Semua Bab The She Wolf's Heart: Bab 1 - Bab 10
46 Bab
The Moonlight Secrets
The moon hung on the sky, casting a glow on the forest. Trees looked exceptionally beautiful this night. The forest floor glowed of blue colour, all thanks to the moon. Outside the forest, humans, mostly adults, went about their businesses as if it was daybreak. The time was past 10 pm, and children would have been fast asleep if it weren't a weekend. Among the persons that went about their businesses is a 6'2" figure who had a cross bag on her shoulder. While most persons were headed towards buildings, her focus was the Longroove Forest. In her skinny jean and Harcket shirt and sneakers, she looked like every normal human being going about their businesses. Carefully glancing around to be sure no one was watching her or paying attention enough to notice that she was headed into the forest by that hour of the night, Anya quickened her pace. She was beginning to feel some little changes coursing through her vein. Certain that she was totally away from any form of gaze except that
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The Alpha's Saviour
Waking up fully, Anya stood up and dived away from the bullet with a speed only her has ever felt. The bullet landed on the grass. “Wake up!” She shouted in her thought and then every wolf stood up. Seeing what was happening they began to run away from the bullets flying around, trying to dodge them. Vincent woke up and headed straight to attack one of the hunters. As he zoomed past Anya, she heard it for the first time; “God help me, I will tear him limb to limb.” It was Vincent's thought. Shocked, she stood still to see if anyone else noticed. No one did. Better still, every wolf was trying to run away from the melting bullet. That’s what the hunters' ammunition was called. It is a type of bullet that goes by its name. It goes in and melt you inside out within minutes. There is no cure for it. And that is the same bullet that may hit Vincent if he doesn't turn back. “Will you stop?” Yelled Anya in her thought. The force of her thought made Vincent fall backwards. Perplexed,
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Unveiling The Past
Anya walked briskly, her mind still grappling with the recent events and the encounter with the hunter. The scent of the unfamiliar werewolf lingered in the air, causing her curiosity to pique. Is there still another wolf out there? She queried herself. She couldn't help but wonder who this newcomer was and what their purpose was in Longroove. As she made her way out of the forest, she noticed a figure leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing. It was a man, tall and muscular, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a mix of apprehension and curiosity. His presence disrupted her usual calm demeanor, awakening a sense of intrigue.Anya approached the man cautiously, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. She didn't have any choice, she had to walk pass the same tree he was leaning on. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with authority. The man straightened himself, sensing her dominance. He took a step forward, his eyes locked onto hers. "My name is Caleb," he answ
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Teacher Anya: The Good and The Bad
Anya woke up the next morning, her senses tingling with a mix of determination and unease. The piercing sound of her alarm pulled her from her slumber, and she groggily rubbed her eyes, aware that her apartment was in dire need of tidying up. As she got out of bed, she made a mental note to clean later. With that she headed to the rest room to relief herself, but her growling stomach demanded attention first. She quickly did her business and exited the rest room. Being a werewolf, Anya needed to consume fresh meat at least once every three days to maintain her strength and prevent herself from preying on unsuspecting humans. She shuffled into the kitchen, eyes fixed on the contents of her freezer. There, amidst the frozen goods, she found a supply of meat waiting for her. She had bought some of those meat from the meat market nearby and the rest was an offering from Vincent, the alpha of her pack, who often made grand gestures towards her. The first time he brought her meat , Anya
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Shadows of Danger
It was exactly 4pm when Anya got home. Walking into her apartment and catching a glimpse of her freezer reminders of her Mr Rodriguez and his cold hand and her body's heat reaction. All she could do was sigh, not out of relief that it was over, because it wasn't, but out of tiredness. Yawning, she dropped her backpack on her centre table as she peddled a few steps backwards into her couch, shutting her eyes for some minutes. Thoughts of what was yet to be attended to flooded her mind. Her kitchen was not in a good state. Upstairs, her room was a mess. She mentally arranged her to-do list in order of importance. "Let me get started with the kitchen and also rustle up something to eat." she said to the empty room as she got up and began to walk her way to her kitchen. Walking in, she glanced. The sink was practically overflowing with used dishes. Her dustbin was filled to the brim. While her freezer was pristine on the inside, the body had some stains on it. While she wasn't the
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Concealed Identities
"When you greeted Mr. Surajo, what was his behaviour? How did he react?" Concern etched itself onto Anya's features as she probed Caleb about the nature of his interaction with the principal. Both of them were on their way to the school to do a little bit of searching and looking around. To see if they can find anything to connect the principal to the story Celeb had narrated during their dinner date. “He just responded, shook my hands and welcome me in the school. I did my possible best to keep myself from fidgeting or even starring at the item.” Caleb responded, carefully avoiding mentioning the object of their discussion. The driver, a man in his late fifties, must have been paying attention to their discussion as most cabbies do because he asked them a question. "Not to pry though, but, what are you going to school to do at this time of the day? It's almost 8 pm." Anya glanced at her wrist watch and maintained decorum, adding ones and two in her head. Caleb decided to play the
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Primal Struggle
One of the most assertive parts of the human body is the heart. It has a way of choosing what it wants without caring what the consequences are. It gets worse when the heart is empowered by a superpower. That is the position Anya finds herself in. It’s another weekend and Anya, still smarting from last weekend’s rendezvous at the forest with the hunters, refused to meet up with the pack for the usual weekend meetings. She called Vincent to inform him that she won’t be present. She also informed her colleague, Caleb, to be on the same page with her. She had actually told Caleb half the truth when he asked her why she was avoiding the meeting. “I don’t want to face Vincent and his petty behaviour, plus, I am trying to avoid killing any hunter.” She replied, rolling her eyes, playfully. But what she hid from Caleb was that she was not ready to be among the pack that she struggles to connect to . Also, she was not prepared to face Vincent concerning their outing the other evening. B
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Forbidden Love
You can always count on humans to have hate habits even when it is not necessary. You can always count on men to come up with an excuse for anything to hate anything that stands against what they believe. That hate plus the mayhem that comes with it doesn't stop it from existing. That is why ideas like a woman loving a woman which has been there since the dawn of time, since the days of the first werewolf have never stopped being an issue among werewolves, humans, vampires and other beings in the universe. Anya knew that the chemistry between her and Maya transcends the walls of a regular crush. She know she was in deep shit, but couldn't stop it. This had nothing to do with Optimus Primal. It was all her. She tried to pretend that Maya was just another girl, but whenever her mind remembered her, all she sees is the weapon formed against her that has prospered. She had no way of controlling what she felt for her. Maya on the other hand wasn't helping matters. She is drop-dead gorgeo
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Even You, Caleb?
Anya spent the subsequent days of the weekend in her home, a heavy feeling of guilt weighing down on her heart. She had been avoiding Maya's calls and texts ever since that fateful Friday night. She knew she had left Maya's apartment in a hurry, but revealing her true identity as a werewolf was simply out of the question. Maya was understandably upset, but not enough to show up at Anya's doorstep. So she allowed the weekend to pass, hoping that the distance would somehow mend the situation.Monday was here and everyone was keeping their distance. Maya and Anya had a ritual of always meeting up in Anya's class to say hi before their student began to arrive. Today both had practically sneaked into the school premises trying their best to avoid running into each other every time they stepped out of their classrooms. However, it wasn't long before Caleb, noticed the tension between the two lovers. You can trust him to notice that his best lesbian couple were not at a corner, discussin
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The Luna Saga
"You know the last full moon for the month is tonight, right?"That was Caleb on phone addressing Anya. He was trying to prevent Anya from going to Maya's house on a full moon night, even though it is the first day of the week. "Was it not meant to last for four days?" asked an irritated Anya. “Yes, the Luna cycle for the month ends today. For someone with our powers, transformation is inevitable." Caleb explained. Anya was quiet for some time. She was not angry, or sad, just quiet. "Are you there?" Came Caleb's voice. "Yes, I am." She sighed. "Honestly, I am tired of the whole thing. It wasn't this regular the previous years. Being a werewolf is just not what I planned to do with my life." She complained. "I am sorry,” Caleb apologised. His apology came from a place of ignorance. He remembered how him and his cousins would go out in Mongroove every night of full moon to hunt and kill werewolves, because they felt werewolves were having fun being monsters and terrorising the
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