Semua Bab FOOLED BY MY LYCAN KING MATE.: Bab 1 - Bab 10
183 Bab
Eva My heart was racing against my chest. It felt like I was being hit severely by a thunderstorm. I wish I had sharp senses like the others. That I could defend my family in this time of chaos. "Don't worry, Eva, everything will be fine," Nessa whispered to me as we hid in the emergency underground room of the palace. She was my best friend and the next Royal Beta of our Kingdom. "You should be outside, defending the pack," I muttered, tears brimming heavily in my eyes. I have never felt as helpless as this before; not even when Father locked me up in the dungeon for days without food. The palace was under attack and as if not being able to help wasn't enough, I had to be protected by Nessa when she should be helping the pack. Maybe Father was right, I am just a burden. Useless… "Please don't, Eva," Nessa said, wiping off the tears that were racing down my face now. "I would give my life for you and you know that." That statement. Only one person had told me that before. The on
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Eva "This will lightly sting," I warned the patient before me before I applied the herla extract to her torn skin. "Ah!" she arched her back a bit before I felt her trying to stifle her whimpers. "I'm so sorry." I bit my lower lip, taking a quick glance at her before I applied the extract to the last end of her wound. I hated to put her in pain but it would subside in a few seconds. A silver knife had glazed her skin in a fight so this would help her heal properly. "I'm sorry," I muttered once more, covering her up with bandages. This would help prevent bacteria from touching the wounds so she could heal faster. "It's okay, Lora. Thank you." A smile pulled on her lips as she reached out for her polo. "Let me help you with that," I offered, helping her carefully tuck them down her head, then down her torso. "You are the best, Lora, Thank you!" She smiled before exiting the spacious room with different healing ointments, leaves and equipment arranged neatly in their places. A fa
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Eva The long drive back home was daunting but unavoidable. I had run away from home five years ago, taking a ride that stopped me far from Granny's home before I trekked the rest of the journey. It was not easy, especially with my broken heart but I needed it. Nobody from home had even asked about me since then. Granny had to Inform Father herself that I was with her. So why is he suddenly interested in me joining the celebration? I had no Wolf and had no use being among the people who had shown me nothing but distaste. I'm sure the Lycan royal family wants nothing to do with a bastard born outside a mate-bond. I was a pawn to be used and dumped just like Dennis or Daniel did five years ago. I wined down the glass of the old jeep so that the patrol guard could see me. "Welcome, Princess Eva," a familiar face greeted me. I smiled faintly. Not much has changed over the years… I could see several other vehicles driving into the kingdom as well. Maybe everyone was truly mandated to be
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Daniel Those eyes… the same beautiful light blue ones that have always haunted my sleep. Calmed my nerves when I was stressed as hell. I thought I was impenetrable. Thought I was too focused to be distracted. Thought I would just get over her once we were done. But I never did. Her memories remained with me. Her hugs… Her kisses… She gave the best hugs… The last look in her eyes that night we attacked the Werewolf Clan never left me. I thought I would get over the intense hurt in her eyes. The same hurt I had seen in those eyes when I comforted her because of her family's maltreatment. Now that was because of me. "Are you sure of this, My King?" Kyson, my Royal Beta asked me on our way here. I have never been sure of anything in my life. I sure as hell know that I was tired. Tired of suppressing this Intense burning desire to have her in my arms once again. My heart ached for her every day for the last five years. It wouldn't let me sleep at night. I tried cleaning her memory wi
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Daniel "Mate!" He kept yelling, pulling me to move further. His voice, the bond, and her eyes are driving me insane with pleasure and joy. I couldn't believe it. She is my mate?! Goddess! This is unbelievable! How can I be so blessed like this? My goodness! I'm a lucky Lycan. Now I Know what it means to hit two birds with one stone. But why didn't I smell her five years ago? Why?... "I'm sorry. I…" Her musical voice rings into my ear and my Lycan purrs. Then and there I knew, I would fight the world and give the whole planet to have this Woman. I won't take no for an answer. "It's okay, My dear." Edward interrupts with what seems like a forced smile as the new servants I rehired when I gave him back his Kingly authority quickly started clearing the glass pieces as everyone returned to their business. "Come, My dear," he pulled her with his hand closer to where we stood. I could hear her heart beating like a crazy drum. "The Lycan King wants to meet you." "Y-your majesty" sh
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Eva Nostalgia. That is the feeling that swept through me when he pulled me into his arms. The heat of his chest radiating off him and into mine. This was how we hugged before. How we took pleasure in each other's arms. The growls which vibrated from him only swirled me in a lust daze. It caused pleasurable tingles to run through my body when he said that word, "Mine!" I studied him after the shattered glasses and Dad introduced us. Took a sneak peak of him when he was not looking; which were very few times because I felt his stare all through. Why was he staring so much? I felt my heart skip and my stomach churn when my eyes landed on his muscled chest displayed by the little unbuttoned part of his attire. He had grown through the years. He was no longer the young handsome guard that swept me off my feet. No, he was more… His now more widened shoulders, what looks like a six feet seven frame, well muscled body which his royal attire couldn't even hide, well chiseled abnormally str
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Eva All the eyes on me made me want to shrink and become invisible. I felt odd and… unwanted. I was among those that should be my family but I felt like the stranger in the room. What am I even saying? I am the stranger here. It's a reality that has been ingrained in my head since I turned 13 and didn't shift. Father's love for me turned to intense hate. It was as if he changed overnight. Like I disappointed him in some very big way. For three years I was always punished for the miniature mistake. Until then, I had only seen what I thought was Father's love, but his hatred was more consuming, taking my self-worth with it. Anisha and Greg on the other hand took every opportunity to rub salt on my wounds when they had the chance while my Stepmother looked on… "Is that clear?!"Dad's bark brought back my attention to him and I tried hard to conceal a shudder in reaction to his voice and Alpha command. "Y-yes." He glared at me for a few seconds before he walked out of the room, Gre
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Daniel "Walk out of that door, Little bird, and I will tell your Father ALL about our past sweet passionate affair and how YOU helped me conquer his kingdom. With Proofs." I warned when she turned to walk out on me again. She stopped instantly before turning slowly towards where I had my hand across my chest, smirking victoriously. Now I will see if she cares what I do or not. The hell she thinks she can slip out of my hands like that. I am f*sucking prepared for every one of her resistance. I have been planning this for the past six months and this was one of the cards I had set on the table. She may seem calm and reserved but I, of all people, know how damn stubborn she can be when she wants to, so I had to set my cards well if I plan not to take her forcefully. I will let her make the decision to come with me and leave her treacherous people. Even her family doesn't deserve her. Damn, even I too, after what I did but I have come to write my wrongs. "B-But y-you…" I could hear
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Eva "I will tell your Father all about our past sweet passionate affair and how you helped me conquer his Kingdom." These words kept echoing in my head as his footsteps retreated down the hallway. I slumped on the floor, my back resting defeatedly against the wall as my hand fisted my hair. What am I going to do? If Father finds out then… Dread runs down my body, goosebumps along with it when different things Father could do to me runs through my mind. I have seen what he does to people he feels betrayed him in the slightest. How he killed Uncle Joe, his cousin, when he mistakenly gave out the secret gold transfer distribution info to the wrong people, making Father lose that shipment. I was being punished as usual to spend three days in the dungeon without even a single grain for me at that time when I heard the echoing of his defense down the torture chamber of the dungeon. "I didn't know, brother! Please forgive me! I'm not a traitor! It was a mistake!" He kept yelling and be
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Eva Father propped open the door of his office, and we walked in before I shut the door behind us. He made his way to the bar counter in the leisure section of his wide red and black-themed office and took out a purple coloured wine I saw an Alpha gift him during the ceremony. I couldn't read the name on the bottle but it had what looked like a little dragon carved in the body of the tick bottle. "Want some?" He asked as he reached out for a white wine cup from the beautifully polished mahogany counter. "No." I shook my head. "I don't like them," I said and he chuckled before pouring out a little into the transparent cup and helping himself with it. The purple liquid sparkled against the glass or is it just my eyes? "So…" he sludged, "Tell me, dear," here comes that 'dear' again. "Is what Anisha said true?" He asked, swallowing down another gulp of the purple liquid. "What she said?" I replied, unwilling to jump to a conclusion about what he meant. He cocked his brow at me. "Ab
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