All Chapters of The Chosen One: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
194 Chapters
Diana grabbed a tiny turquoise knapsack from the back seat, slipped into a pair of hiking shoes, locked her car, and began the journey. She passed through the fence, past the treeline, and followed the path into the countryside for a day of solidarity. She settled into a steady rhythm, hammering out a tune while walking up the path towards her grandpa's lodge. She hadn't been back in a long time, but she remembered the trail that carried her to the middle of the wilderness. When she was a teenager, her experiences with her grandfather in these woodlands were the greatest and most unforgettable. And she really missed him, but life wasn't always rainbows and sunshine. Diana's breath syncs with her steps, heeding the sound of her soles and trudging dirt, swinging her arms in time as she hammers her favourite Carpenters song. Her heart rate increased, and her body warmed. Her fair-skinned legs beneath her hiking shorts, bare arms, and freckled cleavage above her partially open cotton whit
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Chapter 2
"Stop!" Diana cried out, but the beast only snickered and kept coming, not breaking stride and moving like a predator corralling his prey. The darkness of the concluding shadows and the giant, misshapen trees crowding nearby loudly overwhelmed the gloaming air. Could anyone even hear her? Diana paused, not wanting to go to extremes unless she had to. But what else could she do without her weapon? Not that she was hopeless; of course, she could fight with a sword, a knife, or maybe anything that resembled a weapon. She was, after all, a master swordsman, or whatever those Japanese manga were called. Her grandfather made sure she knew how to use one. But could she fight a gigantic beast? Maybe, but for how long?Maybe a minute or two.With no choice, she had to fight it alone and die trying. Does she even have an advantage?But with this massive beast? She didn't think so.Her strength was being sucked out. She felt like a loser. A prey.Two blazing eyes stare at her with an immobilisin
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Chapter 3
Andrew closed his eyes as he watched her.Diana was lightly tan the way light-skinned girls get tan when they've been in the sun a long time and were passed the whole burning thing. That was odd for this time of the year, especially considering she didn't have the look of someone who recently returned from vacation. He was sure there was a story there. The question was, would he be able to get her to share it?Finally, he couldn't help himself; this woman was like a fire; even with its warmth, a moth-like him couldn't just stay away, awfully, like he longed for her.Though she seemed to awaken slowly, he heard her moan his name.Fuck! She moans like a goddess. He thought.He couldn't help himself; he tried his best not to touch her skin. Yet his hands burned a trail down to her shoulder. He murmured no sense of vulgarity against her flesh. Dammit, Andrew. This is stupid. He thought, but without warning, he lifted her legs and took the remaining little underwear she was wearing. All co
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Chapter 4
"Are you done checking me out?” Andrew raised his brow at her. “And to answer your question, I bought this cabin from Robert. So, he was your grandfather?" he added, giving her a glass of water. "Here, drink this. I know you’re thirty.""Well, uh-huh, thanks?” she bit her lips. “I'm not checking you out.”What the fuck?She breathed in and tried to forget her embarrassing words: "I—I'm, uh, Diana Moore. We are, um, neighbours? I mean, I'm not sure if you can remember me." She cleared her throat. “Yes, he was my grandfather." She added quickly, took the glass and pressed the rim against her parched, cracked lips, and savoured it with all her might. Her throat charred when a burning sensation in her throat grew even after emptying it.She was embarrassed, but she was so thirsty as hell, and he was kind enough to offer her, not to mention saving her life from the bad guys. Yeah, she owes him."Thank you for saving me from those, um, those guys. Are they all dead? What are they? Are they
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Chapter 5
"Why are you here in the woods, Andrew?" Diana asked, just to take out the elephant in the cave. She focused on the scent in the air, like the loamy smell of calm rain or the salty tang of the old, usual ocean air. How was that even possible when the ocean was a thousand miles away from here? Weird? What the fuck! I'm getting crazy. She thought as she crept her nose a little closer to Andrew's neck. They sat together, almost touching each other. Yet the man was ignoring her, lost in his own thoughts.This guy smells like a flower vase. Lilac? Roses? Or Heaven? Weird.She breathed in his scent, which was nothing but like her grandpappy, who always had a hint of the spicy cigar, but this man has a lingering scent of fresh earthly and ocean aromas. What a weird combination! His scent was so much more amazing nearby, though. Like a tang of sea air that has a way of making her satisfied and in harmony, like it was anchoring her other emotions to the briny whiff that has all the callings of
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Chapter 6
A week later, at the Bean Coffee shop where Diana and her best friend Tommy Reynolds work, she looked around; the shop was once cloistered and closed with so many tables and so little room. Now the shop was open-air, a sort of covered patio with tables a respectful distance apart. Wrapped up in the wintertime, dressed for the occasion, the patron's hands warmed and their breath rose in serendipitous puffs as they enjoyed their warm coffee, the sweetness of chocolate cups, freshly baked goods, and soothing music. The coffee shop patio was Diana's happy place. Here she noticed everyone, the corner shops, and the university a few yards away.There were so many memories—her happy times here with her best friend, their never-ending arguments about his many theories about everything on the planet.With a cup of coffee in her hand, Diana noticed how busy the food vendors were, giving the middle of the community a sort of market atmosphere and the university student area zone.Tommy, her best
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Chapter 7
She knew it was the end. The end of her short life. Diana knew she had died. Or maybe she didn't. But the shadow of the gloaming forest and the howls of the wild, unknown beasts screeched from the distance were enough for the fragile-hearted to turn back to its trails and never come back. But she let her hands caress the forest bushes as she passed, feeling their gracious spirits calm her own. What the hell was she doing in here? Was this hell? Heaven? She frowned even though the darkness was everywhere, but she knew not to be intimidated by the darkness and its powerful forces. However, some primitive tensions lurked in her psyche, and finally, she opened up her other senses to the noise, to the scent, and headed to her every intuition, to her instinct, and to her fate. Nothing, she saw nothing but darkness. Oh, my bloody fuck! Why the hell am I here anyway? I'm dead, right? Jezz, is this hell? Why is it so cold in here? Hell was supposed to be very hot, right? She thought to he
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Chapter 8
“I was dead for one week?” She blurted with enough shock that it made Andrew roll his eyes. But he stopped when he noticed her emotions were not easily suppressed on her innocent face. “Oh my God! I died,” she began again. And he saw her shock, pain, and fear; it was apparent in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But her eyes—her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep brown of restless autumn, an amber of unfortunate plight. A window! Andrew realised that as he stared into her eyes, he knew all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this unpretentious little mortal: Passion. Raw. Pure. Innocent. It was all there to see; it turned her eyes into orbs of luminous fire. And in them, he examined her completely, knowing that she would battle to the very last tear for her life. And yet she did. She was back from the dead. He made her! She followed her command not to succumb to the darkness. He made her come back. FOr him? For the world?
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Chapter 9
Diana smirked, went to the mirror, and opened her mouth to check for fangs, yet she saw none. Disappointed, she sighed. "Dickhead, vampire, my ass," how could she even believe that it was all real?Of course, vampires don't exist. She turned around towards the man, who looked bored watching her check herself, like she was someone who came from another planet. "For a moment there, I thought you were telling the truth, vampire, my ass. No such thing!"He raised a brow and stepped a little forward. He took the wine glass from the bedside table and offered it to Diana."Here, take this. That might help your little trust issues."“I don't have trust issues. I am merely trying to convince myself that you didn't give me drugs.”She grumbled with a very disappointed look, but then she took a deep breath.On cue, she halted. She looked at Andrew back to the wineglass, smelt the liquid inside with a furrowed brow, and then, with a quick painful ache in her gums, her pointy, sharp fangs appeared
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Chapter 10
Meanwhile, unknown to Raymond during their conversation, the creature stopped by the door, its dark body shifting back to solidity in a dizzying surge of unexpectedly fleshed-out bones and skin. The creature pressed its back against the library door, deeper in the darkness, listening and hearing its enchanting phrases against the power of the proud library, where it would have been absolutely defended for the amber colour tinge by the exit light. It growled; it knew there was something in that mansion that could not be crossed. Like a wall of old magical veils. Then it hissed with pain again. It closed its misted, dark eyes, focusing on where the pulsing was coming from. It was like ripples through the marble floor, vibrating under its feet, up through its bones, and placing a dull rumbling in its chest. When Raymond activated the ancient guard of the mansion, the misted creature vanished and never returned. Using the safety protocol, Raymond burned an incense that had the blood of
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