Semua Bab Science fiction: The believable impossibilities : Bab 41 - Bab 50
56 Bab
How explain to self the importance of life to me?
When the subject of error Is zero There is brightness But unfelt What is sequence of Administration Of this error What a pain is life When gained not With support Of strength I need to excel To excel is strength The power within The joys limited The strength Nurtures life When happiness Has in display It’s limits Of possibilities Errors in life Is forgiven When light draws me within What a joy is strength All strength Erupts From within What a magic is joy It twinkles in eyes It tingles my tummy I smile But what a gain is strengthIt makes me defeat Sorrows Even when They are in trend Still following culture Fashion And concepts of science How much I feel weak Within Is no surprise Breaking the walls around I see there is some logic But so little That it matters not The hypocrisy of following One above self What a pain is even science When running in a trend Breaking walls Is no surprise But it’s all occupied The trend In my mind E
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Move your hands to give your words an image in your mind…
The Sign of Universal Understanding A Vision of Integration In the vast expanse of the future, where technology and humanity dance in harmonious rhythm, there lies a profound realization – the power of communication transcends the limitations of speech alone. I was invited as a visionary scientist renowned for the groundbreaking research, stood before an audience of eager minds, my words resonating with an air of conviction and possibility. "In the pursuit of universal understanding," I began, my voice a beacon of clarity in a world rife with uncertainty, "it is imperative that we embrace sign language as a fundamental tool." Pregnant with meaning, my words echoed through the hallowed halls of the scientific conference, stirring the hearts and minds of those present. As I spoke, a vivid tapestry of images wove within my audience's collective consciousness. "Imagine, if you will," I continued, my gestures fluid and purposeful, "a world where every significant concept is not only art
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A talk to self about life as health...
Welcome to a chapter of introspection and self-discovery. What follows is a dialogue with self, an intimate conversation that delves into the depths of one's thoughts, aspirations, and inner conflicts. This is not merely a monologue, but a discourse between different facets of the same being. In this chapter, you will witness a journey of questioning, reflection, and realization. It is a moment captured from the protagonist's narrative, a moment where they engage in a profound dialogue with themselves, exploring the intricacies of their desires, fears, and ambitions. As you immerse yourself in this self-talk, you will uncover layers of the protagonist's psyche, witnessing the tug-of-war between dreams and doubts, between contentment and the pursuit of more. This conversation serves as a pivotal moment in the protagonist's evolution, shaping their understanding of self and their place in the world. Through this intimate exchange, we invite you to ponder your own inner dialogue, to re
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A friend, a partner, someone very special...
Captured by the dirt of my own mind, I fell in love again. After my wife’s death, I have been lonelier than heard by anyone.  She was decent, celebrated, very beautiful lady! But on her death bed. Just like my wife has once been. Now, my objective was to save a living being! How? I cannot now speak! But if I tell you in coming chapters, will it be a repeat? Let’s speak of this social worker, educated, very intelligent, great-looking my second half.  Am I being more than curious to have her as my wife?  She has only few weeks before she is declared dead at 27.  I am enormous! Not enormous but exactly of the size of me! Hey! Will you believe me? I don’t trust me in love! I can love anyone! But why do I always fall in love with someone close to death? Am I more than curious to be happy in least?  Relationships don’t
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What I learnt from a woman? I am still a man…
Mighty day! Begins again! They value those who have been hunt by death over life! “Let’s celebrate it”, I said. Honey said, “It's a dew drop missing for it is summer.” Honey said as normally as she could, “Can we channelise emotions released by thoughts of disease and/ or death.” I answered, “Good question.but I am upset by your approaching death. If I fail to save you, I will this time stay alone my whole life. Then you have last stage cancer. How will emotional channels work in this? Please enfold! Whatever you say I will hold strong and safe.” Honey added, “I have heard people getting saved by building emotional channels towards more positive thought circles. There are many examples. One of them is being fresh with positive thoughts just as today’s dew!” She further said, “The one who makes others laugh is called a joker on earth. Why? Is he not engaged in the most essential job? Making humans happy for no reason is being stupid. Professionals are serious looking people who
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Love Self True...Feel the Heal Full...
The morning was about to come when I woke up my Honey and read to her the copy of positivity I wrote the whole night. I believed that focusing on positive thoughts would help her conquer her cancer-related illness. I was loud, bold, clear, and sympathetic to the situation. Here’s what I said after I wrote:"Creativity excels passion. Even dust turns gold when efforts are right. Within the joys unfolds. Joys climb high. Yes! Joys climb high. Virtues speak little. There is more that we can apply. Come care for more of roof, bread, wine, and water. We need to build up self as strong. For self as strong is excellence defined, under-defined, undefined.”“Come care more for self. Build strong the self. Let there be hope within reach of your life’s goal. Do not give up. Do not give way to adversity, any. You pray to self too. You pray. For perfection is not the neighbor’s play. You need to travel through to reach it, to place it high in your pray, in your play. Wise, wisdom, vision at play. C
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My Dream: Talk With The Alien...
The Alien: “During system deletions, many planets undergo complete destruction.”I said softly, “This must be a huge loss of life and commodities.”The Alien: “Yes! It is, but that’s just the minutest part of the whole. I mean the whole universe. We can't always accurately capture everything, and a single error in any solar system could lead to its demise."However, the significance of such planets isn't very potent." They are mild in developments, for example.”“You need not ascribe this to the misfortune of that planet in any way. We don't believe in misfortune in any form.“We build. We take care. If we fail, which we don’t generally do, dust is all that remains there.” I said, “But we have just one planet to our name. We cannot afford its loss.” The Alien asked, "Who stopped you from rising?" Why don't you propagate the human species now, when there is ample time?“Ample is never enough for you! Am I right? You work at the pinnacle of poverty; otherwise, you never take the proble
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Life is to excel...To excel we need life...
Today is the second day of guiding Honey through my words. She looks better than yesterday. I will be again loud and brave to heal her of cancer, yet another day, attempt to achieve this play. Amen.“Sufficiency excels efficiency. The two interdependent breed. There is knowledge of the cause. There is light in destitute. But within limits. We need to excel. We, as humans, need to excel, not on the corners of earth but at the center of it, through capabilities supreme. That’s the catch, that’s the vision. A repeat: We humans need to excel. We humans must excel. Why not then? We can build against what religion has overstated as our limits. We need to fight back storms. We cannot be victims. We need to stand tall.”“Efficiency will help meet sufficiency and break every known record. We humans have efficiency. A repeat: We humans need to excel, excel for the right cause, excel for the right cause. We humans need to grow older than our limits, breaking the bondages of diseases. We need to r
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How I wrote down things and talked to self in mirror?
Today night I was frightened by the upcoming death of Honey, so I wrote and spoke the below content just for me: “Mercy, the resemblance of joys, or mercy, the joys. What’s ethical under the sky? The advent of dispute, or you aloof. What’s the norm to apply? There is no rigid distinction between good and bad. What makes you achieve is good; what fails you is bad. In the end, that’s the trend. What if you achieve in the wrong path? The world still appreciates you till it is not known the cause. The joyous resemblance of pain, no one cares for the dying dog. Pure attempt to fail, be it not be there in your record.”“Climb forward, climb like a frog, curtaining the cause. But how long, how long? Be good, my friend, be blessed your cause. Let the world rise ahead with your every attempt to hop. Blessed is the religion which, with a scientific mind, is yet to be met. Rest is all trash, rest should all be in trash.”“How much occupancy of mind will you play?”“Reason is through logic, logic
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When I felt like talking about myself...
I told Honey on the bed: “I want to tell you, Honey, who I am. Will you listen? I know you will! But why do I ask? Is to ask a doubt? Will I not be convinced about your emotions for me? Let me speak to you with rhythm. That’s me! I have written what I want to tell you, and I will speak loud, clear, and bold. Thank you once again for being a listener to me.”“An attempt to disguise, distribute, design, define, then re-design. Why am I counted as incapable? Without being given a chance to try? With my every limit in place, can I still not succeed as succeeds someone in the human race? What a praise is that which is achieved in things known. I want to travel afar. Let me be on board. Let me see, sense, realize the globe. I want to make the result of fortune. Is fake, but hard work pays. Pays your bill the sane way. Let me at least attempt, then count me sane or insane, not due to the help I need. Who on earth has no need?”“Magic spills, I see an enchanting rhythm. Wow! I hear rhythm all
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