All Chapters of Rogue Desires: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
66 Chapters
Fifty-One: Sloane
I couldn't sleep that night. I kept worrying about my little sister.She was only eighteen. Yet, she had suffered one of the worst experiences of anyone's life.I went to her room four times that night, and she hadn't been there. I even broke the rules and went into her tree house to look for her, but it was empty. She was hiding, presumably from Declan…possibly from everyone, but I still didn't like it.When someone was in that much pain, it didn't feel right to let them suffer alone. Even if I just sat with her, some support was better than being alone. I knew I would want someone to be there for and with me, but maybe she didn't.As I lay on Aiden's couch, listening to his loud snoring and the storm rolling in outside, I found myself texting Greyson.I wasn't surprised that he was awake. After he talked me down from searching for Ellie a fifth time, he kept me distracted with some jokes and a little flirting that had me wanting to squeal like a teenager meeting their celebrity crush
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Fifty-Two: Sloane
I wished Greyson was here.The thought circled through my head, and I couldn't stop it.I had met dozens of his people over a very loud meal that lasted hours before I had to leave.Tables had been pushed together, and people were standing and talking in every corner. It reminded me of a holiday celebration when my family and extended family would all gather over a meal so large it couldn't possibly be finished.The previously empty diner had been overflowing.It felt amazing, and while I had been nervous to meet them, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face if I tried. They were all so welcoming and happy.I wanted to cry when it was time to return home for dinner with my family and suitors. Instead, I hugged Grey longer than usual, savoring his touch and smell and wishing I could stay.He held me just as tightly, kissing the top of my head every few seconds until I was on the verge of being late.Eventually, I left Grey's pack and was forced to sit at my family's dining room table, fi
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Fifty-Three: Sloane
I couldn't resist dropping to the ground and wrapping my arms around him. As soon as I was pressed against him, the sickness plaguing me vanished. His touch was everything. He was everything. My body melted against his, and I smiled up at him. "What are you doing here? This is the last challenge." I looked over my shoulder, scanning the area slowly, but no one was in sight. Still, Greyson spun us around until my back was against the tree, and I was facing out into no man's land, hidden from direct view of anyone walking by between us and my pack. "I know. I just wanted to see you." He kissed me slowly and deeply, my back arched off the tree, pressing my chest into his. When he pulled away, I blinked several times to clear my vision. "Do you want to get out of here?" Yes. I gnawed on my bottom lip, considering the offer before making a rash decision. It was why I hadn't crossed the border yet. I wanted to - more than anything- but I was also weighing the consequences of what would
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Fifty-Four: Sloane
"You're…" Ben stammered, and Greyson snarled. "I'm going to rip your eyes out if you don't look away from my woman." The threatening way Grey spoke had me turning my head back to look at him, and I knew I had hearts in my eyes. His woman. He. Loved. Me. I assumed Ben had finally looked away when Grey pulled out of me and lowered my leg to the ground. I felt physically empty and cold without him, but mentally, I was on cloud nine. He bent down, and I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as I stepped back into my shorts, and he slid them back up my legs. "Isn't this a surprise?" Ethan's cruel voice cut the tension, but Greyson's eyes turned black in anger as the newly bald man stepped into view. I wanted to smack my forehead for being so careless. Even if Greyson was worth it, I should have just run when I had the chance. I looked over Grey's shoulder at no man's land as he pulled on his shorts, but Ethan followed my gaze. "Don't even think about it. His scent is all
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Fifty-Five: Sloane
"She's a traitor!" Ethan's voice rang out from behind us, and the packs fell silent, all eager to hear what he had to say.It was a huge accusation. Technically, it was true, but it was still something people couldn't take lightly.There were a few gasps from the crowd, and my hand tightened around Ben's as Ethan broke the tree line. Blood had dried down his cheek from a split on the edge of his eyebrow, and his eyes were black with anger."She is a traitor!" He screamed again, his arms out at his sides. He glanced around at the crowd, ensuring he had everyone's attention. "Your princess is tainted!"My father stepped forward, his face red and his glare locked on Ethan. I hated that he didn't even look at me for confirmation. He trusted me, so his glare stayed on my accuser. "What is the meaning of this?""She's been sneaking around on your land with the Rogue Alpha!" Ethan smirked as the crowd gasped, giving him the reaction he had hoped for. He wouldn't win the games and wanted to r
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Fifty-Six: Sloane
When I called him, he didn't answer. That was when I knew I had fucked up. I should have gone with him. I should have told him I loved him when he said it to me, regardless of our audience. Waiting for the right moment felt stupid now. Yet, I still couldn't find it in me to leave it in a voicemail. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I loved him, but I wanted to say it to his face so he could see that I meant it instead of hiding behind a phone. Still, I was grateful he didn't answer because I didn't know how to end things between us. Even if the plan had been to break up in a few days, telling him we wouldn't have those days together made me feel sick. I wanted every day I could get with him. I wanted forever. "Sloane," My mother's voice called out from the library as I walked by on my way to my father's office. I had been dragging my feet since I had been called in, stalling as best as I could to avoid the scolding and punishment I was about to receive. Visiting with my moth
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Fifty-Seven: Sloane
The line rang and rang as I rushed down the hallway, eager to get back to my room so I could have this conversation in private. This was bigger than what I had been expecting. What my parents had told me could give Greyson closure."Come on. Come on. Pick up," I mumbled as I reached the stairwell, ready to return to my room. The conversation had distracted my parents from the punishment they should have given me, but when they asked for his name and invited him over to explain their side of the situation, I jumped at the chance.I didn't tell them who he was. I wanted to check with him first to make sure he was okay with that. Chances were he wouldn't believe their side of the story. If he still thought they were working against him, he probably wouldn't want them to know who he was or meet them in person without backup.Still, if I could just get him to meet them, they might change their minds about The Mating Games before the mating ceremony in two days.It would take a lot of convin
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Fifty-Eight: Sloane
It was difficult trying to figure out how to pack just enough that it wouldn't weigh me down when I made my escape while also bringing enough that I wouldn't break the bank having to buy clothes or personal items.The bag on my bed was only half full when I heard the knock on my door. My back tensed, and I quickly grabbed it and rushed to the closet, pulling the door closed behind me.A light layer of sweat was on my forehead, and my heart raced with excitement to escape and see Greyson again. I wanted to throw myself into his arms and tell him I loved him a million times or until I lost my voice.I never should have gone back with Ethan and Ben during the challenge.Grey and I should have run, even if it meant the other packs would hunt us down. At least then, we would be together, and there wouldn't be this uncertainty between us with him not answering my calls.I recognized how careless that thought was as soon as I had it. A war over a few missed calls…Still, my running away would
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Fifty-Nine: Greyson
My fingers tapped on the counter as I glared down at the human. She shook, and the stench of stress, fear, and onions oozed from her every pore. I wanted to get as far away from her as possible.Her oily skin, frizzy hair, and smell attested to her poor diet. It had always amazed me how many chemicals humans put in their foods to replace fresh ingredients. It was no wonder they were always sick or dying."This is your specialty, is it not?" I growled, and she shrank back as she heard the displeasure in my tone."I just handle the sales. Like I said earlier, our tech team should be back from lunch shortly," She gestured over her shoulder with her thumb to the back room.My claws extended, and my nails clicked loudly against the hard surface as I took several deep breaths. She had been saying that for two hours, practically begging me to come back another time. I had the feeling this would be her last day of work at this establishment, and if I did come back, someone else would be forced
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Sixty: Sloane
Benjamin Reid, Nightshade: 51 PointsTatum Blair, Shadow Paw: 46 PointsDeclan McCoy, Iron Hide: 34 PointsEthan Dunn, Night Walker: 29 Points***My eyes hurt as I forced them open, feeling Ellie's hand shaking me awake for what must have been the tenth time. The room was spinning, and my muscles felt frozen. She tried to get me to speak, move, or make a noise each time she woke me.Yet, each time, I would lay there trapped inside my own body, terrified and angry.Ethan hadn't been here long. The silver restraints he used had only been on me for a few minutes as he dragged me to the bed before injecting me with something. Still, they had done significant damage in the little time I had them on me.I could feel the effects of the silver chains in my bones still, but that also could have been whatever Ethan had injected me with."Sloane, you need to wake up. Mom will be here any minute to get you ready for the ceremony. I've called that pack doctor back, too." Ellie looked so worried as
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