All Chapters of Catfishing the billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 Chapters
Chapter #61
I offered him a forced smile, but it didn't seem to impress him. He requested my presence in his office and retrieved his coffee, which I had completely forgotten about amidst the turmoil. He departed, leaving me with Lara. I questioned her, "Why didn't you inform me he was right behind me?""Don't hold me responsible," she retorted, "You were the one who made those remarks. You should leave before causing any more trouble for me." I brewed a cup of coffee in the coffee machine, my hands trembling slightly. As the scent of the coffee filled the room, I sent a silent prayer upwards. I was desperately hoping that Eden hadn't heard my earlier disparaging remarks about him.Cradling the warm coffee cup in my hands, I made my way towards Eden's office. The hallway seemed longer than usual, each step echoing my mounting anxiety. I paused for a moment outside his door, took a deep breath, and knocked softly.Upon entering, I found Eden completely absorbed in his work. He was hunched over his
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Chapter #62
Breaking the intense eye contact, I turned my face away, only to find Declan and Victoria standing in the doorway, their eyes wide with surprise. I quickly pulled my wrist out of Eden's grip and said, "I'll have the report ready for you by tomorrow morning, Mr. Eden."Without wasting another moment, I made a beeline for the exit, relief washing over me as I stepped out of his office. I decided then and there not to give him any more reasons to fire me. I would finish the work he assigned me without any further distractions.Fortunately, Eden and I didn't cross paths for the rest of the day. I spent most of the afternoon in my small office, organizing fabric samples with the help of Mr. Thompson. By evening, I had finished half of my work. I decided to complete the rest at home.On my way home, I decided to stop by Heather's house. Coincidentally, I ran into Robin who was also heading there. We went together and had dinner at Heather's place. I told them everything that had happened at
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Chapter #63
Stassie PerspectiveThe cab ride was a blur, the cityscape of New York flashing by in a whirl of colors and lights. The driver, a grizzled man with a thick accent, navigated the congested streets."Keep the change," I told him as we pulled up in front of the towering office building. I handed him a bill, not bothering to wait for my change as I gathered my files and prepared to make a mad dash for the entrance."Good luck, miss," he called after me, a hint of amusement in his voice. I offered him a quick smile, appreciating the sentiment despite the circumstances.Then I was off, my slipper sliding against the pavement as I sprinted towards the entrance. The stack of files in my arms felt like a ticking time bomb, each second bringing me closer to my impending deadline.As I burst through the doors, I could feel dozens of eyes on me. It was as if I had suddenly become an exhibit in a zoo, a spectacle for everyone to gawk at. I ignored the stares, focusing on the task at hand."Miss Ma
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Chapter #64
Caught off guard by Declan's sudden appearance, I hastily tucked the rose back into the file. In a flustered attempt to appear nonchalant, I leaped into my seat, grabbing my phone and pretending to be engrossed in a call.Declan looked at me, a surprised expression on his face. He studied me for a moment before a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "You're holding your phone in the wrong direction," he pointed out, his tone teasing. "At least work on your acting skills."His words left me feeling a bit embarrassed, but I couldn't help but chuckle at my own clumsiness. Declan's gaze was sharp, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied me. "What are you hiding?" he asked, his voice steady. I could tell he was trying to read me, to decipher the thoughts behind my flustered demeanor."Nothing," I replied quickly, a bit too quickly perhaps. "I've just been really busy with work these days." I tried to sound convincing, hoping he would buy my excuse.But Declan was not easily fooled. He
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Chapter #65
Heather's sudden appearance was like a bolt from the blue. I had no idea what she was doing here, and she hadn't informed me about her visit. She was blissfully unaware of the events of the previous night. As she held a cake in her hands, I found myself silently praying for things not to spiral out of control.Eden, ever the charmer, greeted Heather with a surprised, "Heather! You? What a surprise!" He stepped forward, his attention completely focused on Heather, leaving me feeling like an outsider. It seemed like my fate was to be perpetually ignored by Eden.Heather moved forward and planted a smooch on Eden's cheek, catching everyone off guard. "Hey! Eden, I was just passing by when I thought I should give you something as a thank you for your gift!" she said, her words flying over my head. What gift was she talking about? She handed him the cake, adding, "This is a fruit cake for you. I baked it myself. It's my great grandma's recipe. I hope you like it."Without thinking, I blurt
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chapter #66
Greta Del Torres, moved towards us. Her steps were light, almost as if she was walking on the moon, her every move radiating an aura of sophistication. Trailing behind her was a woman who seemed to be her assistant, her eyes constantly scanning the surroundings, her posture rigid.As Greta approached us, Amy seemed to shrink under her gaze. Sweat trickled down her forehead, her hands trembling slightly. "Welcome, Madam Greta. We all are happy to see you here," Amy managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.Greta didn't respond immediately. Instead, her gaze fell on the cake in Amy's hand. Her eyes narrowed slightly, a curious glint in them. "Is this for me?" she asked, her voice smooth yet commanding, leaving no room for doubt about who was in charge. Amy, quick on her feet, responded with a swift, "Oh, no, Madam Greta. This cake isn't for you. I'm aware of your aversion to sugar. It's actually for Stassie, it's her birthday today." Her words left me stunned. It wasn't my birt
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Chapter #67
After battling the notorious New York traffic, I finally reached my office in the evening. The city's hustle and bustle seemed to fade as I stepped out of the cab and into the imposing office building. The moment I entered, I was struck by an unusual silence. The office was always abuzz with activity, but today, everyone was engrossed in their work, their faces reflecting a seriousness that was rare.This was alarming. Greta's visits to the office were usually followed by a storm of chaos, with someone inevitably leaving their job in her wake. The current calm was unsettling, and it made me think of Stassie. I wondered how she was coping with her job loss. I felt a pang of worry for her, and I felt like shit that I was the reason of this.I made my way to the elevator, pressing the button for the 14th floor. The ride was quick, the soft hum of the elevator the only sound breaking the silence. As the doors slid open, I was greeted by an unusual sight.Half of the employees had abandone
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Chapter #68
I guess one thing I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can't protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos." Why didn't you asked Heather? Why she came to your office?" Robin asked me. And seriously, I felt like not explaining anything would be so great for my mental health and for my body. I am somewhat exhausted; I wonder how a battery feels when it pours electricity into a non-conductor?" Tell me, why are you so quite? usually you talk a lot but what happened now?"" Why you are stuck on Heather? We have a bigger problems than that. Eden is trying to threat to me legal action.I don't know what to do? don't know what's wrong with me, really. It's nothing, but it's also all-encompassing. I feel strangely empty, devoid of though and energy. I am not sure where my days go, but they go. Every single thing I must do--any hint of a demand--grinds against me. I don't know w
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Chapter #69
" WHAT NON-SENSE IS THIS HEATHER??YOU MUST BE LYING!! HE CAN'T DO THAT TO STASSIE. HE LOVES HER" Robin raised her voice at heather.A tear escape my eyes and I hate him for make me into thinking that we were almost there but u knew it was never going there. I seen forever but you had an alarm set. I wanted all but you only liked parts. I felt the universe in you but you only feel earth In me. I drank your soul but you only sipped my flesh. My mind became your protector but yours became my enemy. This moment feels so dreadfully sore, Like a prickly thorn that I can't ignore. It's excruciating, oh how it stings, Like a bee's sharp sting that really zings. Pain, oh pain, it's part of the love game, In love's game, it's never the same. From bumps and bruises to a broken heart, Pain finds a way to play its part. It sneaks up on me, oh yes it does, With a sting and a throb." Why are you screaming at me Robin?? It wasn't my fault that Eden loves me not stassie. He chose me not stassie and i
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Chapter #70
The Next MorningI groaned as I gradually regained consciousness. Buzzing pain drilled into the sides of my head. My eyes felt like they were getting pressed into my skull. Take the headache of staying up all night and crying all night, multiply that pain by five, or maybe even ten times. It was so bad I just wanted to chop my head off.First thought: How long was I unconscious?Second thought: Lucky no one tried to kill me while I was out.Flickering yellow light from an old bulb above greeted me as I tried to open my eyes. “Shit, that’s bright,” I said, my parched throat making my voice sound like I had sandpaper for vocal cords. I immediately closed my eyes again; the lights weren’t blindingly bright, but they made my head and eyes hurt.Waiting for my eyes to rest, I tried to feel around to have a clue where I was, but my body was too numb and weak to move and would barely follow my thoughts. It reminded me of the time Heather stupidly forced me to do a heavy leg workout day and I
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