Semua Bab Master Allen's : Bab 21 - Bab 30
67 Bab
Chapter 21
Mrs. Rebecca told the maid to summon Kenzi to her room. It didn't take long for his son to come.Dinner had been prepared and they had all gathered around the dining table, only one person left."Call Ralin to eat!" Mrs. Rebecca ordered her maid."Yes madam!"Violin who was playing with his cell phone suddenly changed his expression, Kenzi didn't say anything to him about Ralin. Now the woman was apparently in this house.Ralin came down from above, she looked beautiful even without makeup and in simple clothes. This is what Violin doesn't like, he's not as natural as Ralin."Ha-hi Ralin!" He forced himself to look friendly in front of Kenzi's parents, greeting them first to gain sympathy. However, Madam Rebecca wouldn't be fooled by Violin's acting just now.Ralin only returned a helping hand but didn't greet them, his face also didn't show a smile.They ate in silence, after eating Ralin immediately said goodbye to Kenra as the reason, he was just taking care not to make a fuss. Ral
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Chapter 22
The doctor exited, followed by a nurse pushing Kenra's gurney.Kenzi and Ralin immediately greeted standing up. Seeing Kenra close her eyes, Ralin immediately touched that tiny hand."Are patients often like this?" The doctor asked; Kenra is now in a special room."Yes, Doc. If he is worried about having a high fever, I always provide medicine at home," Ralin answered."Well, actually there is something I want to convey to Mr and Mrs regarding the patient's condition. I would like to carry out further examinations. I hope Mr and Mrs will allow it!" said the doctor. He suspects that there is Kenra's disease which may be congenital.Ralin's mind immediately wandered somewhere. Did his daughter have another disease?"Do your best, Doc," Kenzi said decisively."Okay, tomorrow we will do a follow-up examination, for a while, the patient must be treated here."Kenzi nodded. The doctor and nurse came out of the room.Ralin immediately sat up without feeling his tears flowing, it was not once
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Chapter 23
Kenra's test results came out two days later."Infection of the nervous system," the doctor began to explain, "Infection of the lining of the brain or meningitis. This disease is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Aside from high fever, headaches or seizures can also occur."Ralin was silent after the doctor explained his daughter's illness."Can it heal, Doc?" asked Kenzie."With optimal care of course."The doctor's answer made Ralin relieved; at least Kenranya could recover.A little afternoon Kenzi went to the office. Ralin alone looked after Kenra, his mother-in-law and father-in-law did not come today."Hey Brother-in-law!" Luke came with provisions from home. Rin smiled at him. Their relationship has never been bad since the first."Mom told me to take this. He is on business with dad," he said, then put the bag containing the provisions on the table."It's OK, besides Kenra is also getting better," Ralin replied. He also pushed aside the lunchbox because he wasn't hungry y
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Chapter 24
Has Kenzi told Kenra that he is her daddy? Ralin's mind was racing, but Kenra could be heard laughing happily inside.Ralin decided to go inside.Check. "Mommy!" called Kenra happily."Yes honey," she said as she walked closer, "does Kenra seem happy?" Ralin stroked her daughter's hair gently. Kenzi deliberately shifted slightly so that the two of them had more freedom."Kenra has a daddy," she said cheerfully. Ralin immediately looked at Kenzi's face, who chose to pretend not to hear him."Kenra still hasn't recovered, don't talk about Daddy yet, OK?" He didn't even understand what he was saying."No, Mom, Uncle Kenzi said. I want to be Kenra's daddy. So from now on, Kenra will call him daddy." As if he had just received a present, Kenra didn't mind calling Kenzi daddy.So pretend. Ralin thought, but Kenra was already happy; what if he knew the truth?The day after, Kenra was declared cured and allowed to go home."Stay on the diet and activity, madam!" The doctor gives advice."OK,
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Chapter 25
Ralin rubbed her tears roughly so that no one would see her cry. He looked at himself in the mirror. His hand rose and touched his chest.Almost six years have passed, and feelings for Kenzi have not entirely disappeared. Ralin thought he was stupid.Below, who knows what Derrick and his father-in-law are talking about? Now Derrick and Violin said goodbye while Mrs. Rebecca chose to stay in the room."Next month the wedding will happen," said Mr. Robert to his wife."Tell Kenzi to divorce Ralin so she can marry Luke.""It can't be like that, we can't force her to marry Luke." Mr. Robert disagrees with his wife's thinking."Then, you want Ralin to leave here and take our grandchildren?" Rebecca stood up and folded her arms across her chest, "that's the only way for Ralin to survive here."Kenzi overheard the conversation; he who wanted to talk to his father discouraged him. Kenzi left the bedroom door and went up to the second floor.Knock knockCheckRalin regretted not asking who had
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Chapter 26
"Honey, learn by yourself! I want to talk to this uncle." Ralin glanced at the man who had just entered the Kenzi room earlier, who still showed his surprised face."Ra-rain, I just took a file that was left behind for a moment," said the man, a bit nervous. He was very surprised to see Ralin here."Just two minutes, please answer my question, Edward!" Rachel held the man's hand."The-same question as six years ago?" Edward felt uncomfortable."Yes, I beg you to answer honestly!" asked Ralin with a pitiful face."I-I don't know anything, Ralin; I have to go!" Edward, already holding the folder, immediately left the room.Ralin's face looked disappointed; why didn't he get whatever he wanted until now?"Mom, why is uncle nervous? Is he afraid of momm? even though mommy Kenra is very beautiful and kind."Immediately the look on her face changed to a smile; Kenra knew how to comfort her mommy.Edward is a former assistant to his father; he is still relatively young, only three years diff
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Chapter 27
Kenzi and Violin's wedding day is getting closer. Preparation is almost one hundred percent. Violin smiled contentedly; her status would soon change to Mrs. Allen. All that remains is to think about how to get Ralin to leave the house."What about the child?" Derrik asked his daughter, who didn't like the daughter of his future son-in-law.The violinist stood up, her face showing a sinister grin, "Once I become Kenzi's wife, it won't be difficult to get rid of that child.""It's not that easy, honey," said Derrick, who doubted his daughter's abilities."Pretending to be affectionate will become my weapon, once I get close to that child it's certainly not difficult to give him poison." Violin smiled evilly.On the other hand, Ralin was uneasy when he learned that he and Kenzi would divorce, and then he would marry Luke.I don't like it. They want to control their life. No, Ralin will not let his freedom be taken away again. In the past, she had accepted an arranged marriage with Kenzi
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Chapter 28
That night Luke returns home to his family after briefly visiting his friends. Along the way, he thought about Violin's orders that told him to frame Ralin.Sometimes Luke laughs sadly; as complicated as life is, he does have feelings for his brother's wife, but Luke still knows his limits.He came home late at night, and everyone in the house was asleep; only the maid opened the door.Luke immediately entered his room; he took off his jacket and hung it up. He froze for a moment, then reached into his coat pocket again.The small bottle that Violin gave him, Luke knew that it contained aphrodisiacs.He threw his body on the bed, contemplating whether to do it.In the room, it turned out that Ralin was not sleeping; he was planning as neatly as possible until no one realized where he was going.The next morning, Kenra had finished and Ralin. Kenzi had just come down from above; Rebecca held her hand as she descended the last step."Take care of your divorce immediately!" He reminded h
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Chapter 29
"Okay, I, excuse me!"Kenzi said goodbye with a bad feeling; he immediately dialled his mother's number in the car."Mother, are Kenra and Ralin home yet?" he asked.Mrs Rebecca looked at the big clock in the corner of the house, "Not yet. Maybe it's still on the way," she said calmly."No, ma'am. Ralin and Kenra didn't go to school today.""What?" Mrs Rebecca stood up suddenly until Mr Robert, who was reading, looked at her in surprise."Looks like Ralin ran away."Mrs Rebecca's body immediately swayed, and she fell unconscious."Hello, Mom, hello!" Kenzi, who heard the sound of falling, became worried."Your mother fainted, quickly call the doctor!" Mr Robert answered the phone."Y-yes," Kenzi said nervously.Kenzi cut the call and immediately contacted the family doctor. He did not go home but booked a ticket to France.There were no empty tickets for the next two days, making Kenzi growl in annoyance. Hatred towards Ralin reappeared."Just look at Ralin, if I find you, I'll take K
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Chapter 30
Darren's plane landed safely; he immediately went to the hotel to rest tonight.Darren was looking for information about the names of the people who had made the flight two days ago. Despite having to spend money, Darren did it.No one was happier with the news of Ralin's departure than Kenzi's fiancé. He hasn't stopped smiling since hearing the news.Ralin was very happy and was spinning around in the house."I don't need to dirty my hands to get rid of you and your daughter, Ralin. Everything seems to be made easy for me. Hahaha!" Violin laughter blared without noticing that Kenzi's figure was standing at the large door and hearing everything.Violin returned to paying attention to her cell phone; at this time, she wanted to contact Luke, her future brother-in-law.Not waiting long, Luke immediately picked up the call."What's wrong Violin?" He is still snappy as usual, but Violin doesn't care because right now, he's happy."You really can be counted on, you must have given the drug
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