All Chapters of Alpha's Little Vampire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
121 Chapters
Royal Verdict
“Saving Crescent Moon Pack doesn’t mean that I have to accept this alliance!"Alpha Eric’s vexation was perceptible in his great emphasis on this critical matter. This meeting was called at the appeal of Alpha Bryson, Alpha King Alexander Maximus was seated on his throne to clarify this issue. As an approbation of Alpha’s Eric good will of rescuing the Crescent Moon Pack, Alpha Bryson proposed a marriage treaty earlier.“Your Majesty, I am old now and Sophia is my only heir. Alpha Eric has proved that only he can take care of my Pack.”King Alexander was not pleased with his reasoning, so he started icily,“What about your daughter’s mate, Alpha Bryson? Not to mention Alpha Eric can have a second chance mate too.”Discerning Alpha King’s disapproval, Alpha knelt down immediately,“My daughter’s mate died in the battle against Alpha Sebastian along with my son. My poor baby girl didn’t even know that 'Agam' was her mate. Moreover, Alpha Eric is single for six years. In case of mates for
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Rash Decision
Alpha Eric was back to the Pack, but with a badly wounded patient.A human!The scent of his blood was so alluring that it perfumed the whole Pack. Prior to this, Charlotte’s main concern was Alpha’s worry. He was burning with anxiety and she was helpless to ease his agitation. She knew that her blood could heal that human but no one let her go anywhere especially near the hospital.As Alpha was hell busy with his office work, there was no chance for her to talk to him. It was understandable that they wanted to save that human from her attack, but a vial of her blood could be used safely without including her direct indulgence in the whole process.But No!The entire week passed like that, Charlotte was so occupied with her savior’s well being that she totally disregarded Sophia’s plans. Her seemingly innocent accidents resulted in two times scolding from Luna, but Charlotte couldn’t care less.Tonight after her work, she decided to follow Alpha to the Pack’s hospital. For her success,
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Match made in heaven
Alpha transferred Liam to the Pack’s house for full recovery. His condition was unstable, as his thirst was driving him crazy. Charlotte requested Alpha to let him stay with her, she would definitely train him in a week.“I want him normal in three days. Otherwise snap this vampire’s neck. I agreed for my friend but this monster has overpowered my Liam’s humanity.”Alpha’s fret was genuine. Honestly, Charlotte had no idea before that her blood was so powerful. Her father did told her that they were pure blooded vampires but her weak aura and unusual physique made her believe that her venom is useless.Her sired vampire obedience was like an affirmation for her. She felt important after becoming a Master. A slight relish of power explained her the reason behind the power struggle; also pure blood’s obsession of having countless sired ones around them.As Alpha insisted on quick results, Charlotte took three days off and confined herself in her room with Liam. She tried to train him with
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Having a Sired Vampire could make you feel warmth of the family? Charlotte had never heard about it in ninety years of her life. Although she aged slowly but her experience was more than her looks. She had seen many Master-Slave relationships in this dynamic.Liam was really a kind-hearted human being. His humanity was the most beautiful thing about him. She left instant connection in that hug, she reciprocated it and hugged him back.“Charlotte!”They both jumped in each other’s embrace. Charlotte felt suffocated as the air around them was becoming dense. What she sighted was quite shocking!Out of blue, Alpha Eric was there, burning the whole surrounding with his anger. In a flash, he was in front of them. His extended claws raised to attack on Liam. Well it was the time for action!“Alpha, Liam has improved a lot. He is not a monster anymore.”She blocked his claws and pushed Liam aside, attending to her duty as a Master. Liam was her first experiment, he had secured a special place
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“The moment when your dreams come true, first stage is not believing. It took us sometimes to realize that we also deserve something so precious.”.Charlotte was still taking it as a dream. She came back to reality when slushy softness gently grazed over her lips. Her heart beat hitched, she opened her eyes to see a magnified view of Alpha silver eyes.“Alpha’s eyes are exceptional, he can be the only one with slits instead of pupils in human form.”She was busy in observing his features when his lips moved, initiating something that was so foreign for her. Watching someone kissing and experiencing it in person was so much different, this phenomena finally settled in her mind. His long fingers grapped her head’s back to support her, guiding her to respond to his advances. But how? This was the main issue there.“Why are you not kissing me back?”Alpha complained with out pulling away. Charlotte was already embarrassed, a muffled cry escaped her mouth when her back hit the softness of
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Vampire Kingdom
“Where is his band? Sired one’s shouldn’t be with out identification. New rules are strict for them.”In less than a month, Vampire King changed the code of conduct for the vampires. Charlotte hardly convinced the office clerk about Liam’s collar and registered him successfully. They went straight to Ava’s place who was excited as expected.“Welcome to the gang, Liam. I am happy that you can stay out of this hell.”Charlotte was clueless about the “happy” reason that behind these strict actions, Ava enlightened her,“A sired one attacked his Master in the Royal Palace. Chaos after that enforced the laws of humiliation for them. Currently, they are treated like a dog. Collars ranging from simple ones to the electric ones are used to show them their place. You are lucky that you missed the mass slaughter of the suspects as a message to the rest. It was horrible!”Ava shuddered while describing the scene of barbarous torture of separating skins and bones from flesh while keeping the victi
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“Alpha is getting married with Miss Sophia. It’s going to be a grand ceremony. We have to start early so that we can prepare everything in eight days.”.“Married?.Charlotte wasn’t able to listen beyond it. The crystal dream castle she created came crushing to the ground. It was broken by a simple touch of the outsider, not enduring the first storm.Her hunger vanished, she excused herself and went to the Pack’s forest area. It was after training time, so woods were quite peaceful. Charlotte found a hidden spot and let her emotions flow.Was she feeling bamboozled?Nope!Dishearted?Nope!She wasn’t even complaining!Charlotte was just depressed with the sudden blow of reality.The rainfall of her love ended so soon and the Sun of nemesis was shinning brightly, knocking some sense in her head.“What are you thinking, Charlotte? A slut can’t be a wife. It was bound to happen one day. Sooner, the better.”But still she cried whole day, mourning for her broken heart.Women!Jealous, foo
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Resolute Decision
“Why didn’t you knock, little one? What’s with the 'you were busy' excuse?”Charlotte was standing heads down like a criminal, whereas Alpha was pacing back and forth in his room. He was angry because an omega picked up that basket before he could get it and threw it in the dustbin.Liam was the source of this news and now even after punishing that unlucky cleaner, Alpha was scolding Charlotte,“Don’t you know the basic rules to give someone a present? Can’t you just wait outside if you were too scared to disturb my work?Beep!”Well, rest of the Alpha’s words were censored as Charlotte didn’t know the meaning of those curses.Seeing him boiling with fury, she tried to subside the flames,“It was nothing special, Alpha. There were just wild flowers which would wither after sometime. The most significant thing was my heartfelt wishing and you got them, it’s enough.”Charlotte guessed that it wasn’t a good reason as Alpha literally squeezed her shoulders.“It’s important. I want my prese
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Nine Years later.“Raise your hands for our princess Star, who has turned eighteen tonight.”Everyone in the bar cheered for Star, dancing on the famous dance number. Charlotte a.k.a Star was in the middle of boys, a candle surrounded by the fire flies, enjoying her heart out.Her girl's gang was prying on handsome guys in the bar, calling dibs.“The blue one is mine, don’t stare at him.”“What?”Angie cried out,“All the good ones are already around Star, Maggie. I am not stepping back for this package of hotness.”She enviously looked at Charlotte who was moving with the rhythm of the music, sashaying her lips like a vixen. Boys were fighting for her attention but she excused herself,“Tonight is my birthday, I have to stay with my friends.”She came back to her bestie and made an announcement,“Thanks for celebrating my birthday! All drinks are on me.”…After a busy day, Charlotte was working in her dorm room while her roommate Angie was fast asleep. In her nine years stay in the h
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New Problems
Charlotte almost forgot about the doctor’s trip in a week, even threw his card in trash bin. Her manager called Professor Asher that they had arranged a panel of top psychologists for her, there wasn’t any need to consult a local doctor.Out of the blue, Ava sent an email stating,“Call me!”As a precaution, Charlotte was used to change her contact information every year except that email address. In the first year of her escape, Ava’s family was investigated too. So Charlotte almost disconnected from her. Now, this email worried her but there was another problem demanding her attention.It was about her friend Angie, who was becoming habitual of asking for money. Like today,“Star, can I get a hundred thousand dollars please. I swear I will return them soon.”Charlotte knew that this “soon” would never come as her total debt was around ten hundred thousand dollars now. It wasn’t a big amount for her but why did an orphan like Angie needed so much money? This was beyond her logic.Thin
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