Semua Bab THE MAFIA'S CAPTIVE ANGEL: Bab 51 - Bab 60
143 Bab
I hadn’t left Mani’s side. I couldn’t when she was lying here, barely breathing. Her private room had a small bathroom. The nurses and Luca were the ones bringing me food, but otherwise, I kept my ass in the chair, only getting up for bathroom breaks.The first twenty-four hours came and went, but she didn’t wake up. The doctor didn’t seem overly concerned, which I didn’t like. I wasn’t a doctor, but people shouldn’t just stay asleep. They should fucking wake up.Reaching for her hand, I pressed a kiss to her knuckles. At least she felt warm to me. "Mani, love. Open your eyes for me, baby."She didn’t flutter.No sign.No movement."She’ll wake up when she’s ready," Luca said from behind me, and I turned slightly to look at him."Were are you able to find out what happened?"Luca sighed, taking a step forward. "It is just like we suspected; Lorenzo has nothing to do with it.""Then who?" I asked. My voice was deep and void of any emotion."That is the thing, Sin." He was silent for a
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It's been two weeks since we came back from the hospital, and it's been two weeks since I finally returned from the hospital and have been treated like a baby, not by Sin but by Zoey.They both kept trying to do everything for me and refused to let me raise a finger, which was both nerve-wracking and nice.I had been locked in the room all day, mostly due to the fact that I had been reading a novel and lost track of time.Things with Sin and I have been great; he pampers me all the time, and slowly the mask of a ruthless leader he wore slips away when we are together.Every day with Sin revealed a new side of him: that he was capable of empathy, kindness, and integrity. We both joked and laughed like two normal human beings, and whatever I requested of him, he made sure to carry it out. But was it enough to forget about everything and give up my family and freedom?The dark and malicious part of him still existed, strong and dominant, even when he tried so hard to hide it. I still saw
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The day was going great; right now I'm in Sin's office reading a romance novel while Sin works.We have been here for quite some time now and have hardly really said anything to each other as we focused on the task ahead.I was already tired of reading and wanted to do something else. Lifting my head, I looked at Sin and found him still focused on some documents in front of him. I was bored and hungry.Letting out a yawn, I tried to gain his attention and failed miserably. Not wanting to accept defeat, I decided to try again and let out a loud yawn."What seems to be the problem, Amore?" I grinned when he finally spoke, happy to finally get his attention."I'm bored," I whined dramatically.Sin rolled his eyes before he answered, "I thought you were reading a book."I sighed loudly, trying to make a point. "I was, but now I'm bored.""So what do you want to do?" This caused me to jump with joy, and I stalked toward Sin."Can I go outside? I haven't been outside for a month. Please ple
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I was walking through the dining room on the way to the kitchen when I heard a loud cry, making me hasten my footstep. I rushed in to see Victoria gripping tightly onto Zoey's neck as she cried, stretching onto Victoria's hand."What the hell, Victoria?" I yelled, walking over and pushing her away from Zoey, who had begun gasping for breath. "Are you trying to kill her?""This has nothing to do with you." Victoria sneers. "Carry on your way, since you are Sin’s precious whore."I looked at Zoey to see if she was okay. Her face was still red, but she was breathing well. "Are you okay?" I asked, concerned."I’m fine; don’t worry." She groans out I turned my attention back to Victoria, glaring at her. "What gives you the right to hurt Zoey, uh...”Victoria lets out a sinister laugh, giving me a dead stare. "You both sure do have a lot of nerve, don’t you?.” "What?" I asked, surprised." Victoria I know you are angry, but you can’t seriously blame Mani for what happened to Fabian. She
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I was in the library, sitting close to the window as I flipped the pages of the book. It has been a month and two weeks since I got shot, and thankfully, my injury has gotten better and is healing really well. The downside was I wasn’t allowed to go out and have tried pleading with Sin, but he was just being hot-headed and freaking stubborn.Victoria and I have crossed paths a couple of times, and every time, I’m always met with a glare, though she doesn’t say anything. But I can tell that whatever hatred she has for me seems to grow, and at times like this, I wish Samantha were here.A footstep snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to see Sin walking over me with a smile on his face.He was looking impossibly handsome in yet another perfectly cut suit. Well, shirt and pants. He had forgone the jacket. I almost wished for the jacket because the shirt left so much to the imagination about his manly shape.Broad, thick shoulders; arms bulging with muscles, but not too much. He wor
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I was woken up by a ticklish feeling that felt more like small kisses being trailed on my cheek, lips, and neck. I moved, trying to get away from the person while I snuggled closer to the sheets.I expected the feeling to stop, but it just continued, and this time it was even more intense than before. I opened my eyes slowly due to the sun shining through. I turned to find the culprit to my discomfort and was met with a shirtless Sin laying next to me with a grin on his handsome face."Happy birthday, Amore!" He whispered, pecking my lips.I smiled at him, lifting my hands up to hold both sides of his cheek. I brought him closer, kissed his lips, and turned to the other side to continue my beautiful sleep.A hand strapped onto my shoulder, shaking me, and I was turned back around. Groggily opening my eyes again, I looked at Sin, waiting for him to explain why he was disrupting my sleep."Are you just going to go back to sleep?" he asked, baffled."Yeah," I stated in a matter-of-fact t
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Like every morning, I woke up feeling something wet between my thighs. My eyes shot open, and I leaned my elbows to find the head of a dark hair pampering kisses on my thigh. I lay down again, looking at the ceiling. Sin had woken me several times in the night to have his way with me; I shouldn't be surprised, but how does he have so much stamina?I pulled his head away softly, but he only pushed me closer to him. "Nikolai.." I dragged out his name, caressing his shoulders, but he was so occupied that he only let out a hmm in between the kisses.The vibration sent a shiver down my spine, making my hips lean slightly forward into Sin's face. He chuckled at me, holding my panties by the waist side."You aren't going anywhere today, Amore," he said before pulling my new panties away. Without any more words from his side, he used his tongue to separate my folds, and I moaned again.Teasing me with sweet tortures, he licked my clit at a slow pace, like he was trying to survey the moment. I
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Sin had gone out to go about his busy schedule, and Zoey was surprisingly not around again, leaving me once more bored. It's not like I could hang out with Mateo since he was busy overseeing the house in Sin and Luca's absence. What better way to eliminate boredom than by reading a book?I had recently downloaded a reading app, where you can read your favourite stories of different genres. Right now I am reading a novel called Loving Hayden. It is about two teens who were once archenemies but later became friends with their enemies. Okay, maybe not friends with benefits, more like enemies with benefits. I was eager to see where their relationship was going to lead. I continue to flip through my phone as I read the story.I was so engrossed with the story that I didn't realize how much time had passed. I was disturbed by the sound of a knock at the door."Mani, are you in there?" It was Samantha's voice; she knocked again, probably waiting for a reply.I stood up, checking myself to ma
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Sin got home very late last night. I tried waiting up on him but fell asleep; I didn't even know what time he came home yesterday. Right now, I felt his warmth as I snuggled deeper into his hold.I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight shining through the window. I looked up and was met with dark orbs staring right back at me."good morning". I whispered softly,"Good morning, princess." I could never get used to his husky voice. It always managed to bring me to my knees. "Did you sleep well?" Sin asked."Yeah, I did. I tried waiting up for you yesterday and didn't notice when I fell asleep." I answered truthfully with a pout on my face."Sorry about that, Amore; I came home pretty late. I hoped you had a fun time with Sam yesterday," he asked, stroking my hair."Yes, we did; I was able to get a dress for tomorrow.""I can't wait to see you in it. I'm sure you will look great in it; you always do," he responded, his voice sending tingles rising through my body."Thank you.
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"Where are we going?""That's for me to know and for you to find out, Amore." Sin was mysterious as ever, just like the night of my birthday when he took me out.We were inside one of Sin's limousines. I shouldn't even be surprised when I found out we were riding the limousine for our date. He always knew how to spice things up and leave me in awe; that is one of the things I love about him.We stopped in a parking lot, but there weren't many cars there, just an average quantity. Sin's men, who were following behind us, stepped out to secure the premises. I looked out of the window, and I was stunned when I saw a very big yacht that had beautiful lights shining out of it."Are we having our dinner on a yacht?" I was surprised and at the same time extremely excited.“And what if I told you that yes,” I let out a squeal, pulling his face in for a quick kiss?"I plan on making our first official date special, along with many other special dates. Last time had been a flop, and I want noth
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