All Chapters of His Deadly Obsession: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
149 Chapters
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the hillside campsite. What was supposed to be a peaceful weekend getaway had turned into a nightmare. Chaos reigned as gunfire echoed through the trees, and the scent of burning pine needles filled the air. Terrified campers huddled together in tents, seeking refuge from the unfolding violence. Screams and frantic footsteps merged into a symphony of panic. Among them were a group of college students who had stumbled upon this grim spectacle unwittingly, their plans for a relaxing escape shattered. Hidden amidst the mayhem were the drug traffickers, their faces contorted with both fear and aggression. They had arrived with the intention of striking a deal, but fate had other plans. A rival gang had set a trap, catching them off guard. Unbeknownst to them, they were about to be pulled into a deadly showdown. The first shots rang out, a cacophonous "Bang! Bang!" that shattered the night's fragile tranquility. Gunfire erupt
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Three long years had passed since the chaotic night on the hillside, and the world had irrevocably changed. In a dimly lit factory, the rumble of machinery formed a constant backdrop. Max ascended a creaking staircase to the second floor, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous space. The room he entered held an air of quiet anticipation, and his eyes fell on the figure sitting within, the one he had searched for all this time. "Francisco, James hasn't given us any updates. What should we do next?" Max's voice held a note of urgency. Francisco was a strikingly handsome and enigmatic young man. His ocean-blue eyes, as deep and unfathomable as the sea itself, stared off into the distance as he casually exhaled a plume of cigarette smoke. "You are aware of our methods in this case, Max," Francisco replied calmly, his voice carrying the weight of experience. He turned his gaze towards Max, and it was as if he carried the secrets of the world within his eyes, a knowledge that transc
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~Human trafficking~
"Don't let up. We have not sent them to the border yet," James urged, his words carrying the weight of their precarious situation. James's voice crackled over the phone, laced with anxiety and an unmistakable edge. He had reason to be concerned; after all, they were dealing with a man as cold-blooded and unpredictable as Francisco. Bruce's response was swift and unwavering. "Okay, sir. I will inform you of everything after boarding those girls out of here." With those words, Bruce hung up the phone, his mind focused on the task at hand. He knew that their operation had to proceed smoothly and without a hitch if they were to avoid Francisco's interference. However, as Bruce lowered the phone, an unexpected touch on his head sent a shiver down his spine, like the cold steel of a pistol against his skin. His eyes grew wider with realization, and his heart raced uncontrollably. At that moment, Bruce had a sinking feeling that they had underestimated Francisco's cunning and determinati
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The young girl gave a slight nod, her trust in Hazel evident. In a world filled with uncertainty and danger, Hazel's words were a lifeline of hope. Drawing the girl close, Hazel wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly. She knew that sometimes a simple hug could offer comfort that words couldn't convey. But just as a fragile sense of solace settled among the girls, another gunshot rang out, this time dangerously close to their cabin. Panic and alarm swept through the captive group, their hearts racing as fear overtook them. The young child, trembling and frightened, clung to Hazel, her small frame shaking. She whispered in a trembling voice, her words a poignant cry for the comfort of home. "I don't want to go. I want to see my mom." Hazel held the trembling girl firmly, offering what little comfort she could in the midst of their shared terror. But the fragile peace they had found was shattered when the cabin door burst open and a group of 7 or 8 masked men stormed in, th
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Police officers rushed in, their authoritative figures in stark contrast to the masked men who had held the girls captive. "Is everyone all right?" one police officer inquired, his voice laced with concern as he surveyed the room. A collective exhale of relief swept through the captives as they realized the nightmare might finally be coming to an end. For the first time in what had felt like an eternity, they dared to hope. The young girl, who had been clinging to Hazel, summoned the courage to speak, her voice trembling with both fear and longing. "Can I go to my mom?" Hazel, her heart touched by the girl's innocence and vulnerability, patted her head gently and offered words of reassurance. "Now we can all go home." A warm, genuine smile passed between Hazel and the young girl, a shared moment of understanding and relief. ** The police officers worked tirelessly, providing information and help to each of the rescued girls and helping them arrange to return to their homes. The
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A maid diligently wiped the bloodstains from the floor. The shadows cast by the curtains seemed to elongate and contort, as if they held their own secrets. Amid the solemn task, the maid's senses pricked with awareness as she detected approaching footsteps. An uneasy shiver traveled down her spine, and she turned her gaze toward the doorway. There, she saw a woman—a presence unexpected at that hour. The maid's voice quavered as she stammered, "Ma'am... you! At this time?" The woman, with an air of quiet confidence, offered the maid a sweet smile. Her grace and poise in that moment seemed incongruous with the chaos that had unfolded in this very room not long ago. "Where is he?" she inquired, her voice carrying an undercurrent of urgency beneath the sweetness. The maid, caught off guard, hesitated momentarily. She gestured toward the bathroom, the place where the enigmatic Francisco had retreated after the night's tumultuous events. A knowing smile graced the woman's lips as she
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~Torture cell~
After a few minutes, Francisco shut his eyes and began gagging Emily's mouth. He immediately reached his climax and filled Emily's mouth. After that, he pushed Emily forward, gripping her hair. She plopped down on the floor, licked her lips, and said, "How rude!" Francisco cleaned himself up, keeping his distance from Emily. As he reached for a towel, Emily turned on the shower and moved closer to him. "When will you show affection again?" she asked, her voice filled with longing. Francisco answered while grabbing the towel, but in an irritating manner, "Go f*** yourself." He left the bathroom, leaving Emily to stare after him, her desire unfulfilled. She muttered softly, "I'll wait for as long as it takes, Francis." Francisco put on a robe and made his way to the balcony of his luxurious palace. The night air embraced him as he lit a cigarette, its embers casting a faint, fiery glow on his rugged features. His strong jaw was set in contemplation as he peered out over the sprawli
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In the shadowy depths of Francisco's world, Max's sadistic amusement knew no bounds. Bruce, battered and bruised, found himself caught in a merciless game that promised nothing but agony. As Max held a menacing pair of brass knuckles, the room bore witness to the unfolding torment. Bruce, a mere pawn in this sinister theater, could hardly muster the strength to speak. His body bore the marks of relentless abuse, and his battered eye told a story of its own. Yet, amidst the torment and suffering, he managed to stutter out his plea of ignorance. "I don't know anything," Bruce whispered, his voice quivering. He clung to the remnants of his willpower, clinging to the slim hope that revealing nothing would offer a semblance of protection. Max, his tormentor, showed no remorse or sympathy. Instead, he wore a chilling smirk, delighting in Bruce's misery. "There is nothing we need from you," Max sneered, his fingers stretching ominously. "We are only playing with you for enjoyment." The g
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~Is everything okay?~
"Where are you, Francis?" Max inquired, a hint of impatience in his tone. Francisco's response was unexpected, and Max's eyes grew heavy and droopy as he tried to process it. "I'm lying in bed," came the answer, the words tinged with an unusual weariness. Max was bewildered. "In bed? Aren't you coming here?" He asked, his confusion apparent. "What?" Max muttered in a startled manner. "Are you alright?" His voice trembled with a mixture of surprise and worry, unable to fathom the sudden change in Francisco's demeanor. Francisco remained silent for a moment, leaving Max hanging in suspense. Then, in a voice that was unsettlingly calm, Francisco revealed his disturbing instructions. "Push him anti-seizure drugs before tossing him in front of his boss's house." "I know what to do now," Max replied. "But are you okay, or are you with Emily now?" He sought some clarity, hoping to understand the source of this disturbing change in his friend's character. Francisco's response was t
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~What if I can't change myself?~
Diana turned her face away from Max, her gaze avoiding his. The aftermath of their intense moment had left them both emotionally charged, and she couldn't bear to look at him. In a calm yet resolute tone, she spoke, "Max, you have blood all over you. Don't touch me." Max, realizing the gravity of her words, slowly released his grip on her waist, allowing her the space she needed to gather herself. Diana began to dress and fix her hair with meticulous care, trying to regain her composure. In a moment of vulnerability, Max couldn't help but voice the question that had been gnawing at him. He asked, his voice quiet, "Why are you torturing me like this?" The intensity of his feelings was evident, and he longed for clarity and understanding. Diana, her emotions still swirling beneath her composed exterior, breathed deeply and responded with a hint of haughtiness. "You know what I want. If you can do it, I will come back into your life." Max absorbed her words in silence, his eyes betray
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