All Chapters of The Alpha and the Envious Moon: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Marcella’s Misery
ReidReid stretched his legs out on the coffee table and leaned his head back on the couch, blowing rings of smoke whilst he scrolled through images of BDSM wear on his phone. Jasper had put his name on Reid’s finger, and Reid was determined to return the favor. A nice discrete slave collar, he thought, with a padlock that Reid had the key to… A harness caught his attention, and he leaned forward and stabbed out the joint in the ashtray.“Add to cart,” he grinned. The weed was giving him a nice buzz and influencing his online shopping, he admitted. But damn it, Jasper would look hot in that harness. “Hmph,” he swung his feet down and rose to standing before pacing the room restlessly.He wouldn’t think about the problems, he told himself. He’d just think about the night ahead.His phone beeped with a message. “Fuck,” he pulled a face as the images popped onto his screen. “Fuck I’m going to have to bleach my eyeballs.” Marcella had more than delivered. There was no way that Gregory Ren
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Volatile Situations
JasperJasper had an image locked in his mind, of Reid reclining back against the cushions, the tangle of bedsheets over his thigh giving hints of cock and the stretcher around his balls, his smile seductive and his eyes smouldering.He sketched it out, perfecting the curve of the lip, the fall of shadow, the line of hair that crept down Reid’s stomach…The resulting image was an erotic fantasy on paper, sensuous and slightly lewd in a way that had Jasper’s cock remembering all the things Reid had done to it. He was on the edge of retreating to his bathroom with a handful of oil and jerking off when the light shifted within the folly, a shadow dragging along the floor as someone passed by the windows.“Shit,” Jasper hastily hid the sketch and sternly scolded his cock into submission. By the time Charlotte tapped her knuckles on the door, he had smothered his lusty thoughts and was able to answer it without any hint of what he’d been up to, and more important, where his mind had been.
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History and Conflictions
JasperJasper could see that the street had once been one of the more exclusive in the area, and before that, had been the pack headquarters. The line of trees that would have framed the driveway, still stood to either side of the road, leading them towards the building at the end.Behind the trees, symmetrical, flat-fronted houses had been built, often wall-to-wall with their neighbor. Elegantly carved stairs led up to the front doors from the pavement, and down to the basement level where servants once would have dwelled, but which had been converted into accommodation.The houses showed the staining of modern life, the once bright stone smudged with grime and moss where guttering had fallen away or leaked. Paint flaked from window frames and doors, and the elaborate wrought iron fences collected litter in their bars. Many windows were boarded up, or postered over with everything from bands to sales.Spray paint ranged from someone’s bored, pointless destruction to the more artistic
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Compton Dealers
ReidReid should never have had sex with Marcella, he admitted to himself, or he should have stopped it long before. He’d thought it was simple, just two people getting off together, but it had complicated the friendship.He’d been young and stupid when it had started, and it had continued almost like a habit. They’d both been schoolboys stealing drinks and getting stoned together in the back of their cars. A night of alcohol and drugs and two horny young alphas talking about sex in the back seat of Marcel’s car had led to experimenting on each other, exploring their sexuality under the guise of “working out what they liked”.The experiments had become bolder and more regular as they’d expanded into watching porn and had learned new techniques together. Reid knew that most best friends didn’t jerk each other off regularly to porn, but the sex between them was safe, a way to explore his sexuality with someone he knew would never betray him. It had given him the confidence to take other
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Villainy with Vincent
Reid“Did you have a good night?” Vincent asked casually as they watched the werewolves at the door knock again. The men looked over their shoulders at Vincent who nodded. One stepped back and kicked the door, exploding it inwards in shards of wood and shrieking metal.The few pedestrians on the street paused, looked, and then looked away as they hurried along, eager to get away from the potential danger. A child in a passing car stared open-mouthed and wide-eyed, but the driver didn’t pause.“Yeah,” Reid didn’t want to talk about his night with Jasper. “Let’s go,” he said to avoid any more questions, starting up the stairs as the werewolves disappeared inside. There were screams and smashing. A young human woman in a filthy singlet top and panties tried to flee past them, but Vincent caught her, and threw her back inside, before closing the broken door behind them.The woman fell over a bag of rubbish in the hallway and then scrambled backward on her elbows and heels, crablike, away
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We Need To Talk
ReidClothing scattered behind them as they staggered back towards the bedroom. There was a craze behind the strip, behind the demand of mouths and hands and bodies, as they found each other’s skin, that Reid recognized as the mate bond strengthening and demanding satisfaction. The air was so heavy with pheromones exuded by both of them that he could taste it on his tongue, and on Jasper’s. If there was an omega in a five-mile radius they would send the poor soul into heat, he thought with amusement.Jasper’s wolf was in his eye, and he growled low in his throat as he nudged Reid’s knees apart, all sexy, ruffled alpha, and Reid grinned, showing his sharp incisors and premolars, before tangling their legs and twisting, seeking to drag Jasper under him.Jasper was having none of that, though, slippery as a snake against Reid, he rolled on the mattress, flipping Reid who laughed and surrendered as Jasper’s kissed under his jaw, and down his neck. For a moment, Jasper mouthed the meat of
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Promises and Vows
JasperThey leaned their shoulders against each other and the headboard, tangled their legs, and passed a bottle and a joint between them. For a long moment, neither spoke. They were both hard, their cocks standing to attention and weeping pre-cum, something that Jasper tried to push back from his mind as they needed to ignore the demands of their bodies and talk.Reid was right. Jasper’s thoughts had not moved from his mate ever since that first meeting. Everything that had happened since had been viewed through the lens of taking Reid as his mate. It was both a bit thrilling and frightening to make that realization. In a matter of just a few days, Reid had restructured Jasper’s life entirely, in ways that he didn’t even totally understand.In ways that were irrevocable.Not that Jasper wanted to change it. Oh no. No. He had wanted and needed Reid from the moment the Knave had entered the ballroom. His destiny had been sealed in that moment, and Jasper would never regret that. Reid w
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The Pillow Talk
Jasper“I came to the ball in order to meet you,” Reid leaned back in order to look over his shoulder at Jasper. He was sat in the v of Jasper’s legs, leaning back against Jasper’s chest whilst they worked their way through the room-service menu and watched TV. Jasper couldn’t recall a single moment of the show playing. They had spent the entire time talking and feeding each other, enjoying the intimacy left in the wake of sex and the mutual agreement that they were going to fight to make their relationship work.“You did?” Jasper took a bite of a chocolate-dipped strawberry.“Yes. Because of the shit going on between our packs, I had wanted to… you know,” Reid looked away. “I wanted to use you to find out what the Comptons pack were up to.”“Oh…” Jasper chewed and swallowed the strawberry. It seemed to stick in his throat. He coughed slightly and leaned to the side in order to reach his champagne glass. The champagne washed the obstacle away, but not the problem. “About that…”“I kno
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Jasper and Jay
JasperReid programmed the address into Jasper’s phone, right down to the GPS map. “See here,” he pointed to a building well back from the main road. “It doesn’t look like much normally, just some sheds. But on fight night, it comes alive, and you won’t be able to miss it. There will be hundreds of cars there, and lights and music. Just remember, there are humans there too, guests, so although it’s a full moon, no shifting.”“I’ll remember,” Jasper loved watching him, the way the hair fell over Reid’s face, the shift of his expressions, how the light caught in the stubble on his jaw. He loved knowing that Reid’s body probably ached for his, just as he did for Reid’s, despite both of them having finished their morning with an orgasm.Jasper’s fingers itched to finish his sketch of Reid and he was eager to get to the folly and begin the painting. The next best thing to being in bed with his mate was to paint his mate in bed, he thought with amusement.“I’ll make arrangements at the fron
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The Morrison's Moon
ReidReid’s heart was in his throat when he knocked at Marcella’s door before the run. She opened it, wearing her satin dressing-gown. “I was just getting ready,” she turned and walked back into the apartment, leaving the door open behind her.For a moment, relief robbed Reid of the ability to reply, seeming to drag heavily through him, before he pulled himself together and cleared his throat, tapping a cigarette out of his holder as he followed her inside. “I’m early.”The apartment was different. Clean, and the furniture had been rearranged. He raised his eyebrows as he lit his cigarette. “Looks good in here.”“It was time for a change,” she said from her bedroom. He could just see her through the partially open door as she leaned towards the dresser mirror as she applied her makeup. “I was stuck in a rut. I needed a fresh start.”She wasn’t talking about the furniture, Reid thought regretfully as he poured them both a measure of whiskey. “Marcella,” he said. “I am sorry. I did not
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