Semua Bab Luna's Secret: Pregnant With Alpha's Son: Bab 51 - Bab 60
120 Bab
You Married My Mommy!
Violet POVAs the moon dropped and the sun rose over the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, I found myself in our secluded room. While he carried me all the way to the room, I still had my face buried in his chest. I heard shuffling of feet and soft murmurs from people around. Upon entering the room, I lifted my head and gasped when I saw that the room was adorned with soft, flickering candles that cast a warm and inviting glow over the walls. The air was filled with the scent of fragrant flowers. Flower petals were sprinkled over the silk linen on our bed. Someone had put on soft classical music in the background. There was a bottle of champagne sitting on ice in a salted ice-water bucket. I was amazed by how quickly everything was prepared. Did Alpha Dane convey about me to everyone already? Alpha Dane put me on the bed and knelt in front of me. He kissed me lightly on my lips. Cupping my cheeks, he said, “I love you, Luna Violet.” His throat bobbed as I wat
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Violet POV I wasn’t sure if Alpha Dane would go on a honeymoon because he was so busy all the time, but when two weeks later he said that we will go on a five-day trip to Maui, Hawaii, I was pleasantly surprised. Alpha Dane was sitting in Dave’s room with me, watching him play with the latest toy boys loved—an oculus. Dave was so engrossed in it he bought a lightsaber and was fighting in space using the inputs from oculus. Dane had appointed Niti, a young omega girl, to be his nanny. She had built a makeshift rope enclosure to protect him from accidents. “I want him to enjoy it with us,” Alpha Dane said with a tender smile on his lips. “That’s why I’ve chosen a family-friendly destination.” I took a deep breath in as I stared at my Alpha. With Dave, he was so different. If I was his weak point, Dave was his weakest point. Every day after his pack duties, he would come and spend his time with Dave and me. I didn’t question him about Ilene all this while, because at the bottom of
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Tolerance & Wedding
Violet POV Jackson’s eyes flashed golden. “I am with Alpha Dane in whatever he does. And if he has chosen Violet as his Luna, then we all do the same.”“I will never choose her to be my Luna!” Jeremy spat as his forearms rippled with fur, his wolf surfacing. When his eyes fixed on me and my fists clenched in tension. “None of us will accept her. She was raised as a rogue. Because she sees her gain in it, she has accepted to bond with our Alpha. She isn’t worthy of being our Luna.” With anger, he glared at everyone, his chest heaving heavily. After a few tense seconds, Alpha Dane spoke. “What matters is that I choose her as being my Luna.” His quiet voice had a lull of storm and my heart skipped a beat. “And that is all that matters.” Jeremy’s lips peeled back in a snarl. “You can choose her, Alpha Dane, but we will never choose the bloody gold digger!” I flinched. Blood rushed to my cheeks and my breath became ragged. I touched my cheeks, feeling the sting in his voice like a slap
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Violet POVHawaii was heaven. Alpha Dane had lined up a series of activities for Dave to keep him busy. He had booked the most expensive sea-facing resort for us. There were five more resorts in that line. He booked the entire row so that no one bothered to come near. Tusker was also with us just for an extra layer of protection for Dave. Alpha Dane and I were relaxing on chaise chairs with an umbrella protecting us from the sun. I had turned on my belly and dozed off to sleep when Dane said, “Would you like to add another layer of sunscreen?” “Umm… no… I want to get tanned…” I replied and went back to sleep. “No way!” he growled. He jumped from his chair and came to sit at the edge of mine. “I think I will buy more bikinis for you. I love you seeing in these,” he said, untying my top. He squirted a lot of lotion on my back and started rubbing it. “Why did you pose that question to me when you had to put on sunscreen?” I asked, chuckling. I loved the warm Hawaiian sun. His hand w
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Baby Talk
Violet POVNeedless to say, ours was a presidential suite. The moment he closed the door of the room, he pushed me to my knees. “Suck me, baby!” he ordered as he opened his pants and boxers. His erection sprang free, and I licked my lips.He grabbed my hair and pulled me to it. As soon as I opened my mouth, he shoved it deep inside, making me gag. Without waiting, he thrust it inside my mouth as if he was impatient as hell. With a dangerous growl, he came inside me and made sure that he emptied every last drop before turning me over, pulling my ass in the air and thrusting inside it.He kept me awake the whole night. We ended up having sex on every damn surface. I was too tired and sore to go anywhere the next day, so I decided to stay in the room. He wouldnt agree. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom, where he put me in the tub full of hot water. My soreness lessened a bit, and then we were all set for the next adventure. Five days passed in a breeze. The honeymoon was so
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Business Proposal
Violet POV Bereft, I clenched my teeth. How did Jayden manage to talk to me? Wasn’t he lodged in a prison? Was Martha sitting with him? When I didn’t reply, he continued, “How’ve you been?” Taking a deep breath in, I said, “I am well, Jayden.” “Good to know,” he replied in a calm voice that was anything but calm. It was the voice of a man who wanted revenge. “Where is Martha?” I didn’t want to talk to him. “She’s right here. But won’t you ask me how I am?” “I don’t—” “I know you aren’t interested, but I insist on telling you, Violet,” he chuckled. “I was in prison because of you. No, because of your fucking boyfriend, Dane Llyod. He used his connections to have me incarcerated. I expected you to support me by speaking the truth, but you chose not to. You know, that was a terrible decision.” I swallowed saliva down my dry throat. He sounded like a man who had lost his mind. “Every day I spent in jail, I remembered you,” Jayden sighed. “Not because of how beautiful you a
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She Refuses
Violet POVDisbelief thudded through me even though a part of me anticipated that possibility. Taking a ragged breath in, I averted my gaze to look out of the window where trees were shredding their autumn leaves. Sloane came to sit next to me. Placing her hand on my forearm, she said, “Please, Violet, don’t think about him. We didn’t know that Alpha George would go to this extent. It was unexpected.”I didn’t know what to say, except, “Did Alpha Dane know about it?” Sloane added, “Yes, he knew about it. They were all keeping a watch on Jeremy. What he did at the pack hall was unexpected. Alpha Dane allowed him to speak before publicly carrying out his punishment. He aimed to set an example for those who believed they could get away with it, and for those who had allegiance with Alpha George or Emily. The gamma warriors are still looking for moles in the pack.” My heart felt heavy, not with concern, but with gratitude for Alpha Dane's protection. He didn’t say a word to me about J
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Dane POVAs Duke sped off into the woods, Violet buried her face in my silken fur. She rode on my back for the first time, and it was an exhilarating experience. After sulking for a few minutes, she raised my head. Duke raced on all fours, feeling the icy wind whip through his fur as the line of trees became a blur. He was so looking forward to meeting Opal that he was restless the whole day. However, when Opal didn’t show up, his spirits dampened. Sorrow washed over him, making me feel like shit. To let his anger fade, he ran, using every bit of his energy. His powerful legs thudded against the ground, scattering mud, leaves, and twigs. At least he was with his mate on him, and that thought brought his calmness back. We came back two hours to the tree line where our clothes were. Duke gave me my skin back. Seeing Violet’s naked ass, a possessive growl ripped through my chest. “Wear your clothes, Vi. I don’t want anyone to see my mate naked.” She shook her head as she wore my cloth
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Violet POV‘Wake up, Violet,’ someone urged me. I didn’t want to wake up because I was feeling so weak and drained out. A faint sound of cheer reached my ears, and I wondered if I was dreaming. As I emerged from unconsciousness, the world around me looked like a delicate watercolor painting coming to life. The first sensation my brain registered was that of my body and something fluttering deep inside me. It was subtle but undeniable that tethered me to it. “Violet,” I heard Alpha Dane’s soft voice and felt his finger brushing my hair gently. The distant hum of cheers, the muffled rustle of people moving, the rhythmic beat of my mate’s heart, soothed me. Why was it that the air carried a distinct scent? Of mist and pine alone with something citrusy? I peeled my eyes open. Diffused morning light fell upon my face and I sighed. With each breath, I became acutely aware of my surroundings. When my eyes went to the side, I saw Alpha Dane’s face near mine, his eyes focused on me with a
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Violet POVIt had been a week ever since the pack doctor had confirmed that I was pregnant. She had called me to the pack’s hospital where she conducted pregnancy tests. It wasn’t required because werewolves could smell their pregnancies, but on Jackson’s insistence, I went there.“I know it is not right, Luna,” Jackson said. “But some of the pack members are still unhappy with yours and Alpha Dan’s union. Most of them will come in our favor because of this pregnancy. The doctor's confirmation will seal their doubts. And honestly, it couldn’t come at a better time.”True to what he said, after Dr. Lin confirmed it, Alpha Dane announced in his pack that his Luna was expecting his pup and I started receiving a lot of congratulatory messages. I felt a sense of acceptance from the pack members. All the omegas in the house had become extremely careful around me and were at my beck and call whenever I needed them. Pippa had called me and, after squealing about my pregnancy, she asked if I
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