All Chapters of The last Guardian: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter eleven: A story to tell
Tara’s p.o.v. The animal on my lap seems content, but my legs are going numb under the weight of its head.As I try to wiggle out from under him, he softly grunts and whines, I don’t want to hurt him, but if I don’t get the blood in my legs flowing again, I might never walk again. Just as I manage to free one leg without waking up the gentle giant, a small car pulls up and in an instant the Dog is up on all 4’s, growling with it’s hackles raised, almost seeming protective of me. I scramble to my feet, the tingle of blood reaching my extremities again making it more difficult than it should be and place my hand comforting on top of the animals head, recognizing Linda’s bright orange AMC Gremlin, yet another relic this town seems to have an abundance of. As she steps out of her car and through the little gate her eyes are locked on my new friend, a silent understanding seemingly passing between them. “good morning Darlin’ Linda calls out. “who do we have here?” she asks while walkin
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Chapter twelve : Reunited
I sat around the side of the house, just out of sight but close enough to jump into action if needed.Linda told me her plan, let Tara tell her life story, see what she does or doesn’t know about her history, and then introduce me.. I’m nervous as hell, how would she react to seeing her father after a quarter century.I couldn’t help but snort when Linda said she wasn’t here about the wolf because that’s exactly why she’s here! But I understand, Tara doesn’t seem to know a thing about our world and to just flat out tell her the wolf is her dad.. she’d think Linda was absolutely bat-shit crazy for sure.Listening in on her life story made me sad and angry. Although she wasn’t physically abused, the utter neglect and lack of loving connection definitely left emotional scars. I think I understand why somethings in her home and wardrobe look as if a child had picked it out, she’s nurturing a part of herself that had been uncared for, and to me that speaks of her inner strength. She wasn’t
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Chapter thirteen: You're a what!?
Tara’s P.o.v. What the actual hell? After all this time thinking of Linda like a mother, or a grandmother, a friend.. she goes and pulls something like this? There’s a reason I don’t talk about my past, and once again I’m proven right, you can’t trust anyone in this world. What kind of game does she think she’s playing? What can she possible gain from this? My father, I scoff, does she really believe I can be taken for a fool, just like that? The tall, slender man she introduced me to, although decently dressed, was obviously a bum, a drifter, a derelict! Other than the blonde waves that adorned his head, he looks nothing like the man in my mother’s faded photograph.After pacing up and down my kitchen a couple of million times and getting myself more worked up by the minute, I angrily step out of the house, I’m going to find Linda and tell her exactly what I think of her and demand she explains herself! But as soon as I step over the threshold, I nearly fall flat on my face. Stu
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Chapter fourteen: Testing a theory
Christian’s p.o.v. I can’t believe I blurted it out like that! I would face-palm myself were it not for the fact that my wolf took over and I now I’m back on four paws, “thanks buddy, now I don’t have any clothes to put on when we shift back.” I say as sarcastically as possible. My wolf huffs in my head, “our pup wanted answers and you were taking too long” he grumbles. “stupid impatient mutt”“can you at least ask her for some shorts or something? You know I can’t link her as long as she hasn’t accepted her beast yet.” “Beasts” he interrupts me, emphasizing the S… “two” and I’m taken aback,.. “You mean she has two spirits right? One beast, one human” …”No, three spirits, two beasts.”I’m not entirely sure what that means or what the consequences of that might be for her, I’ve never heard of a shifter with a double animal spirit before. After bickering back and forth for what feels like an eternity, my wolf finally concedes and asks Tara, who is still looking at us like she just sa
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Chapter fifteen: Recollection
Tara’s p.o.v. Riding on the back of a wolf, who could ever imagine something like that? He’s fast and agile, his movements are the epitome of a well skilled hunter, a beast made to chase prey through any kind of terrain, which makes feeling his bones sticking through his skin all the more concerning. I knew he was too skinny, not just the wolf, but the man as well and it makes me wonder if maybe they’re sick.With my body practically glued to the animals back, I can feel each and every ripple of muscle, there is no doubt in my mind he is strong, so why are they that thin? He’s been running for what feels like hours when the realization hits me that I never offered him any food, not when I thought he was an injured dog, and not when he turned out to be the man who fathered me. Oh my god I’m an awful person!! I scold myself when we suddenly come to a stop. I let myself glide off his back and look around, I’m not sure where we are, or why, but it is beautiful here. The cold nose nudging
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Chapter sixteen: I can feel it in the air tonight
*** Somewhere behind the barrier *** The air feels thick with humidity tonight, the sky is filled with dark heavy clouds that seem to stretch endlessly across the horizon, creating a sense of anticipation I can’t quite place.As the night settles in and the full moon rises to its peak, the wind begins to pick up, rustling through leaves and branches creating a haunting melody. The temperature starts to drop slightly but the air remains heavy with warmth. A sudden gust of wind sweeps through, causing the leaves to dance and twirl, as if in a frenzy.from the distance a storm draws near, flashes of lightning illuminate the sky, momentarily turning night into day. Lightning bolts zigzag across the heavens, followed closely by the low grumble of thunder. Rain starts to drip down into my enclosure, at first in gentle droplets but turning into a torrential downpour within seconds.The muddy streets become slick with water, reflecting the glow of a single lantern in the distance. The occasio
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Chapter seventeen:
Christian’s P.o.v. FCK FCK FCK!!! I should have taken into account that it’s a full moon tonight, and not only that, midnight means my little girl will be twenty-seven years old.A full moon, on her birthday and what do I do? I take her to the damn origins well! The second I took her out of the cave I knew I messed up, the heavens clouded over and all hell broke loose. She’s been screaming for what feels like hours, it’s obvious her animal spirits are trying to force a shift. By the looks of it, all 3 of her spirits are fighting for dominance, she’s not fully shifting into anything, it’s hard to make out what’s what with the way she contorts and doesn’t hold a single shape. I’ve tried to mindlink Austin, he’s one of the few still running free in the territory, maybe he can use his family link to reach Linda, but all I get is static, almost like a radio that’s not on the frequency, just my luck!So far the storm has been a blessing in disguise, I haven’t detected a single Sullivan p
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Chapter eightteen: First flight
Tara’s p.o.v. After the agony subsides, I feel strong and powerful, the voices have settled down and seem to be in agreement that domination closely resembles oppression. Something I absolutely despise, almost as much as the I despise my mother,… no,.. I should stop calling her that,… Elizabeth!The need for revenge still burns hot in my veins, but I do recognize that however vile and evil that woman might be, she was and opportunist. I might not know her reasoning but she took advantage of a situation she herself didn’t directly cause. The way she treated me though, that’s all on her!Looking down on my father I realize how large I actually am. I understood that I would be bigger in my shifted form, but I never expected such a drastic difference, my paw is nearly as tall as my father’s entire body in human form.I take a small step, testing out these new extremities when I feel my shoulder scraping against a tree branch, how big am I anyway? But as I look over my shoulders my mind g
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Chapter Nineteen: A Father-Daughter moment
Tara’s P.o.v. I try to cover up as much as possible, with my arm across my chest and a hand covering my privates, I race towards my door, bursting through and stumble as fast as I can into the bedroom. Quickly throw on my fluffy pink robe and start rummaging through my chest of drawers for the biggest t-shirt I own for my father to wear.This changing into a completely different being is cool and all, but I really need to think of a way to cover up as soon as change back into little ol’me, walking around in my birthday suit isn’t exactly my thing. I hand the baby blue shirt to my father who’s standing awkwardly in the hallway with both hands covering his junk as I make my way towards the kitchen. “would you like some coffee?” I ask in passing, but don’t wait for an answer and just start making two cups. The last couple of oatmeal cookies will have to do for now, I’ll fix us some real breakfast later.Walking out of the kitchen I see he has taken up the same spot on the sofa again, so
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Chapter Twenty:
Christian’s P.o.v.:I can feel the emotions run through my little girl, the pain of growing up the way she did and all I want to do is hold her and let her know she’ll be alright, that she has me now and that I will never let her down but the words seem to elude me so I just hold her tight and hope she can sense the love I have for her.The incredibly soft shirt she handed me earlier is soaked in her tears by the time her sobs quiet down, in the quiet hours just before dawn I feel as though our bond has strengthened. My wolf softly rumbles a gratified purr, feeling the most content he has in years. Just holding our pup, even if she’s crying, is all he ever wanted. The burning rage we have held on to for decades seems to fade into the background.I lift her face towards me and wipe the last of her tears away with my thumbs, kissing the top of her head I whisper “happy birthday little one” She looks at me questioningly for a second before the realization sets in. I Kiss her forehead so
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