All Chapters of Mr. Webb, Make Your Move!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
610 Chapters
Chapter 11
Zara parked the car and walked over. "Mr. Webb."The streetlights cast a dim glow on the path, barely revealing the man's stern profile. He did not turn to look at Zara, and the cigarette between his fingers was flickering. With a silent sigh, Zara scanned the area and spotted a 24-hour convenience store. She bought a sandwich that could be eaten directly."You barely touched your dinner. Eat this to tide you over so that you won't get a stomachache."Yosef gave her an annoyed look but accepted the sandwich.In a hushed tone, Zara said, "You know, clashing with Chairman Webb isn't wise. He has high blood pressure and was even admitted to the hospital last year..."Yosef's response was a cold sneer. He tossed the sandwich he was holding aside, grabbed Zara, swung open the car door, and had her pinned to the back seat.He moved so deftly that she could feel her head spinning. Before she could come back to her senses, she found her legs forced apart.Her mind reeled in protest, a
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Chapter 12
The following morning, Zara was back at Yosef's side, escorting Mr. Smith from the day before to the Parade Float Manufacturing Factory.Azure Cloud Group specialized in venture capital. They were one of the top investment firms in the country with projects funded all over the globe and domestically. Their influence was massive, and they played a decisive role in society. That was why they often took charge of government-backed initiatives.The Parade Float Manufacturing Factory was an example of that. It was a project that preserved cultural treasures.Zara had shaken off last night's meltdown and was back to her polished self, standing by Yosef's side as the picture-perfect assistant. She chimed in whenever needed and stayed silent and attentive when not.The factory was a cavernous space filled with rows of vibrant, whimsically designed parade floats. The seasoned factory manager was giving them the grand tour, and Mr. Smith could not help but marvel as he listened to the intr
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Chapter 13
The accident was an unexpected one.Panic spread through the scene like wildfire. Some people were moving debris, while others were rushed to the hospital.Lucky for Zara, the Thanksgiving parade float was just a frame and not too heavy. The X-rays showed no broken bones in her calf. If it had been a fully built float, the weight would have crushed her leg for sure.There was a bigger problem, however. Mr. Smith had been knocked out cold, and they needed to provide an explanation for this matter.While everyone was being sent to the hospital, the factory manager wasted no time getting to the bottom of things. It turned out that one of the ropes holding up the float had slipped loose, causing it to tip and start a disastrous domino effect.The question remained—why did that rope come undone?In the hospital ward, the factory manager tried to keep his composure. "The rope that came loose was No. 4. We don't have surveillance cameras in the factory, so it's hard to say how it happen
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Chapter 14
As the nurse dabbed at Beatrice's wound with disinfectant, Beatrice winced and let out a tiny yelp. Yosef was at her side in a flash. "Are you okay?""Just a scratch," Beatrice said, looking up at him with those doe eyes. "Mr. Webb, what about your shoulder? Does it hurt a lot? You should get that checked."Yosef had taken a hit from the edge of the float while shielding Beatrice."It's nothing." Yosef brushed it off.He fussed over Beatrice's hand. "Keep it dry, okay? We don't want you to get a bacterial infection. I'll get someone to look after you.""I can take care of myself, Mr. Webb. I'm not a kid, you know."Zara watched them with an icy stare. All her fatigue and disappointment had built up like a tidal wave, and it was ready to crash over her.What a joke.Without a sound, Zara eased her injured leg off the bed and onto the floor, bracing herself to stand. A sharp pain zipped from her foot to her heart.Zara was on the brink of being seriously hurt, and Yosef had not
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Chapter 15
To everyone's surprise, Zara simply said, "Give me ten minutes."Beatrice was caught off-guard, and Yosef's brows furrowed in annoyance.Ignoring the throbbing in her leg, Zara leaned on the hospital bed and limped over to the factory manager. "I need a word. It'll be just between us," she said."Speak," the manager replied, eager to listen.In a hushed tone, Zara said, "Could you reach out to that blogger who was taking photos back at the factory? He helped to bring the injured to the hospital, so he should still be in the ER."The manager blinked, then whispered back, "Sure thing. I'll go bring him over now."Zara gave a grateful nod. "Thanks."The others could not catch their quiet exchange. Yosef watched Zara with a frosty detachment, while Beatrice looked visibly rattled.Was Zara just bluffing, or did she actually have something up her sleeve?It was not long before the manager returned while clutching a black bag. Everyone looked at it, wondering what it was.The manag
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Chapter 16
It was not until that moment that Zara really looked at Yosef. "This is a bet between her and me. Everyone here is a witness, including you, Mr. Webb. "I'm just following through on the bet. Do you see something wrong with what I'm doing, Mr. Webb? What mistake did I make?"She stood there, as fierce as a hedgehog with its quills up. She looked so different from her usual calm, understated, and almost meek self.Yosef felt like he was looking at a stranger."She's been bad-mouthing me and even trying to pin her schemes on me. For all I know, she could've been the one messing with the rope to frame me. If it weren't for the evidence, I'd probably be wrongly accused—all because of just a few words from her and your favoritism for her."Why should I put up with that? If I'm wronged, why can't I set things right?"Zara's comeback was fierce. Her gaze locked onto Yosef's, unwavering and bold."And what if the client had gotten hurt? If Mr. Smith were to demand accountability without
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Chapter 17
"I hope she and that jerk have a long and lousy life together!"That day, Zara packed up her things at the office and brought everything home. It caused quite the scene. It could not be hidden from her roommate, Cecil. Under Cecil's relentless probing, Zara spilled the beans about everything that had gone down.Cecil went on a rant, blasting Yosef and Beatrice for a solid 30 minutes. The more she ranted, the angrier she got. Finally, she slammed down a bottle of cold beer in frustration.She spun around to Zara and asked, "So you just quit, just like that?"Zara, who was rubbing ointment on her injured leg, replied without much fuss, "Didn’t you always want me to dump Yosef? Now that I've quit, you think I'm being rash?""Rash? Heck no! I'm thrilled you're out of there! It's just that those two got off way too easy!"After her tirade, Cecil bit her lip and asked in an unpleasant tone, "So what did that jerk Yosef do when you told him you were quitting?""I told him I was done
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Chapter 18
Gossip spread like wildfire, and Zara's recent flurry of meet-ups with various companies was no secret among insiders.Yosef, who was out horseback riding with his friends on the grasslands for a weekend of unwinding, ended up having to discuss it.James, always a bit behind on the news, blurted out, "For real? Yosef is alright with letting Ms. Lowry leave?""It's gotta be real. My HR manager even reached out to her. Whether it's because of her career plans or the fact that I'm friends with Yosef, she rejected our offer."Harper Young shot Yosef a look, seemingly blaming him for getting in the way of his company recruitment. Yosef was dressed in sleek black riding gear. He was perched on a white horse, looking like an aloof heartthrob. He appeared a lot more laid-back compared to his usual suit-and-tie outfit. They were all talking about Zara, but Yosef seemed unbothered and unfazed. Thinking about it, Yosef had always been this way. Years went by with Zara as his one and onl
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Chapter 19
Yosef's reply was cold. "You think it's a waste, and you probably think I'm doing her wrong. You'd always thought we'd tie the knot, right?"Ophite had once asked him when he would pop the question to Zara, just like his folks had.With a hint of a tease, Ophite said, "Ms. Lowry's the full package, a real catch. If you let her slip away, there'll be a line of guys ready to swoop in. I just don't want you to end up regretting it when she's off the market."Yosef's tone was flat. "She won't be.""She won't go for someone else? Are you that sure of yourself?"Yosef shot him a look, acting laid-back and indifferent. "Hey, if you're so interested, why don't you give it a shot?""You're such a jerk," Ophite muttered, steering his horse a little farther from him. He understood why Yosef was so full of himself, though. Zara had been nothing but compliant for the last three years.Zara only ever had eyes for Yosef. She hovered around him constantly, barely taking a moment for herself.Y
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Chapter 20
Zara quickly stepped in to smooth things over. "Mr. Kingsley, you're here for dinner too, right? You should try the mushroom soup here. It's pretty good. "And about that thing you mentioned to me before, I'm still thinking it over. I'll get back to you once I've decided."Edward, not wanting to make things awkward for her, shot James a look. He then said, "Sure, I'll give the soup a shot. I'll be waiting for your answer."With that, he walked off to another table with his female companion.Zara turned to James, who blurted out, "No, Zara. Don't think about him; think about me. I mean what I said."Zara raised an eyebrow. "What is it?""I really want to hire you as my secretary! I'm clueless about running my dad's company. I need you more than anyone else," James confessed with sincerity."Don't worry, I'm the kind of boss who doesn’t micromanage. I won't breathe down your back. With me, you'll have all the say!"Zara had been a little annoyed with him earlier, but his straight
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