All Chapters of Accidentally All of Me: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
137 Chapters
Surprise, Surprise
RainaI put a pair of heels in my bag, put on some sneakers so I could actually be comfortable, and went to my truck to start the trek across town to this date that I had no choice but to go on. As soon as this was done, I was going to go to Reed and watch him delete that dating profile myself.No way I was letting this slide again. I couldn’t believe he’d let it go this far, and I was already mad as hell at him for thinking he could just interfere like this. I didn’t get myself involved in his dating life.But then, I knew that he didn’t need my help. He was a great guy, and he was always attracting women, whether or not he was making the effort to do it. His job meant he was in contact with a whole host of different people, and he had the easy, charming confidence to get anyone he wanted to fall for him.It was what made him such a great guy to have on your side in the courtroom, and it was what made all the girls in town tumble over themselves to get their hands on him. He didn’t n
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What Are the Chances?
HarryYara is getting a raise.That was the first thing that crossed my mind as soon as I saw the woman who was waiting for me at the table at the restaurant I had been sent to for this date. I couldn’t believe it. It was the very same vet who had treated that dog that we had brought in a few days ago. And damn, if she didn’t look even more outrageously gorgeous than she had then.Her hair was loose around her shoulders, and her gorgeous green eyes seemed to shine in the light of the candle flickering on the table between us. Once we had gotten over the initial shock and ordered our wine, Raina looked at me across the table and shook her head.“Okay, I have a confession,” she admitted. “This wasn’t actually my idea.”“No?”“No, my brother set me up on this date,” she confessed. “I was going to cancel it, but I knew the only way he was going to get off my back was if I just went along and played through the evening for him. I had no idea it was going to be you.”“In that case, I guess
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Not Ready to Say Goodbye
Harry“Yeah, it was my best friend who set me up on this date, and trust me, I wasn’t exactly pleased when I found out what she had done,” I replied with a shake of my head. “I would have canceled it, but I knew that she wasn’t going to let it drop until I had actually been out on a date.”“Oh my God, that’s the same with my brother,” she exclaimed. “We should set them up together.”I laughed. “Yeah, that would show them. Prove that they’re not the only ones who can pull this shit, huh?”“Don’t tempt me,” she replied, lifting her finger as though she was on the brink of setting it up at that very moment. “I’m still so mad at him for this. Trust me.”“Still?” I asked.She smiled at me. “Well, maybe not quite so much anymore,” she conceded, and a little flush ran up her cheeks.The flicker of the candle on her skin made her look even more beautiful than ever, and I glanced down to her mouth, her soft plump lips all but begging me to lean down and taste them for the first time. The stir
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Talking to a Dog
RainaI threw on the grungiest clothes I could find, climbed into my truck, and headed out to the shelter. I was dressed so badly, it felt like I was trying to put as much distance between the version of me that existed now and the version of me that had existed last night as possible.And in some ways, I supposed I was.I’d had a great time the night before. A better time than I had ever imagined I would.When I had seen it was him, I had instantly found myself way more interested in what this night had in store—though I was never going to admit to Reed that it had gone well, in case he got it in his head that I was asking him for further help to find a man. Last night had been fun, but that was all it had been, and it was better to keep it as a fun one-off than an awkward set of encounters.I arrived at the shelter just before nine, as I always did. I came down here as many weekends as I could to do some of the treatment on the incoming dogs. Jackie insisted on paying me a little mo
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It Was That Bad
RainaI wished I could rewind time back to that exact moment before he asked me out again and tell myself that this was what I wanted. Yes, I knew it would be hard, and yes, I knew that my life was crazy hectic most of the time, but maybe that was just how it was meant to be.I couldn’t keep putting off the thought of being with someone with excuses about how busy my life was. Maybe I just needed to accept that a good guy had come into my life and that the universe was telling me loudly that I should drop the pretense and go after him.“Something on your mind, hun?” Jackie asked as I helped her set the board up outside.I shook my head. I didn’t want to talk to her about all of this. Even though I knew it was kind of pathetic, I didn’t like the notion of her finding out that I wasn’t well put together in my personal life. I knew it was silly, but I liked the thought of everyone around me thinking that I actually had my shit together, even when it wasn’t true. Even when it was so blind
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Same Old Question
HarryAs I sat there in the park, looking out at all the dogs scuttling around in front of us, I knew what she was going to say before the words had so much formed on her lips.“Harry,” Winnie asked, and I looked over at her with my eyebrows raised. It was a Saturday, the kind of warm, bright day that felt like it could go on forever, and she had asked to take a walk in the local park. And not just because there were a bunch of dogs running around there.Of course not.“Yes?” I asked.“Can we get a dog?”“Now, I don’t know if you forgot about it already, but I’m pretty sure I already answered this question,” I reminded her.She grinned and clasped her hands together beneath her chin in a playful pleading motion. “Please, please, please?” she begged. “You didn’t even think about it. It would be so nice to come down here with a dog on the weekends.”“And the rest of the week, I guess I’d be the one taking care of it?” I asked.“You’d get to take care of it,” she replied. I had to laugh.
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HarryWe arrived at his vast estate. The gates slid open, and I drove up toward the house. It was tacky, really, but the enormous mansion that he’d had built for himself seemed to suit him down to the ground. I could never have imagined myself living in a place like that, but maybe I was just being a snob. Perhaps there was a lot to be said for just kicking back and letting yourself indulge in all your worst, craziest whims as you got older. He certainly seemed to be happy, after all.He was waiting by the door for us when we pulled to a halt outside the house, and he instantly crouched down and held his arms out to Winnie as soon as he saw her approaching.“Hey, Winnie!” he called to her, and she practically leaped into his arms and gave him a huge hug. I was surprised that she didn’t break him. He was starting to look really frail these days, and I just hoped to God that he was going to be with us a little longer yet. He had his bad days, days when he knew that he couldn’t handle se
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Harry Calling
RainaUgh.Days like this made me second-guess exactly why I had been so excited to take this on as a career. After all, I was elbow deep in a pile of dog crap that looked as though it could have sunk a small boat if it had all been dumped in at once.But this was how I had to test for worms, and that was just the way it had to be. I had to grit my teeth and remind myself that I loved my job, and nothing was going to change that. Not even a big pile of dog shit.“Raina?”My attention was drawn by Hannah’s voice coming around the door, and I glanced over to see her standing there with the phone in her hand.“Call for you,” she told me, and she waggled her eyebrows pointedly in my direction.I furrowed my brow. I hadn’t been expecting a call. “Hand it over,” I told her, snapping off the gloves and quickly stepping out of the room before the perfume of dog shit got stuck to my clothes for good. “Hello?”“Hello, Raina?” A familiar voice came down the line.I practically jolted on the spot
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Catch You Later
RainaHow was it that even down the phone, he could get me all flustered and overheated? I needed to get myself together. I needed to—I wasn’t sure, but I needed to do something. Maybe get off the phone and stop sounding like such a blundering idiot?“I guess you will,” he replied. How could he sound so cool? He was talking like he had the world in the palm of his hand, and me right there with it.“Catch you later,” I replied, and I practically cringed when I heard how breathy and overly interested my voice sounded. Oh my goodness. Was that really what I was like when I was around him? I had hoped that I might be able to keep myself together just a little better than that, but it seemed like I had lost the ability.We made sure to exchange numbers and said our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone and stared at it for a long moment. All my thoughts about work and worms and dogshit had vanished right out of my head. I was going to see him again. I was going to see him again. It was like I
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Give Me Shelter
HarryBy the time we were ready to leave for the shelter, I was pretty sure that Winnie was going to pop with excitement.Maybe I should have kept it under wraps that I was planning this trip, just for the time being. She was so excited she was barely able to keep herself together. I was glad to see that she was looking forward to this, but there was also a nervous part of me that was concerned that she wasn’t going to take it well if we couldn’t find a little furry friend for her to walk away with at the end of today.She had spent the whole week researching breeds, training, dog food types, and everything that anyone could possibly need to know about the dog that they were taking in. Every mealtime had been a chance for her to hit me with another huge stack of information, another pile of everything she had learned.She was taking this seriously, at the very least, but I was getting a little overwhelmed with everything that I needed to take in to be a remotely good dog owner.But st
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