All Chapters of Rejected By The Beta, Accepted By The Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 Chapters
Chapter 21
I stared at him, dumbfounded. Does that mean that everyone believed and told a lie all this while? Does Luna Violetta know about this too? “What do you mean?” I muttered. He chuckled, straightened up, and sat by the edge of the bed. “We were indeed attacked by a band of hunters but he wasn't killed by them,” he replied. His eyes were distant like he was trying to open up a wound that shouldn’t be tampered with. “What were you two doing in the woods anyways?” I was tempted to ask the irrelevant question. “We went out for a picnic and a swim in that pond you were staring at,” Xander replied and my eyes widened. They went for almost the same things that we had gone for. “We overpowered the hunters and killed many of them, the remaining ones that survived scampered away. On our way back to the Pack, we were ambushed by a wizard. He was too powerful, he stabbed my brother with silver blades and cast a spell of death on him. I watched him till he slowly dwindled.” My throat was parc
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Chapter 22
The feeling of her lips on mine startled me. I sat transfixed at first, but slowly she leaned closer, pulling deeper and into a depth of passion that would end us on the wrong path. I held her shoulder and cautiously pulled her back, her back hit the soft fluffy pillow as my body towered over hers. Her chestnut eyes burned in desire to have more of me, but that can’t be possible at this time. I moved away from her and she quickly shot up in surprise, she grabbed my arm, her eyes begging that I stayed back. “Not now,” I muttered in the iciest voice I could find. “Why do you keep pushing me away, do you think I’m too weak to have you?” her little voice broke as it spoke. “This is not about weakness, okay? My Pack is under attack, you don’t expect me to sit with you while rogues destroy impregnable boundaries that took me years to build.” I noticed my tone was harsh with the way she recoiled into the bed. I waited for her to argue like she always does but she didn’t, she couldn’t e
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Chapter 23
When I walked into Xander's room, the first person my eyes caught was Aurora. She scrambled to her feet and wiped her face with her palm. Wait, was it tears that I saw on her face? I couldn’t believe it, what could make Aurora cry? Did Xander reject her after hearing her confession? I doubt that. Xander looked up at me and turned up his lips. “How many times must I warn you to knock before flouncing into my room?” He muttered, not sparing a glance at Aurora who was fidgeting with the hem of her lemon green dress. “I’m sorry.” This isn’t the first time I’m apologizing for barging into his room unannounced and it probably won’t be the last time. He sighed and thrust his hands into his pocket. “Did you find any clue of where those rogues came from?” he asked. “No. I’m here because of the trainees…” “Darn the trainees!” he fired. I took a step back to prevent the magma of his anger from getting to me. “I want to hear no other news from you aside from the development concerning t
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Chapter 24
~Alexander~My lips stretched into an angry thin line as I stared from Nathan to Aurora. “What are you talking about?” I asked. Nathan was trying so hard to hide the fear that was swimming around his blue iris. “You, leave,” Aurora pointed at Nathan. “What?” Nathan cranked his neck in confusion. “I said you should leave, this is a private conversation between me and Xander,” Aurora sassed. Nathan didn’t seem to get upset with Aurora’s sassy display, instead, he smiled ruefully and nodded. “Of course,” he muttered and walked towards the door. “Wait a minute, who are you obeying, me or Aurora?” I snapped and his hands froze around the door knob. He slowly released the knob and spun around. “You, Alpha,” he replied, bowing. “You will leave when I say so,” I replied and slumped into a dark grey cushion. “Get on with your explanation, who is behind all these?” I said, tilting my head towards Aurora. Aurora smiled and began to walk towards me in slow deceitful strides. “Stop ri
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Chapter 25
~Elena~My eyebrows furrowed in surprise as I stared at the beautifully trimmed beauty staring back at me from the large mirror.I felt a lump in my throat and batted my lashes severally to be sure that I was staring at the right person.‘Am I this beautiful?’ I thought as I examined my face again.“Oh my!! You look extremely beautiful, my lady. I mistook you for the moon goddess,” Glacia kept gasping repeatedly as she paced around the house. She stopped at intervals to peer at my face again.“Be quiet Glacia, you don’t even know what the moon goddess looks like,” I chuckled. I pray my fast-paced heart does not betray my level of anxiety.“Whatever she looks like, it is not one inch compared to this beauty,” she squirmed excitedly.I chuckled and shook my head at her childish jokes.“If being an Omega makes one this lucky and gorgeous, then I won’t mind being an Omega in my next life,” she giggled as she searched for my tiara.Glacia is worse than Melsa, her ta
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Chapter 26
A gasp shot out through my lips as a hard-built body pressed against me. I closed my eyes and stood rigid in the arms of my savior. What are you doing, Elena? This is your inauguration night, don’t forget you’re the Alpha’s mate. What will people say? What if it’s Nathan?! Different thoughts bounced around my head, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. I felt security and comfort in the arms that were wrapped protectively around me. Murmurs broke out through the hall, as different unheard words bounced across the hall. “It’s the Alpha!” a rough voice boomed across the room, forcing me to pull my head away from my savior’s head. But the hands that held my waist didn’t move, they remained there. “Are you always so clumsy?” I looked at his face and my eyes grew wide like saucers. His dark blue orbs speared into me. A scowl was sprawled out on his handsome face as he looked intimidatingly at me. “Al…Alpha?” I stuttered. “I can’t believe it, Alpha Xander is holding a woman?” “
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Chapter 27
~Alexander~My eyes didn’t leave her as she mingled freely with the prominent women in the room, she walked around with her nose in the air, proudly puffing out the aura of confidence radiating in her. “Everyone knows Alpha Xander, even mere Omegas like me, I’m glad that I have a well-known strong Alpha as my mate, that will increase my status in the society, don’t you think?”I smiled as her voice filtered into my ear.I wasn’t expecting her to be this confident soon, but the truth is that she must not continue like this. If she does, then I will have no other option but to clip off her wings and subdue her to be a submissive and inferior Luna.She must obey me and only me.I glanced at her again, ignoring the discussion going on in the group.My eyes slowly wandered away from Elena and landed on Nathan. He has been acting strange these days, always being to places that I’m not aware of.His eyes were fixed intently on something. ‘Could it be Darius?’ I muttered inwardly
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Chapter 28
~Elena~I couldn’t believe what I just did, I kissed him without his permission. I didn’t know where the courage came from, but I didn’t regret taking that step either. I love it, he loves it, maybe that’s the reason he didn’t push me away as I expected him to do.A low moan escaped my lips when he parted my lips, sucking in my saliva.I grabbed his collar and leaned deeper. Though my breath was slowly dwindling, I couldn’t break away. The feeling I had was skyrocketing me to another world entirely.He slowly pulled away and washed his piercing blue eyes all over me. I swallowed hard, enjoying the mint flavor that rolled around my mouth.I glanced at him, my innocent eyes begging for more. He understood the language and grabbed my waist, roughly slamming my body against his.He wrapped his fingers around my chin and raised my face to look at him. His long fingers caressed my swollen lips as he smirked in mischief.“You want me to mark you?” he whispered.I eagerly nodded, my he
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Chapter 29
Alpha Xander raised his head from my neck. He cranked his neck and his hands which were on the bed, balled up into a fist. I sighed frustrated when I saw Nathan standing by the door. His eyes popped out in shock and his jaw fell open as he gapped at us. Xander shielded me from Nathan’s prying eyes with his bulky body. My shaking hands slowly reached for the duvet and I wrapped it around my body. Xander cursed Nathan under his breath and got down from the bed. He wore his shirt and sauntered towards Nathan, his face red in anger. “What the hell are you doing here unannounced?” Xander snapped at him. “I’m sorry, Alpha, I wasn’t aware that you had your Luna with you. Please forgive me,” Nathan’s voice was frail and broken as he spoke. “Get out of here!” Xander growled and his eye color switched from blue to a dangerous-looking set of dark eyes. Nathan shivered slightly in fear and jumped out of the doorway. Before he left, he cast a surreptitious glance at me. My
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Chapter 30
The scraping of plates made me snap my eyes open. I groaned and cursed whoever woke me up from the best dream I had ever had in my entire life. Xander was about to break my hymen when the intruder dragged me out of the world of bliss, throwing me back into this soporific unwanted realm. I raised my messy hair from the pillow, groaning loudly. “Who’s that?” I snapped gruesomely. “Good morning, Luna, how was your night?” Glacia’s peppy voice filled the air. I jerked my head backward and my eyes widened. Wait, I cursed Glacia! Guilt got the visible part of my face as I stared pop-eyed at her. “When did the Alpha let you go back to your room?” She asked, her eyes gleaming innocently. “I came back immediately after the event was over, I didn’t meet with the Alpha,” I lied, hoping she wouldn’t dive deeper into the topic. “Well… I stayed awake till past midnight. The Alpha brought you back before midnight,” she blurted. Her brows curved up in mischief as she figure
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