All Chapters of Rejected, But Claimed By Her Four Alphas: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
180 Chapters
Chapter 51
SableArcher’s promise to help me come to grips with the witch magic has lifted a weight from my shoulders.I don’t know how much he’ll be able to tell me. He’s a wolf, after all, not a witch.But I won’t be alone in this.I won’t have to face it on my own.With a slightly lighter heart, I snap my backpack into place and follow the men out to the clearing in front of the cabin. I’m still not comfortable with their current plan of breaking laws and putting other shifters in danger, but now I have a future plan that gives me something else to focus on.I’ll figure out how to master my magic, and how to control it.The sun is high, filling the woods with warmth as we congregate outside the cabin. Ridge’s arm is around Dare’s waist. The injured man hobbles along beside him while Archer carries two bags and Trystan the third. The drugs in Dare’s system have turned his dark gaze glassy and unfocused. It’s haunting to see, but at least I know he’s not in much pain anymore. Once Dare has his
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Chapter 52
sable I don’t know these lands the way the shifters do, but as we set out, I can tell we’re taking a different path than the past couple times we arrived here at the mating cabin. Dare takes the lead, limping at a surprisingly quick pace for how injured his left leg is. I hate the thought of him up ahead, pushing through a debilitating haze of drugged-up pain, all alone with his own thoughts.I wish I could comfort him, but he’d only push me away if I tried.We jog for a while, though the only indication of passing time is the sun’s path across the cloudless sky. We pass over bare, rocky terrain, through a deep ravine, and into the soft cool shadow of a thick forest. The terrain is beautiful here, and more than once I find myself lost in the spectacle of it. It’s no wonder the shifters choose to live out here in the wilderness, surrounded by the mountains and the huge, blue Montana sky.After a while, the landscape begins to pass a little slower, and I glance at Dare just slightly ah
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Chapter 53
SableThe late afternoon air is hot as we leave the healer’s cabin.Part of me wants to remain behind and keep an eye on Dare. Not just because we’re leaving him half-conscious and with a total stranger—which would be grounds for absolute terror if I were in his shoes—but because I feel somewhat responsible for his current state.But I know if I say that out loud, I’ll get a lot of blowback from the other three men about how it’s nobody’s fault but Dare’s for running out into the wilderness and picking fights with witches.Maybe it’s because I’ve done my fair share of dealing with shitty things in my life, but I’m more inclined to see that Dare’s behavior had a trigger, and that trigger was me becoming a witch. So in a roundabout way, it is my fault. I’m still hurt over him running away, and over the way he’s rejected me even being near him since he showed back up. Mostly though, I hurt for him and the deep, underlying pain he feels over the loss of his pack. I’m not stupid enough to
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Chapter 54
sable I return Archer’s smile with one that I hope conveys affection and offers him strength. I can tell he’s trying to lighten the situation however he can, so he can cut the tension hanging in the air. I reach out and slide my hand into his, giving his fingers a quick squeeze.Most of the doors in the hallway are closed, except for the one standing open at the very end. The large bedroom would be cozy if not for the hospital-grade bed, IV stand, and heart monitor. A man that looks exactly like an older, grayer Archer is propped up against several pillows, a book held open between his hands.The moment he sees Archer appear in the doorway, his face transforms into a beaming smile, and he sets his book on the nightstand. “You’re back!”For someone who looks so sickly, his voice is booming. Malcolm’s skin is yellow with jaundice, and his cheeks and eyes are sunken. He has the look of a man who was once large and muscular, but who lost a lot of weight, very fast, and for all the wrong
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Chapter 55
RidgeWe’re a subdued group as we say our goodbyes to the alpha and leave his house. Some of the levity and politeness seemed to seep out of the atmosphere after Malcolm’s question about whether or not any of us would give up our claim to Sable.Back at the mating cabin, we were able to live in the present, build upon our friendships, and get to know Sable in slow, sweet moments. It genuinely felt like we were just five friends getting to know one another better on a backwoods vacation.But now, back in the real world of the packs, things are different.There’s a definite line in the sand between the world that existed in the mating cabin and the world out here. Archer and Trystan look more like competition and less like friends. And I’m feeling antsy too, with a deep pull to return to my people and make sure everything is okay. Even in my best moments with Sable, I haven’t been able to shake my concern over my brother Lawson and what kind of trouble he might stir up while I’m gone.B
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Chapter 56
RidgeA flicker of irritation sets my nerves on edge, and I fight the urge to punch the alpha in his face. Sable, on the other hand, doesn’t react to his stern rebuke the way I expect. She stares at Trystan, her blue eyes wide, and then nods.“You’re absolutely right,” she says. “Thank you. I’m not the girl I was before.”Okay, so I’m not fully on board with his hard-assed methods, but fuck if that didn’t work.“I also need to figure out what this means,” Sable goes on, lifting her fork to spear a hunk of potato. “Why am I a witch? How does this affect me? Or how does this affect us and the mate bond?”“We need to figure it out,” I add, putting emphasis on the we. “You’re not in this alone, nor should you feel like you are.”She grins—probably the first real smile I’ve seen on her face since we arrived here. “Right. We.”The rest of dinner passes with lighter conversation, but by the time we’ve all cleaned our plates, I can tell Sable is dead on her feet. Archer is itching to go join
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Chapter 57
SableI’m not even aware of falling asleep wrapped in Ridge’s arms. But as his warmth and that crisp, woodsy scent so unique to him wash over me, my eyelids fall shut. A short while later, I give in to dreams.I’m back in the mating cabin, standing in the middle of all four men: Ridge, Dare, Trystan, and Archer. I don’t have a care in the world—there’s no magic around us, nothing but the desire rising between us. Ridge’s lips meet mine, and Trystan’s hands move over my bare skin. Dare presses into my back, evidence of his arousal hot against my ass, while Archer places a dozen tiny kisses to my collarbone, moving with agonizing slowness. I close my eyes, my skin humming with need.Then I’m on a bed with them. This is where it changes from memory to fantasy, as Ridge’s naked form rises over me and settles between my legs. I don’t know what it feels like for a man to be inside me, so in my dream, I can’t even make out the sensation. Trystan and Dare are on either side of me, fingers on
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Chapter 58
sable His voice is soothing, and his hands on my arms ground me. The calmer I become, the more the black marks fade, until they’re gone entirely. All that’s left is Ridge.He’s leaning over me, our gazes locked as his hands gently rub up and down my arms. My skin begins to tingle beneath his fingers, and then suddenly, heat rises inside me.I recognize this heat.This need.It’s the same consuming fire that took over me in the cabin, that I felt before the witch transition. But I’m not going into heat this time either—at least, I don’t think so. It’s more like a powerful desire to make Ridge my own.“Don’t stop touching me,” I murmur, a little breathlessly.“It’s helping?” His brows pinch together as he puts a little more strength behind his hands.I close my eyes and focus entirely on the sensation of his hands on my skin. I relish the heat rolling off him, and the hard press of his hip against mine as he leans over me. He’s so close. I silently urge him to widen his playing field.
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Chapter 59
sableIt’s just me and him.I suddenly do feel a little shy, but I don’t let that stop me from reaching out and resting my hands on his chest. His pecs are muscular and slightly rounded, and they flex under my touch, as if it’s taking all his restraint to stay still while I explore him. Butterflies flap around in my stomach and my breath picks up a little as I drag my palms downward, feeling the slight prickle of his chest hair against my skin.My fingertips drop lower, tracing the contours of his abs, and when my gaze flickers down to the bulge in his pants, my mouth goes a little dry.He seems so big compared to me. Large and imposing in every sense.My fingers graze the skin below his belly button, following the small trail of hair that disappears beneath the waistband of his pants, and Ridge’s breath catches. I see his hands curl into fists at his sides, but he still doesn’t move, allowing me the freedom to touch him and explore him however I want.Fuck, there are so many ways I w
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Chapter 60
sableTwo large fingers catch my chin, turning my head back so that he can meet my gaze. Banked heat still burns in his irises, but I see concern in them too.Fuck. I knew it. That wasn’t normal. I made it weird because my body couldn’t wait.“Sable, are you all right? Did I hurt you?” he murmurs, his voice a rough burn.I blink. “No.” Not even a little bit. I swallow. “I just… I didn’t want to come like that. I wanted… I wanted you…”My mouth stumbles over the words. I’m starting to feel even more embarrassed, but then understanding dawns in Ridge’s eyes—and the heat in them flares like an inferno.“Are you sure?” His eyes bounce between mine as if he’s searching for any hint of doubt.I nod quickly, some of my awkwardness banished by the feelings rising up in me as I take in his dark, intense features. Maybe it doesn’t matter that I already came once just from rubbing against him. I still want him inside me. I still want more.And from the way he’s looking at me with a mixture of d
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