All Chapters of Midnight On The Bayou: Chapter 141 - Chapter 148
148 Chapters
141. (SKY POV)
(SKY POV)We entered the decrepit building, the structure a haunting relic left untouched since the last hurricane's wrath. Kael was naked, suspended from the ceiling. He was bound by heavy chains that wrapped tightly around his chest, neck, arms, and waist, securing him cruelly in midair. IV lines ran from each arm, one dripping with the distinct, pungent scent of wolfsbane, while the contents of the other remained a mystery. His body was covered in wounds, bruises, and gashes. Blood ran in rivulets down his body, dripping steadily from his foot into a puddle on the floor. His face was swollen and distorted, his eyes almost swollen shut. His lip was split open badly, and an entire eyebrow was split open and bleeding, causing blood to flow down that side of his face and to his neck. His beautiful blonde hair had been ripped out in several places and was now a haunting red tint from all the blood. There was so much blood. So much blood. The sight was so shocking, so brutally v
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142. (SKY POV)
(SKY POV)Knox and I sprang into action. Knox took out two guards at the entrance while I headed straight for Burk. He turned, surprise flashing across his face as I lunged at him with the brick in my hand. It connected with his jaw, sending him staggering back.I had alpha blood running through my veins, and it showed."Get away from him!" I shouted, my voice raw with all the anger I'd felt my entire childhood.Burk recovered quickly, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Ah, the pathetic little princess mate. Come to save her pathetic ass Alpha."He lashed out with the whip, but I dodged, feeling the air crack beside my ear. I swung the brick again, landing a solid hit to his abdomen. Burk doubled over, wheezing.The chains rattled as Kael tried to move. "Sky, get out of here. Oh shit, be careful!"I dodged Burk's hit, making him stumble away from me. "I'm not leaving you," I yelled back, my eyes never leaving Burk.Burk straightened up, his eyes dark with rage. "You'll regr
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143. (CASSY POV)
(CASSY POV)I was clutching Teddy's shirt in the tent when the radio crackled with updates. My heart stopped when I heard Teddy was missing and he wasn't breathing.My entire body felt like it was about to ignite with a blazing fire. Panic surged, and I screamed as my body twisted and contorted. The pain was excruciating, every bone breaking and reshaping. My skin felt like it was being ripped apart, and I sobbed uncontrollably as the agony intensified.It felt like an eternity before the pain subsided. I stood on four legs, my new senses overwhelming me. The world was sharper, more vibrant. I could smell Teddy's scent strongly on the shirt I had clutched moments ago. I only thought I liked the way he smelled as a human. Smelling him as my wolf was intoxicating. Instinctively, I knew I had to find him. Without thinking, I ran, hoping my instincts would lead me in the right direction.I wish we hadn't been fighting and that I had paid more attention to the maps and overall plan. B
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144. (CASSY POV)
(CASSY POV)I marked him. Holy shit, I just marked him. I claimed him, just like I said I would, the very thing that started our fight and made him leave to begin with. My mate.I started to really panic, and a tear slipped down my cheek. He tried to reach up and clumsily wipe it away, asking, "Why you cryin', chérie?"When I just started to cry harder, he began to get concerned.He said, "Say it."I couldn't. Instead, I took his hand and made him touch the bite mark on his neck, still very fresh.His eyes widened. "Oh shit. Oh mon dieu," he exclaimed. He quickly grabbed my chin and turned my head both ways to confirm that I didn't have one as well. He leaned back, looking at me. His eyes were wide, and he wasn't blinking. I thought he was mad at me for doing it. The thought of losing him again broke something inside me.He tried to sit up, but the nearby healer shook her head. "No, no, you need to lay on your back. She brought you back by marking you, but that doesn't mean you'
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145. (CASSY POV)
I woke up in the middle of the night from the remnants of intense dreams. They had all taken place deep in what I guessed was the Bayou.My dreams had always been vivid, but lately, they had taken on a new level of clarity. It felt like I was really there, in places I'd never seen before. Were they even dreams? Maybe they were his memories, or glimpses of the future? I didn't know. I did know Leila, usually a constant presence in my mind, was strangely silent now.Leila had always been there, a guiding force. As I grew older, I often wondered if I was hearing Leila or my wolf. Now that I had my wolf, I realized Leila's voice was always more like my intuition. As this thought crossed my mind, Leila giggled softly, making me smile.This had always been my reality. Not many people knew about it because I felt strange living with our Goddess in my head. Others would beg to speak to her for weeks and never get a response. I always wondered why I was so special, why she chose me. Kae
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146. (SKY POV)
(SKY POV) Kael wasn't in bed when I woke up. I started to panic immediately. Where the hell was he?I rolled over and felt the strangest sensation, like someone pushing on my stomach. Looking down, I fully expected one of the twins to be messing with me. They loved doing that.But there was nothing. Just me alone in the bed. Alone in the bed with the babies. Wait. It was the babies pushing from the inside.I could feel them!I looked up at the healer checking on Teddy, who was still asleep. She whispered, "They went to the office. Both guys are healed. I think this one is just sleeping off the emotional hangover if you know what I mean."I laughed softly. Oh, did I ever. I had a strange feeling he and I would have many conversations about the fun life that comes with loving a Monroe alpha. I would always win, though. I had three to deal with, while he only had one. But then again, that one was Cassy, so I may be wrong here. At least with three, they seemed to balance one another
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147. (TEDDY POV)
(TEDDY POV)I opened my eyes in the weirdest place I've ever been, me. It was stepping into a bottle of champagne, all bubbly and glowing. A beautiful lady was swimming in a pond in front of me, her laughter echoing through the space. She looked up at me and giggled. "You shouldn't be here yet." In a split second, she was beside me, whispering, "Open your eyes."When I opened them again, I was in a mansion. The marble and stone walls around me were confusing... Was I dead or something? But then I noticed Cassy beside me, sobbing, and everything started to come back into focus. We were at the Monroe mansion, if I had to guess.Cassy showed me that she marked me. Holy shit. I'd walked away from her because I knew how serious she was when she made that comment. I had already decided that, as hard as it was going to be, after we got Kael back, I would restrict us to video chats and telephone calls only until she was closer to 18. So the Moon Goddess must have laughed at that plan
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(SKY POV) "Well... I think he's a good kid, right? He seems to be so dedicated to her already," Missy remarked. Kael walked over to the bar, flipped himself up on it, and said, "Oh, he is... as long as he keeps his hands and teeth to himself until she's older, I won't cause problems..." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Teddy was the best person I knew before meeting the Monroes. If there was literally anyone in this world that I would have picked for Cassy, he would have made it to the top of that list. I whispered, "Teddy literally saved me a few times. I don't think y'all understand what he's done for me throughout my life." Kael's eyes lit up. "Well, we got all day, and I'm not against story time." I glanced over at the twins, and they chimed in, "Hey, we are mature enough to handle it." Their enthusiasm was so cute. I was starting to understand just how much alpha energy was always around me. Even Cassy. I launched into the story. "Ceci knocked me out, my nose p
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