Semua Bab Gambled To The Cursed Lycan King: Bab 1 - Bab 10
55 Bab
Bathed In Crimson
"Don't kill me, please!" The omega pack wolf knelt on the blood soaked ground and begged. "I have a wife and three little babies! Kill me instead but please spare them." The Lycan wolf tsked mockingly, "Too late, omega. I already killed your wife and babies. There, look at their bodies." He pointed to a huge heap of torn and mangled bodies. A little dismembered arm peeked out from the mess. He was whimpering and shaking his head vigorously, "No, no." In one clean move the lycan werewolf pulled his beating heart out, "And now you are dead too." Blood dripped from his claws as the Lycan growled and scanned the forest for his next victim. Carcasses of that night's victims were littered everywhere in the forest. One thing about this particular werewolf's victims: They were innocent. They had to be innocent. Women and babies especially. He was just cursed that way and he couldn't help it no matter how hard he tried. Except this one woman. The woman his wolf was really searchin
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Dying Is The Only Way To Be Free
"That boy called me mama." The mad she-wolf screamed like a banshee, pulling my silver strands angrily."Get off me! What have I done to you? I don't know you!" I looked around the room, silently pleading to anyone to help me.Raucous laughter filled my ears in response.This female is a pack member that lost her only son years ago and lost her mind as a result.She was locked up and put under my father's watch but I never expected that they would let her loose on me."That's right. This bitch killed your son and" - his voice dropped to a whisper "I heard she ate him alive." My younger stepbrother, Logan, threw his head back, laughing.She let out an ear-splitting screech,"I will tear you up alive and search your insides for my son till I find every piece of him, you evil witch!"She clawed and tore at my skin wailing that I must give her back her son.If she was determined to add more scars to my extensive collection, now she was hellbent on sending me to an early grave. She picked
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Of All The Odds....
"Kill him." "Cut him up." "Yes! Tear him apart." "Get up from the fucking floor, Jonah." "Oh, he's so dead." "He won't be able to walk properly after this." "Does he have any tooth left?" "Off with his head!" "Get him, Marcus!" "Stop hitting like a fucking baby, you pussy." "Break all his bones. Whoo!"A million agitated voices echoed through the wide wrestling arena witnessing the biggest pack fight of the year.Several hundred werewolves from the kingdom of Adivaine and all other neighboring kingdoms gathered here every year on the night the moon shines brightest in honor of The Wolf Spirit.We come together to watch the most savage and ruthlessly vicious werewolves wrestle to the death for fame.Demons, vampires and witches alike were also in attendance but for more sinister reasons.Everyone except the Lycan King attended these events. He never showed his face in public.I once eavesdropped on two women gossiping in hushed tones at the fruit market,"The last time the Lycan King,
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Welcome To Hell
"Come out bitch. The Lycan beta doesn't like to be kept waiting." A guard dragged me from the servant's quarters through the rough castle grounds and threw me over his shoulder when I refused to move."No.' I whimpered. I was in rags that were so torn in several places that it barely hid any skin.Every single part of my body was covered with bruises and scratches and blisters. Most of them were still fresh.Living in Father's house was paradise compared to this hell. I would do anything to go back even if it meant cutting off my arm."No! Pick me." Greta, the tall, quiet redhead from the Night blood pack and the oldest of us all jumped up and declared. Everyone stared at her, shocked.There were twenty-two of us and I was his latest addition to his harem of mistresses.No, not "mistresses", sex slaves.According to the rumors, we were supposed to be twenty-six. Four died.We were his harem of sex slaves. I'm sure most of them were happy that I was the one he was obsessed with at the
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The End. Maybe?
"I don't want to die.""Am I going to die?""I can't breathe.""Help me.""Ple--ase." My last breath caught in my throat, and my fingers dug into his wrists as I stared into his eyes. Those eyes were the last thing I saw before the darkness claimed me.Black, empty, cold. Unfathomably evil.I jolted awake feeling feverish. My neck felt stiff and my head was pounding terribly. I looked around, disoriented."Where am I?" I sat up and looked around, wiping drool from my mouth with the back of my hand."What sort of nonsense dream was that?" I rubbed my eyes hard, as if to clear away my memory of those haunting evil eyes in my dream.Yawning and stretching like a cat, I looked around again and jumped in horror, "Oh no! Oh no!""How long have I been asleep? Oh shit!"I was still in Beta Darius's sex chamber and I also hadn't cleaned it up."Oh my God, what's the time? Please don't be past midnight yet. This is the only chance I have at freedom." I pleaded to whoever was up there listening
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The Lycan King Found His Mate (A Short Chapter)
"You barely did anything. How am I supposed to believe you?" "Don't "believe" me. I am you." "No, Warrick. No, you're not. And I'm not you. You just very unfortunately happened to be in my body." "Don't be such a crybaby, Zane. Deny it as much as you want but I'm as much a part of you as you are a part of me." Alpha Zane had nothing to say to that. "Just stay dormant, Warrick. I need rest. If I drop dead now, you die too." "Funny that. We've tried dying a couple of times before. Do you remember how it went?" Again, he had nothing to say to that but this time it was because they were both cursed to be immortal. Nothing on earth could ever kill hi– "What is that?" Alpha Zane bent down and touched the water flowing from the lake. "Why is there blood in the water?" He heard a fierce, deep growl vibrate the entire ground under him. He realized that the growl was coming from him. "Warrick, what are you doing? You are choosing to be sensitive to blood now? Suddenly, his legs mo
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On This Day, I Became A Queen
My eyes fluttered open and all I could see was darkness. Were my eyes really open? I touched my eyes to be sure that I really opened them. "I'm fully awake but why is it this dark everywhere? I can't even see my nose." "I can see you," A rich, velvety voice seemed to caress my ear in response. I suddenly recognized the voice but I didn't remember where I heard it. I racked my brain to remember what his name was. "Who are you?" He calmly took my hand and my wolf, Seneca, hummed appreciatively in my chest. I clutched his hand instinctively and I knew that I would never want to let go. I could have stayed there forever, just holding his hand. I don't understand this feeling. "The reason why it's dark is because you are still weak and you can't handle any shocking revelations in your present state. You need to fully heal before I explain everything to you." His voice held me in a trance. Not his words, his voice. Why do I feel incredibly enchanted by him? Where do I know him fr
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Add Sugar To The Truth And It Becomes A Lie
I momentarily snapped out of my puzzled daze when I saw Beta Darius saunter majestically to my beloved mate and bowed deeply to the Lycan King who still carried me gently like a newborn in his arms. When he rose up and saw me, his face turned a concerning shade of blue, then red, and then white as a sheet. Staring blankly with a slack jaw, he stood frozen in place, and his eyes darted around wildly. Poor thing, he managed to look constipated and also look like he was seeing a vision of the Seven Red Hells. "You –you…uh your highness." "I– Is she –?" He was unable to complete his question. The sound of Zane's voice from his chest sounded like a lullaby to my wounded soul, "Darius, she's my mate. My long-awaited mate." He almost choked on his spit, "Uhm, ahem, er, excuse me, your highness. I….uhm have to tend to some urgent personal matters." He bowed deeply one more time, "Welcome back home again, my King," and with a stiffer bow to me, "my lady," He choked out. I watched him w
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The King's Plan.
Alpha Zane's POV The door to my study shut with a quiet click behind me. No one else dared entered here. I crossed the room, my steps slow and deliberate, but hesitant as they itched to go back to my mate's sleeping form lying comfortably on our bed. Sleep was not something I did often, I'm constantly in too much pain for that. I barely slept due to my curse but even at that, I embraced this one aspect of being cursed because I used my nighttime for deeper, and more complex matters that I couldn't do when prying eyes that hovered around during the day came. Long silver locks and ice blue eyes of a certain Luna filled my thoughts again. Warrick gave me a hard time about me not claiming her yet. I was equally impatient but I was also not an idiot. She was not in a state to handle that yet. The memory of Freya, scared and unsure, lips quivering and eyes brimming with tears sent fury crackling through me like a tidal wave. I welcomed its cold burn that seared me from the inside ou
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The King's Plan II
Freya's POVHis tongue ravaged me.Plundering me thoroughly and savagely like a brute, skilled rogue war raider.Heat and moisture pooled at my core and slicked down my legs like liquid fire.Unlike the last time we kissed, this was raw and passionate, rough and sensual, like he was exposing his deepest, inner self to me. This sent me tumbling and spiralling out of the bounds of my sexual limits.I suckled on his tongue and bit it. Hard.He groaned - I relished the sound, I felt an immense heady contentment in knowing that I could make the Lycan King of Adivaine, moan like that - and pushed himself onto me.Through the slim barrier of his clothes, I felt the full, hard length of his cock digging into my belly.My, was he big.My mouth dried at the thought of what he planned to use that cock to do to me.The way he gripped the back of my neck, his addictive taste plus our scents mixing thickly in the dense air, was making me grow dizzy with lust.Our ragged inhales and sighed exhales w
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