Semua Bab Fate of Two Step Siblings: Bab 1 - Bab 10
89 Bab
Chapter 1 - The Start of Chaos
POV: Victoria Chaos. Absolute Chaos. That was the only way to describe everything that was happening around me. “Archie! Get back here! You need to put your pants on.” My nephew ran past me in his underwear as his mom, my cousin tried to keep up with him waving around a pair of trousers in her hand. I embraced it though. It’s not every day that your mother gets married for the third time. Although this was her third wedding, she was remarrying her first husband so I didn’t know if that counted. My mother and Mr. Thomas Stallone, her husband-to-be, met when they were in college. They were both smitten with each other and they fell in love. Thomas came from a wealthy family which did not approve of his relationship with my mom so they decided to elope. They ran off and my mom got married in Vegas in a white ill-fitting wedding dress she had found at a thrift shop. They were happy for a while but quickly realized that they had been too impulsive and neither one of them was actu
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Chapter 2 - Chaos Continues
POV: Caleb The wedding goes on as planned. The ceremony was beautiful. Mom and Thomas shared an uncomfortably raunchy kiss at the end. Seeing one of your parents make out with someone never gets easier. After the ceremony, there was a brief photo session. I was roped into a few pictures but quickly excused myself and left the wedding party to it. Don't get me wrong, I had nothing against Melissa. I was actually glad that my dad met someone that he loved so much, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. I just hadn't been involved in any of the wedding planning so far and it didn't feel right to butt in all of a sudden. I decided to keep my distance and proceeded to the reception tent with the rest of the guests. Immediately I entered the tent, I felt as though I had been transported to a whole other world. The decorations in the tent made the whole thing look whimsical. The inside of the tent was brimming with fresh flowers and lush greenery. There was a dance floor set u
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Chapter 3 - Ten Years Ago
Ten years ago POV: Victoria Every kid’s favorite day of the week has got to be Friday. It’s the beacon light at the end of the tunnel after a long week. I lived for Fridays. I dreamt of them, wanted to marry them, and have their children if possible. So the fact that I was dreading that particular Friday said a lot. I had to make a presentation on the British Colonization of the Americas in front of the entire class. To say I was nervous would have been an understatement. “Come on Tori, this is the third time I’m waking you up. You’re going to be late for school if you don’t hustle,” my mom shouted from the corridor. “That’s the goal,” I said to myself as I threw off my covers. My history class was the first lesson of the day so maybe if I got ready as slowly as was humanly possible, I’d miss the whole thing. I dismissed the idea completely. My mother would never let that happen. She would put the clothes on my body and physically drag me out of the house and to school if she
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Chapter 4
POV: CalebMoving to a new school in my last year of high school was not something I expected yet there I was pulling up to McKinley High School. The past few weeks felt like a fever dream. My family and I had moved from Berkshire, England to Sedona, Arizona. It was the town that my father grew up in and where he'd apparently always wanted to retire to. The move was rather unexpected but there is nothing I could do about it.I could see myself being happy there. The weather was nice and warm compared to the constant gloom in England, the people were really nice and over the weekend, I had the best barbecue I had ever tasted. My little brother Eric, on the other hand, was having a hard time adjusting to our new home. He missed his old friends and the familiarity of our home in Berkshire. I couldn’t blame him. The thought of having to start a new one was nerve-wracking. "How are you feeling? Nervous?" my dad asked me.I shrugged and replied, "No, not really." He turned to look at me cl
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Chapter 5
POV: VictoriaI was right. By the time the next week rolled over, my little barfing incident was already forgotten. The rumour mill had moved on to Carl Stevens lying about his family owning a vacation home in Los Angeles. Even though I felt sorry for Carl, I was glad that the heat was off of me.That Friday had been rough. Everywhere I went people stared and pointed. Some were even bold enough to call me puke face. Of course I hated that they were being mean but what I hated even more was the fact that the spotlight was on me. It made me very uncomfortable but I got through the day. By the time the school day ended, I was in an unbelievably foul mood. I was mad at Mr Finkle for making me do the presentation in the first place. I was mad at my mother for making me go to school and for making me eat breakfast. When she came to pick me up, I sulked the whole way home and refused to talk to her. I know that wasn’t my most mature moment but it was justified.All, however, was forgiven an
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Chapter 6
POV: CalebI got paired with Victoria. I remembered that I hadn’t sought her out since that history lesson. I had seen her in some of my classes but she seemed very reserved. The only person I had seen her interact with was the Asian girl who was always dressed in funky clothes. In my defense, a lot of things had happened since that Friday.Brianna (who I quickly realized was the most popular girl in school) sort of took me under her wing. She introduced me to her group of friends, most of whom were athletes and cheerleaders. They all seemed really nice. We even hung out that weekend. I wasn’t blind though. I knew that Brianna was interested in me. I could see myself dating her but not just yet.The next week, principal Gilligan had gotten the coach to let me try out for the team even though try outs were already over and I got in. I was McKinley High School’s new linebacker. I had started getting comfortable there. I had formed a little community.I was standing next to Brianna when
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Chapter 7
POV: Victoria My encounter with Caleb wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. He was… nice. He made me laugh and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. I felt at ease around him, like I didn’t have to be anyone other than myself. It honestly scared me a little. I had let my guard down so quickly with him it almost seemed natural. Sam bombarded me with a million questions after the class. “How was it? Were you nervous? Of course, you were. What did you guys talk about? I saw you laughing. Is he funny? How did you manage to keep your composure? If it were me, I would jump him there and then. What about his eyes? Are they as dreamy as everyone says they are?” she asked me all these questions in one breath, I was surprised that she didn’t pass out.I did not know what to tell her. A part of me didn't want to share any part of my experience with Caleb with anyone including my best friend. I doubted that I would get a repeat of it any time soon.“Come on Tori, spill! I’d tell
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Chapter 8
Pov: CalebShe was avoiding me. It irked me. I don’t know why but it did. I hadn’t talked to her since that Friday. Every time that she would see me coming in the hallways, she would either duck into the nearest room or just flat-out turn and go in the other direction. After our classes, she would be the first person out of the room. One time, she actually sprinted away from me.I didn’t think that I had done anything to offend her so her behavior didn’t make sense to me. I also did not help that Brianna was around all the time. She was basically monopolizing me. She was a really nice girl but she was way too clingy. Sometimes it annoyed me but I couldn’t say anything. The last thing that I wanted was to make her mad at me. It would cause too much drama.Thursday finally rolled around. I found myself looking forward to the biology lab lesson scheduled for that afternoon. I knew that it had nothing to do with my interest in the actual subject and everything to do with a certain elusiv
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Chapter 9 - Part 1
Pov: Victoria“What on earth am I doing here?” I asked myself.I was standing at the entrance of the school just as Caleb had instructed. Sam stood with me as I waited because she didn’t trust me not to bail on the plans that we had. I would never admit it but she was actually right in suspecting that I would do so. Even as she stood there next to me, holding onto my arm, I was contemplating running for it. This was the exact opposite of what Brianna had ‘advised’ me to do.“Why do I have to do this?” I whined. “Because you need to make more friends,” Sam answered as she tightened her grip on my arm.“I don’t need more friends. I have you,” I argued.“I know but still...”She was relentless.I knew then that there was no way of getting out of hanging out with Nathan. And to think that all this over a bag of chips. I looked at the time and realized that we had been standing there for almost ten minutes.“It has been ten minutes Sam, he is probably not coming. Maybe he forgot about the
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Chapter 10 - Part 2
I thought of giving him a snarky remark but I didn’t care. I ripped open the bag of chips and popped one into my mouth. I closed my eyes and relished in its taste. All was right with the world. ”Damn! I have never seen anyone enjoy crisps like that. I feel like I witnessed a private moment. Should I leave you and your crisps alone?” Caleb said, rudely interrupting the euphoric moment. I sneered at him and continued to eat my chips. “It’s chips by the way,” I said. “What?” he asked, looking confused. “It’s chips, not crisps. You keep saying crisps.” “Oh! I’m sorry, I guess.” “Don’t be. I was just pointing it out. You don’t need to change it.” “Cool.” We continued to stand there as I polished off the rest of my crisps. I got to the bottom of the bag and contemplated licking the crumbs up as I would normally do but that didn’t seem like the kind of thing I should do in front of Caleb. It was rather undignified. I finished my packet and threw its wrapper in the bin. He went into
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