing the red silk hanbok and cowers within the darkness of her closet. Her delicate hands clutch the folds of her vibrant garment as she tries to silence her breathing. It was nearly midnight. The room was dark.Outside the closet, the room echoes with the deep, commanding voice of the enigmatic and persistently pursuing Prince. His presence exudes power, a stark contrast to the refined beauty of the Kisaeng house.He was calling through the door “Where are you hiding? You cannot escape me.” “You cannot deny the inevitable.” His voice was playful.She presses herself deeper into the shadows, fear, and determination etched on her face. She knows the reputation of the notorious prince, a black sheep among the monarchy, relentless in his pursuits.Just a moment ago she was doing her duty. Amidst a mesmerizing performance, her captivating voice and graceful movements draw the attention of the crowd. Among them, he
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Chapter 15
No, she was simply being imaginative about it! It was just a dream. Taking the remote control for the television in her hand, she navigated to the History Channel and did her best to pay attention to the fascinating documentary that was playing on the screen. She gave up after 10 minutes and began to aimlessly roam about the room, caressing her cherished keepsakes while continuing to have apprehension. What she needed was first a soothing bath, and then sleep. At five in the morning on the next day, it was her responsibility to go to the flower market. One hour later, she tried to sleep again on the bed that she and Allen had shared, but she was unable to do so. She became restless and eventually rolled over onto her back, where she stared blankly at the ceiling. She was lying flat. When she moved a finger to her lips, which were slightly swollen, the memory of David’s kiss came to her mind, much to her embarrassment. Her mind was raci
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Chapter 16
Anna hobbled into the landscaping shop while lugging the final box of plants from the trunk of her car. When she finally set the box down inside the shop, she let out a sigh of relief. Even though she enjoyed going to the flower market and picking out different varieties of flowers, she did not mind getting up at the crack of morning. Anna congratulated herself on a job well done before making her way to a bench equipped with two sinks, a kettle, and some much-needed coffee. Because she had only had a few hours of sleep the night before, she had little trouble getting started this morning, but it was starting to catch up to her now. It was a blessing that she was able to sit down at the desk and take a revitalizing sip of coffee. In the bright daylight, everything had a considerably more favorable appearance. She had her own company, her friends, her own house, and a tiny garden. After a terrible weekend, she was back to normal, and David Miller was no longer a
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Chapter 17
"Good morning, Anna," someone said.She stutteringly greeted him with "G...G... Good morning" and simply stood there staring as he approached her. His attire consisted of a charcoal-gray fitted business suit, a white shirt, and a blue tie. Even though he had grown his hair out since the last time she had seen him, he was still the same darkly attractive and haughty man she recalled. She sincerely hoped that she hadn't. He grinned and remarked, "It's a pleasure to meet you again," which he stated in a smooth tone.When she looked up, he met her gaze with eyes that did not exhibit the slightest sign of humor; rather, they displayed a ruthless focus that triggered an alarm in her mind. She quickly averted her gaze. Her self-assurance took a fall, and she had the distinct impression that David posed a threat to her mental well-being. Anna sent an anxious glance in the direction of her father, but he was fixated on his coffee cup as
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Chapter 18
'Jail!' She stared at her father in complete disbelief, fully anticipating that he would refute David's ridiculous remark. She pleaded with him to dispel the notion that it was even conceivable.Her father mumbled an apology before rising to his feet and leaving the room. He was no longer the energetic guy with blue eyes that she adored; rather, he was a weary old man who looked every one of his sixty years plus ten more years than he was. His shoulders were sagged, his eyes were dim, and his face was pale and weathered. She was aware that David was being honest with her. Her father lowered his arm and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and she instinctively reached up to cover it with her own.He was exhausted when he remarked to Anna, "I never meant for this to happen." "If it's okay with you, I won't go to lunch with you," her father said weakly. Take David with you instead; he will be able to explain what has occurred far better than I c
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Chapter 19
Because of this, half an hour later, Anna was in David's Los Angeles apartment. She was sitting on a black hide sofa with a glass of white wine in her hand and watching in disbelief as David placed a variety of cartons on the coffee table and whipped off the lids of the containers. It wasn't until they had driven away from Hollywood Boulevard that he placed the order on the food app, and it was only then that she realized she had made yet another mistake.He spoke to her in a monotone voice, saying, "I hope you like Japanese food" as he handed her a bowl and a pair of chopsticks. She accepted the bowl, too astonished to do anything else, and when he forked some rice and salt-and-pepper prawns into it, she found herself eating a couple of them. She had taken the dish because she was too stunned to do anything else.However, even though her nerves were on edge, she turned down all of his offers of more. Instead, she focused her attention on observing the flat through the
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Chapter 20
Her initial assumption was that the man had lost all semblance of sanity, but once she caught a glimpse of the steely resolve reflected in the depths of his eyes, she began to have second thoughts."We can announce our engagement at the birthday party for your father tonight."Due to the ridiculous nature of his offer, Anna was jolted out of the cloud of sadness that had been threatening to devour her. She chuckled to herself internally as she pictured Annet's expression. "Are you out of your mind?", she cried out in shock. "For heaven's sake, you're my sister's boyfriend," Anna said, and all of a sudden, she had the bright idea that would solve the issue entirely. "Instead of asking me, you ought to address your inquiry to her." I do not doubt that she will seize the opportunity.His fingers became firmer on her chin as he continued to say, " Annet is nothing more than an old acquaintance." "I swear I have never known her in the sexual sense—as I have you
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