Lahat ng Kabanata ng Night of the Rogues: Bound In Darkness: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
111 Kabanata
31. Mireille
I wasn’t entirely surprised to wake up after the full moon alone. Realising Cyrus was the man in the dark of the black space had been a hell of a moment. When the lights went on and he was right there, there was no clothing to hide his huge frame, every muscle tensed and fixated on me. I could have died.But I already miss feeling utterly weightless in his arms. My body melded around his huge shape. I loved how massive every feature of him is. Trying to wrap my legs around his waist left me so splayed out my sex had rubbed mercilessly against his rigid v-line. My hands barely covered all of his cheeks.He oozed pure strength, combined with an earthy, unquestionable sexiness that meant I could no longer look away. To make him crack and finally admit there was something between us was electrifying. But now I need more. I want to know all about his tattoos, the scars on his body, what brought him here. Why is he so quiet? Has he received any notes?Now he knows it was me every moon, wil
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32. Cyrus
Of course I heard her screaming. Every single time. What the hell am I meant to do? I’d done my best to try and give Raze the impression I didn’t care about her, yet he’s still testing me. I slam my hands against the wall, blood dripping down from my drenched arms as Sven moans incoherently.He’s wanting me to crack. Raze is always dancing two steps ahead of me.. He compared us to the tortoise and the hare at our so-called reunion, outside the gates. Me the lumbering idiot, him the quick-witted wonder. I almost walked back into the dank, scum-covered prison he paid to free me from. Until he said her name. Skylar, the sister I killed for. Now I’m the bunker pariah. Everyone knows we share a past, I’m just Raze’s enforcer. Taking it this far, to actually hurt Mireille, I really didn’t see coming. So maybe I am the idiot. I should have guessed when Raze appeared after breakfast. Smiling calmly, running a hand through his short blonde hair, “hey Cy, can you check on Sven?”“He is refu
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33. Hope
There is a limited take-up for my little art class. I tried to be diplomatic and not time it for Vera’s meditation. Maybe next time I will. Especially if I see her pawing Cal again. Just because I encouraged him to try that tactic doesn’t mean I enjoy seeing it in action. I set the wrinkled Laurel and Rex up with some charcoals and try my best to talk them through a still life. I took some classes as a teen, and I try to remember the best bits from the instructor. Soon, I have two happy little fossils sketching two potatoes. It should have been a more dramatic fruit, but I had to work with what the stores gave me. The three of us fell into a quiet space, heads full of lines and shadows. I worked on the piece of my mother, and they focused on the knobbly bits of the brown vegetable. Footsteps sounded, and I looked up, hoping as always that it was Cal. Sadly, the beige-wrapped, silver-haired Elvie stuck her head through and exclaimed, “oh how fantastic! I saw your poster!” “It’s jus
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34. Cal
I kill time in the gym, attempting to get into a book and sketching. Praying for the curfew to hurry the fuck up. Plugging the leak. Even the way he said it, his icy eyes full of malice makes me want to shudder. Ervin avoids me the rest of the day thankfully but I still have Vera trying anything she can. “What are you drawing, can I take a look?” she cooed, leaning over me. Her hand rests on my shoulder, a blonde ringlet landing against my cheek. “Oh it’s a house! You clever thing! Has Hope been giving you lessons on the quiet?” "Nope just a hobby," I correct her. "Shame, if she'd taught you how to draw people I'd have asked you to try and sketch me!" a tinkling, obnoxiously flirtatious laugh landing flat. Goddess if she thought I was going to sketch her, those beams have twisted her mind more than I thought. I’ve found my skills are absolutely not in portrait. I can’t draw a person. No matter how hard I try to capture Hope I don’t have her talent. However, it turns out I am no
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35. Hope
Cal assures me Ervin’s threat was real. I should probably be more scared, but when he is there, how can I be? One look at the power in his body, the intent in his face. He’d kill for me. I have no doubt in my mind he would do whatever it took. Which is crazy really. I forget about everything when I’m with him. My father has disowned me yet I end up twirling, parading my silky nightwear to Cal. Revelling in my body's shivers of anticipation as his eyes meld between navy blue and brown. I never rocked the boat or really pushed Ryan's buttons. I was already turning into someone meeker. A flame sputtering, struggling to find its oxygen. He made decisions, and I went along with them. Telling myself it’s part of the mate bond. I didn’t fly off the handle, not like Cal makes me. Perhaps the Goddess wants to extinguish the bigger, more annoying aspects of my personality. Maybe that’s why she paired me with Ryan. Smooth out the kinks. Staring at the sleeping man beside me, I struggle to see
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36. Mireille
We’re only a couple of days away from the Full Moon and I have no idea what I’m going to do. The fourth full moon underground with no monks pepper. The excitement of the darkness has gone now. I can’t go back in there, no matter how much people try to explain the lights coming on as a strange fluke.It wasn’t. I just know it.Someone is getting their kicks from our reactions. Well not someone. Cyrus. He somehow rigged the lights to come as he was a hero. He took care of Quinn and her injured face like a kind, benevolent giant. He called me his angel.It all added up. The notes. The way everyone here judges him.But every night since then my dreams have tortured me. Sven is thankfully doing better. Again, Cyrus saved the day with his gruesome-sounding gut twisting deep dive. Then I remember Cyrus was the one who swiped half his abdominal muscles away in the first place.As much as I try, I’m struggling to pair the Cyrus who guarded me, who tenderly kissed my arm and treated me so prec
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37. Cyrus
I’m sticking to my side of the deal. I remain his enforcer. I monitor, I report. He can’t hurt me if I shut all the feelings down. I've learnt my lesson the hard way.The cruel dreams I've had where she approaches me in white, seeking me out with love, not fear in her eyes. What else is there to think of her as but an angel? My knuckles are still red raw. I couldn’t handle myself for the first few nights after it all fell apart. In the room with the cells, where Mireille was first locked up, there is a separate annexe. While she slept, I had time to stare at the walls far too long and noticed the odd outline.It opens with a concealed metal mechanism. I don’t know who else knows about it, but so far, those small square metres of space are my only sanctuary from Raze. And now from Mireille.I am careful not to go there too often. Raze can't know every move I make. After all, I am the rat in his latest game.Will I go mad and kill everyone? Or will I keep quiet and survive at any price
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38. Hope
How long are you meant to have flashbacks for? Every night I wake up sweating. Cals mangled, broken wolf bleeding out on the floor. Elvie stood tall with her shotgun, more than ready to aim it at myself. It’s not even a nightmare, really. It’s not a distorted image of the past. It all actually happened. They left that damn klaxon sounding for days. It was utter pandemonium. Lockdown was upon us all. Without even a word Reu slammed on red flashing warning lights as well as the klaxon, appearing with his own weapon, a matter, black machine gun. Those lights were for a cave-in, a Rogue attack. Imminent death. I guess it was appropriate seeing as the pair of them looked ready to shoot me in the face. Pointing the stub of the bulky machine gun at me and the others he snarled in fury, "Rooms. Now. You're all under lock down." My father was known as the mad, dangerous one. Reu was meant to be icy cool. Icy eyes, icy nature "But Cal! He needs help, he's bleeding why the fuck did you
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39. Hope
My eyelids flutter open and I’m staring up at a grey ceiling. This isn’t my room. The bed is cold and hard, a thin mattress failing to disguise the metal underneath. My head is pounding but I think whatever I’ve been given has numbed me from feeling my wrists and ankles. Gingerly lifting them up it’s clear I’ve made a complete mess of myself. “Hello?” I feebly cough. “Hello?” Then I turn my head to the side and realise exactly where I am. In the cells. The silver bars enclose me and I am ready to scream in outrage all over again. On the floor waiting for me is a tray with food and drink. So their answer to my struggling with the lockdown is to increase the harshness of it? “Bastards,” I mutter before shutting my eyes and willing myself back to the quiet sanctuary of sleep. When I wake up again the lights have dimmed. So it’s night time. I know that much. My wolf must have been busy healing me. I flex my maroon, blood-encrusted limbs without too much pain. Still laid on the metal b
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40. Mireille
The whole conversation with Raze felt like an out of body experience. Expecting his true colours to show at any moment, like a coiled snake. Except he was so different. Friendly. Kind. Dazzling. His short blonde fuzz on his head must be irritating him, he constantly ran his hands over it. Nerves? The sign of a liar? Or maybe I’m just clutching at straws that Cyrus is anything other than a vile piece of work. “I think she needs some space,” Quinn murmured, tugging softly at Dee’s elbow when I returned. Shaking my head I looked into their concerned eyes, “Yeah…yes. I’ll see you in the boiler later. ”“We can cover you,” Dee offered but I shook my head. “I’ll be there. Honestly, it was just a bit intense but nothing bad happened. It was about the notes. Did…did you guys receive them too?”They looked at each other. "Not since the riot. When we fell out."Biting half of Dee's ear off, no mere fall out as I remember. There is still dried blood on the wall to remind me of that night."Wh
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