All Chapters of Sapphire (Book #3 of the Jewel Series): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
68 Chapters
I don't know what to make of what we were just told. I was glad to hear that our car accident was that, but the fact that a crazy bitch had those guys run a woman off the road who had her young children in the car with her pisses me off. The poor husband had no idea that the other woman had fixated on him as she had. They work together, and she thought he was interested in her. He was also her boss. I would beat a bitches ass if she tried to throw herself at Dylan, but there is no way I would admit that out loud. “So Grant was able to sneak his ass onto the mainland?” I ask. “Yes, we still aren’t sure how. We are guessing that he came via boat or used a private plane. Danello has a plane, but we checked, and his plane never landed here.” Dad says. I am not surprised that they used some unknown plane to get here. The fact that they are talking with local gangs is concerning. I wasn’t surprised to find out that they knew of our accident. I look over at Kyllyan to gauge ho
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Sapphire was asleep as we sat out here, continuing to talk. She had fallen asleep while Jack and Carmine looked through the pictures to see if they could see anyone besides the girls. There were a few with the same people, but since they were taken on campus, we were not surprised that we saw the same people in them. The security cameras didn’t help. We watched Mom stop by, catching Mel as he shot out and rubbed against her legs. I think we almost lost our shit when we saw him do that. We may not have had him that long, but my precious jewel loves that little thing, and I know she would have a fit if he were lost. We won’t admit it, but we guys would have been out all night until we found him. We have gotten attached to him too. “Do we know who he was?” Luke asks. “No, and he had his upper body and face covered. He knew cameras were there and avoided his face being seen on any of them. I am not sure that this was a guy.” Jack tells us. “What do you mean?” I ask. “Whoe
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Yesterday was terrible. I was hurting so bad; thank god for Dylan. I felt bad for waking him up in the middle of the night, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I lay in our bed for a while, trying to relax and see if the pain would disappear, but that didn’t happen. He made me a cup of tea and made me take a pain pill. I will admit that I felt terrible and was glad I didn’t need to attend my classes. I felt even more terrible When he told me he had arranged to stay with me. I knew that Arlo’s aunt and uncle were professors here, but I didn’t realize he had them as his professors for some of his classes. I told him that there was no reason for Dad to have a doctor come to the house and check me out, but neither of them listened. When the doctor told me I was doing too much to soon, I sat there. I felt good, so I figured I should start being independent again. I carried the needed books and did not shove anything extra in my backpack. I thought this was working, but sitting on th
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These two days were hell. I knew something was wrong when she said she wanted to stay at her Dad’s house. I knew the excuse that she needed some time away from us was bullshit. She started acting weird when Jack told us about Liv, and then when Liv walked in, I could tell something was off. I knew it had something to do with Liv, but I didn’t think she would even entertain the thought that I would leave her for Liv. I am unsure why she didn’t talk with me about how she was feeling, but we had a very long talk earlier, and I think we understand each other better. She also knows it doesn’t matter who it is; I am not going anywhere. Right now, she is asleep in my arms. I can feel her shake now and then with a sob. She was crying earlier as we talked. She had a lot of bottled-up emotions, and I know it is from how she was treated growing up by fucking Gary and then losing her mother. Gary kicking her out fueled the fire by making her feel no one wanted her or that everyone would
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I swear these guys will give each other shit over the stupidest thing. I knew Luke was trying to bait him with that comment about him using my other thigh as a pillow. Kyllyan was on her way over, and I knew Luke was aware of this. They had been talking about moving into Kyllyan’s place together. I think they had even been talking about getting married. I thought they were moving way too fast, but Luke was adamant that this was what he wanted. His parents had stopped by a few days ago. They had met Kyllyan, loved her, and were excited about the baby. They didn’t care that it wasn’t Luke’s and were proud of him for stepping up. I keep waiting for them to show up with rings on their fingers. “What are you two sprogs agruing about?” Kyllyan asks, “Luke wanted to use my other thigh as a pillow and Dylan through a tantrum.” I tell her. “Well I can understand why he would want to use your thigh as a pillow. They do look pretty fucking soft and squishy and damn comfortable. I
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This is not where I expected us to have this meeting, but it makes sense. If Donald and his guys are watching us, this may be the best place to meet. Thankfully most of us work out here, so we know this gym and its owner, Ulmo. We all came together, so it looked like we were here to work out while Dad, Jack, Carmine, and Anthony snuck in through the backdoor. I feel this isn’t the first meeting the owner has hosted here. Our room is large and appears set up for this conference. I am surprised when Sal and Mac walk in. They were not what I was expecting. They don’t look too much older than any of us. I should get upset when Sapphire practically runs over to them and hugs them, but they act like she is their little sister. Mac tells her not to run, or she could reinjure herself. He receives an eye roll. I give her ass a swat when she sits down in my lap as I tell her not to roll her eyes at people concerned about her. I don’t get any response, so I guess she ignores me. Tha
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The class was dull today. I usually like this class, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn’t help but smile when the memory of Dylan and I walking around the other day flashed through my mind. I loved the fact that it was just the two of us. I wish we could have more days like that, but we hardly ever have time between school and hockey. He has been weirdly distant these last three days. I know a lot is happening, and we learned a shit ton the other day. I pack up my sit and leave class. Walking towards my next class, I noticed Dylan standing beside a tree, talking with a girl. “Are you ok?” Arlo asks. I sat down by Lina when I finally made it to the table where we all each lunch together. I can feel everyone looking at me, but I am still numb from what I saw. I have the entire thing recorded on my phone, but I can’t believe I saw what I saw. Watching them has me feeling as if I want to throw up. My last class of the day is easy, and I am way ahead, so I head that way to
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“Dylan?” She said, surprised. I stood there staring at her. This last week had been fucking torture. We knew something wasn’t right when we got home that night from practice. I hadn’t seen her since that morning when I was getting dressed. We had a ridiculously early training that day, so I could return home and get dressed. I had a two-hour gap between classes, so I headed to the gym for a light workout. I was beyond pissed when I went to grab my clothes, and they were gone. Thankfully I have a spare set in my locker. We had a light practice that evening, and it was dead silent when we walked into the house. Mel would generally greet us, but he was nowhere to be seen. Mel might have been in Sapphire’s room, so I checked it out. I pushed in my code, but it didn’t work. I tried it two more times, but it still wasn’t working. I knew it meant she had changed the code, but I had no idea why she would do this. I walked to my room, and I damn near fell over when I saw all the
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Grant and my cousin's daughter returned a week or so ago. She moved back to Australia a few years ago and attended the same college as Sapphire. She couldn’t stay very long, but she did update us on everything they were doing to help separate Sapphire from Riley and his friends. We knew that Sapphire and Dylan, Richard’s son, were dating. Mateo was still pissed, but at the moment, there was nothing we could do except try and split them up. Karlenna had also shown us pictures of the others around Riley and Sapphire. As I had suspected, Emery was there, which meant Tyler and Curtis packed her up and shipped her there. I am not surprised by this development. Emery’s father had told us he had no idea where she had run off to, and he was not lying. There is another girl in the pictures that looks like Dylan. I am guessing that she is probably a cousin. “Where is Karleena?” Mateo asks. “She had to go back. She left these.” I answered. I push the pictures toward him. I watc
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I smile when I feel the arm draped across my waist move as I try and slip out from underneath it. I am finally successful as I quietly walk to the bathroom. I stand in the doorway, watching Dylan’s arm swirl around, looking for me. I slip back into bed and am immediately pulled against his rock-solid chest. I look at the clock, and fuck; it’s two in the morning. I glance over my shoulder when I feel him bury his face against my shoulder. I swear he just sniffed me. I can’t help but smile when he groans and pulls me tighter against him. Not that I mind. He is warm, and I feel incredibly safe with him. I turn over, with some difficulty, and snuggle into his chest. “Sleep.” He mumbles. I know he is asleep; the fact that he is mumbling in his sleep is adorable. I am urged to grab my phone and record him, but his warmth is sinking into my body, lulling me back to sleep. I glance up at him one last time as I slowly fall asleep. “How the fuck did you escape?” Keegan asks.
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