Semua Bab Refuge (MxM): Bab 1 - Bab 10
32 Bab
"Lian!" Callum called as he ran toward his best friend."Shit, slow down!" Lian tried to warn but it was too late.Callum threw himself on Lian but the boy was unable to keep his balance. The two fell on the floor with a thud, Lian taking the brunt of it. Callum hurriedly got off of his best friend as he groaned in pain."Oh fuck, I'm so sorry," Callum quickly apologized as he tried to help Lian up but his hand was just swatted away."I'm going to fucking kill you," Lian grumbled as he pushed himself up from the ground. Callum kept his distance as Lian dusted off his clothes. He definitely does not take Lian's threats lightly. "Why did you run me over anyway?" Lian asked in annoyance. "I just missed you, man," he shrugged. "I mean, we're supposed to be spending the last weeks of senior year hanging out but you spent the last month traveling around Europe," Callum complained."Oh no, god forbid I spend time with my family," he rolled his eyes. "You're an ass you know that," Callum
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Chapter 1
Callum and Lian parted ways after a quick kiss. Lian was smiling like an idiot. Thankfully the night has set in and no one could see how he looked like the joker with how much he was smiling, but it soon turned into a frown when he saw a piece of luggage, his luggage, being loaded up in an unknown car. A man wearing black approached him and all his senses went haywire.Lian turned to run but the man was too fast. He was quickly held down with a rag placed over his nose. He tried making a sound but it came out muffled. Lian felt a prick on his neck and his vision was starting to get hazy and his body was going numb. Lian desperately tried to fight it off as he felt his hands and legs get tied up. The dark made it impossible for other people to see them. Lian could only cry as his world got blurry with each blink. Hours had passed and Lian was awoken by the harsh winds and the sun glaring at his face. His whole body felt sore as he tried to get up from the cold ground. The harsh and pu
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Chapter 2
6 years later..."Leaving so soon? You've been here for barely a week," Caela muttered. "Sorry, sis. I really have to go. We're setting up our new office in a new city. I have to make sure everything will go accordingly," Calum said as he put on his coat."I know that. Are you sure it's just that? I know what date it is tomorrow, Callum. It's been six years," Caela said.Callum tensed at his sister's accusation but he quickly composed himself. "Can we not talk about that, please," Callum almost begged. "We never talked about it. Callum, you need to-""Stop it, okay? Can't I just leave without any argument issuing between us," he cut off."I'm not starting an argument. You just act so hostile every time I bring that up," Caela defended. "If you're that fucking adamant on leaving, then go," she huffed before turning her back on her brother and running back to her room.Callum sighed as he rubbed his temples. It was not something he wished to deal with. He already had enough on his sh
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Chapter 3
The night was much colder than the day and Lian's tattered jacket was not doing much to combat the cold. It was still the same jacket that Callum gave him years ago. It had Callum's last name and his player number. Callum was part of the varsity for baseball and Lian remembered attending every game that he could.He hugged the jacket closer to his body, imagining the warmth he used to feel when Callum would wrap his arms around him. He knows there is one thing that could distract him from the cold but he vowed never to use it again, but as the winds became stronger, so did the temptation. I should've grabbed the blanket. Lian thought to himself. A strong gush of wind passed him, making him shiver. Lian could no longer take it. He cursed under his breath and walked the path he vowed to no longer take months ago. His feet took him in front of a steel door with a single light bulb illuminating it. The guard immediately recognized him and opened the door."Long time no see," the guard s
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Chapter 4
Two weeks had passed since Lian started staying over at Keane's apartment. True to his promise, the man was able to land him a job that he felt severely underqualified for. Luckily, he mostly worked from home since he just needed to arrange schedules and proofread documents. Keane also gave him new sets of clothes, more than he could ask for. He insisted that he should pay for it but Keane wouldn't budge until he finally convinced the man to at least pay back half of it. Lian has also been cooking meals and cleaning the home whenever he has free time and Keane more than appreciated it. For the first time in a long time, Lian ate three times a day, had a soft bed, and was not worried about someone barging into his room and harassing him.There is still one thing that he couldn't get rid of and he knew that night that he spent in that place was the biggest mistake he had made. One more taste and he knew he'd lose everything once again but it kept calling him. He had to lock himself in
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Chapter 5
Lian was staring at the ceiling, not wanting to move from the bed. He feels well-rested enough and he knows that Keane was waiting for him outside. The sooner we start, the sooner it will end. Lian thought to himself and finally heaved himself off of the bed.Lian took a deep breath before walking out of his room and into the living room where Keane was sitting down and drinking some coffee."You want some coffee?" he asked as soon as he saw Lian."No, I don't like coffee," Lian answered. "You don't like coffee?" Keane feigned offense.Lian felt a little more relaxed as he sat down. Keane's joking nature was helping him to be calmer."I could get you some tea if you like," Keane offered. "No, I'm good. Thank you.""So, want to tell me your story?" Keane said. "I just realized that we should've done this much earlier," he chuckled. "Don't share what you're not comfortable sharing, I'll understand."Lian gave him a grateful smile. He has never met someone with such kindness in such a
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Chapter 6
Callum had his brows raised as he went over his schedule for the next few months. It usually takes Keane more than a few weeks to be able to set up his schedule like this. It seemed that Keane had been more productive than usual.I should give him a raise for this. Callum thought. Callum didn't say anything to his assistant about his work. He'd rather just give the man a raise. Keane walked into his office holding two cups and coffee and a bag of pastries. The man did not utter a word as he placed the coffee and paper bag down on his desk. Keane was looking at him a bit too intently and he knew that the man had a few questions but didn't exactly know how to ask them."What was your jersey number back in university again?" Keane asked as he sat down."Twenty-eight. Why did you ask?" Callum replied.It was not the question he was expecting from Keane."Nothing, just wondering," he shrugged. Callum sighed and decided to no longer question Keane further. With how efficiently his schedul
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Chapter 7
"Why did you hide in here? I could've just introduced you to him," Keane innocently asked."Why did you lie for me?" Lian retorted."Fair enough. If your instinct is to hide from a stranger, I will not force you to introduce yourself to them. So, why did you hide?" he asked again.Lian took a deep breath. He can't tell Keane not the truth. Not now. "I, uhm, I've been with people that I regret being with just to live," Lian said. He had never felt this small before. He hated it. "I'm scared that I'll end up seeing them in this kind of place and being threatened to keep silent is not on my bucket list right now, Lian chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood.Keane gave him a soft smile and a pat on the back. "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you, okay?" Lian felt himself tear up. Those were the exact same words his older brother used to say to him. Now that memory feels so distant. Almost as if it never happened. "Thank you," Lian said, his voice almost cracking.
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Chapter 8
Keane woke up with a raging headache. He slowly sat up from the bed and he immediately felt bile rise up his throat. Keane ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of his stomach, which was mostly just stomach acid and leftover alcohol. He was hunched over the toilet, regretting every decision he made last night. With a cold shower and a brushed mouth, Keane felt somehow refreshed, despite the pounding in his head.Lian must be worried about him, he thought, so he went over to his room to check on him. Keane knocked a few times but no one answered. He checked the time and saw that it was already ten in the morning. He knocked again but still no answer. Keane was worried. He opened the door and looked around and found the room empty. Keane was starting to panic, he saw Lian's keys and phone are left behind and he knew that was not a good sign.The doorbell rang and Keane felt a bit of relief until he opened the door and found Callum on the other side instead."Is he gone?" Callum a
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Chapter 9
Callum and Keane went home after the doctors told them that Lian was already stable. They also gave them recommendations of rehabilitation facilities that they could admit Lian into. Lian was put into an induced coma so they would have to wait until he woke up. Lian was incredibly lucky, if they hadn't come on time, a few more minutes later and they would no longer be able to save Lian.Callum couldn't sleep. So many thoughts and questions were running through his head. He sat up from his bed and grabbed his laptop. The Moore Family was not unknown to many. Their businesses were scattered all over the country. You would think that everything about their family would be out in the open for everyone to know.He tried looking for every single thing he could pull up about the family but none of them contained Lian. Not even one picture could be seen with Lian. It seemed like Lian never existed at all. It piqued Callum's interest. He ended up spending the rest of the night, searching for e
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