All Chapters of My Stepson Is a Bully: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
134 Chapters
KATIE’S POV. “I hope you rot in hell just like your Father,” Her voice resounded in my head for the umpteenth time. The voice of the woman my Father married. My dried tears clung to my cheeks so keenly as though they were my last hope as I stood in front of the unfamiliar faces, my fingers clutching onto my tattered gown tightly with my nails digging into my skin. I haven’t showered in five days, but that was the least of my concerns right now. “The brown-haired goes for 50 bucks.” I heard the man roar as he continued to chew on a stick, causing me to lift my head slightly to look his way. He had a deep cut right on his jaw of about three inches. My eyes trailed to meet his eyes, and it immediately sent fear running down my spine as I behold the emptiness it held. I snatched my eyes back to stare at my unpainted nails, the inner part of me missing the good old days. Days before my Father’s death. Beautiful days before, my stepmother sold me off to these strangers and hurried of
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KATIE’S POV “Huh!” The word finally escaped from my lips as I dragged my eyes to look at Axel, who seemed to have grown horns in just a few seconds. “The wedding date is undecided for now because we didn’t think we would get a bride so soon, but we will start preparing for the big day now.” Axel continued saying, totally ignoring the confused expression I had on.I dragged my eyes from him to land on the man I was supposed to marry and watched him smiling as he nodded, his fingers carefully wrapped around the glass of wine he had recently poured for himself. Everyone was acting as though I didn’t even exist. I decided my life like it was theirs.I dug my nails into my lap again to snap myself out of what I desperately prayed was a dream, but it wasn’t because, by the time I would sprout my eyes open again, I was still sitting here, hearing them have their absurd talk.Soon, their words started to fall into oblivion as different scenarios moved around me, my mind drifting to all the
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KATIE’S POV Barely ten hours ago, Axel had informed me of the wedding being fixed to take place in five days during breakfast. The words rolled off his tongue so casually that one would assume he wasn’t the one who just offered me money to leave his Father last night. Thoughts of how there could be more to what was going on in this family grasped my mind and filled it with black clouds and loud bangs as it threatened to rain confusion.In the end, I concluded that I was finding my way out tonight. There was absolutely no way I was going to walk down the aisle with a male that was twice my age.A low sound echoed from the metal door, and my eyes trailed towards it. It sounded again until it was eventually pushed open, his thick legs making their way gently towards me.“What do you want?” The words made their way out quickly as my back found comfort in the wall, the yellow duvet serving as armour around my chest.“Don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you.” Maverick said calmly, but who was I
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CHAPTER FOUR - The Start Of My Agony
KATIE’S POV My eyes ran over my reflection again for the umpteenth time, and my insides tightened every single time. Here I was, dressed in a beautiful flowing White gown. A gown so expensive and breathtaking.However, the joy of putting it on wasn’t there. Unlike what I used to picture my wedding day to be like, this was nothing like it. It was either because I was getting married to an older man or because I felt wronged by my stepmother.My thoughts slowly drifted to what she could be up to now. Probably wining and dining somewhere, living the life of a Queen. In contrast, I wallowed in pain here.Smile, Katie. It's your wedding day.The voice in my head mocked, and I felt my eyes sting with tears, but I knew better than to ruin my makeup.The door let out a squeaking sound as it opened slowly, my eyes catching the reflection of the maid.“The car is ready, Ma’am. We need to leave for the church now.” She informed, causing me to nod before taking a last glance at myself.Smile, Ka
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KATIE’S POV It had been days since the wedding, and Maverick had kept his promise and stayed in his lane. We never slept in the same room, but no one knew because I always ensured to sneak into the room late and wake up earlier than everyone. Walking down the stairs, I head towards the kitchen, wanting to help with something. Sleeping, waking, eating, and doing nothing daily took a toll on me because I hated being idle. I wanted to do anything at all to take my mind off the predicament I was going to be stuck in for months. The thought of telling Maverick about resuming school crossed my mind, but I had no clue how he would react. It was either that or I take up a job, anything at all. The aroma of the soup filled the air with Zina’s back turned towards the door.“Is there anything I can help with?” I asked and watched her fidget a little out of fear before turning around to look in my direction.“No…Ma. We can handle everything. It’s our job.” She responded, her purple hair packe
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KATIE’S POV I could feel their intense Eagle eyes trying to penetrate my flesh as we walked toward wherever he was taking me. Almost everyone turned to look and whisper hush words to one another, making me wonder what happened in their minds. We stopped in front of a glass door, and I watched him grab the knob and hold it open, then beckoned me to step in. It felt unsettling, but I did regardless; he stepped in and closed the door.The whole room immediately went silent. Their eyes fixated on me. Us. The men sitting in the room, men of about Eight.“Apology for the delay,” Maverick said, breaking the silence, and the men finally dragged their eyes away from me to land on him.“The meeting just commenced.” One of them spoke. He was dressed in a Blue suit with a white inner and Blue tie. His Brown hair was neatly trimmed. “Do you mind an introduction?” He asked, his eyes trailing over me.“Oh! My bad.” Maverick responded, then chuckled softly before making a way to the chair, and I fo
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AUTHOR’S POV“What do you want, Father?” Blaze asked once again, obviously irritated by his presence.Most times, he despised the fact that this man was his Father. Deep down, Blaze knew Maverick was nothing but a monster. He always has and always will be.“Always in a hurry, hun.” Maverick joked, then laughed dryly.He still couldn't wrap his head around how he and his son had fallen out, how they had learnt to live like enemies.“As you can see, I’m too busy for pep talks,” Blaze responded harshly, and Maverick felt something unsettling grip his insides—the hatred in his son’s voice.The boy who once ran out to him every time he pulled up from work while yelling Father on top of his lungs.“You haven't been coming home…”Blaze let a sigh break free.“Okay, since that's all. You can leave now.” He informed coldly.Maverick’s eyes trailed over his son’s face, and he could tell he had failed, failed as a Father.“My company, Blaze, you need to come oversee it.” He informed and watched
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KATIE’S POV“Fix me something.” I heard the familiar voice say. The coldness it held sent a sprinkle of fear down my spine, causing me to slowly pull my eyes apart just in time to see him talking to Anna.My body had gotten used to the little nap after the day’s hectic movement. The weakness I felt was an evident means of my body telling me I needed rest. But I doubted my heart would ever be at peace if I did not address this.“Blaze!” I called out softly and watched him tilt his head to look my way before he slowly dragged his eyes back, feigning ignorance of my presence. “I want to…” My words were cut short the second he started to walk upstairs, and I quickly sprung up, trailing behind him too, walking as fast as I could to keep up with his pace.“I need to talk to you, Blaze. Wait.” I informed him, but the words fell on the complex, marbled floor because I got no reaction from him.His steps got farther as he did all possible things to place gaps between us. I had to run a little
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KATIE’S POV I barely slept a wink all night because every time I closed my eyes, I would find him there, standing close to me or, worse, still lying in bed next to me. It was as though Blaze loved torturing me, but this time, it was just my mind playing tricks with me.“Hi.” I greeted them casually as I stepped closer to them. They were all having a meal. “Sorry, I slept late.” I apologised, my head banging a little.My eyes met his as he sat across the table, and I could feel my cheeks heat up. However, his eyes held no emotions, and it was as though he was unaffected by last night. Gradually, he pulled his eyes away to land back on his meal.Settling down into a seat beside Maverick, I watched a staff dish my food. Silence hung in the air, thickening with each second that passed by. It was as though they were all robots controlled by their owners, having no say on their own.Was this what being a family meant? Seconds blended into minutes, and soon, our plates were abandoned, with
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KATIE’S POVMy mind was currently blank without any thoughts. All I did was stare at the beautifully carved ceiling of my room as I lay on my queen-sized bed in my pyjamas. I sighed as I rolled around, feeling very restless. The sound of a knock on my door made me perch up on my elbow and stare at the door like it had done something else that it wasn't designed to do. The knock came again, and I scrambled to my feet, yelling, “ Coming.” I pulled the door open, and lo and behold, Maverick stood at the other side, hair tousled about, suit missing, two buttons of his white shirt unbuttoned, his sleeves were rolled up, and you would never believe he was the father of three sons. I cleared my throat when I realized I was staring at him like a dead fish. “ Oh, Maverick, hi.” “ Hey, Katie,” “ Wh-what brings you around here?” That's probably the most abnormal question a wife could ever ask her husband. But the thing is, Maverick and I are strangers. We're not a normal modern couple, and
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