All Chapters of The Alpha's Deceit: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
156 Chapters
LANDON:Moving away from the outside as I matched inside, there were huge white flower arrangements everywhere and silk ribbons tied into bows around each chair. They even put a bunch of white petals all over the damn floor. The ceiling of the place was covered with a miss of the same white flowers and sunflowers. The Dark Knight pack could never go wrong about making a great impression. As I entered, everyone turned to look at us. Many curious eyes followed our group. I had chosen Ashley and Michael with a few members of my pack to join me, and they took their seats in the front row on the right side. We were a small group, just six of us, in contrast to the left side, where the Dark Knight wolves, along with Mirage's family and friends sat. The left side was packed with guests, and all the seats were taken, which made our group seem modest by comparison. There were a total of forty rows, and they were all filled with eager and happy faces. However, one face stood out for its seriou
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LANDON:Everyone turned in the direction of the projectors getting wheeled in. To their surprise, my soldiers matched in surrounding the place. The sun had settled and it was nearly dark. There was so much murmuring and grunting. Thronesman was so angry, and his words dripped with irritation. "What's the meaning of this, Landon?" he demanded, his tone laced with frustration. The guests couldn't hide their unease, most have moved to a corner, hurdling up. I maintained my calm conduct, knowing that their concern would soon be addressed. I approached Mirage, reassuring her with a kiss on the cheek. "Don't be frightened. It's nothing serious," I whispered, trying to soothe her nerves so she wouldn't suspect a thing. "L...Landon," she stammered, clearly taken aback by the sudden turn of events, but I had already moved away, joining Cross and preparing for what was to come. Alpha Clay stood alert with his wolves, his posture defensive and menacing. His blazing red eyes, bared fangs, and
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LANDON:Thronesman, however, stepped forward, a sly grin playing on his lips. "You've discovered our little plan, Landon. But you see, I had always desired Clay for my daughter. We believe your time has come. You will never be worth anything to me. I'll always see you as a weakling. A scared little boy who was just lucky to have been chosen by the Moon Goddess as an Alpha. You're not fit to be my slave talk more of son-in-law. Packs will mock me for all eternity if I were to make such a choice."I met Thronesman's smug expression with a cold gaze. "It only shows how low-live you are. You think you know me too well?" I grabbed the collar of his suit, effortlessly drawing him closer, "you know nothing. No wonder you supported that whore of a daughter of yours. You want a show of power? I'll give you one." I harshly released him causing him to stagger backward.Before Thronesman could even make another move, I howled them to submission. Not just them but almost all the wolves in there ex
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VENITA:The only words Landon said to me when he got back were, "hope you're ready for work. Get prepared, we leave together by five. Aurora will bring my schedule to you. Throughout his return he avoided me like a plague, making sure I didn't run into him for once. I couldn't sleep that night as numerous thoughts flooded my head and heart. It was a silent torture, I couldn't handle anymore. I don't know what I expected of him, but, I needed him to say more. Scream at me. Punch a headboard like he did the first day I came to his house._ _ _ _ _Three in the morning barely came and I was awake getting ready. I had cold feet and jittery emotions. Sasha was still soundly asleep and there was no need to wake her yet so I got myself ready, intentionally taking the stairs numerous times than required just to see if I would run into him. Unfortunately, I didn't. He was out of sight and reach. I haven't craved the attention of anyone until Landon. I missed his communication.I finished at pa
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VENITA:Landon held up his hands as if Jason were brandishing a gun and demanding his wallet. He wrinkled his nose at Jason’s hand like it was covered in infectious disease. He said, “I just don't touch anyone today. I forgot my sanitiser, Jason. Plus, I have no idea where that hand has been.” Jason’s hand dangled in the air for a moment, then he let it drop to his side and lowered himself into a nearby chair. He had a look on his face like a kid who has had his candy taken by an overprotective parent. Or a balloon that someone had just seen fit to pop. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. “We just signed the contracts, Jason,” Zenith said as Landon pulled up the chair next to him and plopped down in it. “They’ll start work on Wednesday.” “Uhmm, good. If only we wouldn't have a problem with an attitude.” Jason said with a serious expression that was clearly directed toward Landon. He blew out a long breath and reached it his cup, drinking the content before his eyes went down the ta
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LANDON:Jason Walsh, that obnoxious playboy, seemed to think he could bring his womanizing antics wherever he pleased. I reluctantly accepted this contract, primarily because of the good rapport I had with Libra, and because Peter had crafted a proposal promising a profit of a hundred million dollars. It was a chance to make up for Anthony's failed projects and put Peter's potential to good use. I couldn't bear the thought of keeping him hidden in a corner, wasting his talents. Hence, I made the decision to promote Peter, entrusting Zenith to oversee the entire transaction.However, when I got wind of Jason's presence at the event, it rubbed me the wrong way. The spoiled brat had the audacity to shamelessly ogle my mate right in front of me. She, on the other hand, stood her ground and met his gaze without flinching. It was as if she was relishing his attention and even encouraging him. Something about him didn't sit right with me; he reeked of deceit and promiscuity. I could bet that
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LANDON:I quickly picked up on the disturbance in Venita's energy and scent. It was clear that something was amiss. With a sense of urgency, I followed the disarray to the kitchen where I found Venita cornered by Rosalie, who appeared to be delivering an intimidating lecture. Venita stood there, frozen and vulnerable, her head bowed, while Rosalie continued to berate her with hurtful words and aggressive gestures.My chest tightened, and a low growl escaped my lips as I observed the situation. It was evident that this wasn't a typical workplace discussion about coffee machines or office etiquette. Rosalie's demeanor was far more hostile, and her words had a cutting edge to them.I strained to tune in to their conversation, attempting to decipher Rosalie's harsh words and Venita's subdued responses."...look at the rag you're wearing," Rosalie sneered, poking Venita's chest. "You had eyes to seduce a billionaire. I don't blame cheap whores like you. I blame the organization for not pro
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VENITA:What did he expect of me when he always came running to save me like my knight in shining armor? Countless times when I was in distress, he managed to show up just when I needed him most. It was both relieving and addicting, that feeling of being protected and cherished. Especially the overwhelming masculinity he exuded whenever he took charge of a situation. He stood there, tall and powerful, as if he ruled the world. There was an undeniable aura of authority about him that made everyone else seem small and insignificant. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an element of royalty in him.At just thirty years old, he held empires upon empires, commanding a wealth and influence that dwarfed other wealthy individuals. His presence was intimidating, and he had the power to make those who thought themselves superior feel small. I yearned for a life like his, or at least something closer to it. With such resources and status, I wouldn't have to deal with the likes of Rosalie and Ja
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LANDON:I used to be indifferent when witnessing someone being looked down upon. After all, it wasn't my business, and if you wanted to change that, you had the option to work hard, make money, elevate your social standing, and become someone so significant that others would bow to you instead of wanting to push you aside. However, there was a clear line drawn when it came to Venita.I chose this high-end boutique, Chic Couture Château, for a specific reason. It exuded luxury and class, offering the very best in the city. I had first discovered this place with Mirage, though she never witnessed the experience as she should have. Now, I was thrilled to have Venita join me in this exquisite environment.Over the years, I had often worked with Genevive, placing my trust in her ability to provide me with the finest offerings. Even during the times when I had lost interest in women, I had Peter handle my shopping, not caring about what he picked as long as it enhanced my pleasure and made
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VENITA:"Mr. Kurt, your daughter gave another student a slash mark," the principal, perhaps out of habit, chose to address Landon instead of me. I didn't hold it against her, especially given how Landon had led the way. I had to admit; I might have done the same. Why wouldn't I? Landon had not only transformed my wardrobe but also my entire image. He had spent a fortune on clothing, shoes, and expensive accessories. The truth was, I could quit my job, move away from his life, sell these items, and set myself up for life. I didn't expect him to go to such lengths. I doubted he had done it for me. It was more about his exclusivity and comfort. He wouldn't want anyone to catch him shopping with someone like me that was why he restricted the place and he also didn't want wealthy clients making fun of him for having a poorly dressed secretary. Yet, there he was, addressing me as his lady at the boutique. It was confusing. How I wished it were genuine. It was challenging not to fall for
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