All Chapters of Addicted To A Billionaire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
Steven: "Hmm.. Why are you still here, Steven?" Father asked me as he finally looked back at my face. I replied, "Dad.. we haven't finished talking about Thelma starting her internship tomorrow at MW Group. Please, Dad.. Let's just give her a chance and support her for once," I said. "Support Thelma, you say, Steven. Did you see the kissing marks all over your sister's neck and face? Did you bother to ask her who she went out and slept with?" I sighed and replied, "No, Dad." "Didn't we support Thelma? We supported her to go out and celebrate her birthday for the first time in a hotel. Even when she refused to tell us the name of the hotel, only telling your mother. Her friends made the arrangements and she couldn't say no to them, as they paid for the birthday celebration and organized everything. We thought it wasn't a bad idea and allowed your sister to go there. Now look at the mess she came back looking like... She went to LX Hotel to celebrate her birthday too." Father shook
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Thelma: "What did he say?" Steven asked me again, and I shook my head, considering telling him the truth: the man I had slept with had been drugged to sleep with me. He was very angry to find me in his bed the next morning. "Thelma," Steven called to my attention again. I said, "I mean, I don't know his name, brother. Can you tell Dad that I need some time to get over the man I had a one-night stand with before the marriage?" "No, Thelma. That's only if you know the man's name. Maybe Dad would consider letting you marry the man instead of Felix. Do you remember his name now or what his Butler called him?" Steven asked me. I shook my head and replied, "No. I only remember the Butler's name, Adam." "Adam what?" Steven asked, looking seriously at my face, but I didn't know. "Hmm, it's okay, sister. I've already convinced Dad to let you do your internship at MW Group. Do you know why the group is called MW?" Steven asked. I shook my head and replied, "No." "It means Mavin White Corpo
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Thelma, I woke up late at night in my bedroom, with the sound of knocking on my room door waking me from sleep. I stood up from my bed and walked to my room door to find out who was there, as sleep was far from my eyes. Approaching my room door, I pulled it open and saw my mother standing there. She frowned at me as I made way for her to walk into my bedroom. "Good evening, mom," I greeted Mother as I finally shut my room door and turned to face her. She asked me, "Thelma, didn't I tell you to remind me today that we would be going to the hospital? I totally forgot about it due to disagreeing with your father about you being betrothed to Felix. You didn't even come to remind me, why Thelma?" I frowned and replied, "Mom, I told you that I'm fine. I cannot remember anything wrong with me or the man." "I know, Thelma. I'm not disputing that with you, but for safety measures, I think it's best for you to go to Doctor Amari's office tomorrow evening after you finish work. Meet with Do
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Thelma. "No... I cannot go, please, let me stay," I begged him, but he moved away from me and walked back to his seat without looking back at me. I immediately rushed up to him to beg, "Please, sir... You cannot send me away. I really want to do my internship here. Please..." "No, Thelma! I cannot let you work here. I cannot stand seeing you here every day in my company. So get out," he said coldly, his voice sounding mean. I shivered as he practically sent me away from his office. I broke out into sobs and replied, "No..." He swiftly turned around to face me again, anger filling his eyes. He pinned me to his desk and asked coldly, "Are you sure you still want to work here with me? And under my watchful gaze too?" I didn't know how to respond, my lips trembling to speak. His lips then brushed mine, and he kissed me so passionately that I was left breathless when our lips separated. Confused, I looked at him, but then the office door pushed open, and a woman entered the office, g
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Thelma I stepped out from the elevator with the security man, and we walked into another section of transparent offices. I could see the company staff were busy behind their desks, typing on their keyboards. I followed the security man silently as we walked and stopped in front of another office door. He knocked and entered the office. I stood outside, waiting for him to step out, as he hadn't told me to follow him inside. I watched as he spoke to the lady behind the desk, and she looked up at me. The security man finally stepped out from the office and said to me, "You can go inside and see her." "Okay Sir, thank you," I replied, and the security man left. I knocked on the office door again and walked into the transparent glass office. Most of the staff offices around had transparent glass walls separating them. I stood nervously in front of the office desk, waiting for the woman, who looked like my mother's age mate, to finish typing on her computer. The lady finally stopped
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Thelma. Mrs. Elena Brown quickly composed herself as she heard that their boss was around, and she informed Mrs. Tonia, who was busy typing on her keyboard, "Well, since you said the boss is around, This is Thelma Sebastian, a new intern student with us. Since Mr. Henry Black is busy to attending to her interview, let her meet the boss directly instead, and then I can assign her to the section she will be working in." Mrs. Tonia stopped typing on her computer and looked at me. She asked, "Why did she arrive late? Henry has already interviewed the other new intern students today. Well, let her wait for a moment as I have to prepare the boss's appointment first. There will be some members coming to see the boss as soon as the meeting ends." Mrs. Elena Brown looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, Thelma, I have to go now. Once you have met the boss, I will take you to your coach. Please wait here for her to finish so you can meet our boss." "Okay, ma'am," I replied to Mrs. Elena Brown. S
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Thelma. "Umm..." Before I could speak, Mrs. Tonia looked at me and said into the telephone, "Boss, a new internship student is here to see you for her interview." "Okay, boss," Mrs. Tonia responded. I didn't know what their boss had said to her. She dropped the telephone and looked up at all twelve of us standing in her office. She was sweating despite the air conditioning on inside her transparent glass office. Mrs. Tonia Briggs looked at me again and said, "You can go in now to meet with our boss." "Okay," I gulped, and Mr. Richard Ruben finally released my left hand warmly. I was extremely nervous as I walked out of Mrs. Tonia's office, with all the men in the transparent glass office staring at me. I made my way towards the office door that I had seen the previous intern step out from. I wasn't walking fast, and I felt like the murmuring and noise from the men in Mrs. Tonia Briggs' office had reduced. My heart was beating so loudly in my chest that I could only hear my own he
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Mavin, Earlier, I awoke in my bedroom and prepared to leave for the office as it was a brand new week. Monday, precisely Adam hadn't received any full information on who the young lady was, except for the fact that she was Conrad Sabastain's daughter. I frowned at the thought of having anything to do with my enemy's daughter. I proceeded to wear my black coat after finishing my bath. When I went downstairs, I met Angela arranging the dining room with two maids. My mansion was eerily quiet. Approaching the dining table, Angela greeted me, "Good morning boss." "Good morning Angela. Where's Grandpa Charlie?" I asked as I stood beside a chair and rolled up my white inner sleeves. I didn't spare a glance at Angela as I preferred mature women in my employ. I didn't have time for younger women. I would have preferred only men working in my mansion, but I didn't want to be rumored as a gay man when I'm not. "Grandpa Charlie is in his bedroom. He said he isn't coming for breakfast," Ang
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Mavin, I was seated on my office chair earlier, talking to one of my top new clients who had long left the meeting room before coming to speak with me. He knew that once the meeting ended at 1 pm, many members would arrive on the fourth floor wanting to see me in my office. I noticed that Henry had increased our new percentage shares as I had instructed him. Many new companies are interested in partnering with us and having my company promote their brands. I no longer accepted a 50-50 percentage share, so I instructed Henry to increase it to 20-80%. This means that any new company partnering with us would receive only a 20% share of the revenue profit from our promotion, while my company would take 80%. However, not all new companies were willing to accept this. I adjusted the shares to reduce the number of new companies coming to my office seeking partnerships. They were interested in partnering due to my company's rapid growth and international recognition. They clearly wanted t
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Mavin I watched as Thelma stood up from the couch where she had been sitting beside me. She was still sobbing as she searched my office for her clothes. Her neck was visibly red from what I had done to her, and her body was so hot, reigniting my desire for her. As I approached Thelma, she moved backward, only to be stopped by my office desk. She said, "Stay away from me, Mr. Mavin. We cannot continue this here." "I know, and I'm sorry," I apologized to Thelma while standing very close to her, feeling my member hard and facing her. Admiring Thelma's beauty, I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her again. Ignoring her tears, I towered in front of Thelma and said, "Stop crying. You wanted me as much as I wanted you." Gently lifting Thelma onto my office desk, I parted her legs and said, "I'm sorry about our first meeting. I've had issues with women before for personal reasons, but I can't help wanting you again, please..." I felt my hardness touching her entrance, eager to feel her w
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