All Chapters of A Monster's Mute Bride.: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
161 Chapters
chapter 51
Ella Williamson...The first thing I did the moment I woke up was drag my third suitcase to my new working space.I have to be honest, I woke up a bit too early because I was too excited. Even Elijah wasn't up. I had to slowly get out of his hold to make my way to the walk in closet, but I had a feeling that my movement might have waken him up.I wanted to throw myself in to my painting and forget about the complications of the past few days.I really didn't want to go to the lunch Elizabeth invited me to. The last thing I wanted to do was sit around with a bunch of strangers and pretend like their attention doesn't make me sweat.That, and the fact that Elizabeth was changing a lot was another reason I didn't want to go.I set up my art studio and emptied my third suitcase. Once everything was in place, I was ready to work.I stood near the large window, admiring the beauty the garden provided. It truly was the best spot for me, except I couldn't think about what I sh
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chapter 52
I really regret it already.I sat around a circular table with the other wives and I couldn't stop my left knee from bouncing.Almost all the wives were present, both the old wives and the young wives.From what little I know, most of the Old wives are mother-in-law to most of the young wives, which was why a lot of the younger women were wary while they spoke.I looked around the table.Some of the wives were out going and loud. They spoke freely without any care for the world.Some were gentle spoken and graceful, dabbing the corner of their lips with their cloth napkins after every single bite.Some were assessing everyone with pointed eyes, glaring at anyone who would laugh, smirking at anyone who would stutter and rolling their eyes at anyone who would brag about a new finding.Some of the wives were quite and only spoke when they were spoken to, too shy to speak up on their own.Then there was me.I wasn't out going. I wasn't gentle spoken. I wasn't assessing anyone and I wasn't
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chapter 53
I watched Cilvia leave with confusion written all over my face. Something about that woman really made me feel unease.Reaching in to my handbag, I took out my phone and looked at the video she sent me.I saw that it was a ten minute long video and there was no way I was going to stand in the bathroom to watch it.I thought about leaving the video alone. Something told me that nothing good could come from watching it.Alas, I disappointedly lost the battle against my curiosity. Letting out a sigh, I walked over to the last stall and stepped in. After closing the door, I sat down on the closed lid and looked down at my phone.Before I could open the video, I heard the door open and a few high heels clicked in to the bathroom before it closed."It's tense out there." One of the younger wives commented."Tell me about it." Another one added. "I wouldn't have come if I knew Cilvia would be here. She's scary.""I know right." A third wife sighed. "I thought today would be an easy lunch. I
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chapter 54
The second I saw Detective Kevin, my first thought was to turn around and leave the cafe.But I turned around and saw that all the other wives were still there. There was no way I was going to leave while they were still there, especially Elizabeth, Cilvia and my mother.I let out a sigh of frustration. I felt trapped between the wives and the detective, but I was more willing to face the detective at that point.I turned back to the man and offered him a tight smile before I stepped past him and looked for a table. I guess I would have to wait for Cane here.There were no free tables available. They either had a group of people sitting around them or a cup on top of them to hold the place."How have you been?" Detective Kevin asked.I glanced at him and saw that he was standing next to me and staring at me with a handsome smile on his face.I nodded my head and looked away from him."Would you like to join me for coffee?" He asked and I quickly shook my head."Oh come on. From the lo
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chapter 55
Elijah Smith...I couldn't wait for the meeting to be over. Heck, I couldn't wait for the entire day to be over so I could go and see my wife.Ella was quickly becoming an addiction of mine, one I didn't want to get rid of.She was a constant thought of mine. I found myself wondering what she was doing, if she was in her art studio painting, if she was in our room taking a nap, if she was in the garden looking at the beautiful flowers and taking a deep breath from their scents, or if she was in the dining room enjoying a meal or a snack.Ninety nine percent of my brain was occupied by her, and I didn't mind. I liked thinking about her the entire day. She some how managed to calm me in stressful situations. She was becoming a medicine to my poisoned blood and goodness do I love it.I did my best to concentrate on the meeting. While I was in the meeting, the mirrored phone buzzed in my pocket, but I didn't want to reach for it.I can survive for a few more hours without
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chapter 56
Ella Williamson...I looked at Detective Kevin with fear in my eyes. After he'd dragged me to the bathroom, he stood by the door and pulled it open just a little bit so he would be able to see in to the cafe.There was fury in his eyes as he peeked in, watching the two men with the same tattoos behind their right ears.Detective Kevin closed the door and looked at me."It's not safe for you to be here. If those men realize who you are..." He hesitated for a few seconds before he shook his head."Come on." He said before he grabbed ahold of my right hand and pulled me towards another door.I couldn't stop myself from following after him because I was too scared to even think for myself. Detective Kevin led me out of the door and the two of us ended up on the streets on the other side."Come on. My car is parked down the block." He commented before he led me there.I silently followed Detective Kevin until we reached his car. He opened the door by passenger side of the car and told
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chapter 57
Cane and I sat in a tense silence as he drove to Elijah's Mansion. Cane hasn't said a word since he found me. He looked angry, angry enough to swallow me whole, chew me up until I was nothing but a bag of bones and spit me right out again.If Cane was this angry, I couldn't image how angry Elijah would be."What were you thinking?" Cane suddenly scolded, startling the life out of me. "Did you honestly think walking out of the restaurant without letting me know was a good idea?"I glared at Cane, who was side eyeing me as well."I did let you know." I sighed with anger."Yeah, well if I didn't give you a reply to your text, it meant that I didn't see it. So no, Ella. You didn't let me know." He yelled in a fit of angry again.Tearing my eyes off of him, I looked out of the window, refusing to let him scold me as if I was a child. It wasn't entirely my fault."I don't care what happened in that restaurant. You should not have walked out on your own. I have a responsibility to keep you
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chapter 58
Elijah Smith...I stood by the door of Ella's art studio with my right shoulder leaned against the doorframe.Ella was so lost in her painting that she didn't realize I've been standing at her door for the last few minutes.Ella was standing in front of her canvas near the door with a paint brush in her hand. She pressed the brush against the canvas, leaving a colorful stroke against the surface before she returned it in to her paint.I looked at the canvas and tried to understand the meaning behind her painting.There was a wild storm of colors splashed on her canvas, and different colored butterflies stretched over the different paints. The butterflies were in different sizes, but each of them were captivating and unique in there own way.I moved my eyes around the studio and saw two canvases leaned against the shelves next to each other.One was one of the old paintings Elizabeth ruined and the other was a similar painting but new and unfinished.I realized that Ella wanted t
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chapter 59
Ella Williamson...Elijah stared at me for a few seconds without giving me an answer to my question. He looked like he was debating something within himself.He finally let out a sigh before he nodded his head."Yes. I knew. Cane was the one who found the video." He replied."How did Cane find the video?" I wrote down.Elijah gave me a small smile."He has his own ways." He commented. "I knew you would hate to see the video, which was why I didn't want to give you the flash."I remembered the black flash on Elijah's nightstand and wondered if that was what he was talking about."But of course, Cilvia had to get involved." He added."She did me a favour." I wrote down, bring a frown to Elijah's face."How is that?" He asked.I thought about it for a while."Things are not what they seem. Cilvia showed me that today." I wrote down.Everything she said to me in the bathroom terrified me. But after taking the rest of the day to paint and really be alone with myself, I realized that she was
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chapter 60
Elijah and I stayed in the garden for another hour, having a conversation about this and that.Even after I found out what happened to that intruder, I couldn't get away from Elijah. His left hand was rested on my right knee, and the soft touch kept giving me butterflies the entire time we were sitting next to each other.I asked Elijah about his work and he openly gave me all the answers.So far, I understood that Dante was the top man and Elijah was his partner.After Elijah's grandfather passed away, his father Alfonzo took over the spot. But Elijah told me that his father barely kept up with Dante. So, Elijah had to fill in his father's spot even before he took over the family business.The way he spoke about Dante made me realize that he looked up to him without even knowing it.Elijah didn't want to speak much about his childhood or the time before he took over the family's business, but he mentioned that Dante basically raised him as a younger brother.Our conversation was smoo
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