Semua Bab Breach Of Trust (English Version): Bab 1 - Bab 10
16 Bab
The Plan
"Are you really sure about this? You're just an 18-year-old, Aliyah!" I didn't pay attention to what my cousin Bella said.18 years old? Yes, but I was 15 years old when my father died because of his boss. If I had had the ability when I was 15, I would have done it for sure. I will destroy that CEO.I continue putting red lipstick on my lips to look more mature. I'm serious about my plan. I'll make sure to make him fall in love with me, and when I'm sure that he is already in love with me, I'll leave him.I hate him so much; if I could hurt someone, I would have done it, but I know that for now, this is all I can do. I looked at my whole body in the mirror. I am wearing a satin red dress; it's backless, and my upper boobs are showing. It's too revealing. Many people think I'm in my 20s because of my mature body, but the truth is, I am just 18.I'm going to do this. I'm going to hurt him and make him cry. After I make him fall in love, I will find a way to destroy his company. It's ha
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This Is Not A Playground
I almost closed my eyes when I entered that bar. Every light dancing around is making me dizzy. Even though I followed Maddix for days and nights, I never made it inside; I was only outside every time I followed him, so I couldn't help but get dizzy with the light dancing around.This is also my first time going to this kind of place, and this is one of Bella's worries that I might get into trouble, so she is really trying her best to stop me from doing this.Once I was able to get used to the dizzying light around me, I continued walking inside. I saw some sofas that were U-shaped, and my lips almost parted when I saw some people kissing on one side, not worrying if someone was looking at them. They are just kissing and enjoying what they are doing.I was so busy looking around that I almost jumped in shock when someone grabbed my back. I quickly pushed him away in shock and fear, especially when he approached me.What the hell?"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I surprise you?" I noticed his long
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Chapter 1
"I can't believe this! I can't believe him! I hate him!" I was walking back and forth in Bella's room while saying that, but Bella just laughed at me after hearing what happened.I went home immediately after that. That guy! How dare he embarrass me? Fvck him! "He had the courage to make me look like a child and he compared me to the girls there. He even told me to go home and not to play in a place like that because it's not a playground. How dare he do that! His face is so thick! I really want to punch him! He said he didn't need to come closer to any woman because the woman would approach him first! What does that mean? That he didn't need to do something because a woman would go to him without even doing? I want to erase his thick face!" I yelled because of the annoyance and irritation I feel to that Maddix."I wore something nice and revealing. I did my makeup, and that's all he said? What is all he is going to say? For the first time someone said I was young! A kid! Damn it! I
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Chapter 2
I couldn't help but frown while brushing my teeth. I looked at the door. I almost wanted to go out and say to him that I didn't smell bad, but I knew I really did. I just vomited in front of him, so I must be smelling bad right now.I shouldn't be ashamed of him, right? He is not an important guy to me, but I really can't stop being annoyed and ashamed of what happened. He even managed to tease me after seeing it! I glanced at myself in front of the mirror and cursed because I was still dizzy. If Bella is here, she's really going to say that she's right and that this is not a good idea to be here.When I went out to the comfort room, I saw him sitting on a single sofa. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me from head to toe again. I'm ready to say something, but he made me stop."You're only in Grade 12, and then you go to a place like that?" He immediately asked that to me, which made me frown, but eventually I got what he meant.I came to my senses, and I can't stop myself from blin
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Chapter 3
3Because our eyes met, my anger towards him grew stronger. If it weren't for him, my dad would still be here today. I shouldn't miss my dad and cry like this. If dad is here and didn't die, I shouldn't have anger in my heart.Mama should be happy now, and she shouldn't cry every time she remembers my father. Mom would never have thought of committing suicide. I should be enjoying my teenage days right now, not doing this kind of shìt.I wiped my tears. I don't know if he saw the tears in my eyes, but I think he didn't see them because it was quite dark where I was standing. I want to enjoy my teenage days, but I can't be happy thinking that my mother is still suffering from the death of my father.I don't know why I suddenly lost my dizziness and became comfortable, even though the ship was moving. The only thing on my mind was my anger towards the person in front of me now and how to hurt him hard.I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I tried to smile at him. I even waved my
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Chapter 4
4That's it. I can't believe that I did it. I can't believe what just happened. I was dumbfounded while my friends got ready because it was almost seven o'clock and we had to go to the lobby for our DTR."Hey? What's wrong with you?" Seji asked when she noticed that I was just sitting and staring at something."Who owns this?" I almost ran the distance between me and Hennah when she was already holding the white longsleeve that Maddix had put on me last night. I grabbed it from her and looked away."What's your problem? You don't need to just grab it harshly." Hennah frowned while looking at me."Did you go out last night?" Seji asked again while staring at my hand. "You don't wear things like that," she added."I-I didn't go out," I stammered while saying that.I don't know. I'm confused. I should be happy, right? That's a huge improvement, but why am I thinking about our kiss last night instead of the next thing I'm going to do to get closer to him?I'm just 18, but I've already ki
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Chapter 5
5Throughout my work immersion, I always go to the balcony cabins every night, but right now, I don't want to go there. I better lie down in bed even though I'm not sleepy yet. He’s here. I tried not to think about him and the plans I had for the past few days because I thought he was not going here anymore, but now he’s here again, and I don’t know what I should do.Tomorrow will be our last day working, so next morning will be our free day. The others, including Seji, have already planned what to do that day, while I will probably just go along with what they are going to do.I glanced at my phone when it rang. It was the third call from that passenger that got my number a while ago, and throughout that call I just let it ring, but because I was so irritated by that call, I just turned it off."This will be your last day for your immersion, so I'm expecting all of you to have a good time on your last day," the manager said, and some of the staff are already in front of us."After th
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Chapter 6
6I just shook my head when the conversation between Hennah and I entered my mind. See, Maddix Villaranza really has this effect that, even if he does nothing, many girls will want to be with him. Many girls surely want to get close to him. Many girls surely want to be his girls.Hennah is one of our elite classmates. She is beautiful; I'll be honest about that. She is also the daughter of a business tycoon, and I'm a fool to say that I have more chances to get Maddix than her. It's clear that she has more chances than me. Maybe if she tells her father that she wants a date with Maddix, he will surely allow it and talk to Maddix about it. The connections are so powerful nowadays. Knowing that Hennah is a spoiled brat, she can get everything she wants.But why do I think that? I shouldn't be thinking about that. What does it matter if the two are going on a date? What does it mean for me if Hennah likes Maddix and she has a chance? I was busy thinking, so I didn't notice that someone
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Chapter 7
7Using one of his hands, he lifted my face. I tried to hide my face from him again, but he managed to lift it, and then he looked at me. I bit my lips and just closed my eyes. I don't want to see him while my whole system is like this."Open your eyes, baby," he whispered to me, which made my body feel electricity. No! I will never open my eyes.“Baby,” he whispered again, kissing the side of my lips. Ghad! I really can't believe that this is happening right now.I can't believe that he is here and doing crazy things to me.Drunk and almost sleepy, I opened my face, but I closed my eyes again and bit my lip as his finger continued. He didn't stop and just continued his finger making me crazy.I looked up and leaned my head on something behind me when I really helped. I heard my moan again, but I held him tight when he buried his face in my neck and started kissing it."Ghad! You're fucking beautiful," he whispered while kissing my neck, but he cursed again and immediately removed his
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Chapter 8
8 "What happened to you? Why are you hiding?" Seji asked with a frown when she noticed me blocking my face with the restaurant menu.Every time someone enters the restaurant, I cover my face and feel nervous that I might see Maddix after what happened. I'm just afraid to see Maddix after that. I don't want to face him, and I don't know how to act normally. I can't believe this. In the past, I was doing everything to get close to him, but now I'm hiding here and want to avoid him.I just really can't get why he did that. He said that I was a kid, but look what he did to me! Ghad! We decided to have breakfast at the restaurant. It's tastier and has more choices here. After all, everything is free, so we're just here and enjoying the free service that they have for us. We are at a long table, and we are all here.There are ten of us here, and the others have said their orders and taken their menus, but me? I don't know what I am going to order. I was so nervous here, and I think I can'
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