All Chapters of Dear Husband, I'm the Alpha's Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
101 Chapters
The one where he scares a man
~ Bella ~Insane! This alpha was insane!I didn't understand what kind of game he thought he was playing but I wasn't prepared to fall for it.Of course, he was an incredibly attractive man. Any woman with eyes could see that.So it wasn't a strange thing that I had a physical reaction to him but if he thought that I would ever do anything with him, he better have another thing coming on!Never in a thousand years would I cheat on Parker. Sweet old Parker! My crush for years!I didn't deserve him and I would ever do anything to hurt him. Even if that anything was a sexy werewolf with stunning abs trying to seduce me.He probably did this with every woman he met. I would be stupid to think he was acting this way towards me for any real reason.The more reason I couldn't afford to let him get to my head."How come you never kiss my ass?" he asked so close to my face that I felt his breath against my lips.I dipped my head under his arm and cut to the side, expertly removing myself fro
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The one where they're finally alone
~ Bella ~ By the time we left Sauve Corp, we had more answers than I could ever hope to have gotten alone, thanks to Nikola.Thankfully, no other person proved as stubborn as that first man did but Nikolai's quiet presence behind me certainly had people talking more easily.The effect on women was vastly different. They moment they laid eyes on him, they instantly became super cooperative.Batting their eyes at him, coyly twisting their hair around their fingers and so on. So irritating! Ugh!At least he ignored them for the most part. In fact, for the more brazen ones, he fixed them with cold stares that could have melted iron."So what do we do now?" Nikolai asked."Now, we have to sit down and read through all of these," I pointed at the briefcase in his hands.He lifted his hand and glanced at his watch. "We still have enough time today to make a sizeable dent in it.""Today?" I said in horror."Why not?" he said. "It's barely 3 'o' clock. I reckon we'll get three-quarters throug
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The one where he makes a discovery
~ Nikolai ~"So now that we're finally alone, what do you want to do?" I asked in a voice that was purposely low and seductive. "What do you mean?" she asked in a gasp, holding her body as far away from me as much as possible in the tight space. Her body was so tightly wound that if I poked her with a finger, she would probably snap like a twig.I burst into laughter. She jumped at the sudden sound. Wow, she was really nervous. That was a good thing.I was only messing with her actually. For some reason, I found teasing her like this very entertaining.Almost as entertaining as actually kissing her... touching that delectable body.I moved my hand from around her chair before I turned that thought into action. I also moved my body away from her, deliberately putting space between our bodies. I couldn't trust myself otherwise."You should have seen the look on your face!" I said. "So funny!"She self consciously straightened my dress. "That was not a very funny joke," she said.I s
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The one where they go to court
~ Bella ~Late! Late! Late! I was late to court! Shit!The truth was I was often late but today was different and I was freaking out more than usual.Why? Because I was supposed to be meeting Alpha Nikolai at court!But I swear it wasn't even entirely my fault. I swear it!Traffic was absolutely horrid that morning. Traffic in Division 1 was usually bad, but this morning's had been a real doozy. Still, I couldn't give that as an excuse to a judge, or worse-- to Nikolai.As much as I felt we'd bonded over the past week working on this case, I could never bring myself to forget who he was.A Werewolf. And not just any Werewolf, the alpha of the biggest pack in the Decacities.I checked my phone. The big fat block letters on my homepage read 8:54 am. I had six minutes to get to Court Room 160 before our session started. Sh*t!. I pushed back the memories and roughly grabbed my purse and briefcase and slammed the car door shut.I walked briskly into the courthouse. Just then, a high pit
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The one where she owns the case!
~ Bella ~"Before I begin, I implore you, your Honor, my able jury and the audience to follow me closely. What I will be doing here today is not just exposing a well-crafted fraud but also a Mastermind criminal the types of which we haven't seen in a long time!"There were gasps in the room. Further energized by the fact that they were actually listening, I walked further into the room.I saw the door open quietly and Mr Sauve himself slipped into the room accompanied by his bodyguards from the elevator.The pressure mounted. Now, I really had to nail this. I continued."On the 20th of March, 2005, Mr Dumont was employed at Sauve Corp to work in the accounting department and things were going smoothly."I smiled. "As a matter of fact, we took some time to interview his colleagues who worked closely with him at Sauve Corp and they had nothing but glowing remarks about Mr Dumont and his work ethics while he was there.""Aren't you arguing for the wrong side now, Mrs Smith?" The Judge q
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The one where there's evidence
Dumont gasped as soon as he saw the newcomers. I smiled.He leaned in and began to whisper insistently to his lawyer.I called my witnesses up to the stand one after the other. The next few minutes were a blur of questions and answers."Please introduce yourselves to the court," was my first question to each witness."I am Mr Smith, an accountant at Quest Accounting Firm," the first man said."I am Evelyn Row, the owner of a fashion company called Perfect Cuts.""My name is Victor, I was the co-owner of a small start-up company called Valeed Eye.""Do you know the man seated there?" I pointed at Mr Dumont."Yes! That's right! I do," they each answered."I employed Dumont as our accounts officer about 7 years ago now," Victor answered. He added, "He worked with us for about a year and during that time, he was an amazing employee."Evelyn smiled when I asked her the same question. "Of course! That is Mr Dumont. He worked at Perfect about five years ago."Mr Smith also acknowledged kno
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The one where she makes the news...again!
~ Bella ~I ran to Nikolai and jumped into his arms without even thinking about it.I was just so happy, so glad that the case had gone so well.Anyone with eyes and ears could tell that we were definitely going to win!Dumont must be shaking in his boots right now, trying to find a way to patch things up with his lawyer.In all that excitement, I'd turned around and seen Nikolai looking at me with the proudest look I'd ever seen.Next thing I knew, I was in his arms. He caught me easily like I weighed nothing and spun me around.By the time he set me down, my brain was working again. I blushed crimson red, looking around the room to see if anyone had noticed what just happened.But most people had left the room already, and the few that were left weren't paying much attention either.I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew I had a lot of eyes on me here today.A few reporters still followed me around till now. The last thing I needed was a picture of me hugging Nikolai on the front of
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The one where she gets her third case
~ Bella ~The reporters instantly surrounded the car and cameras started flashing.The last time that happened, I'd immediately flown into a panic.But this time, for some reason, I felt oddly calm and relaxed.Maybe it was because I was already used to have cameras flashing at me at odd times...?Or maybe it was because I was with Alpa Nikolai and just instinctively knew I was completely safe.As if to prove my point, "Clear us a path," he said calmly.At first I wasn't even sure who he was talking to but Ahmad and Boulin instantly stepped out of the car.The reporters closest to Boulin immediately stepped back as soon as they saw him, before he even did anything."Let's go," Nikolai said and ushered me out of the car. Boulin and Ahmad created a wall between us and the reporters.We walked into the courtroom relatively undisturbed except for the flashing cameras."Thank you," I said once we were safely inside.He shrugged. "It's kind of my fault anyway," he said and went off to his
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The one where they question Eliza
~ Bella ~I brought a glass of water over to our guest and gently set it down in front of her.She immediately grabbed it up and began to gulp it down."Please drink slowly," I said, worried that she would choke herself.Her eyes darted to the corner of the room where Nikolai was standing, arms folded, leaning against the wall.She gulped even faster."You're scaring her," I mouthed to him.He shrugged in answer.Once she finished drinking the water, I took the glass cup from her and took it back out."Are you feeling better now?" I asked when I returned."Enough of this!" Nikolai exclaimed suddenly. He stalked to the table, pulled a chair to himself, turned its backwards and sat. He leaned casually against the back of the chair."We need answers. Why did you come to Mrs Smith? What do you need her services for?" he asked.She turned to me, wide-eyed. "Who is he?" she asked apprehensively, tugging nervously at her sleeve."He assistant," I said in a voice that I hoped was rea
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The one where they meet Alpha Marcus
~ Nikolai ~"So where do we begin?" I asked Bella. We needed to discuss the case and come up with a line of action.Bella shrugged. "I don't know," she said.I frowned. She'd been acting quite cold since I came in for reasons I didn't know."You're the lawyer. Where would you usually start in a case like this," I pressed."You're the one who wanted to take the case. You should know where you planned to start," she said frostily."So are you saying you didn't want to take the case?" I asked.She shook her head. "Of course, I wanted to take the case. Her case was so pitiful. I wanted to help.""Then why are you being this way?" I asked, moving closer to her. "Where is this coming from, Bells?" I asked.She turned red at my use of my nickname for her. I couldn't tell if she liked it or hated the nickname from her reaction but it rolled off my tongue so easily and I enjoyed saying it."What's the problem?" I asked again.She folded her arms. "Nothing is the problem!"I knew enough about
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