All Chapters of Rejected By Alpha, Chased By Lycan King: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
184 Chapters
Chapter 1
Delilah's POV:I was inhaling the chilly October breeze when it suddenly got stuck in my lungs and my feet halted instantly. It was 5 in the morning and I saw no one besides me in those deserted woods behind the campus but I, sure as hell, could hear low, painful whimpers.Heart throbbing in my chest, I scanned the area, "Who's there?" My voice echoed around the woods but there was no response.Instinct told me to run the hell away but all I could think of was to help the one in pain. Inhaling a huge gulp of air, I started following the sound of whimpers that took me to an ancient, gigantic tree.Balling my fists, I walked around the tree and stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I saw a man sprawled on the ground with his back against the trunk. My eyes widened in horror as I took in his wounds. I instantly crouched down and croaked up in worry, "What happened? Are you okay?" His eyes were closed and he didn't bother replying to me. Assessing his injuries, I found his whole face cover
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Chapter 2
Delilah's POV:I choked on the little air trapped inside me but he tightened his hold even more, "Who do you work for? And what did you do to him?"I opened my mouth and choked out, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”He growled in rage, “Don’t you dare lie to me.”Once again, I opened my mouth to answer but this time, no words bubbled out. And then, just like that, the very next moment, I was dropped on the ground. I coughed profoundly and looked up at Antonio whose eyes were clamped shut and who was nodding his head as if he was on some invisible phone call.Rubbing my neck, I yelled out roughly, “What the hell is wrong with you, you psychotic, animalistic bastard.”Opening his eyes, he assessed me for a few more minutes and then picked up the bullets from the ground. Giving me a dark stare, he started walking in the opposite direction in a calm stance as if he hadn’t been squeezing my windpipes just a moment ago.I looked at his back in bafflement. This was how my first day
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Chapter 3
Delilah's POV:The boy's body thumped to the ground. My eyes jumped up to the psychopath holding a knife. He mouthed creepily, “RUN.”Chilly shivers ran down my spine. Turning around, I started running away from the crazy maniac of the man who was staring right into my bones with a creepy smile.Ignoring the sharp branches scrapping my arms, I ran faster than my muscles would allow. Just when I thought that I had enough of a distance between us, a breath knocked out of me as I thudded into something rock hard. I knew who he was. A dark chuckle reverberated in his chest, “Do not let me catch you, little one.”Without lifting my head, I turned around and started sprinting to the other side of the woods. I hadn't gone far when, once again, I crashed into something solid. He must be a great runner. That's the only explanation for how he was catching up to me so easily. I stumbled back and lost my balance. Just when I was about to fall, a big, meaty hand wrapped around my waist and pulled m
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Chapter 4
Delilah's POV:Heart pounding in the ribcage, I moved my hand to the back as discreetly as possible and grabbed the doorknob. Just when I was about to rotate it, a gravel voice echoed in the room, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." My hand stilled and my mind went blank. I knew who he was even though I could not see him. How could I even forget that deep, dangerous voice? The sane part of me told me to turn around and run the hell out of there. But an even saner part knew that defying him wasn't an option.I opened my mouth to shout at him but what left my mouth was a mere whisper, "Why are you here? And what do you want?" The whisper was so low that I wondered whether I had only thought it in my head but he seemed to hear me loud and clear. The silhouetted head tilted to the right and I knew he was smirking as he said, "I always fulfill what I say," the devil took a small pause during which my anxiety peaked higher, "and I am here to do just that." My eyebrows deepened and I final
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Chapter 5
Xander's POV:I jumped down the window and shifted into my wolf form mid-air. Ever since I had met that girl one day ago in the woods, my wolf was a jittery mess. The emotions she stirred inside me were undescribable and I didn't even know why. She was a mere human being and feeling this inclination toward a human was not ordinary for a Lycan King.Back in the pack mansion, I went straight to my office to look into the documents regarding business. Flopping down the chair, I grabbed the file but all the words and numbers couldn't divert my mind from that pair of beautiful hazel eyes. Unconsciously, I licked my lips and I could still taste her on my lips. The girl I didn't even know the name of was making me addicted to herself.There was a light knock on the door and Antonio, my Beta, seemed 50 years old in human appearance but in reality, he had lived for more than 900 years. He was much, much older than me who was 28 years in the human calender but had lived for 300 years.Antonia lo
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Chapter 6
Delilah's POV:It had been a week since the start of my college and I was glad that Adeline and I had bonded over the week and other than her, I had made one more friend, Dorian. He was a cute, shy guy whom I met in the library about three days ago. He was a total nerd who liked to read cute romcoms.Ever since that day, we used to meet up in the library after our classes, sit down beside each other, and read our books in complete silence. I had always dated guys like Dorian. Introverts, shy, and nerds so it was pretty shocking when no butterflies flapped their wings in my stomach this time.There was only one man who was haunting me in my dreams now. That stranger, whose name I didn't even know. But despite all that, I've been unable to chase him out of my mind. Instinct told me to stay away from him but I wanted to know all about that man.Whenever I'd close my eyes, his image would appear in my mind. His strong build, firm body, and handsome features. And the way he kissed me. Just
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Chapter 7
Delilah's POV:My eyes widened with pure fear, I was looking out the kitchen window. Even though I was unable to understand what actually was going to happen still in my mind, I knew it would be bad.Animals. So many of them. Lethal and brutal. Gigantic and monstrous. All clad in black fur. A huge hound of them was making their way to our home. Their sharp fangs were glinting in the moonlight, eyes glowing red with rage.My heart was pounding in my chest but I was just unable to move. Just a moment later, someone switched off the light, and I gasped when calloused hands wrapped around my ribcage and swept me up in the air.Out in the living room, I was put back on my feet and came face to face with my dad. Mom came running towards me and she was a sobbing mess whereas my father's face was etched with hard lines.He opened his mouth to say something and right at that moment, a man strode into the living room. His face appeared sad and his eyes were full of grief as he reported to my dad
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Chapter 8
Xander's POV:The next morning, I was out on the ground that we used as the training center. It was 5 in the morning and the pack members were getting ready for the training session. Lucas, my gamma, was standing beside me, eyeing everyone with an assessing gaze. He was about 100 years old but in human years, he was not more than 25. He had fought in many supernatural battles and due to his tactics and strategies, he was the head of the military and training of the pack members.I, with other pack members, attended the training session every morning. It gave the pack a sense of unity and strength and motivated them to do better. Lucas trained us in both human and lycan forms.After vigorous training, I was heading back to my residential wing in the mansion when Antonio fell in line with me, "Alpha, Daniel Hunter is asking to meet you at his residence."My footsteps halted. I turned toward Antonio and passed him a very slight but vicious smile to which he quickly responded with, "Of cou
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Chapter 9
Xander’s POV:The next morning, my wolf was all jittery and edgy. Whether I liked it or not, what Antonio said last night wasn't wrong.I knew what was going to help clear my mind. Jogging into the weapon room, I grabbed an axe and walked off into the woods. I kept walking until I reached the area where we had cut down a few trees. Logs were kept on the ground so that they could dry.I was THE Lycan King, the most powerful and the most barbarous. How could I even feel a tiny bit of 'something' for someone who wasn't my mate? Thinking to myself, I jerked off my shirt.Carrying a huge trunk, I placed it on the slab of rock and raised the ax above my head. With one swift strike, I cut the log into two pieces. I walked back to the logs and carried another trunk on my shoulder. And that's when I heard the sound of dry leaves being rustled under the feet. When I turned around, I saw the same girl I was running away from.Her body was frozen at the spot but her wide eyes were constantly movin
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Chapter 10
Delilah's POV: Shock zinged through my body as I took in the scene in front of me. My eyes kept shifting between him and the gigantic tree trunk mounted over his shoulder. Neither a bead of sweat nor a sign of panting. He was clearly annoyed by my presence and when I asked him how in the realm of reality was it possible, he threw a pathetic excuse of workout at me. I was still recovering from the chaotic shock when he pointed his index finger toward the muscles packed on his frame. My eyes roamed over his wheat complexion and hungrily took in his chiseled chest protruding out with muscles and his abdomen carved with sexy abs. My finger itched to poke his muscles just to find out how hard they were. His arms were covered with thick veins that were every girl's wet dream. This man, gosh, he was the epitome of masculinity and beauty. I gawked at his half-naked body shamelessly as little explosions of desire erupted inside me. He was such a sight to behold and ignoring it felt like a ma
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