187 Chapters
".....Ummm, ok, okay, I get it. I'll get back to you as soon as I hear from my spouse... Yes, please, and thank you very much."A scarlet overflowing dress that swept the floor, diamonds gleaming on the person, and expensive taste in furniture were all enough to demonstrate how wealthy the person on the phone was.She exited the other living room, where she had been, and strolled neatly to the sitting area.After a short walk that was not boring because the walls were adorned with many pricey paintings that were hung there.Flower pots with pricey flowers and plants in various areas of the rooms made the entire house look brighter and homier.“Hey!!!!!!!!! Give me my phone right now!" cried a teenage girl wearing a short jumpsuit at the younger lad who was attempting to flee from her.The lady in red simply shook her head helplessly as she observed this familiar act that these two enjoyed performing every now and again."Catch me if you can!" exclaimed the younger lad as he continued
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Have you ever had the feeling that something is going on but you can't figure out what it is?She'd felt this foreboding dread for a week and was becoming a little spooked out.Avita was in a good mood, especially after coming from Sinazolengwe, where she had a good time and made a lot of money.She not only purchased an expensive phone, but she also expanded her limited wardrobe with new clothes, jewelry, bags, and shoes.She also took a free vacation to another nation, where she did not spend a single penny.Avita also benefited from free airtime and an additional OWD 5,000 as recompense for being unable to plait people over the long weekend.Her perks for this long weekend were more than OWD 100,000, and it was the first time she had spent so much money on herself in such a short period.She had already spent thousands of Drynis on tuition, which did not count. Avita was delighted as a result of the trip, and everyone at work noticed.However, something was off from Monday to Frida
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"Mommy, when is elder sister coming home?" Felix asked of his mother, who was busy cooking in the kitchen.Felicia smiled at her kid and replied, "She'll be here in a minute. She went to meet her pal.""Is elder sister's friend that poor girl?" Felix pinched his little nose and asked his mother.Felicia glanced at her son helplessly and said, "You can't label people like that, son. You must not do this to anyone, rich or poor. Use the names we have.""But that doesn't stop her from being poor!" He snorted as he remembered how poor this person was.Felicia set down the wooden spoon and approached her son, asking, "Are you looking down on the poor, son?""Umphh, so what if I am?""Does this mean you look down on Mommy as well?" Felicia asked, her tone offended.Felix was terrified when he heard this and questioned why his mother was suddenly acting this way, "Mommy, what are you saying? I will never belittle you! You are not like her! Mrs. Larson, the billionaire's wife, you are famous.
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"This is where we live and where I grew up, darling. However, now that I am an adult, I live outside. I have my own personal area. I prefer more independence, so it's just my father, mother, and younger siblings here. My older brother also lives outside, but we all get together once a week for a family gathering."Lucilla didn't hold back when it came to telling Avita about her family, and the curious Avita began to listen intently.She had forgotten she had been fired the day before, and even if she dwelled on it, nothing would change."The mansion has twenty bedrooms in total, and there is................................."The more Avita listened, the worse her headache became. What would a family of seven need twenty bedrooms for?This didn't even cover the villa in the back where the maids stayed. When she compared this level of luxury to her one-bedroom apartment, she suddenly remembered what the peacock had told her.'Is being wealthy such a tremendous privilege?'As they made t
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MINUTES LATER.For a while, two pairs of eyes were fixed on each other, and the mood in the room had turned tight.Badum badumHer heart was racy, and it was pounding furiously.'How come those eyes look familiar?''When I look at her up close, she reminds me of someone, but who?'Felicia couldn't help but wonder as she glanced at Avita, whom she was meeting for the second time since her hospitalization."Mommy!" exclaimed a sweet female voice.This brought her back to the present."Umm, uh, sorry about that!" Felicia apologized gently as she averted her sight from Avita, who was staring at her with interest.Lucilla, who was about to suffocate as a result of this small drama, was relieved as well, but she couldn't help but wonder what her mother was thinking at that brief moment.Avita appeared to resurrect as well, and she smiled shyly at the middle-aged lady, who appeared to be in her thirties rather than forties and added, "It's okay. You are a stunning woman."Avita couldn't stop
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While Patrick was busy marketing his items online, Avita was in the bedroom checking LinkedIn to see if there were any jobs available near her.But she was always coming up against a brick wall and couldn't seem to find anything. This, however, did not cause her to give up.If she can't find work right now, she plans to keep looking until she does. Even if she couldn't find work in accounting right now, she can always do something else.Finding a job is still preferable to doing nothing. And she wasn't planning to notify her lover about being fired until she was stuck. If Patrick's family members found out, she had no idea what kind of difficulty they would cause her this time.The next day, Patrick left first as usual, and Avita, who no longer had a job, decided to go to the salon.She has a chair there, so since she was free, she can go there and work till she discovers something.Unfortunately for her, she had no clients for three days in a row, which was beginning to worry her.Av
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At the time, Patrick felt as if everything was a dream."Ouch!" he said after pinching himself just to be sure it wasn't a dream.Avita stared hopelessly at Patrick, who was being overly dramatic about the whole thing, and chastised, "Are you trying to hurt yourself?"Patrick grew enraged as he glanced at Avita, who didn't seem to be impacted by anything, and asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"Avita looked at him, puzzled, and asked coolly, "I was going to do that just like what I'm doing right now. What were you intending to do if I told you that back then?""It is not about what I was going to do, but as partners, you should tell me everything!"“Everything! Patrick, do you think I'm a moron? Have I ever questioned you about everything you do?"“No, you haven’t but_”"I respect your privacy, and you must do the same. Can't a girl heal and consider alternative options?""Babe, I… I don't mean it that way, but this is a severe situation. You could have at least informed me."
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Avita began to describe and narrate what she had been up to since being fired the previous week. Patrick's heart ached for his girlfriend as he heard more.He is aware that she was proud and hardworking to some level. It must have been incredibly tough for her to find herself in such a circumstance, and only she knows what she was going through.But he was also pleased and proud of her for not giving up and even trying new things.Avita was not an online person, so hearing that she had begun to dabble in that field made him proud as the boyfriend."So, I was thinking about starting an online clothing and accessory business. If there is enough money, I can try to create a physical store and recruit people to work in it. I'll.................... what do you think?"Patrick had been paying close attention when Avita was speaking, so he had a general idea of what she was saying.What she was attempting to do differed from what he does in that he does not become intimately engaged with wha
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Avita was familiar with various respected companies that may assist her. She would have hired their services if she hadn't had troubles with her previous employer, but she didn't want to go there.On Monday, she drew down her idea and prepared the documentation required to establish her company and obtain a trading license and permit.The next day, Avita took two kombis to her location, and happily, no other clients were waiting in front of her when she got to the Accountancy firm she had chosen.As a result, she was swiftly served and informed to return in five days to pick up her processed documents.Avita was ecstatic because she had anticipated it would take much longer. After all, the process used to take a week at her previous job.The package she paid for included everything she wanted, including company registration, tax registration, bank account opening, secretarial services, a trading license, and a retail license.The only thing left was for her to open an internet busines
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As she waited for the bus, Avita smiled helplessly as she listened to Patrick, who couldn't stop yapping."You must look after yourself, and if you have a bad feeling about someone, don't be afraid to seek help!" Patrick offered advice for the hundredth time."Yes, yes, yes. Don't be concerned about me. I will always look after myself!" Avita made a major pledge.Patrick sighed and gently rubbed Avita's head, saying, "That's good then."Patrick kept Avita amused for another 10 minutes before the bus driver announced that the bus was leaving.Patrick and the other family members who were sending their relatives go finally got off the bus and watched it leave.Avita was seated in a two-seater, on the inner side rather than the aisle side.Her next-door neighbor was a middle-aged woman who, fortunately for her, did not enjoy conversing too much.The bus price from Wakothanie to Gaborone was OWD 700, and the journey took 20 hours. The journey from Wakothanie to the Botswana border was ele
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